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Hillary Clinton on Sanders: 'I'm not even sure he is a Democract'

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make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
She... answered a question. What would you have her say? "No comment"?
I would have her not stoke a fire that's already on its way out. I do not see the purpose of it. Just deflect, she's a career politician... it should be second nature. She should have seen the headline coming. Why do it? What do you gain?


Going to quote this again even though the people that really need to understand this probably won't.

And I don't necessarily agree you HAVE to be totally familiar with all local issues, but for something as important as a Supreme Court nominee...... pls

At least what it tells me is that even though Hillary doesn't know who JoAnne Kloppenburg is, she at least took the time before she went on stage to read some things that Rebecca Bradley said. Which is super important.


Incredible, lol



Edit: LOL even more!

I wonder how many of these posters know her record is slightly to the left of Obama....

But she are really are.

No actually, she really is.

Where exactly does this criticism come from? Why does the left eat its own so fucking often?

Ugh. Combined with the horseshit I read earlier (25% of Bernie voters would not vote for Hillary in a national election), this fucking stupid country deserves Trump.
She can keep saying that all day. But her actions among other things reaaaally bring that to question.

There is no question about that, bros. I mean she's only been a registered Democrat since 1968, for starters.*

Lol "I was a GOLDWATER GIRL!!"

Ploid 3.0

I realized this election season that I don't belive I care. I care about the issues. That seem to be the best way to be, for me. Both parties care more about their own pockets. They claim to be servant quite often, but it is usually to serve bugger fish than themselves.
Yes because equal rights for people is completely unimportant.

Extremely frustrating. As his campaign runs on, I not only like him less, I like his supporters less as well. Which is amazing because I never really liked his supporters in the first place. I guess one can always sink even lower though.


formerly sane
I think it's really important to point out that he is avoiding the issue of supporting down-party tickets.

They're desperately important and especially so this election.

Unfortunately I get sanders position. Are these same tickets staying out of a proxy fight between him and clinton, doesn't seem like it. Are the same tickets actually going to argue for his points or just the ones clinton is going to tell them too?

Clinton's side has ignored certain issues sanders is right on and next to climate change is really screwing up our country. Now if he doesn't get the nomination, doesn't seem that likely, and then screws up down party tickets I will be pissed. Not supporting isn't the same as torpedoing.


It's a gigantic red flag. I'm surprised more of his supporters aren't concerned about it.

I'm not. Most of the Bernie supporters I've talked to are extremely ignorant of the greater political landscape and simply like it when Bernie talks about free college and health care. They, like Bernie himself, don't know how any of this is actually going to work if he gets elected.

Unfortunately I get sanders position. Are these same tickets staying out of a proxy fight between him and clinton, doesn't seem like it. Are the same tickets actually going to argue for his points or just the ones clinton is going to tell them too?

Clinton's side has ignored certain issues sanders is right on and next to climate change is really screwing up our country. Now if he doesn't get the nomination, doesn't seem that likely, and then screws up down party tickets I will be pissed. Not supporting isn't the same as torpedoing.

It worked for Obama, but then he was a big Democratic supporter long before his Presidential run.


Have you listened to Ted Cruz speak?

The right has been falling more and more to that side of the spectrum, huh? That being said, I meant crusader pope in a christian jihadist kinda way. Like, if the Christian Osama Bin Laden ran for President. And, while Cruz is a miserable, dangerous piece of shit, he's not at that level.


Think about what you are saying here. You want Sanders to "support" i.e. give money to, politicians so that they will vote they way he wants them to. Is that right?
His whole plan revolves around retaking the House and the Senate. How else are smaller name candidates going to break through big Republican states and names if they can't get the funding?


Trying to reduce the amount of people without health coverage to 0 is "not dealing with wealth inequality"?

And in return taking away full-time jobs that people used to rely on to live and support their families, and now they have to work two or three part time jobs? It has happened to a few people that I know of at least.


You can be both progressive and an incrementalist/moderate/centrist.
People need to stop being so black and white, absolute on the issue of being a "true liberal/progressive'. There are shades of gray but that doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad thing. Steady progress is better than none or regression.


Think about what you are saying here. You want Sanders to "support" i.e. give money to, politicians so that they will vote they way he wants them to. Is that right?

Are you HIGH? He is saying support the candidates running so they can WIN THE SEATS. Those candidates already AGREE with Bernies policies, but if they lose to republicans that will block any liberal policy your revolution is DEAD IN THE WATER.

Jesus Christ almighty you guys are so tunnel visioned on calling everyone bought and paid for that you are missing the forest for the trees.
Think about what you are saying here. You want Sanders to "support" i.e. give money to, politicians so that they will vote they way he wants them to. Is that right?

I'm saying that if he wins the presidency and wants to introduce a piece of legislation into the house that he needs votes. He can't do the entire job himself. that's why there are multiple branches of government. The reason there are political parties is so that people with similar agendas can further their goals by coming together.

So yes. I want Sanders to "support", i.e. give money to, politicians of a similar political agenda so that they can get elected. That way, when Sanders wants to introduce legislation that actually accomplishes all his campaign promises, like single payer health care or tuition for all, it actually has a snowball's chance in hell of being passed.

I realize you're trying to make it sound like bribery is happening or something, but come on. Do you have even a rudimentary understanding of how the US Government works?
Honestly, the more worrying thing -- that Hillary is correct about -- that Hillary is raising money for downticket Dems.

I mean, 15% of Bernie voters didn't vote for the Dem Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate last night. Only 4% of HRC voters didn't. That's super concerning. I know that Bernie talked a bit about supporting Kloppenburg, but he also coated it with "I'm not familiar with local issues" while Hillary attacked the fact that Rebecca Bradley said in 2006 that birth control is basically murder.

If you're going to run for president, you have to be familiar with local issues and local candidates.

Others have made this point, but I do think this is the one way in which the "not a Democrat" attack can be effective. By and large, even voters in a closed primary aren't really going to care whether someone is just renting the Democratic label as long as the candidate is on their side on the issues. But, Hillary has a long and demonstrated history of working her ass off to get Democrats elected up and down the ballot, including our current president. Bernie has a long and demonstrated history of not lifting a finger to get anyone other than himself elected.

The Supreme Court election result is horrifying. I thought Wisconsin voters would never elect a worse Supreme Court Justice than Annette Ziegler, until they outdid themselves and elected Michael Gabelman. At that point I thought they had truly scraped the bottom of the barrel, but Bradley is even worse.

The result is really illustrative of the problem with Bernie's "political revolution." This should have been as clear-cut of a case as possible. Bradley was appointed by Scott Walker to fill a vacancy. She had major support from the state's major business lobby, Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC), and she has a long history of terrifying statements on social issues. This was as clear cut of a choice as possible, with the added bonus that it ties into Bernie's money in politics message (the Wisconsin Supreme Court's conservative majority is essentially bought and paid for by WMC). Yet 15% of his voters either went for Bradley or just didn't bother to vote for that race at all. And this is the man we think is going to get young people to turn out in midterm elections?

The president cannot enact major change on their own, ergo a political revolution cannot consist of simply electing a president. The American left needs to understand the importance of electing progressive candidates at all levels of government, especially at the state level. The Tea Party pours resources into state legislative races because they know they power that state legislatures collectively wield, along with governors, courts, etc. The left needs to get past this fantasy that the president can be our messiah.


I'll say this: "real" Democrat or not, I have eons more respect for him than I do for a mathematically illiterate goon like Ralph "Both Sides Are the Same" Nader. Bernie gets how our system is structured as far as election viability is concerned, so I can't begrudge him participating in the Democratic process, especially if he adheres to his word on pledging to not run as an indy in the event of a loss.


It's weird, some Sanders supporters live in this alternate universe where the only person advocating for reducing income inequality and increasing minimum wage and reducing the cost of college is Bernie Sanders.

When, in fact, most Democrats across the nation are saying the exact same things.

But when Hillary says it she's lying because... reasons?


Congrats you just handed the Repubs 2 new members and the majority in SCOTUS.

A new democratic party needs to happen. I don't want to see Bernie's ideals go away.

I really wish the U.S elections were left wing (Hillary) vs Socialism (Bernie). Not left wing vs extreme right wing (Drumpf/Cruz).
Cool. Thanks Hilldawg. Keep adding reasons as to why i'll not vote for you come November. Done with politics in this country.


A new democratic party needs to happen. I don't want to see Bernie's ideals go away.

I really wish the U.S elections were left wing (Hillary) vs Socialism (Bernie). Not left wing vs extreme right wing (Drumpf/Cruz).
Bernie's ideals die at the hands of the GOP judiciary for at least a few decades if things go awry this November.

What part of this do folks not comprehend?


Trying to reduce the amount of people without health coverage to 0 is "not dealing with wealth inequality"?

Obamacare just boosted sales of high deductible health insurance programs that will still bankrupt the poor if they get sick. Its a bandaid over a sucking wound.


I'd be more concerned with other Clinton lies coming out this week:

Monday afternoon's speech was delivered to a closed audience of Democratic lawmakers, lobbyists and other party stalwarts in the ballroom of a hotel just down the block from the august State Capitol. Reporters listening from the nearby lobby could hear the crowd of over 100 people cheering at various points during Clinton's remarks, but the specific words were made inaudible by an Ace of Base remix playing from the hotel sound system and, eventually, a closed ballroom door.

Several other attendees confirmed to POLITICO that Clinton seemingly opened a more direct line of attack on Sanders, though she stopped just short of holding the former Burlington mayor responsible for gun violence here.

“She said that many of the guns that are found to be involved in crimes in this state are found to have their origins in Vermont,” said Assemblyman Kevin Cahill, a Democrat from Kingston. “The implication was just that many of the guns that are involved in crimes in this state come from Vermont. That was the implication I got. She also talked about the Charleston loop hole, which she said Senator Sanders supported, which she doesn't.”

Carl Heastie, the State Assembly speaker and until recently the chairman of the Bronx Democratic Committee, said, “She did mention that [Vermont] doesn't have gun laws, and she brought that up when she was contrasting her position on guns and votes in Senate with Senator Sanders.”



The right has been falling more and more to that side of the spectrum, huh? That being said, I meant crusader pope in a christian jihadist kinda way. Like, if the Christian Osama Bin Laden ran for President. And, while Cruz is a miserable, dangerous piece of shit, he's not at that level.

He wants a full blown middle east invasion to stomp out ISIS as well as war with Iran.


War against ISIS in Syria and Iraq. War with Iran. Likely additional fragmented conflicts stemming from these wars in Israel. High potential for additional conflicts in northern Africa, Pakistan, re-intervention into Afghanistan, etc. basically anywhere with Islamic governance.

The only thing keeping it from full evangelical crusade time is the fact that U.S. allies hold Jerusalem, so "Capture the Holy City" can't be used as a rallying cry.


It's weird, some Sanders supporters live in this alternate universe where the only person advocating for reducing income inequality and increasing minimum wage and reducing the cost of college is Bernie Sanders.

When, in fact, most Democrats across the nation are saying the exact same things.

But when Hillary says it she's lying because... reasons?

She's making it up because she's a shill.

Oh, and all of those times where her vote aligns with Bernie... She was paid off.

The only logical conclusion to draw here.


I would have her not stoke a fire that's already on its way out. I do not see the purpose of it. Just deflect, she's a career politician... it should be second nature. She should have seen the headline coming. Why do it? What do you gain?

So BernieGAF can accuse her of avoiding answering questions and being coy.


He's not really a Democrat. Not sure why everyone is getting their panties in a twist about it. He is on a Democratic ticket for POTUS, but prior to he was an independent. He also isn't working with the party like most members do.


Obamacare just boosted sales of high deductible health insurance programs that will still bankrupt the poor if they get sick. Its a bandaid over a sucking wound.

Do you want to actually address the question I asked?

How does protecting manufacturing jobs where the US does not have a comparative advantage help with preparing for the AI and automation revolution?


Bernie is not a Democrat. That's a good thing.

I don't... I don't get it.

If he doesn't utilize the party system in any way, shape or form and doesn't support other liberals, what exactly do you think a Bernie Sanders presidency will accomplish?


Bernie's ideals die at the hands of the GOP judiciary for at least a few decades if things go awry this November.

What part of this do folks not comprehend?

They hear us telling them that. But they are willfully ignoring it because they hate Hillary, and probably aren't in the class of people that will be the most negatively effected by a fucked supreme court and conservatives in the White House.
Umm ok then. History really shows a lot of her right leaning choices. It is what it is.

And your history shows you have no idea what you're talking about. But please share your mountains of evidence. They will barely fill a cabinet compared to the library showing you're wrong.


I'm not. Most of the Bernie supporters I've talked to are extremely ignorant of the greater political landscape and simply like it when Bernie talks about free college and health care. They, like Bernie himself, don't know how any of this is actually going to work if he gets elected.

He's laid out parts of his plans, and if he ever got in to office he'd have an army of the world's best advisors and experts available to him to work these things out. It's utterly defeatist and spectacularly anti progressive to just automatically assume these things can't be done, or can't be improved, especially when a huge chunk of the world already does. Of course the anti progressive scaremongers will then tell you America is different to Europe and other countries, and that the same rules and maths don't apply, that instead you ought to buckle down and accept a perpetual cycle of shit, or instead accept pathetically incremental improvements that really don't make nearly enough of a difference in the grand scheme of things.
Cool. Thanks Hilldawg. Keep adding reasons as to why i'll not vote for you come November. Done with politics in this country.

So, by competing, with honesty, in a competitive space, she's added to a reason for you to not vote for her and to be done with politics.



i've been begging for over 5 years.
A new democratic party needs to happen. I don't want to see Bernie's ideals go away.

I really wish the U.S elections were left wing (Hillary) vs Socialism (Bernie). Not left wing vs extreme right wing (Drumpf/Cruz).

So your saying you'd like to have our very own 'tea party' in the democratic party because that is going so fucking well for the GOP right now eh?


They hear us telling them that. But they are willfully ignoring it because they hate Hillary, and probably aren't in the class of people that will be the most negatively effected by a fucked supreme court and conservatives in the White House.
I wish they'd own it.

Come out and say it, Busters: "if I don't get my way in 2016, I'm happy with flushing 2020, 2024, and beyond down the shitter."

I'd have more respect if they'd own it.
I would love nothing more than for Donald Trump to get the nomination and watch the Republican Party collapse. I doubt Bernie would have that effect on the Democrats but it's nice to remind the party elite they can't control everything once in a while.

The DNC is being pretty hands off with Bernie. They don't seem to mind him running, or if they do, they don't make it readily apparent (despite what some Bernie supports believe).

Even some long time super delegates have said they'd support Bernie fully if he got the popular vote.

The party seems completely open to accepting Bernie as a candidate if he managed to get the votes. They let this election just run its course. There hasn't been any schemes or meddling or anything like that.


Bernie is not a Democrat. That's a good thing.
One of my friends on FB keeps making the argument that he doesn't see Hillary driving people like him and his friends to register as Democrats for the primary.

Missing of course, that she's largely supported by people who were already registered as Dems in the first place.
I went door to door for W when I was in high school. This is one of the worst attacks on Hillary.

She's been a Democrat for 40 years and has worked her ass off to elect Democrats.

Seriously. Her 17th birthday was shortly before election day. At age 16 I would've called myself a Republican. She campaigned for George McGovern for crying out loud.
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