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IGN Madworld review - 9.0


Stumpokapow said:
$55 + tax = $62.15
$59 + tax = $66.67

So I'm assuming he's going off $59+tax.

IGN wasn't the lowest score or the lowest major publication score on Wii Music and I'm not sure what's so hard to believe about the idea that they actually deeply disliked the game.

Some places will probably have the game at 64.95 also now and if your not careful,69 bucks,like RE5 will be,so yeah it's closer to 70-75 bucks then 55...
Captain Chaos said:
IGN like or not is a huge videogaming website, read by millions of people every day and owned by Rupert Murdoch. You think some piss ant reviewer wasnt told what to score?

There's millions of dollars at stake.

Wow. Really? I mean, really?

Bozon-IGN said:
Wow. Really? I mean, really?


So Boz, how much did Rupert pay you guys to give Madworld such a good score?
Share the wealth, man!
Also, can't wait for you to rip this thread in the podcast tonight. It will be epic.


this game would sell more if it was in color. sorry but it's true.

Bozon-IGN said:
Wow. Really? I mean, really?



you tell me
AceBandage said:
So Boz, how much did Rupert pay you guys to give Madworld such a good score?
Share the wealth, man!
Also, can't wait for you to rip this thread in the podcast tonight. It will be epic.

All I know is I'm happy to be going up to SF tonight, since I can expense lunch and save money for gas.

All those millions must not be making it to us "piss ant" reviewers I guess. :D

(also, to keep on-topic, this game is neat-o)


TheGrayGhost said:
Actually, I don't want games like this to be funded.

And you're right, developers and publishers don't necessarily have to do anything. When I said earlier that they would eventually have to primarily support DS/Wii, what I mean is that it is in their best interests, artistically and economically, in my opinion, to do so. But yes, they don't have to do what is in their best interests.
FYI I know you're a (brilliant) fake account and all but if you're going to do the "wii is best for devs artistically" thing then you need to go back and edit out your thread where you watched American Psycho on youtube and didn't get why it was funny or what it was a satire of. It just makes your posting too obvious.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
the game would sell more if it was a blowjob

more subtle next time?
the GodHand fan in me is ecstatic! I am happy with the IGN review, cannot wait to pick it up later this week whenever it hits my retailer


Tain said:
but i wanna talk about how bad NMH is! check it:

NMH is an awesome looking game that is an absolute chore to flail through. Killer7 is an awesome looking game that is enjoyable to figure out and shoot through.
You dont' exactly "Flail" in NMH's. Waggle was only used for the finishing moves. I like it more than Killer 7 personally.


Weren't most game on the GC progressive scan (the ones I own all are)? Maybe being progressive scan isn't a big deal in Japan (anymore)??? I'm confused...

plank said:

9.0 Presentation
Everything from menu design to visual style and audio elements combine into one thoroughly cohesive, totally unique vision.
9.5 Graphics
It's an astonishingly unique, singularly arresting art style that proves admirably that talent, rather than technical horsepower, makes the difference.
8.0 Sound
Too much repetition marrs an otherwise pitch-perfect (and brilliantly obscene) commentary while music and effects are fitting, if never revelatory.
8.5 Gameplay
It's an intoxicating riot of visceral ultraviolence and weirdly empowering creativity. Typical control irritations usurp your ingenuity though.
8.0 Lasting Appeal
A couple of hours to play through but Death Watch Challenges, multiplayer, a terrifying Hard mode and general obsessive point-collecting extend life tremendously.
8.9 Great OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average)
jaundicejuice said:
Can't wait to pick up my fully paid for and pre-ordered copy this Wednesday.
I'm sad. Amazon is - for whatever reason - not shipping mine until the 16th. It's like they want to punish me for using the free shipping option.
poppabk said:
You are not seeing a decrease in vertical resolution from 480 -> 240, it is intended that the two frames of 240 lines create a single frame with a horizontal resolution of 480. You might as well argue that CRT's have a horizontal resolution of 1 because they only draw one line at a time.
The problem isn't a loss of resolution but a loss in image clarity especially when the image has to be de-interlaced to be displayed on a display that requires progressive scan.

240 lines at any given time. Looks like poo on anything but a good-quality small size SDTV CRT. Luckily I have one of those, so it's not the biggest deal in the world.


Bozon-IGN said:
All I know is I'm happy to be going up to SF tonight, since I can expense lunch and save money for gas.

All those millions must not be making it to us "piss ant" reviewers I guess. :D

(also, to keep on-topic, this game is neat-o)

So the lack of 480p doesn't make your eyes bleed? Or are u using a braille keyboard right now?


guess its finally time to send in my broken wii, its hasnt been able to read discs for almost 6 months and other than 3 times people wanted to play wii sports ive never cared, i guess i do now.


got this for $43 from amazon. hopefully my order ships tomorrow. i'll probably play through RE5 first, save the best(madworld) for last.


You dont' exactly "Flail" in NMH's. Waggle was only used for the finishing moves. I like it more than Killer 7 personally.

Charging, sword locking, and high and low. That's plenty of Wiimote movement, I think.
vesp said:
guess its finally time to send in my broken wii, its hasnt been able to read discs for almost 6 months and other than 3 times people wanted to play wii sports ive never cared, i guess i do now.

I'll be surprised if the review average doesn't sit right around a 79% So you can leave your Wii broken if you want lol


Death Prophet
Can't wait for the crazy reaction the GS review will most likely start. :lol
I mean, IGN gave it a 9.0 and this thread is crazy.
I stand by thoughts in other threads that this game is way too much for me, I physically cringed at some of the stuff in that review. That being said, I'm glad Platinum Games' first title is getting such a warm reception, I look forward to there other games!!


TheChillyAcademic said:
I stand by thoughts in other threads that this game is way too much for me, I physically cringed at some of the stuff in that review. That being said, I'm glad Platinum Games' first title is getting such a warm reception, I look forward to there other games!!

Bayonetta and Infinite Line/Space go!
EmCeeGramr said:
You had to ask how to have fun with Left 4 Dead? I mean, it's the console version (harrumph), but still.

I understand why some gamers enjoy these kinds of games.

...Actually, I don't. What I mean to say is, I understand what their appeal is supposed to be. What I don't understand is why that is appealing in the first place. Now, I'm not interested in persuading any of you, I'm just explaining why I'll likely be passing this up and why many other Wii-only owners may pass this up.


[Nintex] said:
O shit, it's a good Wii game!

All aboard the HATE Train, burn it down, soccer-women and kiddy-children first!

i have no doubt the game is good, the question is will people buy it? this is the double-edged sword of Nintendo's new Ocean strategy.


[Nintex] said:
O shit, it's a good Wii game!

All aboard the HATE Train, burn it down, soccer-women and kiddy-children first!
I don't think people are upset that Madworld is a good game. People are upset that IGN is crap.


Looks and sounds really awesome, except the 480i. Which means I can't play it, as I have my Wii hooked up to a monitor that only supports progressive scan. Awesome job, Sega.


Jaded Alyx said:
Tenchu IV and House of the Dead Overkill didn't come out that long ago.
Deadly Creatures

AceBandage said:
So what site SHOULD we trust?
EDGE and Eurogamer are pretty high up on my trustworthy scale.

IGN Famitsu Gamespot, all worthless.
Haunted said:
Deadly Creatures

Certainly not the big enthusiast sites like IGN or Gamespot. On my trustworthy scale, EDGE and Eurogamer are pretty high up.

Not really familiar with EG, but Edge? Eh, they seem too harsh just for the sake of being harsh.
But whatever, each review is just an opinion of that person.
Personally, my own opinions of games have fallen in line pretty closely with IGN (outside of a few like NMH and Jade Empire).
Gotta love the idea of Rupert Murdoch hiring goons to make sure all the vidya game reviews are as EVIL as possible.

Some people in here really believe that the world is run by Snidely Whiplash or some shit.


It's a beat em up. Who would want to play a beat em up for 10 hours straight?

Now I'm sure it's an awesome game and I've been waiting for it for some time, but those of you complaining about the length of a beat em up have probably never set foot in an arcade any earlier than the year 2000.

5-6 hours is the perfect length. Hell, it may be a little much.
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