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Has there ever been more riding on a single presentation than the upcoming Xbox Series games presentation?


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!
There's no fear, I'm just stating facts. Note how I wrote that "Sony will doubtless try to" because that being their intent is a given, as is there being an obvious opportunity to mount a riposte when they still have much to disclose about the PS5's specifics.

I'm not emotionally invested in this like you are.
I was just stating facts as well. Check your emotion son.


MS could easily get back in the first party game with a launch list like this that covers a variety of genres:

Crimson Skies X
Dead or Alive 7 (Koei Tecmo)
Fable 4
Forza Motorsport 8
Fuzion Frenzy 3 (I think the Oliver Twins own the old Blitz Games ip)
Gears of War 6
Halo Infinite
KOTOR 3 (Electronic Arts)
MechAssault X (Wargaming)
Otogi 3 (From Software)
Project Gotham Racing X (Activision Blizzard)
RalliSport Challenge X (Electronic Arts)
Splinter Cell X (Ubisoft)

Uh...they can skip Blood Wake 2 and Nightcaster 3.

Blow their load all at once. I'm not really expecting any surprises at their event, but we'll see.

Notwithstanding that the rights to the majority of those games don't belong to Microsoft ..... see above .... I think an expectation of Gears 6 being anywhere launch is unrealistic, Gears 5 isn't a year old yet.

Halo Infinite, certainly, Forza 8, probably, Fable 4 likely to be shown, probably not launch.


Because I can't think of one.

Microsoft has been building expectations that the perception of the Xbox not having many system-selling quality exclusives will be changing for years now.

There are have been a lot of promises and raised expectations built since Spencer took over the head of Xbox. They have asked for patience as they promised it will all be turning "soon".

It has all seemed to have built up for this. PS5 stole all the momentum Xbox was working to slowly build up with Series X in the blink of an eye. The PS5 showcase was an absolute deluge of games.

But, for the first time I can remember, Xbox gets to play their hand last. Do you guys think they hit on all the games they've spent the last several years creating?

While, I don't think it is realistic for Xbox to outsell PS5 worldwide, if they have the software and price advantage, I think it could be much closer to the PS360 days than either of the other generations. But, in my opinion, they HAVE to knock this July showcase out of the park.

No, if you setup this way you are guaranteed to be disappointed. They are going to show us new games and it will be exciting to see what they have been working on. It does not have to be more than that.


Not Banned from OT
There's no fear, I'm just stating facts. Note how I wrote that "Sony will doubtless try to" because that being their intent is a given, as is there being an obvious opportunity to mount a riposte when they still have much to disclose about the PS5's specifics.

I'm not emotionally invested in this like you are.
This is why the division was so much better under Andrew house. He did not have to secret squirrel and play his hand last. He knew Sony had the best studios in the world so said here is our kick ass shit go buy a ps4. The Ryan secret squirrel Sony is frustrating it is like the guy does not know they have the best studios in the world and are going to win with ease.
Notwithstanding that the rights to the majority of those games don't belong to Microsoft ..... see above .... I think an expectation of Gears 6 being anywhere launch is unrealistic, Gears 5 isn't a year old yet.

Halo Infinite, certainly, Forza 8, probably, Fable 4 likely to be shown, probably not launch.
Project Gotham belongs to Microsoft. Although I don't see them bringing it back when they have Forza and Horizon.


Is the vast majority of people still on the fence about what console to buy? I can't imagine a lot of people who bought a ps3 and a ps4 somehow making a switch to Xbox and vice versa, if not out of brand loyalty then the amount invested into their store is reason enough to stick with the same company. And for people who bought both--they're still going to buy both even if it's not right away.

Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
this has been said in another thread there is two side to the conference :
  • content : i think they can manage this part
  • presentation : this is the big ? and can be the "party popper"
for example Sony one in my opinion was :
  • 2.5/5 content
  • 5/5 presentation

This was me too.

A few games stood out to me, Ratchet looked amazing, even though loading wasn’t instant and on foot portals just in the near area. Stray looked amazing, but is coming to Xbox, like most of the games. Demons Souls looked fantastic but not as fantastic as it was hyped up to be. Horizon looked... exactly like I thought it would. A prettier version of the last. Some of the indie games looked better than the big budget, but then, will be on Xbox.

GT looked absolutely average to me? And bug snacks... well...

But for GAMES, it was very dry. There wasn’t as much as some think.

But the presentation? Aside from the utterly moronic “let’s look at the PlayStation symbols for half an hour between demos”, it was beautifully presented. it LOOKED 10/10, even if the content wasn’t.

But it doesn’t matter. Xbox could do a show that matches presentation, with 4x the games, all of which exclusive, all in 4k/120, all better looking, and announce the console was £24.99 with a free hand job, and you know certain people here will be like “Yeah, but.....”

Edit: plus I absolutely think Sony will be ready with a new trailer with more games they kept back. You know it’s coming. I even have this feeling PS1/2/3 BC may make an appearance. I just think they can’t be that tone deaf to BC.
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This is why the division was so much better under Andrew house. He did not have to secret squirrel and play his hand last. He knew Sony had the best studios in the world so said here is our kick ass shit go buy a ps4. The Ryan secret squirrel Sony is frustrating it is like the guy does not know they have the best studios in the world and are going to win with ease.

Oh come on, they just had a presentation where they showed 27 games and revealed the console.

Splitting what you've got to show is normal over the conference season. Nobody spunks their entire load at E3 - they also have material for Gamescom, Paris Games Week, Tokyo Games Show, Pax, etc, etc, It's not about showing your hand first/last it's about having a roll out strategy that needs to cover at least half a year, retain peoples interest, get them excited.

Of course we're going to see more from both companies between now and November, a lot more.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Do you assume that the July event will be the end of Xbox marketing for next gen?

It's true though. PlayStation will probably look to counter any buzz of goodwill from the July showcase.

Not at all, I don't doubt MS commitment for a second*, my point was in regards to the claim made in the thread-title. I can't see it being that important given its not likely to be the last word on the next gen launches by either Xbox or Playstation.

*My issue has mainly been with their marketing strategy, which as I've been saying for months, in my view severely lacks focus and is frankly a bit of mess. They need to change stuff up big-time if they want to improve their fortunes.


Project Gotham belongs to Microsoft. Although I don't see them bringing it back when they have Forza and Horizon.

Happy to stand corrected. Activision acquired Bizarre Creations in 2007 but it seems Microsoft did retain the rights to PGR. I guess you're right though, with FH there's no need for PGR.

Bizarre were shuttered by Activision a couple of years later producing only Blur as a successor to PGR.

Funnily enough many of that team are now at Lucid Games doing Destruction All Stars on PS5
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On Demand

Elden Ring being exclusive would creat some hype. And piss a lot people off at the same time.

Honestly I kinda expect it since MS is in desperation mode.
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Because I can't think of one.

Microsoft has been building expectations that the perception of the Xbox not having many system-selling quality exclusives will be changing for years now.

There are have been a lot of promises and raised expectations built since Spencer took over the head of Xbox. They have asked for patience as they promised it will all be turning "soon".

It has all seemed to have built up for this. PS5 stole all the momentum Xbox was working to slowly build up with Series X in the blink of an eye. The PS5 showcase was an absolute deluge of games.

But, for the first time I can remember, Xbox gets to play their hand last. Do you guys think they hit on all the games they've spent the last several years creating?

While, I don't think it is realistic for Xbox to outsell PS5 worldwide, if they have the software and price advantage, I think it could be much closer to the PS360 days than either of the other generations. But, in my opinion, they HAVE to knock this July showcase out of the park.

Nope same shit like this gen. They want to win, they'll try but if thy don't (which we all know thy won't because Sony just has too much mindshare and loyal fans) thyll just keep to their strategy, accommodate and will be happy generating profit in the end. They have two missions:

1) try to dethrone the top dog aka Sony
2) Make sure investors are happy and profit is made.

If one doesn't happy they'll still be happy if two does.


Yeah, Gears 5 and Ori, Game Pass filler. Although they both scored higher than Death Stranding & Days Gone the 2 big games Sony was pushing last year they're not as high as this years Lesbian opus and it's likely GoT will score higher, they are still very high quality games and NOT simply Game Pass filler whether you like them or not.
Its funny how smaller indie games get lesser standards applied to them compared to AAA games, i.e Ori vs Days Gone. I would say Days Gone was a better open world game, then Ori was an indie game. Reviewers better not go easy on Micorsoft's gamepass shovelware just because they are smaller games priced for less.

Gears 5 was thrash. And to be fair, Death Stranding was 2019s game of the year. GOTY rankings are literally dominated by Playstation exclusives year in and year out. Meanwhile the last time an Xbox game was even in the running, was Halo 1 on og Xbox like 20 something years ago lol. Microsoft just doesn't understand gaming. Buying a bunch of AA developers isn't going to change anything. Things sure aren't going to change overnight either way. It will take an entire generation before you even start to see any small "improvements" in Microsoft's first party, let alone will they ever be able to compete with Sony games - and to a lesser extent Nintendo games. Rome wasn't built in a day. Sony's industry leading first party megahouse studies were built over multiple generations. Ive always felt that the reason why Microsoft always fails to succeed in other markets is because they never want to put in the maximum effort over a sustained long period of time. Trust me, when gamepass doesn't work out like Micorsoft wants and their "new studios" aren't producing games that sell, you won't hear all the Phil Spencer talk about exclusives and first parties anymore. People must be young or new to gaming, to be so ignorant of Microsoft's history.


Unconfirmed Member
Not at all, I don't doubt MS commitment for a second*, my point was in regards to the claim made in the thread-title. I can't see it being that important given its not likely to be the last word on the next gen launches by either Xbox or Playstation.

Yeah I would just tweak the thread title a wee bit. Has there ever been more riding on a single presentation for Xbox?

I'm not sure. July seems incredibly important to me. I don't think they can afford any slips in this presentation. It needs to be damn near flawless.

There is going to be more info from both camps in the coming months, yes, but July is really the big one for Xbox. It has to land. It just has to. They need positive, lasting buzz. Good word of mouth that doesn't trail away quickly. They need a situation where PlayStation make their next move & people don't just immediately forget the July showcase.

I'm not sure how it gets more important.


Theres no doubt Microsoft will show games. Will the games they show "convert" people? Absolutely not. Will it make Xbox fans happy? Yes. Thats all that Microsoft should really be concerned about. The more they try to compete with Sony the worse they make themselves look and the more they fumble. All though, considering all of Phil Spencer's talk about 4k 60fps, there will be massive blowback if Xbox games don't look better then the UE5 demo at 4k 60fps. Too much talking only sets you up to get egg thrown on your face. Its like Ronda Rousey the MMA fighter. The more she talked, the worse she made it for herself when she lost. Thats Phil Spencer and Aaron Greenberg right now. I expect there to be a lot of blowback and disappointment over Microsoft's July event from the casual market, because of all the hype and talking/console wars Microsoft has been doing, but on its own I think it will be a decent enough event for the hard-core fans of the brand.


Why would you care about console sales? Are you making money off of them? This seems like such a bizarre question to me.

MS strategy is to sell low cost portals into their subscription and cloud platforms. They will take a loss on hardware sales to garner subscriptions. And with PC gamers, they will also get subscriptions. What don't you understand about this?

Remember Dreamcast? How about Wii U? Or any of the less well known failed console attempts.

That's why console sales are important - sales leads to games. Lack of sales, leads to no games and maybe no console pretty quick too.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Thats right Vawn, build it up so you can knock it down later lol.
Imo they dont have to do much to beat Sony's presentation, game wise, and certainly graphics wise.
If they cant do that then they deserve to come second.

This is such a weird comment to the OP.


Lets be honest, they could show 50 AAA games, amazing graphics, amazing vareity, and certain people will still say its a bad show, while proclaiming in every thread they can that the Sony show was a '10/10' (lol).
Its so frustrating sometimes.

I believe that. Especially after that amazing 37 game PS5 presentation with major titles and how the normal Xbox posters were "not impressed".

Feels like there is nothing Microsoft can really do. There was that one year Microsoft has a pretty good show which ended with cyberpunk and Sony had a white dude playing a pan flute and no new announcements and people were adamant Sony "won"

Perhaps the fact that Xbox had to cap their conference with a PS4 game should tell you everything you need to know?
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Is the vast majority of people still on the fence about what console to buy? I can't imagine a lot of people who bought a ps3 and a ps4 somehow making a switch to Xbox and vice versa, if not out of brand loyalty then the amount invested into their store is reason enough to stick with the same company. And for people who bought both--they're still going to buy both even if it's not right away.

Why not? It happens every generation.

PS2 outsold Xbox 155 million to 24 million. Yet, the Xbox 360 went on to almost match the PS3 sales. Then a ton of those 360 players went back to PS4 and it ended up outselling the Xbox One 2.5 to 1.

Most people aren't as loyal as people here tend to believe. They'll go to the place as that has the best games and price.

Elden Ring being exclusive would creat some hype. And piss a lot people off at the same time.

Honestly I kinda expect it since MS is in desperation mode.

There has been nothing to suggest this possibility. And the game has already been officially announced as a PlayStation game.

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As long as they don't overhype it to the point where expectations simple can not be met, I think we are in for some good time. I don't care if it creates more or less buzz than Sony showcase, because that shit simply is not important to me. I think MS 3rd party reveal had some promising titles, Sony's too (wait, 37 games? wasn't it more like 27?) and I'm pretty sure there will be some game footage in July that will rip hard.


Elden Ring being exclusive would creat some hype. And piss a lot people off at the same time.

You mean exclusive for Xbox Series X when it comes to the game having a version on next-gen consoles? Because for current gen consoles, it's already confirmed for Xbone and PS4, so the only way to make it exclusive at this point would be for FROM to basically admit they lied to their consumers. Which could cause far more backlash than any hype could counter so probably not the smartest move.

If it comes out for PS4, Xbone, PC, and Series X but not PS5, yeah I could see people getting pissed but not so much it would hurt the game as FROM wouldn't have lied about anything in this scenario.


I think they'll have a great show but they're going to have other opportunities to show off games, so not everything will ride on this one event.

I do think this generation will be a lot closer than the next one.



You know it'll be the same as every other presentation these companies do.

People get hyped up.
We see a 1 hour presentation that is non-stop videogame trailers.
People moan because they aren't interested in those games.
Rinse and repeat.

Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft. It's always the same bullshit.

From a pure sales perspective it's always going to come down to branding and marketing.
Playstation has this wrapped up unless they have some weird PR or marketing disaster.
XBOX would need some unbelievably good and outstanding game or else it will be more of the same this gen, in my opinion.

From a player perspective it really doesn't matter. Buy the console you want and play the games you want.
Sony showed off some great stuff last week.
Hopefully Microsoft have a few interesting games to show off too.

I think this gen will play out the same as last. Playstation selling all the units. Microsoft with technically the more powerful console. Nintendo doing the portable thing. PC being the place to go if you are more of a hardcore enthusiast.


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
Thats not what I see. To me it seems that most PS threads are either somewhat critical, or at least questioning, and almost invariably contain a mixture of views both positive and negative.

Meanwhile on the Xbox side, every thread is hyperbolically bullish, disparaging of the competition and their chances, and anything less than toeing the hagiographic line is treated as shitposting.

That's because you see things through Sony-tinted glasses.


Gold Member
I don't think much is riding on it myself. Ms has done a really great job with their pr so far. If anything, it's the other way around.


I don't think much is riding on it myself. Ms has done a really great job with their pr so far. If anything, it's the other way around.

They've been being praised for their PR since Spencer took over and started talking A LOT. But the games are few and far between. And those that do almost all want to be games as a service.

Eventually, PR won't be enough. The actual quality HAS to match the PR. I believe that time is now. Hopefully, their years of promises is about to pay off when we see their July showcase.


The world keeps turning for both all 3 companies and they have never been more profitable. Leave it to gaming hubs to make that into "the sky is falling for platform Y or Z". :messenger_grinning_squinting:


Ctrl + F "wii"

...Nothing? Really?

Seriously the reveal of that thing was a real make or break moment for Nintendo's business. I don't feel like there's anything at stake for Xbox right now, they're going to make a bunch of money whether they're in first place or third place.
After the weak "gameplay" showing in May? And Sony's reveal going viral and heavily praised? Yea, they better bring all they have. Cause right now everyone is talking about PS5 and how their reveal was good/great, while Xbox's completely backfired.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
That's because you see things through Sony-tinted glasses.

Nah, my vision is clear. Geddit?

I get shit for critiquing Xbox's marketing strategy... Seriously how hard must a person be stanning for their corporate overlord of choice to be inflamed by somebody critiquing not the product, but the marketing and messaging used to promote it?

But hey, obviously I'm the fanboy LOL

Deleted member 775630

Unconfirmed Member
I dont understand why it has to be in july and not now or next week.
Sonys show was pre recorded.
I bet xbox show is also pre recorded.
Just hit the damn play button and off you go.
Because they might not have finished every trailer of every game they want to show?


Nah, my vision is clear. Geddit?

I get shit for critiquing Xbox's marketing strategy... Seriously how hard must a person be stanning for their corporate overlord of choice to be inflamed by somebody critiquing not the product, but the marketing and messaging used to promote it?

But hey, obviously I'm the fanboy LOL

He (or "she") has admitted to being an unconditional Xbox fan, so I don't know what good it does for them to call anyone out.


Sony hasn't shown us much of a reason to buy a PS5 at launch. All Xbox needs is a Halo that impresses and maybe one other title and I think they will be just fine.
Spiderman, and Ratchet and Clank are all the reasons I need. Thats an incredible launch line up already. PS5 launch line up is already shitting all over PS4 launch line up. Keep in mind, Spiderman PS4 sold past 10 million. It cold even be near 15 million sold through by now. That's a big deal. Having Spiderman as a launch title is a huge deal. Console warriors on forums may talk thrash, but PS5 launch is going to be massive. Halo isn't what it use to be. Lets put things in perspective, PS5 reveal has close to 30 millions views in 3 days. The Xbox reveal which has been up for months has 11 million views. Let's not kid ourselves on what the reality is. Everyone has their own subjective opinions. You can cheer for what ever you want, as long as you don't tear down the other brands, to prop up yours, but stats never lie. Facts are facts


Nah, my vision is clear. Geddit?

I get shit for critiquing Xbox's marketing strategy... Seriously how hard must a person be stanning for their corporate overlord of choice to be inflamed by somebody critiquing not the product, but the marketing and messaging used to promote it?

But hey, obviously I'm the fanboy LOL

That is actually an interesting subject. For reference: I have both consoles (and had for three generations now), but overall I prefer Xbox and it takes about 85% of my gaming time, so you could say that I am biased. Yet, not everything MS does hits a bullseye for me and I'm certainly not here to mock or criticize everything Sony related. That said, I feel the opposite of what you are experiencing here on forums. Obviously there are some obnoxious (or frustrated) xbox fanboys that say stupid shit - they usually get banned fast, but every, and i mean every, xbox thread, especially a positive one gets spoiled fast with strategic trolling, mockery and some sort of proud superiority of choosing the other camp. And, believe it or not, it gets tiring and boring after a while.

Mod of War

Staff Member
Dial back the petty instigating that's going on in here. You all know where each other stands in the community by now, so pointing it out in attempts to antagonize and derail the threads around each other is a slog to read.

If any of you in this thread have nothing else to provide, about the topic, then I suggest you move on.


lol "stole all their momentum" dear oh dear.

I think that microsoft will have a great show. I cannot wait to see halo.

I am starting wonder also if Minecraft raytracing on console will be exclusive to the XsX?


I am starting wonder also if Minecraft raytracing on console will be exclusive to the XsX?

I really hope they will shows us more about BC enhancements like framerate increase, res boost and that fake HDR, but I guess they will probably focus on that at some other showcase.


Not Banned from OT
To build hype. Plain and simple. It would be suicide to shadow drop the most important conference - likely in the lifetime of XBOX.
No those would be the E3 the ps3 was presented and Sony tried to paint the 360 as the the og xbox 1.5 or a half a generation behind. Those first 2 E3 by Peter Moore helped end Sonys stranglehold on almost every exclusive that was not niche Japanese games. Those were the 2 biggest conferences in the xbox history. Anything less than the magic Peter moore pulled off and we have a sony monopoly today.


Fair question OP. I kind of agree that it is because MS has been positioning for next gen a long time, much longer than Sony publicly (PUBLICLY --> not behind scenes, of which I could not say). And this is their chance to go from in the pack to number 1 if all things go right. So from that perspective I agree. My only nagging doubt is the E3 before last gen launched. At the time they had a lot of momentum from 360, and I don't think an objective review of their big presser that year would say it was anything but a bomb which started Sony on the road of a dominating generation.


To build hype. Plain and simple. It would be suicide to shadow drop the most important conference - likely in the lifetime of XBOX.
I thought they already built the hype. They had 2 shows already.
Not much more for them to do other then play this show.

And the hype is real now . Everyone is still all about the sony show so they are now more hyped then ever before for the rest of the new games that microsoft will show.

If they wait till july who knows maybe people are off to vacation or whatever
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