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How can cd projekt red resuscitate general excitement for cyberpunk?


From the news I'm reading recently, the sales have supposedly picked up again, so I don't know if they really have to do anything except further marketing? IMO they should wait for their next big free DLC to drop and then jump back on the marketing/hype machine once again like they did during the launch, and let it snowball with further DLCs.


Gold Member
There's nothing they can do. It's a meme now because some people are butthurt that it doesn't run well on a 2013 Jaguar CPU.

The PS4 Pro/PS5, One X/XSX, and PC versions are completely playable and it's a great game.

But you have some people who will never forgive the game for not running well on an eight year old console.

If they couldn't make it run acceptably on the consoles it was originally announced for they should have cancelled those versions. But they didn't. They released them knowing they were shit, and hid them away and lied about them before release to lure as many people as possible into the trap. Nobody who bought this game for the base PS4 or XBO is in the wrong here or should be ridiculed for it. They SHOULD be butthurt. "What did you expect" isn't an acceptable response after CDPR misled those people into buying the game.

(I personally never bought the game, so this is not me defending myself, I just find this victim blaming awful.)
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Data Ghost

I might be wrong but I think they might have blown their chance with Cyberpunk. It may be done and dusted. I have no interest in a next gen update for my Series X at this point as the game is still filled with bugs in its current state.

The vision was excellent, the marketing looked top notch, but the actual game needed YEARS more development.
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Classic case of over promise and under deliver. I don't have any interest in this game currently and won't until it drops to $19.99 out of principle.
They can't. unless it's fixed and has a whole load of new content added. I don't see that happening for a good few years that's if they stick to their guns and continue working on it.


it's it's more that 6 months and what has been done? Fixing so it runs on base last-gen consoles...somewhat. WOW
Plus a few other things…

Patch 1.2 - Couldn’t copy paste it all because there is a 30000 letter limit

There has been other patches too but that was the biggest one.
Cyberpunk 2077 was more anticipated. Everybody and their mother was looking forward to this game and no matter what it could have never lived to the game people had in their heads. The fact that they actually did fumble the release makes it even worse. Gamers are vindictive towards games that are perfectly fine so imagine how worse it is when they have a real reason to be angry.
You can say that again.

I'll still never wrap my head around people being pissed we're getting Diablo on iPhone when they already knew D4 was in development. Who gets angry about more Diablo? Madness.

Sean Murray and Hello Games can finally rest now that they've become the poster child for developer redemption.

What they did with NMS truly is astounding.

If it weren't for FFXIV's massive turnaround they'd be pinnacle of it.
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After the shitstorm generated it will hardly return to shine ... however there are people (me for example) who are still waiting for the current gen version and that in any case they are eager to play it regardless of the thoughts of others.
I thought was always going to be the case (free upgrade)?
it is. if you've bought the game on Xbox One and are playing on an Xbox Series X then you'll be able to download the Xbox Series X version instead of the Xbox One version. Cyberpunk was confirmed to support Smart Delivery.

"How Smart Delivery Works

Whether you own a digital version or a physical disc of the game, just launch it on your Xbox One or Xbox Series X|S console and we’ll install the best available version. On Xbox Series X|S, if the Xbox Series X|S optimised version of the game isn’t available yet, you’ll play the backward compatible version. Once the Xbox Series X|S optimised version is released, it will automatically replace the backward compatible version."

I don't know what the deal is with Sony but I imagine it's the same. You own the PS4 version and a PS5 you get to play the PS5 version.
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iron out all of the big technical kinks and release a repackaged 'Upgraded' edition that includes a preloaded expansion and a download key for future expansions, including a multiplayer mode that would give the game longer legs. They can do cosmetic micro-transactions in multiplayer to have a revenue stream, to pay for all of the free shit their giving away, but everything game altering should be free and accessible through leveling up.


Gold Member
The game is not great at it's core. It's ok. It will never live up to the hype it generated. That opportunity is lost.

Here are the things CD Projekt Red would have to fix:
- Combat feels dull (especially melee combat)...they should have stuck to 3rd person.
- The story is interesting, but still needs continuity. It's broken up so much by boring side quests. This is an issue TW3 did not have.
- Obviously the bugs could use some work, but I played through it on PC and though it was largely unpolished it wasn't unplayable. Still it breaks immersion a bit too much for my tastes.
- Flesh out the environment. Too many things are meaningless in Cyberpunk. They have these interactive vids you can interact with in real time...and actually sell some at the local shops. I think you can buy them, but you can't use them and they do nothing.
- the driving still feels terrible. I always look for a fast travel point to go anywhere.
- Weapons are uninspired. They have, elements I guess, but when fighting enemies it doesn't feel consequential to use a certain element against certain enemies. Swords are OP.
- Crafting is largely unnecessary. Leveling crafting is worse than it is in Skyrim. You just make guns or armor you will probably never use, just to gain experience to craft what you really want. There's no sense of progression.
- Hacking is useful, but i feel it was done better in Watch Dogs. There's only one hacking minigame.

I could go on honestly.
make the previously announced paid expansion(s) free to all owners but that going forward any future content updates will be exclusive to PS5/XSX/PC. announce they are rebooting the game with a free "enhanced edition" update (that reworks stuff like the main story, city exploration/interraction, weapons, combat, driving, etc) and that there will be 3-4 paid expansions in addition to more free content updates.

it'll never happen though. the reality is they'll put out the free dlc, ps5/xsx versions, a couple paid expansions and then they'll go hide away for a while before announcing Witcher 4.




I don't know, weirdly, I feel, Cyberpunk is... not totally fucked? :goog_injured:

I mean, total PR disaster, total laughing stock in gaming circles, absolutely a hole to dig out of -yes- all of that. But, there's still a vibe I'm getting that people want this game and want more of this world. It's influential and in the zeitgeist, even though it is infamous. Cyberpunk is constantly in conversations about the best of next-gen graphics, it's ripped off all day every day in MOD circles of like people making their own Unreal Engine test levels, there are a billion Steam and indie games that mention "a cyberpunk world" in their description where once they would have used "futuristic" or "technologically-advanced". Sales numbers were still big for Cyberpunk (albeit most of that was from pre-orders cashing through, and it is still millions shy of expected figures,) as Zywypl said sales are said to be on a cautious upswing, and the game could pop again when the next-gen versions officially release if they deliver the experience well (and particularly if there's any kind of that rumored rebuild/resurrection attempt going on for the high-end versions.)

People want Cyberpunk, they just don't want it to suck.

Somehow, there's still goodwill left for the Cyberpunk development team, and whether the Cyberpunk management can actually ever let the Cyberpunk franchise be what it should be... maybe, maybe not? Responses on this thread offers very little hope for Cyberpunk's future, so maybe I've just got a skewed view of what's going on out there, but I don't feel they salted and torched these fields totally.

Fare thee well

I feel like some problems with the game run so fundamentally deep, you'd have to rebuild from the ground up and I don't see them doing that. I did enjoy the game and did two playthroughs, so I didn't hate it. It was just.... okay. Only slightly better than a bland ubisoft game like watchdogs.
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Who the hell... sleeps with half their body off the bed?
I do. This is actually one of my most common napping positions. I'm not a big napper, but when I need one, I don't even get my entire body to the bed.

Sleeping at night? No way. Whose bodies allow them to sleep at night?
I feel like some problems with the game run so fundamentally deep, you'd have to rebuild from the ground up and I don't see them doing that. I did enjoy the game and did two playthroughs, so I didn't hate it. It was just.... okay. Only slightly better than a bland ubisoft game like watchdogs.
I'm just curious. Do you usually do multiple playthroughs of a game that you found to be "just okay"? Cause honestly if I found a game to be just okay I probably wouldn't even finish it, let alone do multiple runs. (Btw I do agree that cyberpunk is ok-to-good only. But it wasn't good enough for me to finish a playthrough).

Kagey K

Turns out all they had to do was sell it again and the excitement would generate itself.

Who knew that forum dwellers would hate it, but the general public would eat it up. 🤷‍♂️

Fare thee well

I'm just curious. Do you usually do multiple playthroughs of a game that you found to be "just okay"? Cause honestly if I found a game to be just okay I probably wouldn't even finish it, let alone do multiple runs. (Btw I do agree that cyberpunk is ok-to-good only. But it wasn't good enough for me to finish a playthrough).
Honestly it's probably my OCD to complete something I already put 25% or more into, haha. Or maybe it's like when you are hungry and the food sucks, but you finish the food anyway 😆.

The second playthrough I don't have an excuse except that it just bugged me that I picked a lot of useless gear, traits, and my first character looked like ass. 🤪
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Gold Member
I think a solid ps5/Xbox updated release would help. There still isn’t a lot of good stuff coming out. People would clamor for it (if it were good with maybe some new content).


Cyber Punk 2077 Uncut
-third person gameplay with fluid gameplay mechanics.
-online like gta v.
-partition save files.
-an entire reworks means another +3 years.
They cannot get all that done within the year for next gen upgrade launch. I’m estimating a one year anniversary, soft launch to meet promises.


There's nothing they can do. It's a meme now because some people are butthurt that it doesn't run well on a 2013 Jaguar CPU.

The PS4 Pro/PS5, One X/XSX, and PC versions are completely playable and it's a great game.

But you have some people who will never forgive the game for not running well on an eight year old console.
Someone in leadership should have made the very difficult decision of cancelling the PS4/Xbox versions because they knew they couldn’t deliver what they wanted on them.

Now, they need to get on the phone with the No Man’s Sky team and follow their strategy. They need to disappear, work really hard, and drop a super polished version for current gen.

The game is already a wrap for me. I’ll never play it at this point, but that would be a strategy if you want to get people to give it a chance and try to mend your company’s reputation. I can’t recall a more fumbled game than this one.


What time is it?
Outsource the IP to a developer that understands how to make an open world game focused around large cities.

Kagey K

#1 Game on Sony digital games, needs more fixing.

I always wondered if retarded people knew they were stunted, now I know.
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Von Hugh

Cyber Punk 2077 Uncut
-third person gameplay with fluid gameplay mechanics.
-online like gta v.
-partition save files.
-an entire reworks means another +3 years.
They cannot get all that done within the year for next gen upgrade launch. I’m estimating a one year anniversary, soft launch to meet promises.

- uncut penises


I’m sure there are marketing gurus that can make it happen.
The game sold too well initially and lots of people got a taste of that rotten steak. Now how do you sell them steak again? New ownership, new menu, new ad campaign, new naming scheme, visible substantive changes.
The IP is to valuable and the feedback is overwhelming... to not be able to deliver a sale-able game would only prove utter incompetence. Take 1-2 years, make The changes, relaunch: Cyberpunk 2077 Redux (free upgrade to current owners)


Has there been any reporting on what went wrong? Haven’t seen a postmortem.. The publisher wanted a holiday 2020 launch, they had to cut stuff for time? Or were they so confident after The Witcher 3 that they underestimated how hard it would be to exceed it in a brand new genre? A first-person city shooter/RPG is very different from an open world ARPG..


AI improvements, new shops (car mods?), side activities (where's pool?), some kind of flying vehicle (jetpack maybe?) and a decent expansion.


If they fixed the game, they only have to show expansion sized dlc in their trailer and people will come back in droves.
Assuming if they fixed the game.


they can't, the excitement was based on a game that was never actually in development

and that's the same no matter which side one was expecting..a futuristic gta or a cyberpunk rpg

Null Persp

I've played and enjoyed (on pc) even with its fault, great characters ,story and atmosphere.
I am only interested in a Blood and Wine style expansion.
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By showing they are dedicated to it over the long term ala Witcher 3, No Man's Sky.

I'm still going to try it one day. I didn't have unrealistic expectations for it like many.

Winter John

They just need to remove all the guns, gangs and crime. Change the main characters into teenage girls. They could have a good hearted, book smart one. A cynical, streetwise tough who's been hurt in the past. A sassy joker who's always ready with a one liner. Together they go on a heartwarming journey of self discovery. Where they learn to love, laugh and attract Instagram followers. Get that beard from Naughty Dog to write it and it'll have the slobs clutching their tampons in no time.


World’s Biggest Weeb
They just need to remove all the guns, gangs and crime. Change the main characters into teenage girls. They could have a good hearted, book smart one. A cynical, streetwise tough who's been hurt in the past. A sassy joker who's always ready with a one liner. Together they go on a heartwarming journey of self discovery. Where they learn to love, laugh and attract Instagram followers. Get that beard from Naughty Dog to write it and it'll have the slobs clutching their tampons in no time.
Make sure they are each different ethnicities, and one of them should be gay. Then I’m in.
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