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Has any 2023 release topped Elden Ring?

Has any major 2023 release topped Elden Ring?

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Gold Member
No not for me. Elden Ring was the best gaming experience I've had in the past 10 years.

But so far FFXVI is my GotY. I can see Baldur's Gate 3 challenging FFXVI for me personally, but that's it.


Gold Member
Over 240 hours into ER, and on my second playthrough with NG+. About to reborn myself into a nasty magic or magic/twinblade build from the vagabond twinblade/bloodhound's blade I rocked the entire first playthrough and up until Lucaria/Rennala in NG+ (forgot to respec before starting NG+, but good thing I did a thorough run the first playthrough so everything was unlocked on the map and easier to burn through.)

Still play it almost daily since being LTTP on buying it New Year's Day this year. Nothing has topped it for me yet this gen.
FF16, best ff game since the ps2 and ff12. Amazing game, I can't get enough. Put down d4 for it.

TOTK is probably great too, but I have to finish botw first (30 hours in on that), but ff16 got me hooked. Good thing I can play on the porch.

Diablo 4, Dead Island 2 and RE4 were all amazing too (haven't beaten d4 or di2 yet), but we are talking Elden Ring here, and so far FF16 has it beat.
Although they are different games. One i story driven to the extreme and linear, the other is open world, both have awesome but different combat.
I would say Elden Ring GOTY 2022, and so far FF16 goty 2023!


Of the OPs list of games the only two I have played at all are Diablo IV and Elden Ring. I have actually been playing both in tandem the last few days. Elden Rings open world makes Diablo IV look and feel like a corridor shooter. Gameplay wise they are very different. Elden Ring is much tougher, with way more precision and awareness required to be victorious in combat. But I am enjoying Diablo IV. I am a lvl 30 Barb, so I haven't seen it all. But I enjoy the drops making my Barb better equipped and playing on Veteran keeps it from being a complete walk in the park. They are both good games, haven't played either one to completion.
The problem like most people on here, I have not played every game on that list so I can't say which is the best. If it was strictly between TOTK and Eldin Ring, I would give it to Zelda but only just. I do find it amazing that we obsess over graphics and performance and yet the two most popular games on the list are technically the worst. Gameplay is king.
I really don’t understand the love for Hogwarts but I’ve never been a particularly big fan of Harry Potter or most open world games so it’s not really for me.
The problem like most people on here, I have not played every game on that list so I can't say which is the best. If it was strictly between TOTK and Eldin Ring, I would give it to Zelda but only just. I do find it amazing that we obsess over graphics and performance and yet the two most popular games on the list are technically the worst. Gameplay is king.
This is true. I voted, but in these threads the games most people played win. Simple as.


I enjoyed my time with both Elden Ring and Tears of The Kingdom but I would hands down give it to Elden Ring if I had to choose one.

As an open ended immersive physics sim and puzzle game Zelda is the better of the two, but it also has lots of boring travel and unrewarding exploration and fetch quest stuff going on which really take away from the whole experience and knock off some points for me.

Elden Ring, while it may lack some of the puzzle/sim aspects of Zelda, has some how taken the Souls style risk reward combat and perfectly merged it with open world design. Add to that an incredibly deep character customization system (so many unique builds), diverse and often stunning art, architecture, and world building, and overall the sense of exploration just feels so much more meaningful and rewarding than Zelda.

Of course both games are vastly different and comparing them to each other is apples to oranges, but I enjoyed my time with Elden Ring much more than Zelda.

Wish List- Would love to see the next Elden Ring (or spiritual successor) incorporate a sprinkling of the Zelda style physics based puzzles and tools (for example grappling hooks or whatever).


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
TotK is tough to beat. It’s a better “video game” in my opinion. But Eldin Ring has more to experience. I think it really depends on what you value more: overall presentation, or creative and satisfying gameplay.

I value gameplay more than anything else, so TotK easily wins for me. Almost every gameplay element in TotK is so fine-tuned and satisfying. It’s nuts.


Gold Member

Now* I have to call it Elfen Ring forever.....

Damn autocorrect.

It's also a completely different game, both are open world but gameplay is not focused on the same things. Game journalists always had soft spot for Souls so scores doesn't surprise me.

I'm not saying one is better than other objectively. Zelda is just not for me, BotW was something unique when it was released but I still don't get why it was talked about like it was flawless experience or something.

Souls games are pinnacle of gaming in my opinion, among best games ever made and Elder Ring may be the best in the series.


TotK is tough to beat. It’s a better “video game” in my opinion. But Eldin Ring has more to experience. I think it really depends on what you value more: overall presentation, or creative and satisfying gameplay.

I value gameplay more than anything else, so TotK easily wins for me. Almost every gameplay element in TotK is so fine-tuned and satisfying. It’s nuts.
Except the combat
I enjoyed my time with both Elden Ring and Tears of The Kingdom but I would hands down give it to Elden Ring if I had to choose one.

As an open ended immersive physics sim and puzzle game Zelda is the better of the two, but it also has lots of boring travel and unrewarding exploration and fetch quest stuff going on which really take away from the whole experience and knock off some points for me.

Elden Ring, while it may lack some of the puzzle/sim aspects of Zelda, has some how taken the Souls style risk reward combat and perfectly merged it with open world design. Add to that an incredibly deep character customization system (so many unique builds), diverse and often stunning art, architecture, and world building, and overall the sense of exploration just feels so much more meaningful and rewarding than Zelda.

Of course both games are vastly different and comparing them to each other is apples to oranges, but I enjoyed my time with Elden Ring much more than Zelda.

Wish List- Would love to see the next Elden Ring (or spiritual successor) incorporate a sprinkling of the Zelda style physics based puzzles and tools (for example grappling hooks or whatever).
Elden Ring with the glider and climbing would be incomprehensibly wonderful, if they could get the balance right.


Can’t Git Gud
Elden ring is great. Ff16 is fantastic too and it’s a hard choice. Probably Elden ring.
Hogwarts was great but obviously not better than those two


Gold Member
I love Zelda, but it's Elden Ring by a country mile for me.

I put 150+ hours into Elden Ring in 3 weeks.

With TotK, I played just as ravenously for about 40 hours before, just like BotW before it, I had played enough that it was clear that the game was simply recurring systems as evenly distributed throughout the game as possible and completely lost interest.

Elden Ring just has that From magic that no one can replicate. It felt hand crafted and mysterious. TotK has AMAAAAAAAAZING mechanics, but they got stale quickly for me. Game became a big sandbox.

Elden Ring has problems. Probably more than any previous FROM game since Demon's Souls in a lot of ways, but it was just SO engrossing every step of the way.
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How about we do genre GOTY instead of just general release? That'd be way more accurate instead of just a general "what released this year" because everyone has different tastes depending on the genre.

Personally haven't had a chance to play Elden Ring yet, nor have I had a chance to play Hogwarts yet either unfortunately. Been too busy with Diablo, High On Life and TotK.
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Fools idol

Tears of the kingdom will sit atop the pile for a long time for me personally.

It's just that good. I have close to 400 hours in it already.


Several games have topped it for me. It's a good game but the most fun I had with it was with the seamless co-op mod. Never ended up finishing it because other games stole my attention.


Elden Ring with the glider and climbing would be incomprehensibly wonderful, if they could get the balance right.
Yeah I would love to see some basic climbing or a wall scaling rope/hook to scale impenetrable fortresses or for ascending/descending in and out of caves (if properly tied into the short cut level layout could be good), magic vision stones that let you see hidden secret passages and treasures, more mounts with different abilities (combat and traversal), etc.

Because weapons and classes are so much a part of the experience I would also love your class and weapons to allow the world and some side quests to unfold differently. Like you can only explore side missions into unholy depths areas if you have the right holy build, or can only gain access to hidden treasures/areas/missions as a high level thief, etc. More of that peppered into the base design.
Yeah I would love to see some basic climbing or a wall scaling rope/hook to scale impenetrable fortresses or for ascending/descending in and out of caves (if properly tied into the short cut level layout could be good), magic vision stones that let you see hidden secret passages and treasures, more mounts with different abilities (combat and traversal), etc.

Because weapons and classes are so much a part of the experience I would also love your class and weapons to allow the world and some side quests to unfold differently. Like you can only explore side missions into unholy depths areas if you have the right holy build, or can only gain access to hidden treasures/areas/missions as a high level thief, etc. More of that peppered into the base design.
Awesome! I'd love to play a game like that. They have shown that they can do at least some of that in sekiro - grappling is so much fun in that game.

One thing that amazes me is that from soft did fast travel better than any other game I have played in one of their first titles.

In kings field (USA version which I guess is technically kings field 2) you get 3 jewels which you can use for teleportation. Essentially, it is like you use one of the jewels at a "bonfire" and it stays there. While it is there, you can teleport to it from any other bonfire. You get 3 all together. If you want, you can remove it and put it in another bonfire and then teleport to that one instead.


Gold Member
H1 of 2023 has been loaded with great games, but has anyone topped the GotY from 2022?
Haven't played Zelda TOTK because I'm still trying to finish Zelda BOTW.

But TOTK is definitely in that that same category from the gameplay I've seen. Depending on who you ask some would say it's better.


Gold Member
I like both TotK and Elden Ring for different things. They scratch different itches and are different kind of games, imho. So both are kinda up there for me.

RE4: Very good remake, had fun with it.
FF16: I reserve judgment on it until it comes to PC
Diablo 4: Lmao
Hogwarts: Haven't played and I don't plan to.
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I think for me probably not, Elden Ring was very enjoyable to me.
I guess Resident Evil 4 Remake is on the same level, both 5/5

Tears of the Kingdom is also a 5/5 for me, but probably a little bit below them, just because by the end i was getting tired of it, needed more unique content instead of copy paste imo, but it still is a masterpiece of open world gaming.
I actually think when it comes to game design Tears of the Kingdom KILLS Elden Ring, objectively speaking, but i love Fromsoft worldbuilding and atmosphere and i like their gameplay so thats why i probably enjoyed it more, also i was starving for it, when it comes to TOTK i was like ehh i will check it out, i like BOTW a lot so lets give it a go, but i was never hyped so it kinda hits me less. But as i said when it comes to game design prowess TOTK sits above ER for sure.
Nope. Elden Ring is still significantly better than anything this year.

However, 2023, as a whole, is already better than 2022.


Gold Member
Purely on fun factor probably Totk. They are vastly different games though. My biggest gripe with Elden Game was the late gain and the excruciatingly slow leveling system and lack of good xp rewards for many harder enemies.
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