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If you actually care about Xbox you need to be hammering them hard right now


It was pretty clear once they started going balls-deep on the whole 'limiting games to a specific console is so anti-consumer' bollocks.

Phil doesn't believe that. Nobody at Xbox believes that. Most likely someone higher up at Microsoft told them to stop fucking around with hardware that doesn't make much money and get the needle into people's arms with Gamepass. The reason I say that is because all the big honchos at Xbox (except Sarah Bond) have a solid gaming background and they probably want to show off the power of Xbox as much as we all want them to. I get the feeling something is going on above Phil Spencer's pay grade.


Gold Member
No sir, I'm absolutely exhausted with dealing with their perpetual incompetence and failure to deliver.

I don't blame you. It must be tough to be an Xbox fan sometimes. I know you're an Xbox loyalist -- you "bleed green," as you say. So I'm surprised to see you shifting. But yet, not that surprised, either.

From my perspective, this sort of thing has been going on since about 2011, nearly a decade. At the very least, it's been going on since 2015, five years. I'm talking about problems with first-party content. BC and GP have been nice value-added propositions, but their problems with first-party have gone back a long time.

You have a lot of patience and brand-loyalty, to have stuck with them this long.

I was a big Xbox fan during the original Xbox days, then the first half of the 360 era. I lost faith in them about 2011 or 2012, when their focus shifted to Kinect and they de-prioritized "normal" first-party games. They haven't regained their position since then, although they keep talking about it. "Wait till next E3."

Maybe the situation will look different in a few years. We'll see.
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Meh, even though I am an Xbox gamer first, I really don't have an emotional attachment where I feel the need to "hammer" them about my unhappiness. I vote with my wallet: if a company makes a product I want, I buy it; if not, then I do not buy it.

Now, if I bought a product and it that product broke or did not deliver on what I bought the product for, of course I would attempt to get a refund or replacement. But to feel like I have to hammer a company because they are making decisions that I do not agree with, I do not get. What do I gain from it? There are other gaming options out there, so if I was so concerned with Microsoft's direction (I'm not yet) then I would just by a PS5 sooner than planned.

Corporate allegiances are empty and one-sided. The corporations just follow where the money is.


I don't buy the covid excuse actually.

They probably should have said it before they revealed the gameplay.

I'd imagine the Covid excuse is what 343 are telling MS as an excuse.
Really? Or maybe the reason the demo was in rough shape was COVID related. I don’t understand how we are assuming business as usual in the middle of a pandemic. Halo Infinite is merely the tip of the iceberg of COVID delays. This is going to affect every developer, every console and every gamer. It’s just that we weren’t going to start seeing these delays until now. We really need to remind ourselves that this is a unique time we are in. Also watch with Sony.... Spider-Man Miles May ship on time because of the foundation that they had already created with Spider-Man (and the reason that the PS5 footage looked nearly identical to the PS4 assets]. After that, there will be a huge lag in games.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Wow, dude your such a troll.

Spiderman is stand-alone similar in size to something like Lost Legacy. Which started out as DLC but became stand-alone because of it's size. Miles morales will be a 10-15 hour game with side missions. Can we stop this narrative?

Like literally Even Insomniac came out to clarify what the scope of that game is.

the 1st game could be beaten in 16hrs, if you think this asset reuse of a game will be 15hr you are fucking nuts.

its going to be 1 act in length padded with hours of swing after the drone, clear the gang and all the other filler stuff that was in the 1st game.


  • Thread created announcing the delay
  • New reaction thread created to thank Microsoft instead of using existing thread
  • Another new thread is created to react to the other reaction thread thanking Microsoft instead of using the existing thread
Anyone call dibs on the reaction thread to the reaction thread to the reaction thread yet?
Nah. Next step is a #REACTION YouTube video!


Eh, i'm having a hard time remembering many amazing launch lineups. I usually just wait to buy the console till theres games I want to play. When you really look back, most launch window console libraries arent all that.

PS2 I waited till MGS2 - 1 year after launch.
360 I waited till Halo3 - 2 years after launch.
PS3 I waited till MGS4 - 2 years after launch.
XB1 I waited till Master Chief Collection - 1 year after launch.
PS4 waited for Bloodborne - 2 years after launch.

Both the XSX and PS5 have VERY weak launch lineups by my estimate.
Im waiting on both.

Which is really why i getting a Xbox SX first and then a PS5. With the Xbox, all of my current games will still play, with several getting enhancements to take advantage of the new hardware. Then in a year or so, once Sony gets the ball rolling with some games, I will get a PS5. Bonus: any games that did come out for PS5 that I wanted to try will more than likely cost less by time I get it.

I could pass on the XSX at launch, but I am also a gadget guy, and I love new gadgets. Also, I will then move my One X downstairs and have two places to play Xbox games in 4k. Works for me. :D


A more powerful Xbox, a vast back catalogue of games and games that are coming out

I think i'm okay with that.

Sorry but this is just unacceptable when there are consoles you prolly already own that will play those same games!

It doesn’t make sense from a consumers point of view to buy this new machine with nothing but BC that separates it from the pack!

Consumer: hey what does the new Xbox have and what’s different from the one I have now?

Gamestop clerk: ot has backwards compatibility from all past Xbox consoles and they have Halo coming one day but not right now.

consumer: so for $499 I can play the exact same shit I have on my console right now just better resolution and shit I wouldn’t even notice?

gamestop: well...yes! But MS said they’ll have the games coming soon thst will be worth the purchase if you buy it now and you get GAMEPASS!!!!

I don’t even wanna finish the scenario as I almost threw up in my mouth!
Leave SEGA out of it and NEC screwed up far more than SEGA ever did. Games get pushed back and delayed even ones meant to launch alongside the system.

Yeah, people underestimate how much of a fuck-up the PC-FX really was. At the same time, NEC had the foresight to not release it outside of Japan, the damage done to them there was already more than enough to alert them foreign launches weren't worth it. I wish the handful of good games on the platform got ported to Saturn & PS1 though (actually I think some did like Dragon Knight 4, but it got censored on those platforms).

I still think some of the SEGA comparisons are valid though; right now MS's messaging is reminding me of some of the Saturn's in the West leading up to its launch, and in reality, SEGA of America's mixed messaging for next-gen surrounding 32X and Saturn (because they genuinely did try pushing the 32X as a next-gen option on the lower end of the scale aimed at those on a budget...eerily similar to what MS is pitching Series S as today). Similarly, Saturn having a somewhat bad visual outing with rushed, buggy ports of Virtua Fighter and Daytona USA, and MS almost risking the same thing if they had launched Halo Infinite this November. They may've avoided that parallel, but they still had a somewhat lukewarm reception to their next-gen system's visual prowess with that HI demo, similar to the lukewarm perception Saturn had with those early VF and Daytona ports getting compared against Ridge Racer and Tekken (and Battle Arena Toshinden) on PS1.

Ironically their launches are still similar too because both Saturn did and Series X will have at least a couple of solid sleeper hit exclusives at launch. Saturn had Panzer Dragoon and Clockwork Knight, Series X will have Scorn and The Medium (yes I know The Medium is coming to PS5 in the near future but still). And I'd even say currently, the relative level of interest for Series X (and S) heading into next gen compared to PS5 (among gamers at large, not simply just Xbox hardcore/core fans) is similar to the Saturn's level of interest in the West leading up to its launch in comparison to the PS1. I think there's too many parallels here to just "leave SEGA out of it", and I say this as a massive fan of their hardware designs and a lot of their games from MegaDrive and onward, especially some of their arcade hits (SEGA was such a powerhouse in arcades during the '90s, I miss that kind of gaming culture and what it helped facilitate).

And I also say all of this being a fan of Xbox (not exclusively; I'm a PlayStation and Nintendo fan, too. I like all systems, except maybe super-odd bombs like the Tandy or Philips CD-i...although Burn:Cycle looks neat :p) fan. But yeah, there parallels are there between Series X/Series S and Saturn/32X IMHO. There are obvious differences and MS has the resources to significantly leverage a much better pipeline today than SEGA had or could leverage in the mid-1990s', but there's still enough similar to make the comparisons valid.


Which is really why i getting a Xbox SX first and then a PS5. With the Xbox, all of my current games will still play, with several getting enhancements to take advantage of the new hardware. Then in a year or so, once Sony gets the ball rolling with some games, I will get a PS5. Bonus: any games that did come out for PS5 that I wanted to try will more than likely cost less by time I get it.

I could pass on the XSX at launch, but I am also a gadget guy, and I love new gadgets. Also, I will then move my One X downstairs and have two places to play Xbox games in 4k. Works for me. :D
Man if they couldn’t get halo right, nor show any games playing on the new system or even showed off what these “enhancements” would look like outside of Minecraft, I’d wait til they showed shit closer to launch!

It’s your money do what you want, it’s just naive to shell out and support a company that’s negligent of their brand like they are now!
Shit well be hearing about mid gen refreshes by time MS get their shit together


You need to be grilling them to no end, these constant mistakes and the never ending buffoonery needs to sink in as being totally unacceptable. Don't think they're reading this stuff right now? You bet your ass they are, and I have no doubt a lot of people are getting reemed as what's being said on these forum is being rattled off in Zoom meetings.

Don't praise them for delaying a game, because they should have had the foresight as a multi-billion dollar division of a near multi-trillion dollar business to have a contingency plan in place to account for the potential of Halo not making the launch window.. Their incompetence has further harmed the brand, they further put at risk game deals for you, content, sales which lead to more investment and so on and so forth. If you can't even be confident in a brand you have invested in then how is anyone else supposed to be? Do you think publishers and developers are really going to want to do deals with them now?

They're in tatters, this is worse mismanagement than what took place at Sega and killed them... Sega was still putting out awesome games even as they were nearly bankrupt and being driven into the grave, and you want me to thank these rich executives and studio heads who can't even get one game lined up for their next-gen console? Do you have any idea how asinine that is?

All of you know I'm all about them, it's no secret that I bleed green and I practically have a shrine for them. With that being said though enough is enough, we are the last vestige of hope for them. We are their consumers, we are the ones who have the capability to hold them accountable, and many of you think the answer is to be in denial and act like they're doing us a favor?

Come on, it's been years.... This was supposed to be when Phil was supposed to shine, when we were going to have our coming back moment, and it's all been dashed away because they couldn't be bothered to come prepared with literally years to do so... I think I'm more disappointed in a lot of you than them, the excuses are intolerable.

Sony have been better because they have the toughest crowed that is quick to call them out. most of the PlayStation base are loyal to gaming not a company. we praise good policy because we want it to continue, we call out bad things because we want them to stop(look at how TLOU2 got roasted). the 360 captured a large part of that market because it was rightfully better in it's 1st few years.

Xbox fans over the years have been extra aggressive in defending their brand and that led to the degradation of their platform.

as customers it's your right to complain. it doesn't hurt and a lot of times it's beneficial to all parties.


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
No Halo (the most important game of xbox gamers lives) tomorrow is what they're saying, now it's SONY's time and delaying Halo Infinite will impact the course of NEXT GENERATION.



16 1/2

If you do only the story. There's a lot of extra missions some of them very long like the tombstone one. And tons of random stuff that happens. You act like you never played it and are using some website as your barometer to shit on a game thats not even out.

To ignore list you go.


Yeah, people underestimate how much of a fuck-up the PC-FX really was. At the same time, NEC had the foresight to not release it outside of Japan, the damage done to them there was already more than enough to alert them foreign launches weren't worth it. I wish the handful of good games on the platform got ported to Saturn & PS1 though (actually I think some did like Dragon Knight 4, but it got censored on those platforms).

I still think some of the SEGA comparisons are valid though; right now MS's messaging is reminding me of some of the Saturn's in the West leading up to its launch, and in reality, SEGA of America's mixed messaging for next-gen surrounding 32X and Saturn (because they genuinely did try pushing the 32X as a next-gen option on the lower end of the scale aimed at those on a budget...eerily similar to what MS is pitching Series S as today). Similarly, Saturn having a somewhat bad visual outing with rushed, buggy ports of Virtua Fighter and Daytona USA, and MS almost risking the same thing if they had launched Halo Infinite this November. They may've avoided that parallel, but they still had a somewhat lukewarm reception to their next-gen system's visual prowess with that HI demo, similar to the lukewarm perception Saturn had with those early VF and Daytona ports getting compared against Ridge Racer and Tekken (and Battle Arena Toshinden) on PS1.

Ironically their launches are still similar too because both Saturn did and Series X will have at least a couple of solid sleeper hit exclusives at launch. Saturn had Panzer Dragoon and Clockwork Knight, Series X will have Scorn and The Medium (yes I know The Medium is coming to PS5 in the near future but still). And I'd even say currently, the relative level of interest for Series X (and S) heading into next gen compared to PS5 (among gamers at large, not simply just Xbox hardcore/core fans) is similar to the Saturn's level of interest in the West leading up to its launch in comparison to the PS1. I think there's too many parallels here to just "leave SEGA out of it", and I say this as a massive fan of their hardware designs and a lot of their games from MegaDrive and onward, especially some of their arcade hits (SEGA was such a powerhouse in arcades during the '90s, I miss that kind of gaming culture and what it helped facilitate).

And I also say all of this being a fan of Xbox (not exclusively; I'm a PlayStation and Nintendo fan, too. I like all systems, except maybe super-odd bombs like the Tandy or Philips CD-i...although Burn:Cycle looks neat :p) fan. But yeah, there parallels are there between Series X/Series S and Saturn/32X IMHO. There are obvious differences and MS has the resources to significantly leverage a much better pipeline today than SEGA had or could leverage in the mid-1990s', but there's still enough similar to make the comparisons valid.
I'm sad you didn't mention the Panasonic 3DO 😂
You need to be grilling them to no end, these constant mistakes and the never ending buffoonery needs to sink in as being totally unacceptable. Don't think they're reading this stuff right now? You bet your ass they are, and I have no doubt a lot of people are getting reemed as what's being said on these forum is being rattled off in Zoom meetings.

Don't praise them for delaying a game, because they should have had the foresight as a multi-billion dollar division of a near multi-trillion dollar business to have a contingency plan in place to account for the potential of Halo not making the launch window.. Their incompetence has further harmed the brand, they further put at risk game deals for you, content, sales which lead to more investment and so on and so forth. If you can't even be confident in a brand you have invested in then how is anyone else supposed to be? Do you think publishers and developers are really going to want to do deals with them now?

They're in tatters, this is worse mismanagement than what took place at Sega and killed them... Sega was still putting out awesome games even as they were nearly bankrupt and being driven into the grave, and you want me to thank these rich executives and studio heads who can't even get one game lined up for their next-gen console? Do you have any idea how asinine that is?

All of you know I'm all about them, it's no secret that I bleed green and I practically have a shrine for them. With that being said though enough is enough, we are the last vestige of hope for them. We are their consumers, we are the ones who have the capability to hold them accountable, and many of you think the answer is to be in denial and act like they're doing us a favor?

Come on, it's been years.... This was supposed to be when Phil was supposed to shine, when we were going to have our coming back moment, and it's all been dashed away because they couldn't be bothered to come prepared with literally years to do so... I think I'm more disappointed in a lot of you than them, the excuses are intolerable.

Hammering them for what? delaying a game that needed it?

Did you complain when the last of us 2 got delayed? Or cyberpunk?

Ah its true, were talking about MS. My bad, i forgot.


Who wants MS to be another Sony? Not me. I kinda hate things like tlou2, GoW, H:Zero Dawn with their huge budgets, 6 year development times, dumb B-tier Netflix scripts, and generic AAA single player gameplay. Get studios who make point and click, card battlers, TellTale style games, Animal Crossing, etc. and dont take six years per game because of graphics, mocap, and all that other detritus that make modern videogaming mostly Entertainment Experiences and not so much game experiences.

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People have spoken out , I have many times over the years, even spent around three years giving feedback in the Preview Program regarding UI/Features/Store.

I can’t be bothered anymore , it’s not worth it, tired of the shame tactics from others in particular with jibes like “Sony fan” or “Fake fans” crap like that from the usual shame tactic routines you see everywhere else.

They know what they are doing being like that too , it’s pathetic. Life is too short for their petty/disingenuous shite.


Imagine being this much of a prick.

What exactly do you want? It's got games coming out when it releases, or are you that fucking stupid?

Lmfao. It has a bunch of cross-gen games. To say "backwards compatibility" is a selling point is a reason NOT to buy XSX.

"I'm gonna spend $500 to play old games!"

How dumb is this?


Warning: This is coming from someone who has only owned a 360.

Wasn't MS spending a whole lot more money on OG Xbox and 360 than they are now? From my perspective, they look like they want to offer the best place to play games as opposed to the place with the best games you'll only find here.

I maybe totally wrong, but the guys leading Xbox today seem to have a vision of this open, non-exclusive library of games that you can play anywhere, but why would you want to play anywhere else when their platform offers the best hardware and the best interface for playing? It's like they don't want to pay for exclusivity, and maybe they think even better games can be made for Xbox if they can sell across all the platforms--basically, the cost to make AAA games is becoming a crippling factor in game development.

I know it sucks from a fan's perspective, but they're inching closer to getting me to buy Xbox again. I would do it if we had great baseball and football games again. I would do it if we had great wrestling games again. The industry is just too blah for me lately. I'm the guy who will buy an Xbox not for Gears, if you know what I mean, brother.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Some of you are so dramatic. If you don't like the product, don't buy it. Most people don't buy in the first year anyways.

Halo Infinite will eventually come out.. and the console will be the same as it would have been if you bought it day one.

They bet on having a game with a massive SP campaign at launch, which actually would have been a bit out of the ordinary for a console. Too many eggs in one basket? Probably, but them's the breaks. What do you want shitty QTE-fests pulled out of their ass or something?
You need to be grilling them to no end, these constant mistakes and the never ending buffoonery needs to sink in as being totally unacceptable. Don't think they're reading this stuff right now? You bet your ass they are, and I have no doubt a lot of people are getting reemed as what's being said on these forum is being rattled off in Zoom meetings.

Don't praise them for delaying a game, because they should have had the foresight as a multi-billion dollar division of a near multi-trillion dollar business to have a contingency plan in place to account for the potential of Halo not making the launch window.. Their incompetence has further harmed the brand, they further put at risk game deals for you, content, sales which lead to more investment and so on and so forth. If you can't even be confident in a brand you have invested in then how is anyone else supposed to be? Do you think publishers and developers are really going to want to do deals with them now?

They're in tatters, this is worse mismanagement than what took place at Sega and killed them... Sega was still putting out awesome games even as they were nearly bankrupt and being driven into the grave, and you want me to thank these rich executives and studio heads who can't even get one game lined up for their next-gen console? Do you have any idea how asinine that is?

All of you know I'm all about them, it's no secret that I bleed green and I practically have a shrine for them. With that being said though enough is enough, we are the last vestige of hope for them. We are their consumers, we are the ones who have the capability to hold them accountable, and many of you think the answer is to be in denial and act like they're doing us a favor?

Come on, it's been years.... This was supposed to be when Phil was supposed to shine, when we were going to have our coming back moment, and it's all been dashed away because they couldn't be bothered to come prepared with literally years to do so... I think I'm more disappointed in a lot of you than them, the excuses are intolerable.



It seems like people are okay buying a new Xbox to play that extensive library of old games...


I hope people understand now that this bias against Xbox that certain people claim didn't happen over night.

There was a time where Xbox 360 was my console of choice. I was into Xbox more than PlayStation for several years during the early 360 years.

They earned that. They just had better (at the time) exclusive games, a better OS, better price, etc.

But as soon as Sony started really hitting it with the better PS3 first-party games, MS's own output completely dried up. There were fewer and fewer reasons to play my Xbox and Sony only increased their quality.

I still bought an Xbox One at launch because of those early 360 years. I knew the games had to come eventually. They just didn't. And MS didn't seem to care.

There's no blind loyalty like I would have for my local sports team. I'm genuinely a much bigger PlayStation and Nintendo fan because they produce. Xbox has been letting me down for a decade straight.

I definitely do not get the appeal of Phil Spencer. He misleads people at best and flat out lies at worst.

Xbox needs to EARN their old fans back.

A lot of us are like DynamiteCop! DynamiteCop! (Just not so dramatic). We are ex-Xbox fans. We just had our final straw long before now.


How is backwards compatible a major selling point for a new console I’ll never understand. Because let’s face it that’s ali the series X has for the first year.
There is something absurd about spending a lot of money on new hardware, purely to play old games.

Microsoft has latched onto the backwards compatibility train because they know what they're bringing in the present isnt good enough. And some gamers have accepted and actually use it as a checkbox for buying a new console.

They claim to not believe in generations because for large parts of the past 7 years they have massively under-delivered.
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Gold Member
Xbox needs to EARN their old fans back.

A lot of us are like DynamiteCop! DynamiteCop! (Just not so dramatic). We are ex-Xbox fans. We just had our final straw long before now.
This vibes with me hardcore. I've never really been a fanboy of, well, anything. But I've definitely favored consoles more than others depending on the generation. I LOVED the 360, and while I enjoyed the PS3 exclusives, the OS was just awful compared to the 360's IMO. But that radically changed overtime. Especially since I felt PS4's is better than XB1's.

Because I loved the 360 so much, I practically got a XB1 at launch. I owned it for a year or so and ended up selling it because it just sat there. As an observer in the rest of XB1's lifeline it just really felt like Microsoft lost their touch in more ways that one. I'm really unsure who is to blame for that, but something needs to be done.

Honestly I just feel bad for hardcore Xbox fans because I feel like they've been getting dicked around.


I hope people understand now that this bias against Xbox that certain people claim didn't happen over night.

There was a time where Xbox 360 was my console of choice. I was into Xbox more than PlayStation for several years during the early 360 years.

They earned that. They just had better (at the time) exclusive games, a better OS, better price, etc.

But as soon as Sony started really hitting it with the better PS3 first-party games, MS's own output completely dried up. There were fewer and fewer reasons to play my Xbox and Sony only increased their quality.

I still bought an Xbox One at launch because of those early 360 years. I knew the games had to come eventually. They just didn't. And MS didn't seem to care.

There's no blind loyalty like I would have for my local sports team. I'm genuinely a much bigger PlayStation and Nintendo fan because they produce. Xbox has been letting me down for a decade straight.

I definitely do not get the appeal of Phil Spencer. He misleads people at best and flat out lies at worst.

Xbox needs to EARN their old fans back.

A lot of us are like DynamiteCop! DynamiteCop! (Just not so dramatic). We are ex-Xbox fans. We just had our final straw long before now.

PC Game Pass alone has bought me back into the system. I even bought a X because of the cross-play compatibility. Just this morning I fired up Ori on my Xbox One X after exclusively playing on my PC and picked up right where I had left of. It was amazing to move to a console from a PC and have everything just work. This infrastructure for next generation is going to be unparalleled for a PC gamer. I'm willing to give every company a pass during COVID and am happy for where we are going. I truly feel like with XCloud and Gamepass, I am in with microsoft for this coming generation. I'll still get a PS5 someday but, by the time enough games are only on PS5, i might be able to score a mid cycle upgrade. I think games are going to be few and far between for the next couple years.

That being said, their plan with Gamepass and PC integration has me likely buying a Series X at or near launch depending on Ampere costs.
I'm sad you didn't mention the Panasonic 3DO 😂

I definitely didn't forget about it! 3DO's an odd one because once they did the (massive) price cut they started selling pretty decently, especially in Japan IIRC. Nothing that threatened Saturn or PS1, but I guess well enough. Plus for a 3D system in 1993 it was pretty well-designed and did see the industry shifting towards 3D (although the way it actually did 3D was more like Saturn i.e distorted quadratic sprites. FWIW PS1 didn't feature Z-buffering which is also kinda critical for "true" 3D so I guess the N64 was the first "true" 3D system that gen in regards to something more analogous with the type of 3D pipeline that's become industry standard).

And also fwiw 3DO had some solid games; D, Hell: Cyberpunk Adventure (frickin' Dennis Hopper, the GOAT! xD), Gex, Warhammer, Need for Speed, Road Rash...I think if EA were as big in 1993 as they are today but had the game philosophy of early EA (when they actually released creative games), they could've made the 3DO work long-term. They'd of been more willing to eat costs on the unit for starters and maybe provide a means for other manufacturers to be financially reimbursted for producing their own 3DOs.


I definitely didn't forget about it! 3DO's an odd one because once they did the (massive) price cut they started selling pretty decently, especially in Japan IIRC. Nothing that threatened Saturn or PS1, but I guess well enough. Plus for a 3D system in 1993 it was pretty well-designed and did see the industry shifting towards 3D (although the way it actually did 3D was more like Saturn i.e distorted quadratic sprites. FWIW PS1 didn't feature Z-buffering which is also kinda critical for "true" 3D so I guess the N64 was the first "true" 3D system that gen in regards to something more analogous with the type of 3D pipeline that's become industry standard).

And also fwiw 3DO had some solid games; D, Hell: Cyberpunk Adventure (frickin' Dennis Hopper, the GOAT! xD), Gex, Warhammer, Need for Speed, Road Rash...I think if EA were as big in 1993 as they are today but had the game philosophy of early EA (when they actually released creative games), they could've made the 3DO work long-term. They'd of been more willing to eat costs on the unit for starters and maybe provide a means for other manufacturers to be financially reimbursted for producing their own 3DOs.
The controller was weird though from my fading memory... It had like upturned prongs, didn't it?


People have spoken out , I have many times over the years, even spent around three years giving feedback in the Preview Program regarding UI/Features/Store.

I can’t be bothered anymore , it’s not worth it, tired of the shame tactics from others in particular with jibes like “Sony fan” or “Fake fans” crap like that from the usual shame tactic routines you see everywhere else.

They know what they are doing being like that too , it’s pathetic. Life is too short for their petty/disingenuous shite.

Me and you both.

I once got told my gamerscore was too low so therefore my feedback isn't valid :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Hammering them for what? delaying a game that needed it?

Did you complain when the last of us 2 got delayed? Or cyberpunk?

Ah its true, were talking about MS. My bad, i forgot.

I don't think you even realise who it is you are replying to...


I rarely agree with the OP.... but I am there with them on this one. IDK how MS bungled this so hard. I mean unless they have some hidden ace up their sleeve.... they have no tentpole games. No Halo, No Forza, No Fable, No Rare game coming ar/near launch... soonest a year later. WTF!?! It looks like MS is giving the lead to Sony this gen due to this. That kinda mistake should not be overlooked. I hope MS Corp understands the gravity of this fumble and adjustments are made.


You need to be grilling them to no end, these constant mistakes and the never ending buffoonery needs to sink in as being totally unacceptable. Don't think they're reading this stuff right now? You bet your ass they are, and I have no doubt a lot of people are getting reemed as what's being said on these forum is being rattled off in Zoom meetings.

Don't praise them for delaying a game, because they should have had the foresight as a multi-billion dollar division of a near multi-trillion dollar business to have a contingency plan in place to account for the potential of Halo not making the launch window.. Their incompetence has further harmed the brand, they further put at risk game deals for you, content, sales which lead to more investment and so on and so forth. If you can't even be confident in a brand you have invested in then how is anyone else supposed to be? Do you think publishers and developers are really going to want to do deals with them now?

They're in tatters, this is worse mismanagement than what took place at Sega and killed them... Sega was still putting out awesome games even as they were nearly bankrupt and being driven into the grave, and you want me to thank these rich executives and studio heads who can't even get one game lined up for their next-gen console? Do you have any idea how asinine that is?

All of you know I'm all about them, it's no secret that I bleed green and I practically have a shrine for them. With that being said though enough is enough, we are the last vestige of hope for them. We are their consumers, we are the ones who have the capability to hold them accountable, and many of you think the answer is to be in denial and act like they're doing us a favor?

Come on, it's been years.... This was supposed to be when Phil was supposed to shine, when we were going to have our coming back moment, and it's all been dashed away because they couldn't be bothered to come prepared with literally years to do so... I think I'm more disappointed in a lot of you than them, the excuses are intolerable.
This could be the biggest troll post iv seen in a long time? Id maybe agree with you if u werent such a huge sony fanboy. 🤣🤣 laughable


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
The average poster on Neogaf :


They deserve all the shit posts for Halo though. What a fucking disgrace that was.
Me and you both.

I once got told my gamerscore was too low so therefore my feedback isn't valid :messenger_tears_of_joy:

I don't think you even realise who it is you are replying to...

Gamerscore too low? What the.....lol

Here’s an example from personal experience:

Me & Few others: Hey team, there isn’t much of a selection of gamer pics at the moment, particularly compared to 360. How about a few more , or if possible custom gamerpics.

Responses: We don’t need this , no one needs this, meh who cares, stop complaining, it’s not important at all.

Around six to eight months later custom gamer pics are implemented. Some of the same people:

“YES !! Love it! Great job team, very cool, awesome”

I mean, I could understand in a way if the feedback had been aggressively put across but...yeah you know what I mean.

Texas Pride

As long as people settle instead of demanding better the problem will persist with the Xbox brand. The opinions are mixed on this but there's a lot of people content to settle on mediocrity.
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