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IGN afraid of reviewing Hogwarts Legacy


Its times like this that i'm glad i dont work in the industry, because i would give the game a rave review, and say exactly why i'm doing it. In other words i'd be 'cancelled'.
Fuck all these companies that are shit scared of these loonies, and give them 'power'.
And some poeple like to think cancel culture isnt a real thing, and the sjw agenda doesnt exist, lol.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Just do the job you get paid to do. It's not difficult.
What's the job? Review games or review politically difficult pieces of media that could lead to a backlash that could be constant and sustained?

Seems like people are more likely to have signed up to the first of those rather than the second.

I think it could be quite difficult.


Dis Gonna Be Good Jason Momoa GIF

I'm here for the meltdowns.
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What's the job? Review games or review politically difficult pieces of media that could lead to a backlash that could be constant and sustained?

Seems like people are more likely to have signed up to the first of those rather than the second.

I think it could be quite difficult.

IGN survived giving launch cyberpunk a 10/10

I'm sure they can survive ignoring an issue that shouldn't be attached to the game.


For sure, one needs a tremendous amount of bravery to write a review for a game based on book written by someone who is worse than Hitler and an entire ISIS combined. Nothing like this was ever done in the history of game journalism. There'd be headhunters sent after those daring writers, they will need witness protection. God bless their brave and honest hearts.
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Gold Member
Imagine not being able to seperate the bullshit of this generation & society to review a goddamn game about wizards. People are wasting so much brain power on pointless fights.
Do you think these people have brain power to begin with?

hemo memo

Gold Member
What's the job? Review games or review politically difficult pieces of media that could lead to a backlash that could be constant and sustained?

Seems like people are more likely to have signed up to the first of those rather than the second.

I think it could be quite difficult.
It is not difficult. Have a fucking warning at the beginning of the review if you are that such of a pussy and just write IGN or whatever the fuck “Do not agree with comments made by J. K. Rowling” and just proceeds with the fucking review. It is not fucking rocket science.


Gold Member
Just use a different IGN portal to get your IGN review.



What's the job? Review games or review politically difficult pieces of media that could lead to a backlash that could be constant and sustained?

Seems like people are more likely to have signed up to the first of those rather than the second.

I think it could be quite difficult.

You review the game. like any piece of media. You can find reviews on way more controversial pieces (books, movies) than this game. If they worry about personal attacks they can always leave out the specific name of the reviewer. But I guess since the guy outed himself on the podcast it's too late for that anyway.

Whatever anyone thinks about the whole situation around it, I hope that if your job is being a reviewer, you can still objectively look at the game as being a game and review based on gameplay, graphics and the other usual suspects if it's a good game or not. Other than that just make it an IGN piece instead of a personal opinion blog or whatever.

Actually, you can even still release those pieces surrounding the controversy even if the game gets reviewed good by them. It's not a mutually exclusive thing.
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Imagine not being able to seperate the bullshit of this generation & society to review a goddamn game about wizards. People are wasting so much brain power on pointless fights.
People also waste so much time on complaining about other sites instead of being productive and growing organically with more interesting discussions. I'm even wasting my time right now pointing that out, which is incredibly sad.


This is all a little silly.
They are probably scared the trans twitter mob will come after them and comb through thier past if they say they like the game.
& Worried they will be canceled.

I've seen a couple people claim they haven't got review codes yet and probably bother covering the game as too many games in Feb.

But start of Feb there is nothing but Hogwarts :p

It's all beyond silly, but on the plus side atleast normal people can enjoy the game and not be told what to think by reviewers.
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They will review the game, while also throwing in some lines about JK Rowling etc, in a vain attempt to appease certain groups of people.
For anyone who genuinely understands the situation, why has this release become a line in the sand for so many?

JKR seems to have been anti trans forever, but is it actually just a few years and this is the first release from the Harry Potter universe since that came to light / became something she's famous for?

Or is there something else?

JK isn’t even anti trans.


The funny thing on this outrage is that J.K is a well known pro feminist but she gets all the hate cause she says sensible stuff with common knowledge against trans community. I mean we are talking about an even more small minority that we should all bend our knee to them when we hurt their feelings. Mental issues have hit the sky it seems……
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hemo memo

Gold Member
They will review the game, while also throwing in some lines about JK Rowling etc, in a vain attempt to appease certain groups of people.
You want to play the politics game IGN? Well, throw lines then about every game that offend a certain group. If not then you prove your hypocrisy.


I use to go on their message boards in the early 2000s. In fact once upon of time they were sane over there. Now it's just Resetera light. Surprisingly over there used to call NeoGaf an insane place.
Tbf Gaf was pretty bad before ResetEra was made, they all just went there instead, ironically cleaning this place up ion the process

Anyway, no game should be immune or refused to be reviewed under fear of being attacked, Kingdom Come Deliverance for example was deliberately attacked for petty reasons
Tbf Gaf was pretty bad before ResetEra was made, they all just went there instead, ironically cleaning this place up ion the process

Anyway, no game should be immune or refused to be reviewed under fear of being attacked, Kingdom Come Deliverance for example was deliberately attacked for petty reasons
Pretty much every message board turned for the worse in about 2012-2013 because current corporate woke ideology was edgy internet humour then. I remember the phrase ‘kill all white men’ being a subversive thing to say rather than the new strap line for the NYT.
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If these gaming media outlets are so insistent on taking some imaginary moral high ground, they should simply refuse to review the game. Instead, I'm sure plenty will review it, put out something scathing with a sensationalized headline and fatten their pockets via clicks. Screw principles, can't be missing an opportunity like that.
Sorry Doctor Brulee! I edited it, he said free hongkong
2 hours and 7 minutes until reviews drop at the time of this post! I think it's 7am Eastern/6 Central

You really wont be able to win unless you give this game like an 8.0 score. Anything too high and you're getting a woke mob after you and anything too low and you're a woke bitch. Hopefully people can just review the game for what it is. I expect an 80 meta score. I'm hoping for a 90+ though. First exciting game of the year. At least if scores are high Resetera wont be able to cry about it out loud since they banned discussion lol.
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This is the world we live in now.
Mfs afraid to review a game because a small group of the trans community dislikes JKR lol what a joke

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
It is not difficult. Have a fucking warning at the beginning of the review if you are that such of a pussy and just write IGN or whatever the fuck “Do not agree with comments made by J. K. Rowling” and just proceeds with the fucking review. It is not fucking rocket science.
Saying Fuck and Fucking a lot and repeatedly saying "it's not difficult" and calling people "pussy" isn't really making it any more convincing for me. :lollipop_sad_relieved:
You review the game. like any piece of media. You can find reviews on way more controversial pieces (books, movies) than this game. If they worry about personal attacks they can always leave out the specific name of the reviewer. But I guess since the guy outed himself on the podcast it's too late for that anyway.

Whatever anyone thinks about the whole situation around it, I hope that if your job is being a reviewer, you can still objectively look at the game as being a game and review based on gameplay, graphics and the other usual suspects if it's a good game or not. Other than that just make it an IGN piece instead of a personal opinion blog or whatever.

Actually, you can even still release those pieces surrounding the controversy even if the game gets reviewed good by them. It's not a mutually exclusive thing.

This game seems to be causing big waves for reasons that I'm not entirely certain about -see my first post in this thread, but the idea that doing what some could consider the wrong thing here is automatically going to be without consequence for the individual author or publisher isn't a call I'd be making without some consideration.

I'm aware of two other forums who seem to be in favour of boycotting the game on principal. I've also read some people say they'll be buying the game essentially on principal too.

So, it seems like you could be liable to a backlash whatever the tone is. What if you love/hate the game and give a score that's too high or too low? Did you rate it that way to virtue signall or as a way of showing you don't care about a particular group? What then? You get months of people sniping at you, or people label your employer as something or other and advertisers do or don't want to spend money there or clicks go down?

All possible, I would say.


Which make it even more stupid. Oh baby journalists. It is so hard for you to review a game because you are afraid of a little controversy? Do they know what even journalism is?
The irony is these corporations and business's who are so afraid of getting cancelled by Twitter mobs are probably doing worse catering for these audiences.

Just look at Disney as a shining example.


Gold Member
2 hours and 7 minutes until reviews drop at the time of this post! I think it's 7am Eastern/6 Central

You really wont be able to win unless you give this game like an 8.0 score. Anything too high and you're getting a woke mob after you and anything too low and you're a woke bitch. Hopefully people can just review the game for what it is. I expect an 80 meta score. I'm hoping for a 90+ though. First exciting game of the year. At least if scores are high Resetera wont be able to cry about it out loud since they banned discussion lol.


Man what a time to be alive. If you would've told me five years ago that we were going to get a massive, blockbuster, crazy hyped Harry Potter game but gamers and "journalists" alike were afraid to talk about it out of fear of being canceled by a retarded internet mob I never would've believed you.

So insane.
If you look at Reee threads they were really looking forward a few years ago. Look at their leaked footage thread or the announcement trailer and they were hyping it


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Firstly fuck IGN, they’re a joke anyway.

Secondly, it’s corporations that allow this nonsense to continue. All they have to do is stop capitulating to these neo puritans.

JK Rowling is entitled to her opinion and Harry Potter isn’t Mein Kampf. Get a grip.
Why? Even if we are just talking about the excess of it (we are not advocating for non inclusive and racist workspaces) it divides the workforce and helps prevent unions apparently and ensures management has easy excuses for dismissing people when they want to (the situation is so complex and fragmented that you can say whatever you want) and people will almost never be united enough to oppose you in numbers.
If you look at Reee threads they were really looking forward a few years ago. Look at their leaked footage thread or the announcement trailer and they were hyping it
It's a small minority even on RE that aren't going to buy it. They locked the "what are you buying this month" thread because too many people were talking about buying the game lol. I said it before but doing stupid stuff like that is completely counter productive due to the Streisand Effect. It's going to sell more copies now thanks to them. I hope JK Rowling thanks Twitter/RE for the sales. How dense. And just to be clear I lean very far left. I'm just not into their cult of stupidity.
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hemo memo

Gold Member
Saying Fuck and Fucking a lot and repeatedly saying "it's not difficult" and calling people "pussy" isn't really making it any more convincing for me. :lollipop_sad_relieved:

This game seems to be causing big waves for reasons that I'm not entirely certain about -see my first post in this thread, but the idea that doing what some could consider the wrong thing here is automatically going to be without consequence for the individual author or publisher isn't a call I'd be making without some consideration.

I'm aware of two other forums who seem to be in favour of boycotting the game on principal. I've also read some people say they'll be buying the game essentially on principal too.

So, it seems like you could be liable to a backlash whatever the tone is. What if you love/hate the game and give a score that's too high or too low? Did you rate it that way to virtue signall or as a way of showing you don't care about a particular group? What then? You get months of people sniping at you, or people label your employer as something or other and advertisers do or don't want to spend money there or clicks go down?

All possible, I would say.
How about my actual argument? You are too afraid then put a warning and review the game professionally. Boycotting the game or putting your your negative view into the review means you’ll have to do it for every game as it will be offensive to a certain group or you are a hypocrite.
I thought they already put out a review of some sort? or maybe it was an early preview. I swear I saw something and they mentioned at the end some shit about Rowling.
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