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Kotaku Rumor: Respawn's Game Xbox 360/720 Only, always-online, FPS, Includes Details


What if it is the new Source engine that is supposed to be in development?
Why would Respawn want to make it Xbox exclusive though ? Considering what happened with Activision, I'm sure they ensured that they would be calling the shots, not EA.
Well, a timed exclusive is never a bad choice imo.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Why would Respawn want to make it Xbox exclusive though ?

It's one way to stand out.

Marketing money and platform holder push.

The cost of audience loss is not so high at the start of a generation vs later. This may just be a platform to jump off of for the franchise, rather than being locked to platform exclusivity forever.

The futuristic shooter genre isn't exactly uncompetitive, so as a way to launch their franchise, this trade-off may have been deemed worth it by both Respawn and EA.


I'd heard weeks ago that MS's first party offerings for the Durango had been 'anemic' (direct quote) from a friend and that we'd see MS buying up third party 'exclusives' but I didn't want to offer up such an opinion on GAF with literally nothing to add.

As such I'm sure this will be a really effective exclusive for the Xbox brand just like Mass Effect, Bioshock, Limbo, Castle Crashers and the exclusive GTA4 episodes.


ADD New Gen Gamer
I don't understand this. If MS is moneyhatting this exclusive, why is it still published by EA? Why not just publish it themselves?


What if it is the new Source engine that is supposed to be in development?

Well, a timed exclusive is never a bad choice imo.

Especially if they can market it as the next big CoD killer coming from CoD developers. IF MS has wrapped it up, I am sure they will be throwing a load of marketing cash at the game.


They better mod the source engine for their game properly. You know, feel is extremely key with shooters, and is the biggest reason for cod's popularity. Id tech 3, while extremely old, in my opinion has the best feel for shooting of any engine ever, which is why I'm perfectly happy if Activision just keeps modding the same engine and upgrading it to provide more graphical fidelity. Source though? Don't get me wrong, I love some Source games e.g. Portal, but shooting-wise it's (IMHO) terrible. It depends how many key members jumped the ship to Respawn, but for me, that specific part of the news is definitely a worry.


I don't understand this. If MS is moneyhatting this exclusive, why is it still published by EA? Why not just publish it themselves?

I'm assuming that EA a) own the publishing rights to the game and b) Respawn may own the actual rights to the IP so MS will be 'moneyhatting' the game but ultimately (much like EPIC with Gears) it will be owned by EA and/or Respawn.

Especially if they can market it as the next big CoD killer coming from CoD developers. IF MS has wrapped it up, I am sure they will be throwing a load of marketing cash at the game.

Pretty much. I'll bet that MS see this as their 'Gears Of War' for the Durango.


ADD New Gen Gamer
I'm assuming that EA a) own the publishing rights to the game and b) Respawn may own the actual rights to the IP so MS will be 'moneyhatting' the game but ultimately (much like EPIC with Gears) it will be owned by EA and/or Respawn.

In gear's case, MS published the games though, which makes a lot more sense to me. And Epic still owns the IP. It seems Respawn doesn't really need EA in the first place.


I'm assuming that EA a) own the publishing rights to the game and b) Respawn may own the actual rights to the IP so MS will be 'moneyhatting' the game but ultimately (much like EPIC with Gears) it will be owned by EA and/or Respawn.

Pretty much. I'll bet that MS see this as their 'Gears Of War' for the Durango.

I am sure they have Epic on something as well.I kinda hope FortNight appears but I would love to see them do something fresh and not a straight shooter. RPG would be nice! I am sure Gears will make a come-back, even if it is Gears Golf :p A HD remix of the old Gears would be perfect early on as they tease stuff.

As for Respawn, I wish they all the best. If they can impress gamers then a load of people could shelve CoD fairly quickly if MS and Respawn convince them enough.


I am sure they have Epic on something as well.

We'll find out for sure at either their event on the 21st or at E3 but I don't think that this is a sure thing at all.

In gear's case, MS published the games though, which makes a lot more sense to me. And Epic still owns the IP. It seems Respawn doesn't really need EA in the first place.

While this might be true if MS pay a fortune to EA (and I imagine that they did if true) for the
exclusive for this game it seems to me that they did so so late in the game that it might even have been a 'plan B'.


Can they actually market it that way, i.e. reference Call of Duty?

NO real reason why not. Films do it a load and games have done it in the past.

We'll find out for sure at either their event on the 21st or at E3 but I don't think that this is a sure thing at all.

I kinda hope something Epic (haha) will be there. MS have been a great match for Epic, so I cannot see them dropping that in a hurry. Gears needs to go on the back-burner for a bit in favor of some new IP's from them.


Meh I couldn't care less about MP centric shooters.So let's see now,MS has this whereas Ninty has Bayo 2 I wonder what is Sony holding back (if anything).


Meh I couldn't care less about MP centric shooters.So let's see now,MS has this whereas Ninty has Bayo 2 I wonder what is Sony holding back (if anything).

There is zero doubt in my mind that we have seen only a fraction of what Sony has to show for the PS4.


Junior Member
What if it is the new Source engine that is supposed to be in development?
Likely they are using current source engine because less risk and cheaper way (is it a free engine?). Less spent on game engine on first time IP, if so success they will make own or get newer engine.


There is zero doubt in my mind that we have seen only a fraction of what Sony has to show for the PS4.
With Sony I always expect the worst and that is usually what happens or will likely happen (see: Vita support,GT6 on PS3,GoW:A MP,no GoW 4 last fall etc.) so I wouldn't be surprised if they have shit for major third party exclusives but nvm I think I've gone enough off topic.


formerly cjelly
Likely they are using current source engine because less risk and cheaper way (is it a free engine?). Less spent on game engine on first time IP, if so success they will make own or get newer engine.
I would imagine them targeting 60fps like COD is part of it, too.


As has been said but needs repeating for some, this would make business sense for all parties involved.

The install base of a new Sony platform isn't worth the value of launching as a platform exclusive and reaping the marketing and branding benefits of such. EA gets to retain the IP as Microsoft invests as a means of building an audience around their platform in the short term. Then, down the road, EA can launch a sequel to a popular franchise on all platforms.

Wouldn't be surprised if Sony were planning similar moves, too. Early platform exclusives are how you differentiate your console, and it's partly how Microsoft closed the gap to such a degree last generation.
If the rumors of open-world MP stuff, then 60fps would be pretty delicious.
At the time of release, Modern Warfare at 60fps felt ridiculous. I've no doubt that there's some technical wizards within Respawn, and the hardware available now is much more powerful. Not to forget that Respawn are focussing almost solely on the 720 version (if the rumour's true).


What if it is the new Source engine that is supposed to be in development?

Well, a timed exclusive is never a bad choice imo.
Not supposed, is. Valve haven't really detailed anything bar the fact that it's happening and it's been happening for a couple years.


So what do we kow so far in terms of what MS has in the works?

- Respawn
- Blacktusk
- Rare (Possibly 2 games)
- 343
- Lionhead
- Epic (?)
- Remedy

Lineup is looking high quality but slim, then again there may be more 3rd party exclusives and studios we don't even know about yet. Where's theoddone when you need him? :p


Well Destiny is doing it with references to Halo so I don't see why not.

From the creators of Call of Duty and the publisher of Battlefield 4 coming to the Halo platform: Titan, infinitely exclusive on Xbox Infinity

Sorry, I just couldn't throw in a Blizzard reference.


From the creators of Call of Duty and the publisher of Battlefield 4 coming to the Halo platform: Titan, infinitely exclusive on Xbox Infinity

Sorry, I just couldn't throw in a Blizzard reference.

Damn, that sound like a box to rival the Batman one.


Ah found it:

Xbox 720: Hinweise zum Deutschlandstart (Update 19. April 2013)

Spannend: Aus einer branchennahen Quelle erhielt COMPUTER BILD SPIELE erste Hinweise zum Deutschlandstart der Xbox 720. Demnach erscheint die Konsole hierzulande im November 2013 in zwei unterschiedlichen Preis-Varianten. Bei Abschluss eines Xbox-Live-Gold-Abonnements erhalten Sie die Daddelkiste laut Quelle schon für 299 Euro, sind jedoch für eine nicht näher definierte Zeit an den Premium-Dienst gebunden. Entscheiden Sie sich gegen eine Mitgliedschaft, kostet Sie die Konsole vermutlich 499 Euro. Microsoft will offenbar seinen Abo-Dienst als Standard etablieren und lockt daher mit einem besonders günstigen Preis.

Weniger erfreulich: Der allseits gefürchtete Online-Zwang bewahrheitet sich laut der Quelle. So müsse die Xbox 720 dauerhaft mit dem Internet verbunden sein, um zu funktionieren. Dafür entschädigt eine exklusive Partnerschaft, die zuvor bereits gerüchteweise die Runde machte: Laut eines Insiders bilden Electronic Arts und Microsoft das Gegenstück zu Blizzard und Sony und bieten EA-Spiele zumindest zeitexklusiv für die Xbox 720 an. Ein Schritt, der sinnvoll und eine deutliche Kampfansage an Sony wäre. Doch es gilt: Alle Informationen stammen aus inoffiziellen Kanälen, sind unbestätigt.

Short translation: the magazine got the info that the EA deal is real and Durango get's every EA game exclusive for some time. (and they mention the same prices for the console as Thurrot did - but before)


Source Engine was outdated years ago, why the fuck would you release a game on Source for Durango :S.

It does sound a bit odd to use Source but it is still a very capable engine and I am sure it makes it easier for them to run it at 60fps with all the AA bells and whistles.


Knew it. Still think this will ring hollow. Doubt peeps will just drop everything to blindly follow EA and Microsoft is betting on the wrong horse next gen. CoD is still to big a name and EA has spent too much time killing good will this gen but we'll see.


Both parts of this rumour seems very difficult to believe. An exclusive this large would be pretty crazy, and the idea of using Source is pretty bizarre.

Have to call bullshit for now.
This brings the number of console releases to use Source up to 7. But only 2 not by valve.

Yeah that's how good the source engine is.

HL2 Xbox
Hl2 Orange Box
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
Counter Strike: Global offensive
Respawn's game.


Ah found it:

Short translation: the magazine got the info that the EA deal is real and Durango get's every EA game exclusive for some time. (and they mention the same prices for the console as Thurrot did - but before)

Game changer if true. And given enough money I can see it being true for at least the first year. After that it wouldn't be necessary anymore, what's done is done. Microsoft invested 500 million in marketing Kinect. Getting timed exclusives this early in a gen is much cheaper, each game wouldn't sell more than 500k on average thanks to the low installed base. That's lost revenue of 15 million a game ... Microsoft could easily pay the 150 million it needs to moneyhat the likes of Battlefield 4, FIFA, Madden, Titan ... and add a couple of millions to get GTA IV as well. Money is the one thing that Microsoft has in excess (more than they need actually) and Sony doesn't. If they market 720 as the only platform where you will play the true versions of BF4, GTA IV and FIFA PS4 has a real problem, no matter the specs, no matter the price, no matter the Kinect and no matter always-online/no used games. They will crush Sony if this is real (and EA's and Rockstar's absence from the PS4 reveal suggest it might be).


Game changer if true. And given enough money I can see it being true for at least the first year. After that it wouldn't be necessary anymore, what's done is done. Microsoft invested 500 million in marketing Kinect. Getting timed exclusives this early in a gen is much cheaper, each game wouldn't sell more than 500k on average thanks to the low installed base. That's lost revenue of 15 million a game ... Microsoft could easily pay the 150 million it needs to moneyhat the likes of Battlefield 4, FIFA, Madden, Titan ... and add a couple of millions to get GTA IV as well. Money is the one thing that Microsoft has in excess (more than they need actually) and Sony doesn't. If they market 720 as the only platform where you will play the true versions of BF4, GTA IV and FIFA PS4 has a real problem, no matter the specs, no matter the price, no matter the Kinect and no matter always-online/no used games. They will crush Sony if this is real (and EA's and Rockstar's absence from the PS4 reveal suggest it might be).

EA isn't banking their future on one platform for a mere $150 million.
Game changer if true. And given enough money I can see it being true for at least the first year. After that it wouldn't be necessary anymore, what's done is done. Microsoft invested 500 million in marketing Kinect. Getting timed exclusives this early in a gen is much cheaper, each game wouldn't sell more than 500k on average thanks to the low installed base. That's lost revenue of 15 million a game ... Microsoft could easily pay the 150 million it needs to moneyhat the likes of Battlefield 4, FIFA, Madden, Titan ... and add a couple of millions to get GTA IV as well. Money is the one thing that Microsoft has in excess (more than they need actually) and Sony doesn't. If they market 720 as the only platform where you will play the true versions of BF4, GTA IV and FIFA PS4 has a real problem, no matter the specs, no matter the price, no matter the Kinect and no matter always-online/no used games. They will crush Sony if this is real (and EA's and Rockstar's absence from the PS4 reveal suggest it might be).

You're talking about EA willingly taking part in a plan to "kill" the PS4, for $150 million dollars.


Knew it. Still think this will ring hollow. Doubt peeps will just drop everything to blindly follow EA and Microsoft is betting on the wrong horse next gen. CoD is still to big a name and EA has spent too much time killing good will this gen but we'll see.

Well, who says they don't have Activision in their pockets as well? After all Activision gets a cut of the monthly Live subs because CoD is so huge on Xbox Live. It's a steady income, Call of Duty 2 was exclusive on 360 at launch, Kotick has previously stated that he wants more of that used game sales revenue.
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