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Jeff Grub says Xbox Live Gold and paying to play online is going away soon


Rage Bait Youtuber
Conflicting messages. He thinks it's only for F2P but also says it's going away entirely *shrugs*

There's no conflicting messages other than people on the internet not understanding the passage of time and chronology of messages posted online.

First he said free to play games.


He said it's going away entirely.

The second statement overrides the first.

cm osi

sony will try everything to keep online paywalled, because otherwise nobody in their sane mind will stay subbed to psn+ at 59.99
The more logical thing is they're going to focus on GamePass and get people in their ecosystem with free online play. Especially with games being crossplay across the PC and Xbox, it doesn't make sense to force one side of that into a paywall. So Live is going away.

Ehh... Gamepass is a business model experiment. Whether it will succeed or not we'll know years from now. The bolded however....one of my long time arguments. I agree it should be this way. Xbox console gamers are currently second class citizens in this regard.
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Rage Bait Youtuber
Ehh... Gamepass is a business model experiment. Whether it will succeed or not we'll know years form now. The bolded however....one of my long time arguments. I agree it should be this way. Xbox console gamers are currently second class citizens in this regard.

GamePass has more than 10 million subs. It's already succeeded.


Ask me about my fanboy energy!
Looks like only for free 2 play games. And i think is the best move since F2p games were never behind the paywall on PlayStation.

Is gold going away or are they just removing it as a requirement for free to play? Who's saying what?
Conflicting messages. He thinks it's only for F2P but also says it's going away entirely *shrugs*
He clarified. Its in the OP, but here it is again.

Half of the stuff in OP is not part of any screenshots meant to provide "context".
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People stayed subbed to XLG for more than a decade though... 🤷‍♂️

...yes...because you needed to to play online... that's the whole point of his comment I'm pretty sure.

if you don't have to pay to play online, noone would still have PS+ at this point.
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Thinking a bit more, I doubt they will ditch the pay to play online requirement in some form. Game Pass is not profitable per Greenberg, so they need that revenue from Gold. Maybe they'll merge the two, but I just can't see they dropping that revenue stream when GP can't fill the gap.
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Would be nice that they put out the fire they started with this pay to play online bullshit. So if it is true, I commend them for canceling that goofy shit.


Crazy insane value if true.
I mean PCMR like me, dont pay to play, buy cheap steam games, play FF14 f2p, and going to sub gamepass for MFS2020

But this is Phil throwing the kitchen sink to win. True return to PC roots for Xbox. :messenger_face_screaming:


Don't believe it at all. Labelling on some of the multiplayer games at their July show continue to perpetuate the notion that gold is required to play online.
I don't see them including that disclaimer if they planned on getting rid of gold.

This rumor is pure fantasy


No way is MS getting rid of their cash cow. Live is easy money. Jeff Grubb is an attention whore. In fact his tweets doesn't make sense. How do you say "will be" and then say "i think"?


as I said in the other thread about the 12months option vanishing...

they have to get rid of it simply because it is increasingly unfair for Xbox players to pay to play the exact same games that Win10 users can play online for free.

Xbox games on PC use the exact same infrastructure, servers and usually friends list... yet on PC you can play Halo MCC online at no additional cost, while Xbox players have to pay to play online.
again, that's the exact same game, on the exact same infrastructure and you even use the exact same online profile INCLUDING CROSS PROGRESSION and soon cross play.

in games like Gears 5, Forza Horizon 4 or many other titles that not only have cross progression, but also already support full crossplay, it's even more obvious how stupid this is.

as an Xbox user you're currently basically a second class citizen, and as Win10 and Xbox get increasingly closer and closer this will become more and more obvious to consumers as time goes on.

so better to cut that shit now before the new generation comes out and avoid bad press or negative voices from the community
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On Demand

Hope so. This will force Sony to get rid of theirs, or make PSplus a better value. More multiplayer games are going free to play anyway, which Sony doesn't charge for, so paying for online is pointless. As it has always been regardless.
I mean, as they shift towards having all their games on PC with full cross play, it makes sense. If you’re playing a multiplat game with friends on different hardware through Xbox live, the only one that needs to pay to play is the guy who already bought an Xbox console. Xbox console gamers are literally being treated like second class citizens


I've seen Sony fans mock reference to MS' "warchest." THIS is a warchest moment. MS is gambling on losing many millions in the short term with a long-term vision. They could not do this if they weren't filthy rich.
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Am I reading this wrong or does it sound like they are consolidating Gold into Ultimate?

Gold will go away

But In its place

Ultimate will include online play plus gamepass and other benefits.

Or are they making online play free but keeping ultimate for gamepass with other benefits?

Either strategy makes sense to me.
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Ask me about my fanboy energy!
Am I reading this wrong or does it sound like they are consolidating Gold into Ultimate?

Gold will go away

But In its place

Ultimate will include online play plus gamepass and other benefits.

Or are they making online play free but keeping ultimate for gamepass with other benefits?

Either strategy makes sense to me.
"They will not force you into Ultimate to play online. "


I can't see this happening, Gold is a perk of Ulitimate a great chunk of the cost too, if we don't get Gold because you don't need it anymore to play online, then Ultimate subs should(if they're sane) be VERY pissed off, MS wouldn't do that.
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Gold Member
If there's 50 million paying Gold members at a wholesale price of $50/person.... MS doesn't get the whole $60 if it's on deal or someone buys it from a store.

That's maybe $2.5 billion of sales they are giving up.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
If there's 50 million paying Gold members at a wholesale price of $50/person.... MS doesn't get the whole $60 if it's on deal or someone buys it from a store.

That's maybe $2.5 billion of sales they are giving up.

They don't have 50 million people paying for gold.
Absolutely Great if it happens we shouldn't be paying for online anyway and I can definitely see Sony following suit if it happens it's too big of a plus point for ms or Sony if one has it and one don't .


Ask me about my fanboy energy!
If there's 50 million paying Gold members at a wholesale price of $50/person.... MS doesn't get the whole $60 if it's on deal or someone buys it from a store.

That's maybe $2.5 billion of sales they are giving up.
There are 90 million Xbox Live users. Gold is never disclosed, but Brad Sams estimated it to be 10 million.


Huh? He said you wouldn't need gamepass to play online either.

Not what I mean. Sorry for confusion. Currently GOLD and GAME PASS are separate. Game pass ultimate has both gold and game pass.

Let's say Gold goes away. Great. You still have to pay for Xbox's leading feature. It's not that the cost is going away - they're just transferring it.
Not what I mean. Sorry for confusion. Currently GOLD and GAME PASS are separate. Game pass ultimate has both gold and game pass.

Let's say Gold goes away. Great. You still have to pay for Xbox's leading feature. It's not that the cost is going away - they're just transferring it.
No. You don't. You can buy a game outside of gamepass and play it online for free going by what he said...


This would be interesting, assuming true. Will be curious which bits would become legitimately free and which would likely shift to GamePass. I get the need to lower the overall Sub cost to the customer as stacking Internet, Gold, GP just to play games is kinda lame. But damn it seems like easy money that MS would be forfeiting. Least near term. In know sony has been bragging about that built in Sub money, so if MS did this they might be in tough spot. But then again they have the same problem to solve with PS+ and PSNow so maybe they are both moving in the direction of repackaging their Sub model.


Gold Member
They don't have 50 million people paying for gold.
There are 90 million Xbox Live users. Gold is never disclosed, but Brad Sams estimated it to be 10 million.
Xbox Gold is only at 10 million? That's it?

Ok, lower than I thought.

I remember during the 360 days MS said Gold subbers were at 40 million. Although they never said annual or a monthly $10 thing.

If that's the amount the sales given up is much lower than billions.
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If they dropped this news, the price and launch date announcement, Lockhart and Perfect Dark next month the hype will be through the roof.


No. You don't. You can buy a game outside of gamepass and play it online for free going by what he said...

I understand that you don't have to pay for game pass. My point is that MS is practically making it a no-brainer to go with game pass. It's not like you're just going to save $8 a month by dropping gold. They're hoping you spend that $8 on game pass instead.
I understand that you don't have to pay for game pass. My point is that MS is practically making it a no-brainer to go with game pass. It's not like you're just going to save $8 a month by dropping gold. They're hoping you spend that $8 on game pass instead.
Um, yeah, no kidding. But this was your original post.

Unsure if it'll be that huge, because they're putting all their weight into Game Pass. What good is online play if you still have to pay for a sub?

I fail to see how the reasoning you've now come around to has anything to do with it. Especially when you say, "What good is online play if you still have to pay for a sub?"

They aren't forcing you to pay for anything to play online if this happens. That was my entire point. And that indeed, would be huge when people make decisions on which ecosystem to play their online games on... Especially if they now have the option to take that money and invest it in a sub like gamepass which would bring tons of games to their finger tips.
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I understand that you don't have to pay for game pass. My point is that MS is practically making it a no-brainer to go with game pass. It's not like you're just going to save $8 a month by dropping gold. They're hoping you spend that $8 on game pass instead.

Evil business try to make money confirmed.
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