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How can cd projekt red resuscitate general excitement for cyberpunk?


So, despite strong initial sales, we know cyberpunk wasn’t quite the hit cd projekt red was hoping for. After almost a decade of teasing and building a lot of hype, The initial praise quickly soured once the abysmal console ports were playable for everyone. People also started to notice other flaws. Missing features that were promised, such as a working police force. For as incredible as night city is, it felt empty. Not quite the living city we were hoping for. And bugs, bugs a plenty.

Though i sound like a hater, i promise you im not. Ive put 30 hours into it on xbox series x, ive put up with all these issues plus a myriad of broken side quests and soft locks. Im tough on this game because i know it can and should be better!

Now cd projekt red has been pretty quiet this year, no doubt bunkering down to polish the game to a sheen. Now that it is back on psn, that should be some stress off their shoulders. Still people arent excited for this game anymore. This was meant to be their big money maker to carry them through the next ten years until their next projekt is ready. They cant just drop it, i dont think they could afford to since their next game is so far off.

My theory is that once the “next gen” native versions are ready, its going to be treated by them as a huge relaunch of the game. They will surely try their best to get excitement back to where it was when the game launched last december, so im expecting a new marketing push too, with trailers played during sporting events on tv. With any luck these next gen ports will have many of the features currently missing from the main game. It will essentially be the game that should have launched. I dont know if they will ever rebuild hype like they had it, but if they can turn this around, it can be a game with long legs to at least carry them for the next 6-10 years until their next game is ready.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
They cant. The IP is tainted. You cant fix RPGs like this unless you go out and make a brand new expansion that has nothing to do with the base game. It's not a GaaS game like Division or Destiny.

The fact of the matter is that the game isnt very good. They need to cut their losses and move on to witcher 4.


They cant. The IP is tainted. You cant fix RPGs like this unless you go out and make a brand new expansion that has nothing to do with the base game. It's not a GaaS game like Division or Destiny.

The fact of the matter is that the game isnt very good. They need to cut their losses and move on to witcher 4.
Can they afford to though? If witcher 4 wont be ready for 6-10 years, they need a solid long tail game like witcher 3 was for cyberpunk. Cyberpunk needs to keep selling so they can pay their employees. Im sure witcher 3 still sells, but certainly not what it used to.
as someone who wanted a big cyberpunk open world to explore and get lost in, full of things to find.....interesting NPCs...flying cars etc, it doesn't seem like they built this game from the foundation to be that.

ive never played. Just reading millions of things on it. Just sounds like a good single player linear cyberpunk one and done game u play.

I can't see how they can turn what it is into what i wanted.


as someone who wanted a big cyberpunk open world to explore and get lost in, full of things to find.....interesting NPCs...flying cars etc, it doesn't seem like they built this game from the foundation to be that.

ive never played. Just reading millions of things on it. Just sounds like a good single player linear cyberpunk one and done game u play.

I can't see how they can turn what it is into what i wanted.
I dont think this game will ever be everything we dreamed of, but there is something worthwhile and cool burried underneath the baggage. They need to remove that baggage and make the games strong features even better, while adding some new strong features


At this point they need to surpass expectations like Hello Games did with NMS.

But considering how they doubled down on several things and they are still talking shit I don't have any hope for the future of the game.


Gold Member
Without all the bugs there really is a lot to like about the game. I really enjoyed my time with it but it is clear they took it out of the over before it was cooked and we see the result. There is a good foundation to build on but they need to go above and beyond to regain that trust.


Let it die, it is not like the game is groundbreaking. Focus on the next game doing the best you can to deliver a great product.
I think the lesson here is about ethics. If some people are still interested, no problem with that. I had hopes we gamers would learn not to get hype by another game after all the bad examples that happened but... almost 1 year after, people got hyped for a short teaser of a game so...


Pretty much lol.

Hello Games did just this after that turd of a launch that is No Man Sky.
If I remember correctly Sean Murry said they went into a social media blackout, locked themselves in the office and got to work to fix the game.
It's amazing how so many people still think NMS came out of the shit hole with PR. It wasn't PR at all. Nothing but hard work. Be humble and never talk until you have something to show. HARD WORK.
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Gold Member
Gordon Ramsay GIF by Gordon Ramsay's 24 Hours to Hell and Back


Gold Member
There's nothing they can do. It's a meme now because some people are butthurt that it doesn't run well on a 2013 Jaguar CPU.

The PS4 Pro/PS5, One X/XSX, and PC versions are completely playable and it's a great game.

But you have some people who will never forgive the game for not running well on an eight year old console.
Then they should not have released it for that eight year old console.


Honestly, from what I played, I liked it. I just stopped because I don't mind waiting for the next gen console upgrade and some more fixes.

I've played Bethesda games for as long as I can remember... Bugs and glitches in these types of games are a given.


Gold Member
There's nothing they can do. It's a meme now because some people are butthurt that it doesn't run well on a 2013 Jaguar CPU.

The PS4 Pro/PS5, One X/XSX, and PC versions are completely playable and it's a great game.

But you have some people who will never forgive the game for not running well on an eight year old console.
Even without the bugs and performance, there are MAJOR problems with the game that people love to ignore.

Held back by terrible AI, NPCs, traffic, world interaction, dialogue choices, quests, loot system, police system, etc.

If you enjoyed it, cool. But people need to stop pretending the PS4 and Xbox One issues are the only thing wrong.
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Letting it die, would be a start /sarcasm

But in all honesty? Just a full on revamp. We're talking FFXIV: A Realm Reborn type of revamp, or hell, a No Man's Sky turn around.

Anything less than basically retooling the game, and adding in A LOT more content and implement actual working systems that won't break and buckle under it's weight - is pointless.

The game has garnered way too much negativity, and CDPR handled it absolutely poorly.

This isn't some EA level game developer where their shitty practices has become so well known that any bad decision gets an eyeroll and a scoff; this was a company that sat, rode, and prospered off the back of gamers with a mantra of being the "most consumer friendly developer" in the industry and absolutely spat and shat on everyone who supported them.

Absolutely shat on them.

I see no way of this game recovering besides a full on re-look at the game, and release a plan to the public that they can actually follow through with because their "plan" that was revealed post-launch has completely gone off rails and NOT A SINGLE promised future content has been delivered post-launch to a game that was released in absolute shambles for way too many people.

The patches are taking too long, and the fixes are too little to make an impact when they do come out.

They need to push out content, and they need to implement proper system mechanics in their game that flesh out the second-to-second gameplay that isn't hinged solely on shooting and dialogue.
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There's nothing they can do. It's a meme now because some people are butthurt that it doesn't run well on a 2013 Jaguar CPU.

The PS4 Pro/PS5, One X/XSX, and PC versions are completely playable and it's a great game.

But you have some people who will never forgive the game for not running well on an eight year old console.
I think your ignoring a lot of the other issues the game has, even on top tier hardware. I played it on a series x, though its technically sound, there are still lots of other issues like progress halting bugs and missing basic features
I pretty much cut my losses at this point. Too much promise and not enough delivery.
No point in creating and altering a character appearance that you only see in some reflections, one scene, and in menu's.
menu text is too small
the options for leveling up were boring
the world is boring
This future society should have had better romance options not tied to Gender
Who the hell showers in their underwear and sleeps with half their body off the bed?
game just doesn't feel like an rpg to me
garbage ending
I don't really feel like listing all the things I did not like about this game to which there are many more problems I had with the game.
I'm glad for people that were able to enjoy it though where I could not.
Side note: the gamefaqs board for this game is a cesspool of hate where if anyone even remotely suggests that they enjoyed the game despite it's problems, they get shouted down and told to "get off the board."

Has Mike Pondsmith ever spoken about this games state and cdpr's handling of it?
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Include all pre-release promised content and return a formidable nextgen version with one or two major gameplay additions e.g. flying cars, flying upgrades, off planet dlcs etc. CD Project will regain the trust and then some!


Rage Bait Youtuber
I think your ignoring a lot of the other issues the game has, even on top tier hardware. I played it on a series x, though its technically sound, there are still lots of other issues like progress halting bugs and missing basic features

I'm still playing it on the PC and never had a single progress halting bug. My friend finished it on the PC and put in 119 1/2 hours (according to my friends list that shows time played) and he didn't either.


Need to make end game content the fact that you beat the game and have these bad ass cut scenes for some endings and then just forget about them


They can’t, for me
No matter how great the upcoming content is, I’ll never buy this for more than $15-20, and only once all the ‘’definitive’’ and ‘’ultimate’’ versions are out (and probably patched a few times, too)
I refuse to do more as I’m 100% against the practices they used with last-gen versions

I understand if they had done so, that company would most likely be closed down by now, as the launch would have been completely and utterly disastrous, so this was the lesser evil of 2 crappy outcomes, but as a gamer, I just cannot get behind of that use of shady practices, and will never buy anything from them that’s not been proven ‘’completed’’. And less than $20
1) Fix the game
2) Deliver an awesome "Next-Gen" patch for XSX and PS5 owners as promised (No Delays)
3) Make the two planned expansions free for people who purchased the game within the first 3 months and didn't opt for refund


Gold Member
impossible as that would require a total overhaul of all open-world aspects of the game, which equates to tearing most of it down and starting over. 2-3 years. Not sure it's worth it.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
After thinking it over, there is literally 1 single thing that can save the game, and only 1 thing.

Have the next-gen versions graphically like the CG trailers were promising. Probably the only thing people will turn this thing on for is to see the eye-melting graphics. If they can't make a visual spectacle, they should just cut their losses now and completely drop the game. The game design doesn't even seem that good.


It's too late. They can "support it" for years and the few diehard players can defend the company, but its name is already tainted.
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Figure out how to make the game look less like shit on lower tier hardware. There's no reason Witcher 3 can look so good, but Cyberpunk looks so terrible.
they cant. move onto the next project and try to salvage your reputation. might aswell return to witcher as its a much loved franchise.
Who the hell showers in their underwear and sleeps with half their body off the bed?
......theres a scene where a character showers in their underwear?

Only shower scene I recall, without spoiling, was definitely full on nude.

Which part are you talking about?
There's nothing they can do. It's a meme now because some people are butthurt that it doesn't run well on a 2013 Jaguar CPU.

The PS4 Pro/PS5, One X/XSX, and PC versions are completely playable and it's a great game.

But you have some people who will never forgive the game for not running well on an eight year old console.
If it's impossible to run the game well on Xbox One and PS4, then they should have made it a next-gen and PC exclusive. Can't blame customers for buying the game when you made it available to them on their outdated platforms. Especially when they revealed the game back in 2013 before the launch of either Xbox One or PS4.
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