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IGN Madworld review - 9.0


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Captain Chaos said:
Yes, I think Gaf should have a rule that every member must own all 5 major consoles.

We'd get a lot more done.

I don't think that's necessary in the slightest, but I think if you honestly care about playing lots of "hardcore" games than there are things you can do except complain.


Must RENT...I'm sorry guys but at 70 bucks a game up here in Canada,I can't justify a 6 hour game purchase,however good it might be,especially with no online and a ridiculously challenging hard mode as they say(read frustrating) for me.

I really hope it sells well though because we need games like this on the Wii.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
herod said:
EVERYONE should change graphics to aesthetics.

So true. If people really want reviews on the pure technical capabilities of games relative to their presentation hardware it needs to be a separate category.

Wind Waker might be technically inferior to Crysis but it doesn't stop it looking a cluster fuck-ton better.


Ricker said:
Must RENT...I'm sorry guys but at 70 bucks a game up here in Canada,I can't justify a 6 hour game purchase,however good it might be,especially with no online and a ridiculously challenging hard mode as they say(read frustrating) for me.

I really hope it sells well though because we need games like this on the Wii.
Where the hell in Canada are you paying $70 for a Wii game? The most I've paid for recently is $55.
ZealousD said:
MadWorld could sell gangbusters and you'd still never hit the same kind of third-party support for Wii that you can currently get on 360 or PS3. Publishers are not going to turn their entire business strategy around just because MadWorld and/or The Conduit do well.

I don't think so, either, but they'll eventually have to.

I have this game preordered, but I don't know if I will buy it. I'm a Wii-only gamer precisely because I reject the kinds of games typically found on the other consoles, games like Madworld. Although I think this game will do well enough for itself, I also think many other Wii console owners will pass this by.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Captain Chaos said:
what do you mean?

I mean if you only have a Wii and you want lots of "hardcore" games, you can easily go out and buy a PS3 or 360 instead of complaining. If that's out of your price range then you couldn't exactly afford more third-party support anyway.

Likewise, if you're a PS3 or 360 person who wants to play the first-party Nintendo efforts and stuff like NMH and MadWorld you can easily go out and buy a Wii.

No need to suck on your thumb and lament your lack of support.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
TheGrayGhost said:
I don't think so, either, but they'll eventually have to.

I have this game preordered, but I don't know if I will buy it. I'm a Wii-only gamer precisely because I reject the kinds of games typically found on the other consoles, games like Madworld. Although I think this game will do well enough for itself, I also think many other Wii console owners will pass this by.

What game is like Madworld...God Hand and dot dot dot
ZealousD said:
I mean if you only have a Wii and you want lots of "hardcore" games, you can easily go out and buy a PS3 or 360 instead of complaining. If that's out of your price range then you couldn't exactly afford more third-party support anyway.

Likewise, if you're a PS3 or 360 person who wants to play the first-party Nintendo efforts and stuff like NMH and MadWorld you can easily go out and buy a Wii.

No need to suck on your thumb and lament your lack of support.

Yep, I agree.

Big Nintendo fan here, but still, what have I been playing for the last couple of weeks, MGS4, thats what, and I have loved every minute.

It's tough if you've only got one console and you post on GAF because you're naturally going to be bias to your own machine - thats not condusive to good debate. As a daily reader and occasional poster on GAF, its really tiresome to go to nearly every forum of interest to me and just have to read a deluge of juvenile console wars.

People guess what? Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony are all great.


TheGrayGhost said:
I don't think so, either, but they'll eventually have to.

I have this game preordered, but I don't know if I will buy it. I'm a Wii-only gamer precisely because I reject the kinds of games typically found on the other consoles, games like Madworld. Although I think this game will do well enough for itself, I also think many other Wii console owners will pass this by.

Well, considering Wii only gamers like you are passing up unique games like this, I don't see why publishers would ever bother. I mean, if Carnival Games and Jillean Michael's Fitness Ultimatum make good money on the console, why bother with high budget games like this?

If you really want games like this to get funded, you have to support them. Despite what you may wish, publishers don't have to do anything.
Great score for a great game.
Also, I can't believe people aren't buying it because of length for normal mode, yet I'm sure the same people would buy say MGS3 (a game that can be beat in 6 hours), or Bioshock (Again, a 6 hour game).
Eh, whatever.
AceBandage said:
Great score for a great game.
Also, I can't believe people aren't buying it because of length for normal mode, yet I'm sure the same people would buy say MGS3 (a game that can be beat in 6 hours), or Bioshock (Again, a 6 hour game).
Eh, whatever.
MGS3 and Bioshock are much greater in color-hours, and Bioshock is far greater in pixel-hours as well.


neojubei said:
you know those games are on two totally different systems. IGN is not comparing the graphics of madworld to RE5.

2 different reviewers as well.

I really really hate it when people compare two reviews from a site written by two different people. IGN isn't one guy! If they were internally consistent with scores and if comparing those scores meant half a shit, it would completely destroy the purpose of having different reviewers.

Link Man

Ricker said:
I really hope it sells well though because we need games like this on the Wii.
I keep hearing that we need more games like this on the Wii, but it doesn't seem to me as though the Wii is lacking support in the "Mature" games market. Just off the top of my head, I can think of both of the RE Wii games, The House of the Dead Overkill, No More Heroes, Manhunt 2, and the bikini zombie slayer game. I'm starting to get tired of you "hardcore" gamers screaming for more ultra-violent and gore-laden games on the Wii.

Granted, I am in a MadWorld review thread, so feel free to flay me for the previous statement.


AceBandage said:
Great score for a great game.
Also, I can't believe people aren't buying it because of length for normal mode, yet I'm sure the same people would buy say MGS3 (a game that can be beat in 6 hours), or Bioshock (Again, a 6 hour game).
Eh, whatever.

with the Patriot, no stealth, and skipping cutscenes, MGS3 can last about 2 hours or less :lol

my first time through with stealth and cutscenes was like 16 hours.
Oh IGN . . . that begging shit is one reason I see their Wii reviews as useless gab.

Can't really trust their stuff cause they are willing to underscore something simply as a protext (WiiMusic) which means they can very well over score because they want the game to do well. I don't care about how its sells are being closely looked at by so-and-so Pubs or some shit like that. What am I, as a reader/ viewer, expected to do about that? Buy the game ever if Im not interested in it?

The only reason I would like for that to be true is because I would like to see just how fast someone would rip off MadWorld if thats the case . . . cause it would be funny to see how they take to it.:lol

But yes, I am interested in this game and Im not looking at shit about it cause I know Im going to be playing it by Friday.


Sucks at viral marketing
This review reminds me of Matt's DK64 review. It was a cause, not a critique.

I'm also torn between my support for Platnium and my disgust for IGN (mostly Matt). My only real interest in this game is due to who made it, but I can't let Matt assume any credit for the game's success. (Not that it'll have much... its a new IP in a dead genre). I now feel obligated to buy Sonic and the Black Night before I can buy this. :(


The million dollar question: is the hard mode something that the developers put serious NGB-style care into?

If not, this game is just a pretty, empty tribute to God Hand.


JJConrad said:
This review reminds me of Matt's DK64 review. It was a cause, not a critique.

I'm also torn between my support for Platnium and my disgust for IGN (mostly Matt). My only real interest in this game is due to who made it, but I can't let Matt assume any credit for the game's success. (Not that it'll have much... its a new IP in a dead genre). I now feel obligated to buy Sonic and the Black Night before I can buy this. :(

I won't tell him you bought it.

this is the whole fucking problem, though.

It's really simple, people:





This actually look slike alot of fun, unlike NMH.

I just hope future Platinum Games efforts will end up being at least as good.
JasoNsider said:
Seriously. Come on guys.

Well, you're certainly free to post reviews for other sites in their own threads.
It just so happens that IGN is pretty much the biggest internet gaming site, which is why they get more attention.


ChrisGoldstein said:
No 480p is inexcusable...is this a sega game?
I wouldn't be surprised if the 480p mucks with the game's art style and it was done as a choice instead of a hardware limitation.

Good score, I wonder how much of it is apologizing for their awful Godhand score.
Mamesj said:
2 different reviewers as well.

I really really hate it when people compare two reviews from a site written by two different people. IGN isn't one guy! If they were internally consistent with scores and if comparing those scores meant half a shit, it would completely destroy the purpose of having different reviewers.

IGN like or not is a huge videogaming website, read by millions of people every day and owned by Rupert Murdoch. You think some piss ant reviewer wasnt told what to score?

There's millions of dollars at stake.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
ZealousD said:
I mean if you only have a Wii and you want lots of "hardcore" games, you can easily go out and buy a PS3 or 360 instead of complaining. If that's out of your price range then you couldn't exactly afford more third-party support anyway.

Likewise, if you're a PS3 or 360 person who wants to play the first-party Nintendo efforts and stuff like NMH and MadWorld you can easily go out and buy a Wii.

No need to suck on your thumb and lament your lack of support.
That's ridiculous.
The average 360 owner owns ~8 games for the system at lets be generous and say $60 a piece =$480. The cheapest 360 = $200. So if you can't afford to outlay 40% of what the average 360 owner has spent in total on software on extra hardware you are somehow unable to afford more third party support. For the PS3 you are talking giving up nearly the equivalent of the entire catalog of an average 360 owner just to purchase the extra hardware. Personally this seems like a shitty idea, and it also sucks majorly for the software industry if all that money is sucked out of the software side and spent on hardware instead.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
The review makes the game sounds great. Will buy (of course).
Zophar said:
I wouldn't be surprised if the 480p mucks with the game's art style and it was done as a choice instead of a hardware limitation.

Good score, I wonder how much of it is apologizing for their awful Godhand score.
Uh, I would be incredibly, hugely surprised.

Enormously, immensely surprised.

There is no way that is the case.


listen to the mad man
ZeroGravity said:
Where the hell in Canada are you paying $70 for a Wii game? The most I've paid for recently is $55.

$55 + tax = $62.15
$59 + tax = $66.67

So I'm assuming he's going off $59+tax.

Black-Wind said:
Can't really trust their stuff cause they are willing to underscore something simply as a protext (WiiMusic) which means they can very well over score because they want the game to do well.

IGN wasn't the lowest score or the lowest major publication score on Wii Music and I'm not sure what's so hard to believe about the idea that they actually deeply disliked the game.


The Inside Track
dallow_bg said:
I'm surprised at the lack of 480p. I just expected it.
Still getting it but that is just strange.

I mean, why not?
It more than likely means the game runs at 60 fps and uses field rendering. Basically it runs at at 720x240 resolution, and then interlaces the fields to recreate a full resolution image. Many early PS2 titles did this.
480p would require to use full resolution framebuffers, and so use twice more VRAM.


DeaconKnowledge said:
Sounds good; a 5 hour game is like a 30 hour game for me because I don't race through shit like everyone on here does.

Here, here. I have no idea how some people manage to beat games with the times they say here, or better yet, why they would ever want to.
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