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Kotaku Rumor: Respawn's Game Xbox 360/720 Only, always-online, FPS, Includes Details


I don't believe that is the case.

The contract had a stipulation of a right of first refusal until a certain quota of Halo sales were reached, I believe. That has transpired.

I'd say that Destiny is a bigger deal than Respawn at this point, simply because the latter is an unknown quantity -- sure, Respawn is being started by some of the leads of Infinity Ward, but that alone does not make an entire studio. Bungie on the other hand is a huge studio with boatloads of talent. And from what I've seen of Destiny, it looks to be the next big leap in multiplayer/co-op gaming for first person shooters.

We'll have to see how good Respawn's effort is.

Doesn't sound great to be honest, and after MW2, I'm not sure they have what it takes.

But then, I have little faith in Destiny.
Why is Destiny being brought up in this thread as some Sony counter punch to this?

Destiny is on both consoles, and will also have some exclusive deals with Microsoft. As a matter of fact, I'm almost certain MS stipulated that as part of the deal.

They let Bungie go on the proviso they get the better end of the stick with their first non exclusive game.

Because Bungie showed their game at Sony's conference it means they're abandoning the Xbox. Do you know what a big deal it is that the Halo guys are on #teamsony now?

Seriously though, the Respawn and Bungie situations are totally different.

Destiny = Xbox and Playstation game

Respawn's game = Xbox exclusive


Because Bungie showed their game at Sony's conference it means they're abandoning the Xbox. Do you know what a big deal it is that the Halo guys are on #teamsony now?

Seriously though, the Respawn and Bungie situations are totally different.

Destiny = Xbox and Playstation game

Respawn's game = Xbox exclusive

That's what I was saying.


I get ya, but this just sounds like standard checklist mentality to putting out AAAA hits. IW's success with COD doesn't necessarily mean this new shooter will light the world on fire.

I just don't believe the "From the creators of COD" + shooter = the next big thing. Its never that easy or automatic, and as soon as a formula like that is relied upon, the big budget milking machine implodes.

If the reveal is impressive, and the hardware or services aren't heinously anti-consumer, I'll hop on the megaton train.

I'm pretty confident it's worth making a fuss over. Obviously I don't think it will match CoD, or even BF, but a "hit" of a relevant fashion? Absolutely.

This is basically the heart and soul of Infinity Ward, who once made great games on a two-year cycle that actually followed the phantom checklist you mentioned. Now they've had the opportunity to make what they wanted to make, how they wanted to make it, on their own timeframe. There are plenty of people who will know who Respawn is, and plenty more who will be lured in by "the makers of Call of Duty" marketing.

I honestly can't believe people are arguing this isn't incredibly important. Hell, even on the personal level, MS didn't just pay for the "names" GTA or CoD (yet/that we know of). They apparently paid for a new IP from effectively the brilliant studio who made those games meaningful to begin with. Really, "megatons" don't get much bigger than this.


I don't believe that is the case.

The contract had a stipulation of a right of first refusal until a certain quota of Halo sales were reached, I believe. That has transpired.

I'd say that Destiny is a bigger deal than Respawn at this point, simply because the latter is an unknown quantity -- sure, Respawn is being started by some of the leads of Infinity Ward, but that alone does not make an entire studio. Bungie on the other hand is a huge studio with boatloads of talent. And from what I've seen of Destiny, it looks to be the next big leap in multiplayer/co-op gaming for first person shooters.

We'll have to see how good Respawn's effort is.

Destiny isn't exclusive though. No matter how big it gets, it isn't going to influence purchases one way or the other. While I still feel Respawn's game is simply a title in a genre that Microsoft already dominates, it is conceivable that the game brings in new players just like Gears did even though the 360 was already the premier shooter box thanks to Halo.
I'm pretty confident it's worth making a fuss over. Obviously I don't think it will match CoD, or even BF, but a "hit" of a relevant fashion? Absolutely.

This is basically the heart and soul of Infinity Ward, who once made great games on a two-year cycle that actually followed the phantom checklist you mentioned. Now they've had the opportunity to make what they wanted to make, how they wanted to make it, on their own timeframe. There are plenty of people who will know who Respawn is, and plenty more who will be lured in by "the makers of Call of Duty" marketing.

I honestly can't believe people are arguing this isn't incredibly important. Hell, even on the personal level, MS didn't just pay for the "names" GTA or CoD (yet/that we know of). They apparently paid for a new IP from effectively the brilliant studio who made those games meaningful to begin with. Really, "megatons" don't get much bigger than this.

Just because the creators of CoD are behind this supposed Xbox exclusive doesn't automatically mean it will be a huge success.
Atm, all that it equates to is a talking point in the geeat console war of 2013 A.D. Wait until the game releases and actually becomes the next big thing.
I'm pretty confident it's worth making a fuss over. Obviously I don't think it will match CoD, or even BF, but a "hit" of a relevant fashion? Absolutely.

This is basically the heart and soul of Infinity Ward, who once made great games on a two-year cycle that actually followed the phantom checklist you mentioned. Now they've had the opportunity to make what they wanted to make, how they wanted to make it, on their own timeframe. There are plenty of people who will know who Respawn is, and plenty more who will be lured in by "the makers of Call of Duty" marketing.

I honestly can't believe people are arguing this isn't incredibly important. Hell, even on the personal level, MS didn't just pay for the "names" GTA or CoD (yet/that we know of). They apparently paid for a new IP from effectively the brilliant studio who made those games meaningful to begin with. Really, "megatons" don't get much bigger than this.

How much of Respawn is actually from Infinity Ward? And how big is Respawn?

I'm of the opinion that Call of Duty was never all that great, it just sort of hit the right chords and Infinity Ward were lucky enough to strike them before anyone else. I'm doubtful they'll be able to strike lightening twice, especially without as many resources at their disposal.

It's why CoD continues to sell even though the leads at Infinity Ward have been dismantled for a long time. Bobby Kotick understands that for some of their most popular games, the talent really is completely disposable.

Destiny isn't exclusive though. No matter how big it gets, it isn't going to influence purchases one way or the other. While I still feel Respawn's game is simply a title in a genre that Microsoft already dominates, it is conceivable that the game brings in new players just like Gears did even though the 360 was already the premier shooter box thanks to Halo.

Right, but it could have been - Microsoft had the opportunity to lock Bungie up, but they didn't. I'd take a Bungie exclusive over a Respawn exclusive any day of the week.


I'm imagining this will be exclusive for a year before EA pulls a fast one to grab a galore on PS4, or even worse is if they release the sequel for PS4 without releasing the original game on PS4.

Mass Effect comes to mind, wasn't until last December until playstation consumers finally got around to getting the chance to play it.

I honestly won't care though. I don't even welcome the Destiny exclusive bonuses on PS4, I imagine alot of Xbox fans are furious over that and they have every right to be. Microsoft and Activision were walking happy hand in hand until that announcement. I wonder what Sony did to impact a former MS second party studio to put in exclusive dlc for a platform they never tried building on before.

I still think third party exclusives, whether its the games or dlc by this point is ridiculous. Unless its in the case of hardware limitations like the wiiU. Then its just hilarious.


Why is Destiny being brought up in this thread as some Sony counter punch to this?

Destiny is on both consoles, and will also have some exclusive deals with Microsoft. As a matter of fact, I'm almost certain MS stipulated that as part of the deal.

They let Bungie go on the proviso they get the better end of the stick with their first non exclusive game.

No no, the thing is if this game is going to compete against Destiny it is also going to do it on Xbox as well. It is not like Destiny-PS4 versus this game-Durango. If it will compete against Destiny (this would appear to be case judging from this article), then the question is which one will sustain more players Destiny or this game even on Xbox?


Right, but it could have been - Microsoft had the opportunity to lock Bungie up, but they didn't. I'd take a Bungie exclusive over a Respawn exclusive any day of the week.

Wouldn't Microsoft passing on it be a pretty big red flag? Games that were passed over traditionally haven't been particularly big. eg. Brutal Legends and Sleeping Dogs (commercially).


Nextbox gets its first exclusive FPS. Looking forward to how it is, and if it will remain as a true exclusive Xbox franchise. PS4 has two exclusive FPS's locked down so far: KZ SF + Blacklight Retribution.

Though of course its not a numbers game though. PS3 got a bunch of fps exclusives too but none could 'kill Halo'.
Wouldn't Microsoft passing on it be a pretty big red flag? Games that were passed over traditionally haven't been particularly big. eg. Brutal Legends and Sleeping Dogs (commercially).

Why would it be a red flag?

The game's vision could have cost more than Microsoft was willing to pay. Destiny is surely not a cheap game to produce, with a ten year vision and all, and a MMOFPS with no subscription pay structure.

I think it's a mistake, because I don't have much faith in Respawn, but I wouldn't say that Microsoft passing on Destiny means they thought it was going to be a bad game at all.


Nextbox gets its first exclusive FPS. Looking forward to how it is, and if it will remain as a true exclusive Xbox franchise. PS4 has two exclusive FPS's locked down so far: KZ SF + Blacklight Retribution.

Though of course its not a numbers game though. PS3 got a bunch of fps exclusives too but none could 'kill Halo'.

MS of course still has Halo, and whatever shooter Black Tusk is working on.


Nextbox gets its first exclusive FPS. Looking forward to how it is, and if it will remain as a true exclusive Xbox franchise. PS4 has two exclusive FPS's locked down so far: KZ SF + Blacklight Retribution.

Though of course its not a numbers game though. PS3 got a bunch of fps exclusives too but none could 'kill Halo'.

I wouldn't be surprised if Balcklight ends up on the next xbox as well.


A lot would have to do with Respawn marketing. The difference between CoD and Halo is the latter traditionally has more fans following the developer which is Bungie in this case whereas I doubt the core audience of CoD actually visits video gaming websites/channels.


A lot would have to do with Respawn marketing. The difference between CoD and Halo is the latter traditionally has more fans following the developer which is Bungie in this case whereas I doubt the core audience of CoD actually visits video gaming websites/channels.

The only thing that sucks for Microsoft is that if Respawn's IP gets huge like Halo, or near Halo-levels, they likely won't own the IP or Respawn (obviously), so their huge exclusive can land on the PS4 someday down the road, or at best they end up in some weird Bungie Part Deux situation where they own the IP but the creators are gone.

I just want to see what this game is right now. For some reason, them using the Source engine really intrigues me, because that gives me the inclination that (while it'll still look nice) this is all about gameplay, like Call of Duty 4 was. Say what you will about the CoD series as the years have gone on, but CoD 4 was just a fantastic game that was unparalleled for its time (and maybe since). There were other huge FPSS games like Halo, or even CoD 2, but CoD 4 felt different enough compared to those games and good enough to just stand up on its own and feel like something completely new, but polished to all hell. Just fantastic.


Would be kinda disappointed if that's the direction they take, I'm a fan of CoD, so I wanted a CoD++ from them. Don't care too much for games with mechs. No single player would be a bummer as well. And it better not be 30fps


Would be kinda disappointed if that's the direction they take, I'm a fan of CoD, so I wanted a CoD++ from them. Don't care too much for games with mechs. No single player would be a bummer as well. And it better not be 30fps

No way it's less than 60FPS. That's why they're using source instead of something like Frostbite 3. These guys want to have something as smooth and fast as CoD 4.
Why the hell would it be running on Source when EA own two middleware companies?

I think it speaks volume of the power under the hood of the new console. That they are using a near decade old engine tells me that the Durango isn't so much a 1.5 upgrade over the 360, but a 0.5 upgrade in terms of power.

Or the rumour is BS.


How much of Respawn is actually from Infinity Ward? And how big is Respawn?

Right, but it could have been - Microsoft had the opportunity to lock Bungie up, but they didn't. I'd take a Bungie exclusive over a Respawn exclusive any day of the week.

Infinity Ward was 80 people when it happened. 46 left, 41 of whom now work at Respawn. Pretty much all the senior talent left. There's a reason why Activision made community manager Robert Bowling the boss of Infinity Ward, everybody else was gone.


I think it speaks volume of the power under the hood of the new console. That they are using a near decade old engine tells me that the Durango isn't so much a 1.5 upgrade over the 360, but a 0.5 upgrade in terms of power.

Or the rumour is BS.

720 is a 6x upgrade over 360. And what does the engine have to do with specs in the first place?


Oh wow another FPS... ok yeah... sorry but starting to get tired of being personified as an arm and a weapon... oh and let's not forget paying for something that'll last 4/5h for 70 bucks...

Oh wow another FPS... ok yeah... sorry but starting to get tired of being personified as an arm and a weapon... oh and let's not forget paying for something that'll last 4/5h for 70 bucks...


if you only get 4/5 hours of play out of the CoD games you should stop buying CoD games. Either that or you have never played the CoD games and are a talking out of your ass.

Maybe add



Also, did anyone think of:


from the description?
Oh wow another FPS... ok yeah... sorry but starting to get tired of being personified as an arm and a weapon... oh and let's not forget paying for something that'll last 4/5h for 70 bucks...


4 to 5 hours? 70 dollars? What are you talking about?


if you only get 4/5 hours of play out of the CoD games you should stop buying CoD games. Either that or you have never played the CoD games and are a talking out of your ass.

Maybe add


Oh I should've added that I only play CoD games (since you're taking that example) for the single player and don't like the multi which is crap... I play BF3 if I want interesting multi or ARMA 2. What I meant by 4/5 is that it's way too short for the price you pay...

And my point wasn't about that, it's about me being tired of FPS genre not being renewed with interesting ideas... In the end they are all the same...

And you should calm down fan boy...
as an independent studio now, they still got to prove imo
there's no such thing as: this game is gonna be good, because they made CoD


Oh I should've added that I only play CoD games (since you're taking that example) for the single player and don't like the multi which is crap... I play BF3 if I want interesting multi or ARMA 2. What I meant by 4/5 is that it's way too short for the price you pay...

And my point wasn't about that, it's about me being tired of FPS genre not being renewed with interesting ideas... In the end they are all the same...

And you should calm down fan boy...

I would advise you not to that here.


Third-Party exclusive EA game? Not happening, Kotaku.
It's really hard for me to believe too. Then again, I still don't understand why Gears of War remains exclusive to the 360 when it would also sell loads on PS3/PC. Microsoft's compensation to Epic can't possibly exceed lost revenue on other platforms, can it ?


GAF's Bob Woodward
Third-Party exclusive EA game? Not happening, Kotaku.

If you're confident of becoming something of a platform darling, there's worse ways to launch a new franchise than to leverage platform exclusivity at the beginning of a generation. It's been done successfully enough before. Mass Effect, for example. What happens longer term may be another matter, but in the early days of a gen these things can happen...either by happenstance or by contract.


I think some insider on GAF said that an EA game will be exclusive to the Durango.
Why would Respawn want to make it Xbox exclusive though ? Considering what happened with Activision, I'm sure they ensured that they would be calling the shots, not EA.
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