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Jeff Grub says Xbox Live Gold and paying to play online is going away soon


Removing the barrier of entry and ramping up the GaaS. This is the strategy I think. More money to be made in this scenario especially with free to play games that rely on GaaS and in game purchases, etc.
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The Amiga Brotherhood
I've been saying it for a while, if they want to compete (and clearly they do) they need to do something radical like this. It's a shame they introduced paid online for consoles in the first place. Hope they do it and Sony responds.
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Rage Bait Youtuber
GamePass will be the new thing that they are betting will keep members there. They'll merge the two some how. It's always a risk, when you make moves, that some will leave. But I'm certain that they have a number of projections that they've drawn up. They have plans for each potential outcome.

The two are already merged with GamePass Ultimate.

The Alien

The rumors of "mic drop moments" were for the July show (all of which came from "insiders", not Microsoft).

I think the Auguat show could be the big one they have before release. Series S, Initiative game, no pay XBOX Gold, acquisitions, etc.
Said this in the other thread too, but it just makes the most sense for their strategy going forward. With Xbox Live Gold you get: 4 free games per month (two Xbox One games, two BC games), online multiplayer, and weekly store discounts. The four free games each month is almost in direct competition with Game Pass - the longer you're subscribed, the bigger your library gets and the less reason you have to want to subscribe to Game Pass. Additionally, when the Series X releases, people are going to start clamoring for "free" Series X games on the program and Microsoft would rather you just subscribe to Game Pass to get those.

So they ditch the Games With Gold program (and give everyone who used it permanent access to those games) and remove the online paywall requirement. The "extra" discounts are silly and you just give those to everyone - it's up to the publishers anyway to set those. Going forward, you make your next-gen console look like an incredible value compared to the competition and for those that want a subscription you have one that offers an instant library of hundreds of games.
Plus those 4 free games are pretty much shovelware crap 99% of the time. They won't be missed by anyone
The rumors of "mic drop moments" were for the July show (all of which came from "insiders", not Microsoft).

I think the Auguat show could be the big one they have before release. Series S, Initiative game, no pay XBOX Gold, acquisitions, etc.

Hopefully, but considering how they hyped up the july show, i dont necessarily believe in their "mic drop" announcements at this point.


This is accurate. Both fortnite and COD warzone have known record profits. Having no barrier to entry will definitely help. Still remains to be seen how popular halo is without a BR mode, which both of those games have.

I've said before a Halo BR mode could be super fun with all the vehicles... and then imagine a huge BR map essentially made in Forge by the actual Halo community playing it. Constant changes and updates driven by players themselves. Could be huge.



He's absolutely right about the engagement argument. And for a company selling gamepass as the main feature for the moment, it makes sense to grow that engagement as much as possible (within reason of course). But still, can anyone really imagine going into a high level MS board meetings with a pitch on saying no thank you to 9 figure annual income because of gains you hope will be realized down the road? I cant.
He's absolutely right about the engagement argument. And for a company selling gamepass as the main feature for the moment, it makes sense to grow that engagement as much as possible (within reason of course). But still, can anyone really imagine going into a high level MS board meetings with a pitch on saying no thank you to 9 figure annual income because of gains you hope will be realized down the road? I cant.

Considering most of that next gen growth will be coming from PC users, mobile users via xcloud, etc all of which dont have to pay for xbox live gold, what exactly is the point of keeping it around if all it does is add a fee to console owners but no one else?


Considering most of that next gen growth will be coming from PC users, mobile users via xcloud, etc all of which dont have to pay for xbox live gold, what exactly is the point of keeping it around if all it does is add a fee to console owners but no one else?
Like I said, I understand the potential strategy and I don't disagree with the potential. But I'm just a guy shooting the shit on a message board. The people who actually decide would be gambling with annual revenue that would make powerball winners look poor. That takes serious balls, both advocating for it to the powers that be, and green lighting.


It's now "Gamepass with...well...just gamepass". You like 4 games a month for your subscription. Well here's 200, right now.

I buy gold on black Friday or ebay deal, I've never paid more than 30 for a 12 month pass, I don't want game pass.


No chance. MS pulled this off np when playstation was free. And sales were 50/50 back then give or take. Now Sony is brutally dominating xbox along with the switch and both charge for online. It won't matter.
Doesnt people realise playing free to play games and mmo its free on playstation since the beggining?


Cloud saves are actually already free on Xbox. Even non-Gold users have access to this feature already. This isn't true for Sony or Nintendo though.
Thanks for the clarification. It's funny, I have owned an Xbox One S since last year. Then later got an Xbox One X. It's my first time delving into the Xbox ecosystem and have always had Xbox Live Gold (then converted to Game Pass Ultimate) since the purchase and never knew that. I mostly game on PC and I mostly use the Xbox for BC exclusives you can't get anywhere else.


If xbox do this then how will sony respond if at all? I cant see them dropping psn+ subs.

they are not in the same shoes as Microsoft (at least not yet) where they release every game on PC, usually with full cross compatibility, where playing online is free. so it's comparable to buying a game and then playing it on base Xbox One and Xbox One X, PC at this point is just yet another Microsoft system to play your digital games on. Imagine if base Xbox One players would need to pay to play online but Xbox One X players didn't... that's exactly what's happening now... if you have a PC you basically have an Xbox One X+, an even more powerful platform to play your Xbox games on, and you don't have to pay to play online with your friends... your friends on their Xboxes have to pay tho.
how's that fair?

Sony is not in the same market here, they only have their dedicated console, there is no party here that is unfairly taxed for playing on the wrong Sony platform.
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Klob was one who leaked the acquisition of Ninja Theory, Playground Games and Obsidian. Also,

Yeah, also Klob said MS will aquire Take 2 and Zenimax. LOL. Btw. regarding GOLD removal, Klob reacted after when MS removed yearly sub. from store. As "insider" he should hinted that way before 1 year sub. removal, NOT after.


Ask me about my fanboy energy!
Yeah, also Klob said MS will aquire Take 2 and Zenimax. LOL. Btw. regarding GOLD removal, Klob reacted after when MS removed yearly sub. from store. As "insider" he should hinted that way before 1 year sub. removal, NOT after.
No he didnt.
They took away the 12 month option for gold a week ago didn't they? but you still have gamepass ultimate 12 month subs, also that MP game they showed last week said gold sub required to play online. BTW you can still buy 12 month gold subs on Amazon for $59.99 they haven't removed done away with them yet.
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Ask me about my fanboy energy!
They took away the 12 month option for gold a week ago didn't they? but you still have gamepass ultimate 12 month subs, also that MP game they showed last week said gold sub required to play online.
They will say it till they officially announce their stance.


Gold Member
So Greenberg says Gamepass isn't making them a lot of money, and I'm supposed to believe they will end their biggest money maker for some reason? Reason being related to gamepass?


Would be amazing, but... No.

Klob was one who leaked the acquisition of Ninja Theory, Playground Games and Obsidian. Also,

What if you stack 3 month subscriptions? MS will still have to deal with those in the future if they get rid of XBLG.

I always thought the concept of not being able to play multiplayer without paying for some service besides your ISP retarded.
So good news for console gamers if true.
MS is the smallest console manufacturer, so not really good news for all console gamers.


So Greenberg says Gamepass isn't making them a lot of money, and I'm supposed to believe they will end their biggest money maker for some reason? Reason being related to gamepass?


Would be amazing, but... No.

What if you stack 3 month subscriptions? MS will still have to deal with those in the future if they get rid of XBLG.

MS is the smallest console manufacturer, so not really good news for all console gamers.
Rumour has it that the Gold subscriptions will be changed into GP subscriptions.
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So Greenberg says Gamepass isn't making them a lot of money, and I'm supposed to believe they will end their biggest money maker for some reason? Reason being related to gamepass?


Would be amazing, but... No.

What if you stack 3 month subscriptions? MS will still have to deal with those in the future if they get rid of XBLG.

MS is the smallest console manufacturer, so not really good news for all console gamers.

gamepass doesn't make a lot of money NOW because they are building their reputation at the moment by offering absolutely mind-bogglingly cheap deals! converting all you XBLG to gamepass or multiple $1 a month offerings (not only for new customers btw, I know someone who did that $1 deal like 4 times already)

once they stop with these absolutely hilariously cheap deals they throw out all the time, they will make tons of money with it.

this is just so that people get into their subscription and get hooked.


Bring down the console paywall, by all means. Let Fortnite kids, FIFA/NBA2K addicts and whales in general pay for our online service.

Sadly, I don't think it's going to happen


All this effort of moving people from a 10$ (where they hardly have to provide anything)subscription to a 15$ (that includes streaming, their entire first-party and third party deals)?

It just doesn't add up.
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All this effort of moving people from a 10$ (where they hardly have to provide anything)subscription to a 15$ (that includes streaming, their entire first-party?

It just doesn't add up.

again, I don't think this is a case of them wanting to move subscribers to another subscription and just eliminating the unfair treatment of a portion of their customers.


again, I don't think this is a case of them wanting to move subscribers to another subscription and just eliminating the unfair treatment of a portion of their customers.
I doubt that. As someone who complained from day one about paid online console gamers ate it up.

It's like saying no to free money so I assume they have a plan to make it back somewhere else and just gamepass ain't going to be it.
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I doubt that. As someone who complained from day one about paid online console gamers ate it up.

these days it is a completely different scenario tho.

we live in a world where Gears 5 releases on 3 Microsoft systems simultaneously and if you buy it digitally you own it on all 3 Microsoft systems.
these systems are:
Windows 10
Xbox One
Xbox One X
with the Series X version out at launch it would be 4 systems

now we have a situation where 2 of these 3 systems need an online subscription in order to use all of this game's features. even tho all 3 systems play on the exact same servers, using the same matchmaking infrastructure and the same player pool.
and THIS is the situation with nearly EVERY SINGLE game Microsoft releases. Forza Horizon 4, Halo, Gears, Battletoads, Sea of Thieves... and so on.

1 system plays online for free, the others pay to play online... if you own a PC and an Xbox (I have a decent PC, and Xbox One S and an Xbox One X) you have a system where you play the game you just bought for free, and one where it costs you money to play it. the same game, same license but 2 different rule sets.
that becomes increasingly ridiculous as time goes on.
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these days it is a completely different scenario tho.

we live in a world where Gears 5 releases on 3 Microsoft systems simultaneously and if you buy it digitally you own it on all 3 Microsoft systems.
these systems are:
Windows 10
Xbox One
Xbox One X
with the Series X version out at launch it would be 4 systems

now we have a situation where 2 of these 3 systems need an online subscription in order to use all of this game's features. even tho all 3 systems play on the exact same servers, using the same matchmaking infrastructure and the same player pool.
and THIS is the situation with nearly EVERY SINGLE game Microsoft releases. Forza Horizon 4, Halo, Gears, Battletoads, Sea of Thieves... and so on.

1 system plays online for free, the others pay to play online... if you own a PC and an Xbox (I have a decent PC, and Xbox One S and an Xbox One X) you have a system where you play the game you just bought for free, and one where it costs you money to play it. the same game, same license but 2 different rule sets.
that becomes increasingly ridiculous as time goes on.
Back in the day we lived in a world where PC had free online that actually used dedicated servers while MS decided to charge for people to play p2p(and was praised for it!). There were plenty of game on PC and 360 back then including MS games.
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these days it is a completely different scenario tho.

we live in a world where Gears 5 releases on 3 Microsoft systems simultaneously and if you buy it digitally you own it on all 3 Microsoft systems.
these systems are:
Windows 10
Xbox One
Xbox One X
with the Series X version out at launch it would be 4 systems

now we have a situation where 2 of these 3 systems need an online subscription in order to use all of this game's features. even tho all 3 systems play on the exact same servers, using the same matchmaking infrastructure and the same player pool.
and THIS is the situation with nearly EVERY SINGLE game Microsoft releases. Forza Horizon 4, Halo, Gears, Battletoads, Sea of Thieves... and so on.

1 system plays online for free, the others pay to play online... if you own a PC and an Xbox (I have a decent PC, and Xbox One S and an Xbox One X) you have a system where you play the game you just bought for free, and one where it costs you money to play it. the same game, same license but 2 different rule sets.
that becomes increasingly ridiculous as time goes on.

If anybody owned 3 Xbox consoles this gen he surely deserves a compensation.


Back in the day we lived in a world where PC had free online that actually used dedicated servers while MS decided to charge for people to play p2p. There were plenty of game on PC and 360 back then including MS games.

that's not the point tho.
back then PC and Console were 2 completely separated markets, even for Microsoft. PC ports by Microsoft where rare and usually months if not years after the console release.

now they release the same games on both and usually with crossplay and cross-progression,
this means if you have an Xbox One X and a PC, you can start playing... Ori for example, on Xbox and then switch to PC using the same save which is automatically synced up via the cloud.
it's basically like using 2 Xboxes.

these games are even called "Xbox" games on PC... they have XBOX achievements, they can be bought and downloaded using the XBOX app on PC and again, they all use XBox Live as their infrastructure of friends, matchmaking and servers.
they are in XBOX GAME PASS for PC. Not PC Game Pass, no! it is XBOX GAME PASS for PC

that is not in the slightest way comparable to the old days where PC games were their own thing that was very much separate from Console.
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that's not the point tho.
back then PC and Console were 2 completely separated markets, even for Microsoft. PC ports by Microsoft where rare and usually months if not years after the console release.

now they release the same games on both and usually with crossplay and cross-progression,
this means if you have an Xbox One X and a PC, you can start playing... Ori for example, on Xbox and then switch to PC using the same save which is automatically synced up via the cloud.
it's basically like using 2 Xboxes.

these games are even called "Xbox" games on PC... they have XBOX achievements, they can be bought and downloaded using the XBOX app on PC and again, they all use XBox Live as their infrastructure of friends, matchmaking and servers.
they are in XBOX GAME PASS for PC. Not PC Game Pass, no! it is XBOX GAME PASS for PC

that is not in the slightest way comparable to the old days where PC games were their own thing that was very much separate from Console.
Ok, I'll believe it when it happens and then I'll just wait for the day that their plan will reveal itself. You just don't give up a cash cow like live gold and invest so much in gamepass if you don't have a plan that gets you more than $15 a month.

Everything is always presented as a good things for the players but it rarely turns out that way.
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Ok, I'll believe it when it happens and then I'll just wait for the day that their plan will reveal itself. You just don't give up a cash cow like live gold and invest so much in gamepass if you don't have a plan that gets you more than $15 a month.

Everything is always presented as a good things for the players but it rarely turns out that way.

I'm also still skeptical, but with the way they bring PC and Xbox closer and closer, and now with the 12 month option just vanishing... there's a lot that points towards that outcome imo.
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