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How can cd projekt red resuscitate general excitement for cyberpunk?


Honestly the more I think about it the more I realize just how much more time (years) it needs in order to flesh out the gameplay aspects. I still love the game for what it is, besides launch-version bugs a lot of the hate was just of the hating on the popular kid type imo, but I have had to dial down my already limited expectations because I don't really see how they'll do major world & system changes without a sequel and without cutting out last-gen versions. Plus - would they even know how to, or want to? Doubtful.
I think it would be better to cut their losses and start working on a sequel. Worst thing they could do is squander the great work they've already done on Night City by switching to TW4 and letting Cyberpunk's art&tech get stale while they pivot back to TW.


There's nothing they can do. It's a meme now because some people are butthurt that it doesn't run well on a 2013 Jaguar CPU.

The PS4 Pro/PS5, One X/XSX, and PC versions are completely playable and it's a great game.

But you have some people who will never forgive the game for not running well on an eight year old console.
Well they shouldn't have promised a last gen port, but honestly? that's the least of the problems, games made in mind with PCs will always have downgrades on consoles.

The game itself is shallow, almost none of your choices matter because its the same meaning with different words, buggy AI, looter shooter biased, and lacks features that PS2 games had it.

Can CDPR fix it? Sure, but the Enhanced Edition will be the game that we should have got in the first place, TW1 and 2 enhanced editions were bonus for already great games.
Really though?

People were calling NMS pretty much DOA a month or so after release. Same for FFXIV and other games that resuscitated themselves.

All CDPR has to do is release the next-gen upgrades and throw out some good free DLC and we can move on and be cyberpunks together.
NMS had a big hype, but nowhere close to 2077 and didn't have the game developer hyping as the second come of christ. Not to mention the throwing shades against the greediness of other companies. And another important point: Studios doesn't decline that hard from one acclaimed game to a 7/10 in a good day, they decline over the time.


Next gen version will do the trick. What else are you gonna play this winter ?

crystal palace expansion (so basically fully explorable station in space) will just be the nail in the coffin and will make everyone go crazy


Ask me about my Stream Deck
Pretty much lol.

Hello Games did just this after that turd of a launch that is No Man Sky.

At this point they need to surpass expectations like Hello Games did with NMS.

It's amazing how so many people still think NMS came out of the shit hole with PR. It wasn't PR at all. Nothing but hard work. Be humble and never talk until you have something to show. HARD WORK.

Letting it die, would be a start /sarcasm

But in all honesty? Just a full on revamp. We're talking FFXIV: A Realm Reborn type of revamp, or hell, a No Man's Sky turn around.

No Man's Sky. Do that.

No man's sky it. I doubt they will, but would be nice if they did

People were calling NMS pretty much DOA a month or so after release. Same for FFXIV and other games that resuscitated themselves.

Keep improving the game and stop over promising.. learn from other games, like No Man's Sky.

Sean Murray and Hello Games can finally rest now that they've become the poster child for developer redemption.


I think they just at this point need to focus 100% on next gen hardware. Create excitement around the promise of the game running on what it should have been all along.


Gold Member
personally I think their tech just can't handle what the ambition was for the game. I think Frontier is having the same problem with Elite Odyssey. In CP77 you've got weird things with the traffic fading out and back in, even at a distance, just general wonkiness and pop-in, and they've made a few updates already and these things haven't completely been erased. To me it feels like Deus Ex Human Revolution, where the engine is really good for limited size levels but not great for open world stuff. Maybe their tech just fell over with the complexity of the city, idk. But to me something just feels "off" with the engine, like it's struggling to keep up.


Gold Member
As someone who played on a PS4, dump last gen.

Give it the FF14 treatment where further expansion, qol and support is next gen only and left the PS3 behind.


Linux User
If it's impossible to run the game well on Xbox One and PS4, then they should have made it a next-gen and PC exclusive. Can't blame customers for buying the game when you made it available to them on their outdated platforms. Especially when they revealed the game back in 2013 before the launch of either Xbox One or PS4.

Yes I find it bizarre people call Cyberpunk a next gen game. You're telling me that in 2013 CDPro started development on a game for the PS5? Then why launch on PS4?



Cyber Punk is an 8 out of 10 game that had 11 out of 10 game expectations. The world they built is amazing but the stuff surrounding it is average at best. They need to turn this game into an "evolving word" and make the most of the skeleton. If FO76 can change its perception it'll be much easier for cyberpunk too.
Pretty much my stance, they need to flesh out the living world and build off of it.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Ask the No Man's Sky team for advice.

It isn't just updating for free. It's going beyond expectations and adding content so good that no one expected it. Stuff people would have paid for gladly yet it was free.

Also, for their sake, forever offer refunds for ps4 and Xbox versions for 30 days after purchase. In case anyone is stupid enough to buy it in the future.

Honestly though? I don't think this game can pull a no man's sky.

Why ? No man's core was great and was absolutely still a huge chunk of what the core experience people were expecting from the game.

CP2077 at its core wasn't what the game was aiming to be when it was being hyped up for years. It's just a very generic open world game. It doesn't push the genre forward or rpgs or even be the best cyberpunk game either.

At its core CP is a soulless middle of the road game. It's the kind of game you hear about a month or two prior to release, is day 1 on gamepass, and gets OK reviews. The only reason it wasn't that is the developers pedigree and earned respect over the years and stupid amounts of hype.
I'm waiting for the inevitable "Enhanced edition" after a year, just like with the first and second Witcher, 3 kinda managed without a major overhaul, but CDPR clearly can't catch a break and release an actual working game. Honestly it saddens me, I pre ordered on PC, and I only played for 2h before uninstalling while waiting for an actual substantial patch. It didn't help that they were doing those patch notes in form of "news reports" in universe, like stfu, sit down fix the game and give us actual patch notes.


Besides the obvious fix the game stuff, all they really need to do to captivate the general audience is show off some sort of stellar 60 fps RT mode because most people only seem to care about graphics and 2077 has that on lock pretty well on PC.


I think they cant restore it to 100% but they can boost a bit of good will with great upgrades and support for the game for two years at the least, and with a good expansion, that is a must.
Even with all that, the game still will never get the same type of good will and reputation that their Witcher 3 got. Cyberpunk 2077 is tainted forever. And honestly the whole IP and setting wasnt that impressive, there are other Cyberpunk IPs way more interesting than Cyberpunk, i dont think Mike Pondsmith works are that good. If they had better connections they maybe could get their hands on other IP like Ghost in the Shell or something of Blade Runner universe, probably Battle Angel too, I mean anything from the all time greats of the genre rather than this version which seems a bit edgy and outdated with its takes and approach. I mean USSR and Arasaka? lol. Gimme a break.

Anyway maybe there is a miracle silly solution, which is to give everybody who purchased Cyberpunk 200$ gift and free items every month for 1 year, that will for sure give them the good reputation back. :messenger_tears_of_joy:


They should do a Crysis. Release a flex , fully restored content pc build that no computer can yet play without melting and let it be a meme.


It's already dead, the hype train derailed long ago


Keep the main story, main side quest stories, delete all the gameplay, combat, perks, mission structure, and start over from there. Before adding to the game like NMS, it needs a major overhaul to most of the main aspects of the game.

They could do it and do it the right way this time, but it would need a full development effort as if they were making a new game.


My impression as an outsider (was never interested in the game) looking in:

By going so hard on the marketing despite the game not shaping up well, they made it a lot worse for themselves and permanently marred their previously stellar reputation. It looks like they completely took their fans for granted. I hope they try to redeem Cyberpunk, but I don't think the game will ever see outright excitement again.

It's never okay to release a broken game, but these guys were coasting in a car bound for a collision with a brick wall and instead of pumping the brakes they floored the gas.


just follow through on their roadmap. release the free dlc, next gen vrsion and I believe they said there would be a couple expansions akin to blood and wine and hearts of stone, then release a complete/ultimate edition
Marketing-wise, I doubt they can pull it off. This wasn't some indie endeavor like No Man's Sky.

Someone better have the balls to ask Keanu Reeves about Cyberpunk during his upcoming Matrix press junket.


I think the problem is that the whole "it's a real, living, breathing city" concept (not in those words but pretty much what they were pushing for) has been exposed to be a buggy mess that just looks really bland. Somehow every video I watch looks really boring. The NPCs are all walking around aimlessly. Doesn't really feel like there's been much of a change in AI at all.
I think the problem is that the whole "it's a real, living, breathing city" concept (not in those words but pretty much what they were pushing for) has been exposed to be a buggy mess that just looks really bland. Somehow every video I watch looks really boring. The NPCs are all walking around aimlessly. Doesn't really feel like there's been much of a change in AI at all.
the concept is possible as indicated in prior post but it is not coded but learnt you need DNN to do it.
Yes I find it bizarre people call Cyberpunk a next gen game. You're telling me that in 2013 CDPro started development on a game for the PS5? Then why launch on PS4?


And in developing for 2 different generations, a game as ambitious as this, they've royally fucked themselves.
Rockstar would need a decade at minimum to pull of this type of game.

I seriously doubt CDPR would be having these problems had they only focused on next gen consoles and PC.

Guess the 112+ million user base of the PS4 and Xbox made them $$$ blind.
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Simps for Amouranth
I can't wait to buy and play the next gen version tbh, I'm pretty sure they're well aware of what they need to do and no doubt had to cut a lot of the a.i. stuff out in order to get it to run on the base consoles so I can see all that shit, proper cops, flying cars(maybe), working trams, more believable world etc etc getting added back into the next gen versions and hopefully turning this game into what it was hyped to be. They didn't pour all those years into making an incredible city/backdrop for nothing
- Substantial visual improvement for new consoles
- Police bug/teleporting NPCs gone
- Implementation of cut content due to release date (trains, etc)
- Ability to augment appearance whenever you like
- New vendors with more clothes, etc
- Launch with free DLC campaign

I finished it as is on Series X and think it's a fantastic game, the story and writing are really underappreciated.


With any luck these next gen ports will have many of the features currently missing from the main game. It will essentially be the game that should have launched.
The likely scenario is that they’ll be the PC version slightly scaled back, minus mods. I guess they could launch an expansion on all versions simultaneously with the nextgen release though.
But the PC version is solid now so I hope people give the game another chance.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Send new gaming chairs to influencers.

If they made this game for 7 years, I don't think that there is a chance that we actually get what trailers have promised, at least not in next few years. Look at current state, it's it's more that 6 months and what has been done? Fixing so it runs on base last-gen consoles...somewhat. WOW


Gold Member
- Substantial visual improvement for new consoles
- Police bug/teleporting NPCs gone
- Implementation of cut content due to release date (trains, etc)
- Ability to augment appearance whenever you like
- New vendors with more clothes, etc
- Launch with free DLC campaign

I finished it as is on Series X and think it's a fantastic game, the story and writing are really underappreciated.
Same here. There are still some missions that standout to me to this day looking back (parade, tower takedown, brothel). And I liked aspects of the world. I really enjoyed my time with it on XSX.

Hearing of broken side quests, I keep mostly to the main path. I’m looking forward to XSX upgrades and some near guarantee bugs are quashed. I want to play through the side content and live in the city a bit. Some improved systems And dlc would help that experience.

while it wasn’t well received (they should have stuck to next gen frankly), it gave me something meaty to play on my new XSX and looking back nearly a year where there has been so few quality AAA third party released on the platform, I’m glad to have had that at the time.
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This is me purely dreaming but, in addition to continued technical passes, I'd love stuff like an airborne taxi system, and yeah, trains.
More *stuff* happening in the city, random events, etc.
And yeah a meaty expansion, preferably involving the Trauma Team, even becoming a member of Trauma Team (love the concept there, seems underused!!!)


Hopefully they learned their lessons and they should just move on. Success is nice but the experience they got from their fuck up will be invaluable for their future projects.


They should've tried to market the game in a way that people wouldn't compare the game to GTA/RDR.

If anything, you should compare this game to Deus Ex and The Witcher 3. Comparisons with the Rockstar games are so dumb. They're so different. You could easily make comparison vids between GTA/RDR and CP where I could complain about the exclusion of hacking in RDR. Or the fact I can't choose what I want to say in GTA. Or the fact that CP probably has more enterable buildings than both games combined. Or that there are no attribute skill checks in RDR or GTA in dialouge or gameplay. I could go on and on.

So please, stop the Rockstar comparisons. The content and focus of CP is in the lore, world, quests and characters. Not in the sandboxy world interactions we all know from Rockstar games.
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Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Definitive Switch version that runs at 120 FPS.

I think they really can't save Cyberpunk. How it was released along with the plethora of delays and lies ran it into the ground.


They need to relaunch the game, add alot of the stuff that was cut, restore the monorail, fix all bugs, add some AI for the Police, add new area's, add good quests.. don't release it with only a graphics update, add good stuff, keep the Free next gen update for current gen owners. i hope RED will get their game together.


They need to deliver with the next gen versions.

I didn’t have a good time with the PC version, small bugs all over the place and it really ruined it for me. Never allowed me to fully immerse myself, even after 20 hours of playtime.
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