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I do not mind delays!


Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
I get it's frustrating to be waiting on a game and then gets hit with a massive delay. In some cases, delays can happen multiple times and for multiple years. It's ok to be disappointed but you should understand the alternative is far worse.

Games rushed out to a meet dead line that clearly needs more time. Examples like No man's sky and Cyberpunk 2077 come to mind. Often times these games get launched with known issues while the developer hopes to fix the issues with patches. I for one would rather play a finished polished product then a a half assed one that releases on time. Publishers like Nintendo and Rockstar are well known for their huge delays but for the most part their games are always polished upon release. I get delays suck but I understand it's part of the process!

*There are cases where delays are inexcusable due to various pour reasons. Cyberpunk mentioned earlier was simply inexcusable with the amount of time they had, Too Human is another example that was over a decade. Thats just two examples but you get the point. Often times these games finally release and end up mediocre to piss poor.
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If the delays actually made a difference I'd agree more often, but most of the time games get delayed and end up still coming out broken and unfinished.

The truth is, that game companies need to stop chasing the world of blockbuster films and treating games in the same manner, stop revealing games with shitty logo reveals and without a solid release window. Stop teasing games before you even have a development strategy.

I know people want to know what's being worked on and we all get excited at E3 for game reveals but it's shockingly clear that most games are revealed without any planning or critical thinking behind them.

Bring back the days of games being revealed and coming out 6 months later.

Kev Kev

just stop announcing release dates prematurely.i understand the idea of deadlines fueling a sense of urgency in workflow but delays are a huge buzzkill and should not become an industry standard (anymore than they already are, at least). fans hate it and its a really bad look on a dev

that being said, i personally dont mind it all that much. im just patient (probably too patient tbh), and i have plenty of other things in my life to keep me busy. i never pick up games on release day anyway so they are early completely off my radar until months, sometimes years, after release


I don't mind delayed games but I dislike delayed orgasms:

aint nobody got time for that GIF


Since starfield, breath of wild 2 got delayed, and no news about ragnorak. All that left for me is skull and bones.
Hope they released it this year.


I didn't mind delays in 360 era. So many games releasing EACH MONTH.
Now we get big AAA games maybe.... 1 or 2 per year if that? AA no longer exists and Indie games are depression simulators 90% of the time.
Look at 2007 and especially 2011. This ain't happening again


Reseterror Resettler
Shigeru Miyamoto: A delayed game is delayed, which means you don't get to play it, while Breath of the Wild is already out, you should buy that shit. I like double cheeseburgers. There's a small Cafe in Seattle that also sells t-shirts with custom designs but it takes two weeks to make them. A delayed shirt is good eventually, but no shirt means naked Miyamoto-San. Miyamoto-sans-shirt. Hahaha,"


I didn't mind delays in 360 era. So many games releasing EACH MONTH.
Now we get big AAA games maybe.... 1 or 2 per year if that? AA no longer exists and Indie games are depression simulators 90% of the time.
Look at 2007 and especially 2011. This ain't happening again

Today i was thinking about this

Man, just look at 2010: God of War 3, RDR, Castlevania Lords of Shadow, Dante's Inferno, Enslaved, Heavy Rain, Darksiders, Bayonetta 2

So many AAA linear action-adventure games back then

Now you get these massive open-world games and indie games, but nothing in between
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Today i was taking about this

Man, just look at 2010: God of War 3, RDR, Castlevania Lords of Shadow, Dante's Inferno, Enslaved, Heavy Rain, Darksiders, Bayonetta 2

So many AAA linear action-adventure games back then

Now you get these massive open-world games and indie games, but nothing in between
Yeah. I just gave 2007 and 2011 as examples but there are so many games, that creating top 10 is actually very hard!
The 2010 you posted was CRAZY too. Aside from what you posted: Alan Wake, Mass Effect 2, Black Ops, Amnesia, Strarcraft2, new vegas, bad company 2, halo reach, AC Brotherhood, just cause 2.
Tons of games. Now... what we had this year of similar significance ?
Vampire Survivors (lol I know)
Horizon Forbidden West. Disapointing.
Elden Ring - amazing but also imo not as good as trilogy.
Dying Light 2 ?


I'm old enough to not really noyicr whether a week or month or a year has passed, so delays mean very little to me.

Give me a good game, not an unfinished one.


And i just don't know why

Is it the "pandemic"?
Are the devs/publishers too focused on GaaS, MP, Co-op and huge open-worlds?
People don't like linear games anymore?

Also, imo, there are way too many indie games.


King of Gaslighting
Just don't announce the game until 6 months before it's ready. Do not announce the game during press releases just to show something is coming 2-10 years down the line

This is what made FO4, the leadup to release (including QuakeCon and the other events where the game was shown) so fantastic (including that brutal final weekend where people had the game and were posting video clips like the guy who saved in the middle of a death cycle). Everyone knew the game was coming and many had correctly guessed where it was going to be focused on, but that announcement trailer hit like a ton of bricks. . .followed up by the E3 release date.

. . .absolutely should have followed the same schedule with STARFIELD and is what I hope Bethesda does with TES.


has been asked to post in 'Grounded' mode.
Yeah. I just gave 2007 and 2011 as examples but there are so many games, that creating top 10 is actually very hard!
The 2010 you posted was CRAZY too. Aside from what you posted: Alan Wake, Mass Effect 2, Black Ops, Amnesia, Strarcraft2, new vegas, bad company 2, halo reach, AC Brotherhood, just cause 2.
Tons of games. Now... what we had this year of similar significance ?
Vampire Survivors (lol I know)
Horizon Forbidden West. Disapointing.
Elden Ring - amazing but also imo not as good as trilogy.
Dying Light 2 ?
Sifu is AA and it's fire. There's also a lot of good stuff from Japan coming this year


I mind.

People specifically take multiple days off on release and you just delay? That sucks especially when delays are announced close to release.


I get it's frustrating to be waiting on a game and then gets hit with a massive delay. In some cases, delays can happen multiple times and for multiple years. It's ok to be disappointed but you should understand the alternative is far worse.

Games rushed out to a meet dead line that clearly needs more time. Examples like No man's sky and Cyberpunk 2077 come to mind. Often times these games get launched with known issues while the developer hopes to fix the issues with patches. I for one would rather play a finished polished product then a a half assed one that releases on time. Publishers like Nintendo and Rockstar are well known for their huge delays but for the most part their games are always polished upon release. I get delays suck but I understand it's part of the process!

*There are cases where delays are inexcusable due to various pour reasons. Cyberpunk mentioned earlier was simply inexcusable with the amount of time they had, Too Human is another example that was over a decade. Thats just two examples but you get the point. Often times these games finally release and end up mediocre to piss poor.
You suck OP.... Get some therapy.


Delay's now are not polishing or bug fixing, they are, "we can't be bothered to make our big games properly or meet a deadline anymore", 5 or 10 years so what, the gamers can wait!,

Smaller games like smaller films being released will not carry an industry forward, i miss how it was 5 to 10 years ago and before.
Meh, it is what it is. If the games had launched buggy and messy then it would've been something else people would beat them over the head with. I've got a PC and multiple consoles so one having issues is no skin off my nose. Dissapointing? Yes, but rather a finished game than a buggy mess that needs years of work put into it (Halo:Infinite for example).

I'm not going to buy into the narrative that MS are so bad at managing their studios that 30+ development studios wont be able to release a good game. I'm simply not entertaining that idea. They had a stellar end to 2021 and snatched up publisher of the year. That said though, they are so hit and miss with their games it's practically a meme at this point. On one hand, you have MSFS2020, Forza Horizon 1-5, GoW, Psychonauts etc, then you have Halo 4, MCC & Infinite which have all been botched, games like Recore, Crackdown and so on which just never done anything spectacular and flopped...

The only real steady producer of games out of all their acquisitions from 2017+ so far has been Playground Games & Double Fine. It's pretty shocking to be honest. Nothing from Compulsion, Obsidian have made grounded (Outer Worlds was in dev before they were bought so i'm not counting it), inXile had Wastelands 3 which never hit big and was in dev from 2016. The Initiative? Nothing and they were made in 2018. Undead Labs? Nothing since SoD2, purchased in 2018. I'm not listing them all but i mean you get the picture here.

My only point is, if Xbox don't start putting out some big hitters in the next year or two then i don't think they ever will.
Delays are no longer what they used to be. It's no longer about polishing the game, it's just marketing now. They give a BS date, ppl get hyped talk about it, then gets delayed, ppl start talking about it, and repeat. Worse if it has preorders because dumbasses will always preorder no matter what.


As I expected. No response. I wish people will stop with these fud responses, instead of waiting for the end of the year. It will save you couple of embarrassment moments.
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