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"I Need a New PC!" 2015 Part 2. Read the OP. Rocking 2500K's until HBM2 and beyond.

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I know you say you don't have patience but I would get some details on what your currently running at vcore wise and temp wise.

I'm running a Maximus VII GENE, with the 4790K on a H100i

On auto settings my 4790k was using 1.28vcore at stock, i managed to lower this to just under 1.2v at stock speeds dropping my load temps in prime by about 15c.

Today i have it running prime stable at 4.6Ghz @ 70c on 1.25v, back when i first got the chip i managed to squeeze 4.8Ghz out of it at 1.3v but the temps were close to 85c in Prime, although no where near the thermal throttle of the chip i like it to be under 80.

Once you find out what your current vcore is try manually setting that vcore with an overclock and test, keep bumping the clock by 100mhz until your stability test crashes, then you either move the speed down to stabilize, or boost voltage.

Alright cool. When I get a chance I'll post an image of my voltage, etc. That would be CPU-Z right? I should clarify, it's all stock as of now.


Quoting myself for new page

Seen quite a lot of water builds with water temps like that. Seems normal.

Cold water can extract heat from a hot thing much better than hot water can. It's the temperature difference between the water and the block that determines the amount of heat transferred.. If you for example tried to run with just one 120mm thin rad, your water temp might go up to 55c but your gpu/cpu would spike like mad.

The more rads you have, the closer the water will get to ambient temperature, so it can take more heat out of the blocks, so it can keep your temps lower all round.
I just wanted to check with you guys will this setup be able to complement the GTX 1080?
Would i require upgrades? If i do could you guys mark what requires some tweaking?

PSU Seasonic 620 Bronze
8x2 Corsair Vengeance Series 16gb
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z77x-UD5H,
Samsung 850 Pro Series MZ-7KE512BW 512GB 2.5 inch SATA III SSD
Samsung Spinpoint F3 1 TB HD,
CPU Cooler Hyper Cooler 212
Intel Processor i7-3770k
Asus VE247 Monitor x 2


I just wanted to check with you guys will this setup be able to complement the GTX 1080?
Would i require upgrades? If i do could you guys mark what requires some tweaking?

PSU Seasonic 620 Bronze
8x2 Corsair Vengeance Series 16gb
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z77x-UD5H,
Samsung 850 Pro Series MZ-7KE512BW 512GB 2.5 inch SATA III SSD
Samsung Spinpoint F3 1 TB HD,
CPU Cooler Hyper Cooler 212
Intel Processor i7-3770k
Asus VE247 Monitor x 2

Is that a 620w PSU?

Thats about the weakest thing i can see, although we have no PSU recommendations yet.

Are you running games on the screens at 3840 x 1080? or just on one screen?


°Temp. member
I just wanted to check with you guys will this setup be able to complement the GTX 1080?
Would i require upgrades? If i do could you guys mark what requires some tweaking?

PSU Seasonic 620 Bronze
8x2 Corsair Vengeance Series 16gb
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z77x-UD5H,
Samsung 850 Pro Series MZ-7KE512BW 512GB 2.5 inch SATA III SSD
Samsung Spinpoint F3 1 TB HD,
CPU Cooler Hyper Cooler 212
Intel Processor i7-3770k
Asus VE247 Monitor x 2

I would just make sure the cpu is overclocked and you should be good to go!


So.. Berry, Tangerine or Lime.


Time to upgrade to mATX


Its a 620W PSU.

I plan on buying this monitor in the near future. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00TUK9D9K/?tag=neogaf0e-20 (the 2560x 1400)

Dependent on the PSU recommendations you may need a slightly more powerful one, especially if overclocking the CPU and GPU.

1440p @ 144fps should do you proud

Not familiar with overclocking and worried that it'll hurt the lifespan of whatever i attempt it on.

Just consider it a free upgrade, if you tweak the voltage manually you'll probably find you can achieve the overclock on the voltage your CPU is already pulling in auto, its a simple process with plenty of guides around, CPU's are a lot more durable nowadays as longas they're kept within acceptable limits f voltage and temperature.
Dependent on the PSU recommendations you may need a slightly more powerful one, especially if overclocking the CPU and GPU.

1440p @ 144fps should do you proud

Like i mentioned to someone prior i am cautious and clueless about overclocking so i probably won't do it. I guess i'll just have to wait until they provide more data regarding the GTX 1080.


Any recommendations for a solid, affordable CPU fan? My computer has been overheating a lot lately. Found out that my front intake fan was failing, so replaced it and added a side intake fan (total of three, along with rear exhaust fan), which helped a lot, but when I was rendering some footage, 2-3 cores soon consistently got above 70 degrees. Stopped the render, but I can't think of anything else other than the (stock) CPU fan (which I have had for over 5 years now) must not be cutting it.

I've already replaced the arctic silver on the CPU itself, so I'm not really sure what else would cause it. Thoughts, or recommendations?

CPU is i5 3470, case is NZXT Source 210.


Any recommendations for a solid, affordable CPU fan? My computer has been overheating a lot lately. Found out that my front intake fan was failing, so replaced it and added a side intake fan (total of three, along with rear exhaust fan), which helped a lot, but when I was rendering some footage, 2-3 cores soon consistently got above 70 degrees. Stopped the render, but I can't think of anything else other than the (stock) CPU fan (which I have had for over 5 years now) must not be cutting it.

I've already replaced the arctic silver on the CPU itself, so I'm not really sure what else would cause it. Thoughts, or recommendations?

what cpu and case do you have? I have a corsair closed loop H50 and my 2500k never goes above 64c when under full load in prime/linx.


Neo Member
Uhh. So I'm wanting to build my first PC but I'm feeling super overwhelmed by pretty much everything. I don't know what many of these terms mean or what different components do or what I need. I'm fairly handy so I think I could put everything together with a youtube video or something, unless its not recommended for a first time builder? Could anyone help me figure out what to buy? Brands? Recommendations? Should I just follow the parts list from the OP?

I'll use the list from the OP as a guide:

1) Budget is probably 500-800 maybe? Preferably lower I guess due to me being in university. I'm Canadian.
2) Main use would be largely be gaming. Along with some general usage, and maybe some emulation if i'm ambitious(?). Gaming doesn't need to be super high settings. I'd just like to get into PC gaming. Something that could play a game like Overwatch or dark souls smoothly I guess? Though I'm not sure if those are super intensive games or not for a entry PC.
3) General use is like school work and youtube/twitch/netflix.
4) Monitor resolution doesn't overly matter to me. 1080p 60fps is preferable I suppose. I'm not a big graphics/fps crazy guy, whatever works. 720/30fps always seemed fine to me but 1080/60 is always nicer. I'd upgrade it someday.
5) Specific games is probably Overwatch at the moment. other lesser important ones off of the top of my head are Dark souls, Counterstrike, TF, maaaaybe GTA5 if I could get away with it? And probably random RPGs. I feel like GTA5 is the most intensive of all those games? 30FPS is fine for me for most games. 60 is obviously a plus though. I don't know what PhysX / SuperSampling / CUDA even are.
6) I'd like to have it built by like August (before school year starts)
7) I don't know what overclocking is so maybe (yes?)?
8) I'm scared of overheating because of my laptop having issues so that would be a place where I'd be willing to spend a bit more. Plus I wouldn't mind having a PC that's able to grow a bit when I upgrade.

I'm really sorry if this is like helping a child. If it's too much work to help that's ok! But if someone could help me pick out some stuff/explain things, I'd be eternally grateful! :)
what cpu and case do you have? I have a corsair closed loop H50 and my 2500k never goes above 64c when under full load in prime/linx.

Sorry, thought I listed that. CPU is i5 3470, case is NZXT Source 210.

Yeah, it only started doing it these past few months. It wasn't that bad at first (occasionally one core would peep above 70 when doing heavy rendering) and thought it was due to my poorly ventilated apartment, but I'm in a more modern apartment now and it's worse than ever.


Ah, then I'll definitely keep this in mind when I replace my WD Black with another 1-2TB SSD. The MATX version only accepts up to two HDD's.

My current case can only support up to two 2.5" drives, so it would be a heck of an improvement for me.

Just crunched the numbers and I don't think I can make it work. Would cost me about $350 to get it into Canada.


My current case can only support up to two 2.5" drives, so it would be a heck of an improvement for me.

Just crunched the numbers and I don't think I can make it work. Would cost me about $350 to get it into Canada.

The MATX version supports only SFX/SFX-L. That's a real shame. Not going to replace my 80+ Plat XP2 just yet.


I got my new RAM to work with my MOBO.


Nothin better than finally getting parts to work in your computer when it just refuses to turn on.

Now the wait for the non reference video cards begins...


I got my new RAM to work with my MOBO.


Nothin better than finally getting parts to work in your computer when it just refuses to turn on.

Now the wait for the non reference video cards begins...

Internet high five.

Was it the bios in the end?


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Hitachi I believe are the most reliable from data a company released on their own usage. Seagates were bad if I recall.
Hitachi has been replaced by HGST, but their quality isn't as good going by Amazon reviews.

I hate mechanical drives. D:

I'll probably get a two, though, and set up RAID 1 on them.

The idea is two have those two drives as (backup) storage. Would that interfere with the OS at all? Looking at the Hero VIII PDF, it seems straight forward to set up.


Now the question is which two drives to get. If I go by the Google method, then I should just get any cheap drives I can find, but I'm also not Google . . .

For now I'm looking at the WD Reds.


I did a small rebuild into a micro-ATX recently so I could have a smaller case. I'll post a photo this weekend - not necessarily proud, but it's a little overbuilt for me maybe? lol.

The real question is, I got a much smaller case but this is still heavy af. Are there any solid PSU that don't weigh a ton? Will need 650W plus -- as I'm doing GTX 970 2-way sli. Currently using the Cooler Master 750W that was suggested on the build sheet in the OP:


OK guys!

I´m getting closer to building my PC.

I have decided on a GTX 1080 and the NZXT S340 Case (white)

First question: Is this case big enough to use two 1080s SLI?

I want to use one of these stock watercooling solutions, but I understand not everyone fits since the radiator sits in the front. Any advice for a (white) cooling system that would fit?

Motherboard with white parts?

White ram? How much do I need?



Uhh. So I'm wanting to build my first PC but I'm feeling super overwhelmed by pretty much everything. I don't know what many of these terms mean or what different components do or what I need. I'm fairly handy so I think I could put everything together with a youtube video or something, unless its not recommended for a first time builder? Could anyone help me figure out what to buy? Brands? Recommendations? Should I just follow the parts list from the OP?

I'll use the list from the OP as a guide:

1) Budget is probably 500-800 maybe? Preferably lower I guess due to me being in university. I'm Canadian.
2) Main use would be largely be gaming. Along with some general usage, and maybe some emulation if i'm ambitious(?). Gaming doesn't need to be super high settings. I'd just like to get into PC gaming. Something that could play a game like Overwatch or dark souls smoothly I guess? Though I'm not sure if those are super intensive games or not for a entry PC.
3) General use is like school work and youtube/twitch/netflix.
4) Monitor resolution doesn't overly matter to me. 1080p 60fps is preferable I suppose. I'm not a big graphics/fps crazy guy, whatever works. 720/30fps always seemed fine to me but 1080/60 is always nicer. I'd upgrade it someday.
5) Specific games is probably Overwatch at the moment. other lesser important ones off of the top of my head are Dark souls, Counterstrike, TF, maaaaybe GTA5 if I could get away with it? And probably random RPGs. I feel like GTA5 is the most intensive of all those games? 30FPS is fine for me for most games. 60 is obviously a plus though. I don't know what PhysX / SuperSampling / CUDA even are.
6) I'd like to have it built by like August (before school year starts)
7) I don't know what overclocking is so maybe (yes?)?
8) I'm scared of overheating because of my laptop having issues so that would be a place where I'd be willing to spend a bit more. Plus I wouldn't mind having a PC that's able to grow a bit when I upgrade.

I'm really sorry if this is like helping a child. If it's too much work to help that's ok! But if someone could help me pick out some stuff/explain things, I'd be eternally grateful! :)

If you want to build it by August than please wait before buying anything at all. AMD is going to launch its new Polaris GPU architecture soon (couple of weeks) and this might be something for you. According to rumors AMD doesn't want to compete with Nividas high end gpus but they want to shake up the mainstream and lower budget sector witch cards performing @ 390/970 levels but at a lower price, lower power consumption etc.
And the outlook is promising atm, but of course we'll have to wait for benchmarks/reviews first!

For the rest an skylake i3 build is most probably the way to go for you. But it's too early to put something together now. Prices will change a bit till August. (+/- a couple of bugs here and there can change a lot on a small budget build).


I managed to get a "new" 970 Gaming G1 from Amazon Warehouse a couple of months ago for £185 and so far it had been excellent and really considering it was new (was only Amazon Warehouse as the box had some damage) it was a complete bargain.

However with the announcement of the 1070 (which would be a natural upgrade I guess) I checked with Amazon and they are still happy for me to send it back to them for a full refund meaning I could put the money towards the upgrade.

Here's where things are fuzzy for me though. If I'd paid full price for it at roughly £270 then the return would be a no brainer and I might as well put that money towards a 1070 for what will likely be a similar price. However really at £185 I paid the price of a 960 for a 970. So given the UK price of the 970 has always hovered around the £300 mark shall I just keep my bargain card or is it still worth getting my £185 back to put towards a 1070? I recognise this might be a difficult one to answer with any certainty before benchmarks and proper aftermarket prices get announced but I would really appreciate some advice from people who know how these GPU gen upgrades normally go.

P.S I play at 1080p at the moment but would like to invest in at least a 1440p screen soon.


Just a quick question, I'm currently sitting on 8gb ram and keep thinking about upgrading to 16gb.
Currently using Samsung green M379B5273DH0-YK0, which was all the rage a few years ago. I never actually overclocked it, only bought it because it was cheap. I know this ram was really sought after, is this still the case? Is it worth trying to sell it?


OK guys!

I´m getting closer to building my PC.

I have decided on a GTX 1080 and the NZXT S340 Case (white)

First question: Is this case big enough to use two 1080s SLI?

I want to use one of these stock watercooling solutions, but I understand not everyone fits since the radiator sits in the front. Any advice for a (white) cooling system that would fit?

Motherboard with white parts?

White ram? How much do I need?


Bumping my post with one additional question.

I could also go with golden highlights on my mainboard and ram.

Any idea if golden ram exists that matches the golden highlights of this:




Finally built both computers over the weekend. I kinda borked the thermal paste application on mine - running about 4 degrees warmer under load (59 C) than my wife's. I knew it wasn't great when it went on but nowhere near failure levels so I'm ok with that.

Was just in time to get some Overwatch action in... Now to butter my wife up and convince her we need Gsync monitors.
I'm looking for some advice. I'm rebuilding my system towards to middle to end of this year, once Pascal, Polaris and Kaby Lake (Is Kaby even a word? Should have called it Kirby :p) out.

In terms of acoustics, what the quietest option for CPU coolers?

Something like:
a Noctua NH-D15 or BeQuiet Dark Rock Pro 3 OR
a Noctua NH-U14S or a BeQuiet Dark Rock 3 OR
a watercooling solution like the H100i, but with Noctua fans instead of the stock ones? Would that not be noisier as I'd have to remove the moduvents from my Fractal Design R5 to mount the radiator?

My current system is probably already quieter than 80% of other systems, but I want my new build to ridiculously quiet. I basically live in a forest, and well... I like the quiet. :p

I'll be getting rid of my 3 HDDs, they're going into my NAS. So I'll be running two SSD's: a 250GB for windows and a 500GB for storage. I'll probably get an i5 K chip, push to 4.0Ghz and pair it with either a 1070, or a Polaris 11 card. I'm leaning towards AMD because I want to use FreeSync with the LG 21:9 monitor I have my eye on. Even if a Gysnc one existed, it would cost double than the Freesync one thanks to SA prices.

Anyone have any other tips related to stupidly quiet builds?


I'm looking for some advice. I'm rebuilding my system towards to middle to end of this year, once Pascal, Polaris and Kaby Lake (Is Kaby even a word? Should have called it Kirby :p) out.

In terms of acoustics, what the quietest option for CPU coolers?

Something like:
a Noctua NH-D15 or BeQuiet Dark Rock Pro 3 OR
a Noctua NH-U14S or a BeQuiet Dark Rock 3 OR
a watercooling solution like the H100i, but with Noctua fans instead of the stock ones? Would that not be noisier as I'd have to remove the moduvents from my Fractal Design R5 to mount the radiator?

My current system is probably already quieter than 80% of other system, but I want my new build to ridiculously quiet. I basically live in a forest, and well... I like the quiet. :p

I'll be getting rid of my 3 HDDs, they're going into my NAS. So I'll be running two SSD's: a 250GB for windows and a 500GB for storage. I'll probably get an i5 K chip, and pair it with either a 1070, or a Polaris 11 card. I'm leaning towards AMD because I want to use FreeSync with the LG 21:9 monitor I have my eye on. Even if a Gysnc one existed, it would cost double than the Freesync one thanks to SA prices.

Anyone have any other tips related to stupidly quiet builds?

Getting of HDDs is a good idea for reducing noise. Do you have your SSDs yet? 1TB Mushkin is really cheap compared to the rest...I ended up going with that.

I got an H110i, but I recommend going with an air cooler. The water coolers perform really well, but the minimum noise level is definitely higher than an air cooler. Both the Noctua and Be Quiet will be great. If you're going for ultimate silence, you'll probably also want to keep your overclock a 100-200MHz below your maximum...so aim for 4.5 or 4.6GHz.

You might want to look at getting a fan controller if you want the ultimate control over your cooling, though you can usually achieve the same or similar results using your motherboard or resistors if your fans are connected directly to your PSU. My previous build had a fan controller and I had all my fans running at 400RPM. It was glorious.

Also, you'll want to use a non reference GPU cooler. If you're in the market for a new GPU, the bigger and more fans there are, the better. It will dump a lot of hot air into your case, but as long as your airflow is adequate, it will be a lot quieter than the reference blower style coolers.


Junior Member
So... I still have yet to OC my 4670k. It's been running at 3.5GHz for the last two and a half years. This is because I haven't really seen explanations for which games will actually get performance boosts from faster clock speeds (other than ArmA).

More importantly, I haven't seen benchmarks that make comparisons of the same CPU running one specific game (like I don't know, GTA V or Witcher 3) at OC vs stock speeds.

ACE 1991

Alright guys, I'm going to pickup all the parts needed to upgrade from Sandy Bridge to Skylake tonight and I have some questions:

1) I'm just going to wipe my hard drive and start over, but I'd like to preserve a bunch of game saves that are on steam. What is the best way to do this for games that don't save to the cloud?

2) Is creating a Windows 10 boot drive on a USB the best way to install it when doing my system rebuild?
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