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JezC:EU may also force console companies to open up their platforms. Microsoft would be there day one. But Sony isn't just going to let them do that.


Apple was told to switch the iPhone to USB-C and they did.
Apple is told to allow 3rd party stores on iOS and they will comply.

The EU have nerfed Microsoft and Google mutliple times, and they comply.

Not sure how Sony or Nintendo wouldn't comply with the EU, unless of course they don't want to sell their hardware there...

There is no case for consoles like at all. Smart phones aint consoles. If you want the consoles dead for ms to have some fictional benefit so be it.
Wonder how that would work though, consoles aren't smartphones where about anyone can develop an app for it and treat it like a personal computer.

Would that imply consoles must work like PCs now? That anyone could develop a ps5 or switch game without waiting for Sony's input and selling it in a third party store? That would actually be pretty neat.
Easy right now Sony locks down everyone from making their own app store just like Apple does. So Steam and Epic can't be on a PS5 no matter how much Epic and Valve would love to make it happen. What would change here is that the EU would force Sony to allow Steam, Epic, Xbox Store etc.

Now you're wondering "but what about game development, PC games don't work on PS5" yes it would have to be native PS5 ports being sold but instead of it being on PSN it's on Steam etc. on a PS5. Can also go cloud route with GeForce Now, Gamepass etc.


There is no case for consoles like at all. Smart phones aint consoles. If you want the consoles dead for ms to have some fictional benefit so be it.

I don't think Microsoft would be exempt from this, they will have to open up the xbox as well, so I don't see any special benefit.


Gold Member
I don't think Microsoft would be exempt from this, they will have to open up the xbox as well, so I don't see any special benefit.

Yep. All consoles would die.

Yay GIF by YoungerTV


Easy right now Sony locks down everyone from making their own app store just like Apple does. So Steam and Epic can't be on a PS5 no matter how much Epic and Valve would love to make it happen. What would change here is that the EU would force Sony to allow Steam, Epic, Xbox Store etc.

Now you're wondering "but what about game development, PC games don't work on PS5" yes it would have to be native PS5 ports being sold but instead of it being on PSN it's on Steam etc. on a PS5. Can also go cloud route with GeForce Now, Gamepass etc.

I can access gamepass and geforce now nativity through my TV. What do I gain as a consumer to have this on my ps5 as well? Its will make things worse than better for the consumer.
Then tell Microsoft to make Xbox consoles into Xbox PCs and you could get that and a whole lot more.

This is on them; they're the ones who want to impose a business model for one type of product onto a completely different type of product. Or at least, they have no problem with trying to muddy those waters, since they would stand to benefit more than anyone else.

If the EU forced those conditions it could only be done on fraudulent grounds and I'd 100% support Nintendo and Sony removing their products out of that territory.

Like it's been mentioned countless times, Apple, Microsoft, Google...they are all Big Tech companies and products like the iPhone are in completely different markets not to mention much more of a requirement to function in modern society, as general-purpose computing devices. Consoles are purpose-built for gaming and have a business model suited for that, which has served the market well for decades.

The only ones who want to change that are those who failed to successfully compete on that business model of their own hubris, and fans of those companies blindly going along just to show support. Or, people who are blinded by "pro-consumerism" messages mistaking any such changes for something other than enabling specific companies to obtain even more power through redefining entire markets to worm away market share from competitors.

Again, the company best in position to do that right now, Microsoft, doesn't want to do it with their own consoles because what you want isn't what they want. They want to siphon users from other platform ecosystems to their own, via opening up more backdoors and using trojan horse tactics, even if that destabilizes the entire business model console gaming has successfully used for decades.

And again, I'm sure Microsoft aren't the only company that would like this type of thing to happen, but they are one of the loudest voices in support of it and one of the biggest by far in favor. None of this is for pro-consumerism, especially not long-term. You are letting your own desires distract you from the bigger play and what's at stake.
No shit MS isn't going to allow it out of the goodness of their hearts. I was just spit-balling about something that would be cool, not that I expect it to actually happen.

Christ it's like somebody quoting the odds of winning the lottery to somebody daydreaming about what they would do with a couple million dollars.
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James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
Oohh, and which Microsoft game are you buying first of which they will keep all that sweet revenue from?

If GamePass were on PS5 I'd have no reason to own an Xbox, but Xbox isn't a place to buy games due to this service. So they'd keep whatever revenue I give them for GamePass.


If GamePass were on PS5 I'd have no reason to own an Xbox, but Xbox isn't a place to buy games due to this service. So they'd keep whatever revenue I give them for GamePass.

I mean they'll have to have a compelling title for you to give them your money, right? Since they don't have any games worth spending money on, it really doesn't matter if the service is on PlayStation or not..

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
I mean they'll have to have a compelling title for you to give them your money, right? Since they don't have any games worth spending money on, it really doesn't matter if the service is on PlayStation or not..

They have some compelling titles, certainly stuff that would warrant a purchase or gamepass sub, even if it's not nearly as strong as the competition. Not really sure what you're getting at or if you're intentionally bating/trolling.


Sure, but if they wanna sell their shit in the EU, they must oblige the rules or face exorbitant fines. I agree with a lot of the regulation going on in the EU, but this feels a bit strange. Who will playtest the game and for what price? How will Sony protect the underlying freebsd operating system, in order to avoid exploits and the like when all kinds of canopy monkeys are allowed free roam in the ecosystem?
Exactly, my point isnt that dont have to follow the laws only that nothing gives the EU the right to dictate laws that will damage two of Japans most important and protected companies.
And like you said, accessing proprietary hardware/software is just going to create huge issues for Sony/Nintendo and benefits them little.
The only company who gets anything out of it is Microsoft, they have a much stronger online infrastructure and obviously can easily outspend Sony/Nintendo.
We’ll see how it goes but yeah its not a great precedent to set.


They have some compelling titles, certainly stuff that would warrant a purchase or gamepass sub, even if it's not nearly as strong as the competition. Not really sure what you're getting at or if you're intentionally bating/trolling.

Just trolling unfortunately :/

Point was that hypothetically if this actually happened I don’t think Microsoft would make all that much money from the PlayStation install base, most players on there already have a lot of games to spend their money on.


Yep. All consoles would die.

Yay GIF by YoungerTV
If they can’t ever win the console war, they will settle for stalemate. They’re salivating on the prospects of opening up consoles because they know it would force Sony and Nintendo to go 3rd party.

It would be less painful for them than just seeing MS going 3rd party soon. So they’re concocting scenarios on how Sony and Nintendo would be forced to go 3rd party as well.
Definitions in this particular case are 100% arbitrary… does the ps5 have a built in music player? Can it play a movie from physical media? You get the idea.

So in that case, is it a single-purpose device?
I don't see the harm. It would be just another option and may even spur competition from different stores/market places on consoles.

The current console hardware business would be upturned. It's the razor blade model. We are getting the consoles far cheaper than we should be because they are heavily subsidised as they know they'll make the money back from game sales.


The current console hardware business would be upturned. It's the razor blade model. We are getting the consoles far cheaper than we should be because they are heavily subsidised as they know they'll make the money back from game sales.

It's interesting that only one specific part of the industry think its a good idea including the author of this article.


Don't know what your measure of "success" is but your a fool if you think they're failing

Tell me you are financially illiterate without telling me.

%5 rise in gaming revenue is a miss, they actually projected growing by more (between %13-17)

Xbox content and services revenue, which includes Xbox Game Pass, is up 5 percent, though. Overall gaming revenue is also up just 1 percent. This suggests that Xbox Game Pass has grown year over year, despite Microsoft still not providing updated subscriber numbers. Microsoft had expected low- to mid-teens for Xbox content and services revenue, so just 5 percent is a miss here. Microsoft CFO Amy Hood blamed the miss on “weakness in first-party and third-party content performance,” in an earnings call today.

Also console sales (their #1 growth vector of Gamepass btw) is crashing to the point where they are doing a $150 reduction in price just to stand against PS5 and an extremely aging Switch.

This is not "success" lmao.


I paid for the device, I have got the right to do install, whatever I want on it. I own it. Same as phones.

Clearly you haven’t put much thought into this, but the short of it is that you can do whatever you want with it as long as its not illegal, and you understand that you cannot force PlayStation to compromise their software and/or their network to suit your needs.


The Verge. Lol. Trash 'journalism'.

There are many ways to play computer games from many manufacturers, so the makers of two of those machines not having open stores is not anti-competitive.

Windows, iOS, Android, and to a degree MacOS are all run on 'general purpose' computers that are used for what are deemed some 'essential' services like payments, banking, healthcare, communication, etc.

Gaming is a luxury, and as stated, all computers are capable of running games, so there's plenty of competition and choice.
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Consoles are not 'general computing devices'...fuck, you going to have to open up LEAP learning computers before you open up consoles.


It’s just a poke at the statement that many here make .. Xbox doesn’t have any games, but it suddenly does when you talk about them being able to access the PlayStation and make money
I don't think it doesn't have games (things like Grounded or Ori are quite well-made tbh and frequently pique my interest), but I do think that the Xbox console/pc platform as it is cannot be relied upon to make anything into a bonafide hit anymore.

The strategy of Microsoft and how they approach gaming as a market is heavily flawed and results in a lot of inefficiencies (I thought about making a thread about it, but it would only be construed as console warrior bait and I don't want to enable that kind of engagement).


Allowing other marketplaces does not eliminate the 30% cut the console makers would get for every sale, but it would definitely open up more options for the end user.

But this is all speculation at this point, and who knows what the EU will decide, if at all
Yes it does? The 30% goes to the marketplace, if Sony was forced to put Steam onto PlayStation for example do you think that the games devs would have to pay Sony 30% to Sony? no, they'd pay the 30% (or whatever it is) to Steam. Sony would make 0 from the sale, just like Microsoft makes 0 currently for every sale from Steam on PC.
Geez, MS, can you get anymore pathetic and desperate? They're losing bad, even with their endless supply of money from other sectors of their business, so instead of doing something smart that would actually make them money (going 3rd party and coming out with a cheaper version of GamePass that has only their first party games on it to put on the PS5/6 and Switch1/2) they want to destroy the whole console market.

This is like that bitch kid not just taking his own ball home crying, it's him bombing the park unrecognizably so no one can have the possibility to play ball ever again the same way. Grow up, MS. You lost the second you gave up on good quality games during XBO. Get over it and let the others guys continue to do it right.
It’s just a poke at the statement that many here make .. Xbox doesn’t have any games, but it suddenly does when you talk about them being able to access the PlayStation and make money
Stop being an idiot. This has nothing to do with Xbox's 1st party offerings. In fact, nothing is stopping MS from putting those on PS5, now, except themselves.

This is about forcing Sony and Nintendo to put GamePass and an Xbox store, run by MS, on their systems, which includes 3rd party games. Games that Sony and Nintendo make money off of when they sell at retail and on their digital store. This will diminish Sony and Nintendo profits and do away with selling HW at a loss. Which is the real goal of this move, as it drastically drops their future systems' chances of success.

The fact is, MS couldn't cut it in this industry, so instead of going 3rd party, they're trying to get big bother to force their products onto the other systems that can make it. Which would essentially kill the console market, leading to, which I'm sure is by design, people just switching to PCs when consoles can no longer be sold for a loss and their manufacturers not being guaranteed that 30% from 3rd party sales.
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Stop being an idiot. This has nothing to do with Xbox's 1st party offerings. In fact, nothing is stopping MS from putting those on PS5, now, except themselves.

This is about forcing Sony and Nintendo to put GamePass and an Xbox store, run by MS, on their systems, which includes 3rd party games. Games that Sony and Nintendo make money off of when they sell at retail and on their digital store. This will diminish Sony and Nintendo profits and do away with selling HW at a loss. Which is the real goal of this move, as it drastically drops their future systems' chances of success.

The fact is, MS couldn't cut it in this industry, so instead of going 3rd party, they're trying to get big bother to force their products onto the other systems that can make it. Which would essentially kill the console market, leading to, which I'm sure is by design, people just switching to PCs when consoles can no longer be sold for a loss and their manufacturers not being guaranteed that 30% from 3rd party sales.
pretty much, we are quite possibly facing a gaming crash caused by greed by billion & trillion dollar companies (Epic/Tencent & Microsoft)

and yet you have people cheering this on solely driven by their blind fanboyism

edit: though I think more people would just drop gaming as a hobby than switch to PC
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Stop being an idiot. This has nothing to do with Xbox's 1st party offerings. In fact, nothing is stopping MS from putting those on PS5, now, except themselves.

This is about forcing Sony and Nintendo to put GamePass and an Xbox store, run by MS, on their systems, which includes 3rd party games. Games that Sony and Nintendo make money off of when they sell at retail and on their digital store. This will diminish Sony and Nintendo profits and do away with selling HW at a loss. Which is the real goal of this move, as it drastically drops their future systems' chances of success.

The fact is, MS couldn't cut it in this industry, so instead of going 3rd party, they're trying to get big bother to force their products onto the other systems that can make it. Which would essentially kill the console market, leading to, which I'm sure is by design, people just switching to PCs when consoles can no longer be sold for a loss and their manufacturers not being guaranteed that 30% from 3rd party sales.

I'm not sure that gamepass can be considered as storefront, its a subscription service, so that can be under a completely different ruleset and not be allowed anyway. I was talking strictly about a store where you can buy xbox first party titles on the PlayStation.


Nintendo to EU:
Morgan Freeman Good Luck GIF
Could anyone see Nintendo pull out of Europe if this was forced upon them? I like the idea of opening up platforms, but I can see why businesses oppose it. How would Nintendo strategize making money if a native MS Store or Gamepass was allowed on their system? They would be forced to have a better ecosystem, and better pricing. Or would Nintendo take their ball and go home? I personally think companies like Nintendo, Sony, and MS also owe their customers the right to permanently back up all digital content we buy from their storefront. That way we always have access to it even when companies pull their games from all of these storefronts. There should be laws enacted that impose agreements/clauses on third party companies to prevent them from taking your digital copy of your media away from you. If you bought and paid for it I don't care what a 10 page EULA agreement says that media should be yours forever. If ownership of said property changes hands then companies should be required to let consumers know so that they can legally back up all digital media affected.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Wonder how that would work though, consoles aren't smartphones where about anyone can develop an app for it and treat it like a personal computer.

Would that imply consoles must work like PCs now? That anyone could develop a ps5 or switch game without waiting for Sony's input and selling it in a third party store? That would actually be pretty neat.
That would be horrible and kill console gaming forever!


What would the benefit be for this? I don’t see a compelling case to do it. The hardware and infrastructure investments would make this prohibitively expensive too I’d wager. It makes no sense either as the pc already exists in the same market space.


If they can’t ever win the console war, they will settle for stalemate. They’re salivating on the prospects of opening up consoles because they know it would force Sony and Nintendo to go 3rd party.

It would be less painful for them than just seeing MS going 3rd party soon. So they’re concocting scenarios on how Sony and Nintendo would be forced to go 3rd party as well.

“[It] is something we’re just going to see less and less of,” when discussing the idea of specific games being exclusive to a single device. “Maybe you happen in your household to buy an Xbox, and I buy a PlayStation, and our kids want to play together, and they can’t because we bought the wrong piece of plastic to plug into our television.
“We really love being able to bring more players in reducing friction, making people feel safe, secure when they’re playing, allowing them to play with their friends, regardless of what device – I think in the long run that is good for this industry. And maybe in the short run, there’s some people in some companies that don’t love it. But I think as we get over the hump and see where this industry can continue to grow, it proves out to be true.”

Do you believe Spencer’s right? Is console exclusivity on its way out? Let us know in the comments below!
Bloomberg Aug 2022

Make no mistake Jez had marching orders his article is directly influenced by the Xbox team this is their ultimate goal and some eagle eyed twitter bros noticed Tim Dog retweeted the article less than a minute after Jez uploaded it...2am in the morning 😆 🤣 . At the end of the day Tim Stuart was talking to financial analysts while Phil did an interview for fanboys so one way or another they are expanding their first party offerings to Playstation and Nintendo no matter how much Phil wants to damage control it's happening they just want it to happen by lobbying the EU and changing business laws. I'm looking for another article from 2021 when Phil was complaining about "closed" platforms like consoles when it came to no being able to put gamepass everywhere I just can't find it.

I can access gamepass and geforce now nativity through my TV. What do I gain as a consumer to have this on my ps5 as well? Its will make things worse than better for the consumer.
It's called competition. More competitive means theres downward pricing pressure on the average price of games like we have on PC.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
So this is next Microsoft's play to damage their competitors, lobbying for this crap in EU

Microsoft has told their paid shills to push this messaging out there. They are slowly pushing their way on their competitors stores. And it looks like Microsoft will try to do it by force. This is nasty work. Disgusting. So sad how horrible the Xbox team has gotten. Phil needs to be fired.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I don't see the harm. It would be just another option and may even spur competition from different stores/market places on consoles.

Why don't you ask yourself why hasn't Microsoft managed to make this work for themselves first? If you think it will be so great for the industry, why is the Xbox brand struggling worldwide now?
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