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Joss Whedon is nearing a deal to write, direct, and produce a Batgirl pic for WB

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I mean, DC has been the Batverse guest-starring the Justice League since the 80s. Just look at Injustice or the DCAU. I don't think WB has much of a plan at this point, they're just throwing shit at the wall while looking at what's popular on the comic side. If Wonder Woman and Aquaman do all right, they'll make room for more of those.
If it were throwing shit at the wall that's popular we wouldn't be getting a potential Batgirl film.


Stay old, Slay.

I can see his complaint within the context of comic book continuity. I didn't read the new series (or anything from DC these past 3 years or so), but Batgirl wasn't college aged at the start of the New 52 stuff, and she definitely wasn't prior to that.

That said, this is a completely new character take, so I don't think any of that applies.
As I said in the other thread, this is a great choice. I want a Batgirl movie I can take my girls to. I figure they will be 11 and 7 when this comes out in a couple of years They can easily handle a light PG-13, even now.

I trust Joss not to pull any The Killing Joke style fuckery with Batgirl.
Whoa what the fuck. Win for DC. Man his relationship with Marvel must have really hit the shitter.

Just Ike Perlmutter and his execs really. That guy is menace to that company!

Anyways, probably the first piece of DCEU news that has me feeling optimistic, but first gotta be impressed with Wonder Woman.
I like both Marvel and DC comics but I can't help but feel some degree of... well, I wouldn't say schadenfreude. You know what I mean, though. The hypocrisy from the DC movie fans is gonna be amazing.



This is delicious especially considering how much shit the MCU gets for using Whedon's humor action fusion from DC fans.

Batgirl sounding like an angsty teenage girl is character appropriate tho.


Crashing this plane... with no survivors!
This is the DCEU movie I'm the most excited about and I don't even care about Batgirl. Maybe WB will let him give his input on scripts, like Marvel did.


I can see his complaint within the context of comic book continuity. I didn't read the new series (or anything from DC these past 3 years or so), but Batgirl wasn't college aged at the start of the New 52 stuff, and she definitely wasn't prior to that.

That said, this is a completely new character take, so I don't think any of that applies.
You are my only friend. You are Puck to my Vindicator
If it were throwing shit at the wall that's popular we wouldn't be getting a potential Batgirl film.

I meant that in the sense that anything associated with Batman right now is a safer bet than Cyborg or even Green Lantern. That's why we're getting Batgirl, Gotham City Sirens, Nightwing and hell, there's probably a Birds of Prey movie about to be greenlit.
You are older than me




I hope this works out. Whedon without too much studio meddling would make it at least watchable.

So weird that movies for batgirl and nightwing might happen. Wish I could be more excited about it but at least it's a possibility


It also acts as a bit of competition with Marvel's Spider-Man high school material, right?
One of the reasons I'm excited for Homecoming is we get a ground-level, civilian perspective of movie MCU.

We could get something like that for Gotham with a high-school hero.


I meant that in the sense that anything associated with Batman right now is a safer bet than Cyborg or even Green Lantern. That's why we're getting Batgirl, Gotham City Sirens, Nightwing and hell, there's probably a Birds of Prey movie about to be greenlit.
GLC script is fill in writing. If it was finished, WB would surely be fast tracking it for next year. Justin Kroll said that much.

And anecdotal, but the entire reason we're getting a GCS film is because Robbie pushed for it and got an entire female writer and chose Ayer. Also likely influenced her deal with WB.
Emma Stone? Emma Stone.
She might be a bit too old if they're going with college age Batgirl but on the plus side, she can play both Barbara and Cassandra. She looks exactly like them.

Sou Da

"Geez, this guy is messed up. I could do a way better job than him."

Possibly, though considering Robin I wonder if Babs is going to be a character that's already been around for a while.

There's also the possibility that they'll go for a legacy Batgirl like Stephanie and while it may be interesting to see Barbara as a veteran just like Bruce, I doubt it will happen unless someone high up has a thing for Oracle.

Lot of story potential here is what I'm getting at.
also - we hedging bets to transform this DCEU into a BCEU (BATMAN Cinematic Universe) going forward?

That what this is?
Yessir. Batfamily movies will be their crossover events ala Avengers and Justice League (Bruce Dick Babs and maybe Tim vs Court of Owls)? Oh, and they gotta do Red Hood too.


This is totally unexpected, but could be really cool.

I hope Batfleck shows up, I'd like to see how Whedon writes the character.
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