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How can cd projekt red resuscitate general excitement for cyberpunk?


Gold Member
I'm personally just waiting for the next gen upgrade patch to get the game on PS5.
Stop Warning GIF by Britannia on EPIX


As someone who has not experienced it, as I'm waiting for the fixed next gen version, I really just need them to launch the fully fixed next gen version on console and PC.

Leave last gen behind as it should have done in the first place.


King of Gaslighting
So, despite strong initial sales, we know cyberpunk wasn’t quite the hit cd projekt red was hoping for. After almost a decade of teasing and building a lot of hype, The initial praise quickly soured once the abysmal console ports were playable for everyone. People also started to notice other flaws. Missing features that were promised, such as a working police force. For as incredible as night city is, it felt empty. Not quite the living city we were hoping for. And bugs, bugs a plenty.

Despite the woeful console launch, the game was a critical and commercial success and seems to have a pretty consistent playerbase on STEAM. As for consoles, they knew what they were putting out; it's not like all of a sudden people put the game in their consoles and CDPR was like "Whoa, this isn't happening on OUR consoles!" I hate to be a cynic but I think the game performed exactly as they knew it would. . .and it did.

That said, they surely didn't want to put the game out in the state it arrived in and if they are focused on building Night City up a focus on AI and alternative things to do in the city would be good (although it doesn't make sense from a narrative perspective). This is why I hope they don't drop the multiplayer that was discussed for the game. The city design itself is the best I've seen in an open world game with very few hidden walls (if any). If they put "stuff" in that city and focus on a non-V character for an alternative open-ended experience, that would be amazing (yes I'm just pitching RDRO but in Night City).


Right now nothing. They need to keep fixing the game and adding some of the things that people expect and when enough time has passed (probably start of next year) release a really meaty expansion that is really good. That should get people talking in a positive manner again about the game. Then they need to release a second expansion equally good while in the meantime having worked on the game some more and just release the whole thing as a special edition or something.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I'm not sure they should bother trying. They would have to do so much to make the gameplay truly compelling, and fix the world so much to make it feel like something truly modern (GTA5's word from 2013, and especially Red Dead 2's from whenever, both make this game look like amatuer hour) that it would take years.

And even if they did, could they recoup the costs or actually salvage their reputation from it? This really isn't the same situation that Hello Games was in with No Man's Sky.

I say cut their losses and move onto whatever the next project is, and do it right. Run back to The Witcher IP if they need to.


There's nothing they can do. It's a meme now because some people are butthurt that it doesn't run well on a 2013 Jaguar CPU.

The PS4 Pro/PS5, One X/XSX, and PC versions are completely playable and it's a great game.

But you have some people who will never forgive the game for not running well on an eight year old console.
Maybe the fact they lied to those people is why they are so angry? Saying stuff like it runs "surprisingly well" and not allowing the press to show real footage of the game until after it was out.


People are very hard on CD Projekt, they are going to develop free dlcs, xbox series and ps5 enhancements for free too, gog galaxy 2.0 is perfect. In short, the only thing I would like is if they can take the time to improve the game accordingly, so far I have only had fun with Cyberpunk 2077 like no game in the last year. (I'm playing on PS5)
I'm not sure they should bother trying. They would have to do so much to make the gameplay truly compelling, and fix the world so much to make it feel like something truly modern (GTA5's word from 2013, and especially Red Dead 2's from whenever, both make this game look like amatuer hour) that it would take years.

And even if they did, could they recoup the costs or actually salvage their reputation from it? This really isn't the same situation that Hello Games was in with No Man's Sky.

I say cut their losses and move onto whatever the next project is, and do it right. Run back to The Witcher IP if they need to.

Really though?

People were calling NMS pretty much DOA a month or so after release. Same for FFXIV and other games that resuscitated themselves.

All CDPR has to do is release the next-gen upgrades and throw out some good free DLC and we can move on and be cyberpunks together.


Gold Member
Really though?

People were calling NMS pretty much DOA a month or so after release. Same for FFXIV and other games that resuscitated themselves.

All CDPR has to do is release the next-gen upgrades and throw out some good free DLC and we can move on and be cyberpunks together.
True but people are especially vindictive towards this game and I don't know what they can do to salvage that.


King Snowflake
The game was very enjoyable on PC. Just come out with an expansion and include it in the game for new purchases. Nobody will be buying that version for PS4/Xbone so don't even release it on those platforms.

Hari Seldon

I just started playing this 2 days ago on PC. It honestly feels amazing so far. Unsure if there will be bugs down the road bu the game looks and plays great so far.


They can't. No matter how good they eventually get that game performing, it will always be a punchline.


Like others have said keep working on the game until it becomes the game that they were originally trying to make and then after that is done create a nice large free expansion to lure folks back in.

Personally I think they should just abandon the game after they have sufficiently repaired the game. It will take years for them to get this game right and they won't be getting much money for fixing it. Learn from the mistakes and use the knowledge to build a better game next time.
The game coulda have been bug free. Wouldve still been a disappointment.

just maybe.
If they add multiplayer. But I think they’re busy just getting the game running.


Gold Member
Idk the venom aimed at NMS was pretty real. People were fucking pissed.

Also if anyone remembers, Diablo 3 was a shitshow on release due to p2w.
Cyberpunk 2077 was more anticipated. Everybody and their mother was looking forward to this game and no matter what it could have never lived to the game people had in their heads. The fact that they actually did fumble the release makes it even worse. Gamers are vindictive towards games that are perfectly fine so imagine how worse it is when they have a real reason to be angry.


Gold Member
Honestly at this point it would take years of extra dev time just to provide the base game as intended. Why the next gen patches weren’t there at launch considering the PC version was already running with RT and extra eye candy enabled is baffling. The broken AI, pointless and disastrous police implementation (much worse than GTA 3 which is a 20 year old game), horrible vehicle physics, missing features that were promised like the undercity, rail system and so much more. Then we have the bugs. Simply put it’s the buggiest game I’ve played in my 30+ years of gaming. I experienced multiple progression halting bugs costing me hours of lost game time. My character had no hair for most of the game, outfits I wanted to wear were broken and clipped through the character, NPCs stuck in T poses all over the place, missions not registering as complete once finished, dropping through the map when driving. How people can make excuses for this shit I’ll never know.

Through it all there is a great game hidden underneath all the half baked systems and bugs. I really enjoyed the game when it worked though would definitely have preferend a 3rd person option like in the initial trailer.

The patch notes themselves with pages upon pages of fixes are a tell all. They simply wanted to get the game out the door before Christmas for the sales and sacrificed their reputation to do it.
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I just don't think the game is very good even if all the bugs are fixed. It was such a bore to play through from what I played.

I just couldn't continue after the second investigation scene where you rewind and play footage trying to find faults in it.

Game is full of nonsense like that.

I say polish this game as much as possible, try a new mode and see where it goes but I would have a serious team working on their next game about now.


Debug the game completely, release a big expansion.

It's a good game, I see no reasons why it wouldn't work. Plenty of people liked it on PC, it was already better than any Bethesda release.


Gold Member
They have a chance with the PS5 and Series X versions

Thing is there are a lot more fundamentals it seems like they need to fix in addition to the graphics, and they have to do it in the window of the next gen release

And whatever they do, don't call the re-release the GOTY edition lol


Generally speaking, It's not that much of an interesting game mechanics or game play wise.
Its not really brought anything new to the table and what it has got has been done before but better (perhaps).

If all the bugs were fixed, I think it would still be a very middle of the road game. It wouldn't be bad but it wouldn't exactly be memorable.

Pretty though.
Cyber Punk is an 8 out of 10 game that had 11 out of 10 game expectations. The world they built is amazing but the stuff surrounding it is average at best. They need to turn this game into an "evolving word" and make the most of the skeleton. If FO76 can change its perception it'll be much easier for cyberpunk too.


Despite the woeful console launch, the game was a critical and commercial success and seems to have a pretty consistent playerbase on STEAM. As for consoles, they knew what they were putting out; it's not like all of a sudden people put the game in their consoles and CDPR was like "Whoa, this isn't happening on OUR consoles!" I hate to be a cynic but I think the game performed exactly as they knew it would. . .and it did.

That said, they surely didn't want to put the game out in the state it arrived in and if they are focused on building Night City up a focus on AI and alternative things to do in the city would be good (although it doesn't make sense from a narrative perspective). This is why I hope they don't drop the multiplayer that was discussed for the game. The city design itself is the best I've seen in an open world game with very few hidden walls (if any). If they put "stuff" in that city and focus on a non-V character for an alternative open-ended experience, that would be amazing (yes I'm just pitching RDRO but in Night City).
It did very well initially, but its been reported that sales have dwindled substantially, and with the pace at which they release games (every 6-10 years) this game not having a tale to carry them until witcher 4 is done could be very bad for the company


Focus on a proper "Next Gen" version upgrade and get it out ASAP, table the dumb free DLCs and get us something to play right now. We are starved for true Next Gen titles on both systems and this could be something to eat up some time, instead they will focus on the DLCs so that they can release a XBX/PS5 Complete Edition for full price and then we'll get the "free" next gen upgrade alongside the hope of more full price sales since the PS4 physical copies can be bought for nothing right now.
Cyber Punk is an 8 out of 10 game that had 11 out of 10 game expectations. The world they built is amazing but the stuff surrounding it is average at best. They need to turn this game into an "evolving word" and make the most of the skeleton. If FO76 can change its perception it'll be much easier for cyberpunk too.
It's an 8/10 without bugs. At the state it launched, more like 5/10.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Really though?

People were calling NMS pretty much DOA a month or so after release. Same for FFXIV and other games that resuscitated themselves.

All CDPR has to do is release the next-gen upgrades and throw out some good free DLC and we can move on and be cyberpunks together.

NMS was not as highly anticipated, it was the studio's first(?) major game, and it takes a lot less resources to add content onto a game like NMS than it does to work on a game like Cyberpunk - is my rationale.


I don't think they can and I don't think they will actually try.
It wouldn't surprise me if they steadily move people off of supporting cyberpunk onto a safer project until they can finally just drop it.
The continued effort to fix the game is just to save face IMO.


Now that they have "fixed" the bugs (according to them), they will try their best to improve the lack of features

Mod your body, hair, vehicles, minigames and etc. Shit to make the city feel more alive than just window dressing. New missions.

They probably have November/December as their finish line, since its when they will probably release the next gen patch.

So the game must be improved until then for a soft reboot, basicaly.

Neil Young

I really enjoyed the game. Played it on a One X. Graphics were great and the setting was phenomenal. Never had the game crash or encountered a game breaking bug. Had glitches here and there.

That being said, I played the game how I believe they wanted me to play it....very linear. I did the main quest, a chunk of side quests, but never did GTA type random shit. The game desperately needs their version of Gwent. It needs more side hustle, this is cyberpunk for Christ sake!

But, I think this is another game to add to the ever growing list of games that catch entirely way too much shit. CD Red supported the shit out of the Witcher and I expect them to do the same here. The Witcher games were way too enjoyable of a series for me that I could never turn my back on the company for making ONE subpar game.

This weird thing some gamers have where they feel betrayed is strange to me. If CD did this for multiple games....ok. ONE fucking game? Jesus. Yes, it was unplayable on old consoles, had glitches. They offered refunds. No one here ever brought home a pc game where they had the recommended settings only for the game to run like ass (Original Farcry, I'm looking at you)? Did we cry and pound sand? No! We said "Fuck, guess it's time to upgrade my pc.".


Doubt they can.

But ideally just make the next gen upgrade as amazing as possible, treat it as a big deal and use the instance to sort of relaunch the game ("augmented edition" or some shit).
Don't just focus on technical aspects, also improve the game itself with new mechanics and features as well as fixes and improvements based on player feedback (cops, shitty NPC AI, etc).


Gold Member
A lot of gamers are pretty much male Karens but in this case the resentment was justified. This isn't about a game not respecting their time or Ludo narrative dissonance or complaining it is not fun because it isn't over the top and lighthearted. This is about a game that flat out did not work on the biggest install bases.


Gold Member
You never hear about the game except for patches so the game interest is dead. I dont think the next gen patch (which is supposed to come out this quarter according to their vague road map) will either.

Only thing that might bring out core fans is if that MP mode they mentioned comes out and is good. Make MP F2P and given the cool cyberpunk setting might be a big hit as the most popular shooters are military games or cartoony Fortnite/Apex.
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They need the PS5/XSX versions to run flawlessly, with a reasonable amount of added content/DLC and relaunch it as the definitive edition. I'd abandon the game after that - from my understanding, there is a good game in there but its core mechanics aren't special. I'd take the lessons learned here and apply them to future projects with the IP.

I think people had Witcher 3 level expectations for this game, but got Witcher 1 instead (I recall that game being jank as hell, at least for my PC at the time). The deception is inexcusable, but the learning curve is understandable. They overpromised, lied, and underdelivered. If they had simply underdelivered, I think people would be excited for sequels that expanded on CP2077's foundation. We could then imagine a Witcher 1-3 like progression for this IP. Instead, they released a game that wasn't even competent - that's why the PS5/XSX versions are critical in my opinion. If CP2077 becomes a showcase RPG for the nextgen consoles, all will be fine. CD Projekt's reputation is another story.....
I'm hoping for a multiplayer similar to GTA 5. The city is just incredible and the best part of the game in my opinion. The NPC's/quests are about as shit as Dying Light/Dead Island, beyond saving. I'd wait another two years to play its online it if it actually was released polished with content. I don't expect this to happen.
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