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I think "gamers" isn't an appropiate term anymore


It's such a weird term. I used it back in my teenage years but that was a long time ago. All it means is that it is your primary hobby.


Would "interactive video entertainment enthusiast" sound more sophisticated?

Seriously though, I'll just stick with gamer for simplicity, or if you need to be more specific, a video gamer.


Unconfirmed Member
Click me


I've always felt uncomfortable with the word gamer even before a lot of people started getting upset about it.

I guess in a way it's harmless. A gamer plays games. I play games therefore I am a gamer.

That's excluding any associations or connotations. I just don't like being labelled for something I enjoy. I hate being called a musician because I play some instruments. I'm not an artist because I like to draw and paint.

I do these things because they are fun. They aren't me and don't define me. I'm part of the gaming community and if someone wants to call me a gamer then fine. I think of my self as a gaming fan/enthusiast.

It's all a bit silly really. I honestly don't think about it too much. If people want to do that and get upset about it then knock yourself out. I'm just gonna be off playing my games while you all work it out.


Gold Member
I've never really asked someone if they were a 'gamer'.

Always "You play games? Oh? Like PC or console?"

Then if they ask I respond, "Yeah mostly play on PC, console usually PS or Switch".

But yeah, the word "Gamer" is never brought up unless its joke form as in "Gamers Rise Up!"


I've always felt uncomfortable with the word gamer even before a lot of people started getting upset about it.

I guess in a way it's harmless. A gamer plays games. I play games therefore I am a gamer.

That's excluding any associations or connotations. I just don't like being labelled for something I enjoy. I hate being called a musician because I play some instruments. I'm not an artist because I like to draw and paint.

I do these things because they are fun. They aren't me and don't define me. I'm part of the gaming community and if someone wants to call me a gamer then fine. I think of my self as a gaming fan/enthusiast.

It's all a bit silly really. I honestly don't think about it too much. If people want to do that and get upset about it then knock yourself out. I'm just gonna be off playing my games while you all work it out.
I've never really asked someone if they were a 'gamer'.

Always "You play games? Oh? Like PC or console?"

Then if they ask I respond, "Yeah mostly play on PC, console usually PS or Switch".

But yeah, the word "Gamer" is never brought up unless its joke form as in "Gamers Rise Up!"

Yeah i feel like i should definitely have chosen a different title.
This really isn't about the label "gamer" at all as much as it is about the notion that "playing games" isn't a single unified hobby anymore. I just used it for covenience's sake.
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Gold Member
Yeah i feel like i should definitely have chosen a different title.
This really isn't about the label "gamer" at all as much as it is about the notion that "playing games" isn't a single unified hobby anymore. I just used it for covenience's sake.
I see your point. I still think someone who plays JRPGS/Visual Novels can be considered gamers. You start putting lines down and it can become a slippery slope to straight up gatekeeping.

Maybe as a lot of people have mentioned other words like 'player' will just organically come about instead.

But I get where you are coming from. Like the difference between foodie vs normal eating habits.

Not drunk here, either.


OP, I think you were trying to go deeper than just fleshing out the term in your initial post and I appreciate that.

There’s a conversation to be had about where the industry is going too with the fact that gaming may be more popular than it has ever been right now. Everyone “games” to some extent these days. You would honestly have a hard time not gaming, it’s everywhere, even on Facebook for the grannies as we all know.

Some people are just more passionate about games than others and while I respect my wife’s casual Candy Crush addiction, I don’t respect her gaming chops!

I’ve had several drinks.
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OP, I think you were trying to go deeper than just fleshing out the term in your initial post and I appreciate that.

There’s a conversation to be had about where the industry is going too with the fact that gaming may be more popular than it has ever been right now. Everyone “games” to some extent these days. You would honestly have a hard time not gaming, it’s everywhere, even on Facebook for the grannies as we all know.

Some people are just more passionate about games than others and while I respect my wife’s casual Candy Crush addiction, I don’t respect her gaming chops!

I’ve had several drinks.
I guess being passionate would be one way to put it. Still you could be passionate about very different types of games, or maybe hobbies that just happened to line up with games some times, like liking books and consequently also liking Visual Novels. Liking animes and also liking jrpgs. Liking movies and also liking cinematic games.

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Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Been a gamer since 1989 and will stay that way until I quit gaming.


Gamers are perfectly fine. Nerds and weebs exist too. Nothing bad about them too. As long as you play games and enjoy your escapism, you are a gamer. Ppl who care about their hobbies are never bad ppl. Ppl who is using other ppl hobbies to move their agendas is never good and will never belong no matter the therm.


Gold Member
The knee jerk reaction to everything involving video games made the term feel shitty after a while. That’s mainly because there’s a broader audience. There’s multiplayer centered gamers, YouTube gamers, people who play whatever on Twitch, those who stick to AAA games, and etc.

I love learning and playing video games. It’s just some parts of gaming suck to me, so I don’t focus on that part. I don’t focus on genres I don’t like or that god awful aesthetic vendors have made for gamers. I don’t like video games because someone is posing in a jersey in front of their gaming headphones. That type of gaming makes me run away.

I think the term is fine, but gamers are different. We are all different. The 10 year old stereotype for Xbox Live, the F2P early Access gamer, or the person playing a video game for the hell of it. Just because you enjoy video games doesn’t mean you’re the same as some kid who gets punished for being a dick. So I think there’s some misconception and confusion when you hear the term gamer. No way does the term “gamer” define the enjoyment that can come with video games.

Another thing I’ve noticed are reaction videos. Man, do I feel less important than watching someone else get excited. It’s like I’m smiling at a stranger and not getting any credit for enjoying whatever it is they’re excited about. I realize the world doesn’t revolve around me, but this medium runs on random people who do the same exact thing. I use to love the uniqueness of buying a Japanese PS1 game because no one else had that reaction. They had one for whatever was mainstream. The thing is, I love mainstream too. It just feels like it all blends together. Like my play through doesn’t mean anything because 10 other people posted their “ultimate gamer response” to beating a mainstream game.


I prefer to call myself a procrastinator since i spend more time staring at my screen and posting on here or Era instead of actually playing games anymore. :(


I hate the world. All it describes is cancer and more cancer and pure cancer, it's youtubers and gamers and reactioners and insert-profession coaches and digital influencers... JESUS FUCKING CHRIST


Ignoring pejorative connotations the word has been given by some, over the years i've been feeling more and more disconnect from what we would consider "the gaming audience". I absolutely don't get excited by the same things, think some beloved games are absolutely boring, all while others feel the same about the things i like and get excited about. It isn't even simply about different opinions, its like we're looking through completely different lens.

Thinking about this a bit, i believe it has a lot to do with how games have been "branching out". We have completely different sets of games made with completely different purposes in mind, with such purposes often leaning towards certain types of media and entertainment.
We have esports, which by the name we can see leans towards the notion of sport and competition.
We have all those cinematic AAA games, which lean towards movies.
We have certain RPGs and visual novels leaning heavily towards books.
And a whole lot of other types that lean towards social media, toys, puzzles, etc.

We often find ourselves within some of these categories, some times even and making fun of other types. We can even draw some parallels from realities of different industries, such as comparing the console wars with comic book wars (DC vs Marvel stuff) or all the gossip and drama from hollywood being also present on dev and game journalists circles.

Ultimately, i can't help but ponder.
Can we really consider a guy who mainly plays visual novels and jrpgs and a guy who only plays FIFA as really having "the same hobby"? That is, "playing games"? A "gamer"? Even though the interest for their hobby are completely different in nature, like comparing someone who plays ball with someone who watchs anime?

Just rambling a bit.
I'm not drunk.
The only people who I consider not to be gamers are the mums and dads and kids and people who download and play shitty mobile games and nothing else. For them to be called gamers infuriates me! lol

Kagey K

I think most of the people here are “arguers Over critic scores” then gamers themselves.

Everyone would rather talk Metacritc and sales, instead of personal experience.

You can’t be a gamer if you don’t play the games.


People who play board games are gamers too. I don't see why we need a new term. There are so many different forms of motorsports, yet we only have 2 terms for pilots of those vehicles, drivers and riders. Drivers can be used to refer to all of them, but motorcycles are more traditionally ridden than driven. I don't think we'd need to find a new term to define drivers. When you want to get more detailed, slap an adjective on it. RPG gamer, or casual gamer, or board gamer. That's enough to differentiate. No one really cares anyway. To non-gamers we're just a bunch of nerds, dorks, and dweebs.


i even dislike the term "playing" a game. In Japanese makes more sense they use the been shimasu which is "making".


Why would you ever feel the need to label yourself due to your hobbies?

I love playing video games, and I am a huge fan of old shool/underground Metal.

The day I call myself a "Metalhead gamer" is when I have woken up in the Bizarro world or something.

I also don't feel the need to label myself based on my ethnicity, sexual orientation or eventual disabilities.

"Hi, my name is HogofWar and I'm a Finno-Swedish hetero Metalhead Gamer (he/him)" 🥴
And then when I don't get the job I applied for by using that introduction I can blame the fact that I am a Finno-Swedish hetero Metalhead Gamer! Amazing now that I think of it.
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Ignoring pejorative connotations the word has been given by some, over the years i've been feeling more and more disconnect from what we would consider "the gaming audience". I absolutely don't get excited by the same things, think some beloved games are absolutely boring, all while others feel the same about the things i like and get excited about. It isn't even simply about different opinions, its like we're looking through completely different lens.

Thinking about this a bit, i believe it has a lot to do with how games have been "branching out". We have completely different sets of games made with completely different purposes in mind, with such purposes often leaning towards certain types of media and entertainment.
We have esports, which by the name we can see leans towards the notion of sport and competition.
We have all those cinematic AAA games, which lean towards movies.
We have certain RPGs and visual novels leaning heavily towards books.
And a whole lot of other types that lean towards social media, toys, puzzles, etc.

We often find ourselves within some of these categories, some times even and making fun of other types. We can even draw some parallels from realities of different industries, such as comparing the console wars with comic book wars (DC vs Marvel stuff) or all the gossip and drama from hollywood being also present on dev and game journalists circles.

Ultimately, i can't help but ponder.
Can we really consider a guy who mainly plays visual novels and jrpgs and a guy who only plays FIFA as really having "the same hobby"? That is, "playing games"? A "gamer"? Even though the interest for their hobby are completely different in nature, like comparing someone who plays ball with someone who watchs anime?

Just rambling a bit.
I'm not drunk.
That is why our medium if the best. Cause there are so many different kibds that its impossible to categorize them.
For the“fifa/cod” player and the “gamer”, its like comparing the “lotr/harry potter” fan with a real book worm
Yes, I prefer "computer-men".

I think its still fine to be honest, I always just said "I like playing computer games", which is a bit more broad anyway. I've never once referred to myself as "a gamer" in a serious way.

edit - I am also not drunk.

Gamer has always been a bit of a cheesy term, imo.



The name was originally used for military table top strategy games, I played computer and video games extensively in the 70s and 80s in the UK and don't recall once hearing a fellow kid say the word 'gamer' or a magazine journalist writing the word, so maybe it's an American phrase that was absorbed into culture with the internet in the 90s.

Should also be mentioned that it still has connotations as a male word and that's why you frequently see the qualification added "girl gamer" or "female gamer".
It lost a lot of its better meaning right after the 128bit generation exploded and infected the mainstream mass market.

One only has to see the 'AAA' games of the time versus what we get now.

I call it the 'Hollywoodization' of the gaming medium.

Alas, I miss when 'nerd' was a pejoritive term..


I really don't care about the term "gamer", whether it comes from people wanting to cling to that label at all costs (The "Gamers rise up" crowd), or people wanting to tear down the label at all costs (The "Gamers are over" crowd). Both are pretty cringe positions if I'm honest. Label yourself or don't, I don't care, who cares ? It's not that important in the grand scheme of things. Let people do what they want to do and society would be better off as a result.

I used the term sometimes on GAF but very much out of convenience because otherwise, it's not a qualifier that accurately describes who I really am. I never used the term IRL for example, because I enjoy so much more than just gaming. But then again, you do you.

I do agree with OP though, the gaming landscape has expended so much that "gamer" no longer mean the same thing to some people. There was this split between "casuals" and "hardcore", but even that is no longer accurate, as two different hardcore gamers can enjoy very different types of games. We gonna need to be more specific when we want to single out a certain subset of the community ("JRPG enthusiasts", "racing fans", "FPS fans", etc.) so you don't add in people who are not into certains genres. But at the end of the day, there's bigger things to be worked up about :p.


The way I see it, there are basically two type of gamers - the usual, stereotype suspects with no life, where gaming is everything, that's all they can think about, they actively read all the gaming sites and forum and participate in various discussion, all the fanboys who drive all the internet wars, and so on, and the other group, which does like to play games a lot, but have a ton of other stuff to do with their time, with their lives, where gaming isn't their sole reason to exist, far from it.

The former group, basically most people you'll find on the internet, like this forum, are people mentalny stuck in the past, unable to accept the passing time, any changes, at all, they like to call themselves "hardcore" gamers, but there's nothing hardcore in being immature kid and purposely hurting yourself. That's all of the naysayers - 4K bad, digital bad, "muh physical!", every store other than Steam bad, basically everything is bad for them, it makes you wonder why the hell they're into gaming. And the best part? They still drop tons of money on stuff they know they don't like from the get-go, only to bitch about it later on.

The latter group on the other hand, often referred as "casual" gamers by the previous group, are all the normal people who live in the now, today is today, not 3, 5, 10, 20 years ago, those are the people who look at the games that are available today, they either like what they see or not, they buy it and enjoy it, they don't make a drama about things they don't like, they don't care about physical, digital or streaming delivery, 3D, VR, motion controls, they just want to play games, now, and move on. For them games are the same entertaining media like movies or movies, they consume it now and never look back.


It's gaymer now you bigot sandwich. You're either with gaymers or against them.


Man, the kerning on the face button symbols really chaps my hide... and the bit below "GAYMER NIGHT" as well . The way the red and orange bars are cut off at the same angle as the triangle, but it doesn't match the angle on the cross further down is shite, they should've made it look like the rainbow bars were leading to the symbols rather than passing through them. Also, how about some depth to the design, I know flat design is "in" but it doesn't mean you need to banish shadows/shading to the depths of hell.

A few problems, but mostly just boring and too safe, the person who made this poster probably smells people's hair when they hug them, I rate it 5/10.

p.s - I know you didn't make this brap

p.p.s - If you did make it then please disregard this post


always chasing the next thrill
Yes, I prefer "computer-men".

I think its still fine to be honest, I always just said "I like playing computer games", which is a bit more broad anyway. I've never once referred to myself as "a gamer" in a serious way.

edit - I am also not drunk.

I don’t consider my self a “gamer” now.

I was a “gamer” in the PS2 era and before. I played anything and everything loved tons of games from Atari all the way to PS2.

Then online happened, Unreal Tournement, Twisted Metal Black, Socom. It ruined me and my love of all games. I got sucked into the competitive, social aspect of games and since 360 I’ve been playing basically just online MP games.

I can still enjoy short fun single player games like Cuphead, or platformers like Mario and Crash. But I don’t like the big story driven Witcher, AC, TLOU, Tomb Raider, RE Uncharted type games anymore. Those games make me feel like I’m just wasting my time.

Great Hair

Video Game Console Connoisseur (VGCC) or Dat Duck Playing Wuorlt of Workraft, impatiently awaiting the arrival of their Messiah in from of Star Ships Crusiers (DDPWOWOATAOTMIFOSSC). These are from now on the official terminology. Im intoxicated with bull blood ...

Are people who watch TV "Tveers?"
No...but people who read are readers and people who game are gamers. Why the destinction? Because read and game are not just nouns, they're also verbs. You read a book, you do not book a book, therefore you are a reader, not a booker. You game on a computer (of some description...consoles are also computers at their heart, before anyone pitches a fit), you do not computer on a computer, therefore you are a gamer, not a computerer.

In the same vein you do not TV a TV, and therefore cannot be a TVer, and do not movie a movie, and therefore cannot be a movier.


No...but people who read are readers and people who game are gamers. Why the destinction? Because read and game are not just nouns, they're also verbs. You read a book, you do not book a book, therefore you are a reader, not a booker. You game on a computer (of some description...consoles are also computers at their heart, before anyone pitches a fit), you do not computer on a computer, therefore you are a gamer, not a computerer.

In the same vein you do not TV a TV, and therefore cannot be a TVer, and do not movie a movie, and therefore cannot be a movier.

In Portuguese we have the term cinéfilo for fanatics of movies (they're akin to Movier, hehe).

But I still think the gamer label is shite because, like I said before, some "gamers" do not even know the Dreamcast or the Turbografx16 existed and they're all lumped in the same bucket with the people who actually have knowledge. But I digress...


advanced basic bitch
If you identify as a gamer you're alt right. Literally worse than Hitler. Even Trump. How dare all of you discuss games on this forum! /s
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