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Kotaku Rumor: Respawn's Game Xbox 360/720 Only, always-online, FPS, Includes Details


You're talking about EA willingly taking part in a plan to "kill" the PS4, for $150 million dollars.

They don't have to kill it (although in a perfect world for any publisher there would be only one platform with no used games, it cuts development costs a lot), just force Sony to go the no used games route as well.


Gold Member
Game changer if true. And given enough money I can see it being true for at least the first year. After that it wouldn't be necessary anymore, what's done is done. Microsoft invested 500 million in marketing Kinect. Getting timed exclusives this early in a gen is much cheaper, each game wouldn't sell more than 500k on average thanks to the low installed base. That's lost revenue of 15 million a game ... Microsoft could easily pay the 150 million it needs to moneyhat the likes of Battlefield 4, FIFA, Madden, Titan ... and add a couple of millions to get GTA IV as well. Money is the one thing that Microsoft has in excess (more than they need actually) and Sony doesn't. If they market 720 as the only platform where you will play the true versions of BF4, GTA IV and FIFA PS4 has a real problem, no matter the specs, no matter the price, no matter the Kinect and no matter always-online/no used games. They will crush Sony if this is real (and EA's and Rockstar's absence from the PS4 reveal suggest it might be).

What does Rockstar have to do with any of this?

Also - we know nothing of Respawn and their game, let's not pretend Respawn is this huge behemoth that can make or break a platform.
MS has to do quite a bit of self harm to give up the market to Sony next gen.

It's moves like these that will solidify their advantage.


Well, who says they don't have Activision in their pockets as well? After all Activision gets a cut of the monthly Live subs because CoD is so huge on Xbox Live. It's a steady income, Call of Duty 2 was exclusive on 360 at launch, Kotick has previously stated that he wants more of that used game sales revenue.
The PS3 wasn't out yet.


This brings the number of console releases to use Source up to 7. But only 2 not by valve.

Yeah that's how good the source engine is.

HL2 Xbox
Hl2 Orange Box
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
Counter Strike: Global offensive
Respawn's game.

Are we ignoring Portal 2, the XBLA Portal dealio, and the fact that the Orange Box was four different games for the sake of making an inaccurate point?
But CoD 2 was never ported to PS3.

Because the PS3 released the following year, so launched with CoD3.
This brings the number of console releases to use Source up to 7. But only 2 not by valve.

Yeah that's how good the source engine is.

HL2 Xbox
Hl2 Orange Box
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
Counter Strike: Global offensive
Respawn's game.

Source has great netcode, enjoy your shitty cryengine 3 and frostbite 2 ruining multiplayer games while looking down on source, sweet irony.
You can make a sandwich between shooting someone and the hit detection kicking in in crysis 2 mp.


meh was looking forward to the shooter but reading about the mechs was a huge turn off. wonder how that works.

the EA thing is too good to be true but lmao that would be crazy if true.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
I hate to defend things I consider artistic achievements by crudely addressing the person I hope to convince, but...

It's hard not to think of you as someone who builds a house by bashing the nails for its frame with his palms, because it takes more work, therefore it must create a better house.
But my point is that both Cryengine and Frostbite would be less work than Source for the same result.

Like, you could do anything you could do in Source in either of those engines more easily.

Unless they have significantly revamped the Source workflow.


If you're confident of becoming something of a platform darling, there's worse ways to launch a new franchise than to leverage platform exclusivity at the beginning of a generation. It's been done successfully enough before. Mass Effect, for example. What happens longer term may be another matter, but in the early days of a gen these things can happen...either by happenstance or by contract.

.. In this case it has to be contract. The two consoles are coming out side by side. Somebody must have forked out some major cash for this to happen.


There's always the possibility it's actually Source 2. Valve said they were going to wait to reveal it with a game that's fitting, I think most of us assumed that was Half-Life 3, but maybe not.


There's always the possibility it's actually Source 2. Valve said they were going to wait to reveal it with a game that's fitting, I think most of us assumed that was Half-Life 3, but maybe not.

I would argue that a 720 exclusive game isn't fitting for Source 2 reveal.


There's always the possibility it's actually Source 2. Valve said they were going to wait to reveal it with a game that's fitting, I think most of us assumed that was Half-Life 3, but maybe not.

They're not going to reveal it with a game that's not on their service. A heavily modified Source engine can be insanely different from the vanilla version, much like how Bioshock was made using the same engine as UT2004.
The concept behind this game sounds too amazing...

I'm imagining the 'titans' being epic in scale (like the colossi from Shadow of the Colossus)

with pitched battles raging all over their bodies and the map as players fight to take them down.

Can. Not. Wait.

Please be good :)

Edit - doesn't it just say everything about the way Gaf is right now that we have an amazing new game concept leaked and everyone is bitching about the engine?

FFS. Lets see the damn thing first?


The concept behind this game sounds too amazing...

I'm imagining the 'titans' being epic in scale (like the colossi from Shadow of the Colossus)

with pitched battles raging all over their bodies and the map as players fight to take them down.

Can. Not. Wait.

Please be good :)

Edit - doesn't it just say everything about the way Gaf is right now that we have an amazing new game concept leaked and everyone is bitching about the engine?

FFS. Lets see the damn thing first?

.....you know how you manage to get things like massive titans right? it's not by magic.
.....you know how you manage to get things like massive titans right? it's not by magic.

I'm not sure I follow you?

Are you suggesting that respawn are ignorant and picked an engine that couldn't deliver their game?

The fact is, we should evaluate their choices when we have seen it.


Microsoft had a deal with EA to release most of their next gen games to the NextBox and WiiU but not on the PS4.

Looks like a console exclusive deal, but not that pricey!


I'm not concerned that they may be using a beefed up version of the Source engine for this game as they were able to pull off great things using Quake 2's (or 3?). Ex-IW developers mayne. Please do the needful and be excite!
Buttocks on a Subway also mentioned this was supposed to be big...


I still think an exclusive game from Visceral is likelier than one from Respawn (purely based on the distinction that Respawn isn't owned by EA)
If they're expecting this to be a Gears-like success story then I think they're dead wrong. As far as third party exclusives go, this game on a success scale, will fall somewhere between Dead Rising and Gears. The first person shooter market is incredibly saturated right now, Destiny is going to be a strong competitor, and most people are glued to Call of Duty. This is one reason why I wanted Guerilla to launch with a new IP. As a whole, the industry features too many shooters and some of these titles will be lost in the crowd.
I also think the most important piece in that article is their rumor of Microsoft canceling in house games because of a lack of progress is an enormous nugget of information, if true. Very telling.
Game changer if true. And given enough money I can see it being true for at least the first year. After that it wouldn't be necessary anymore, what's done is done. Microsoft invested 500 million in marketing Kinect. Getting timed exclusives this early in a gen is much cheaper, each game wouldn't sell more than 500k on average thanks to the low installed base. That's lost revenue of 15 million a game ... Microsoft could easily pay the 150 million it needs to moneyhat the likes of Battlefield 4, FIFA, Madden, Titan ... and add a couple of millions to get GTA IV as well. Money is the one thing that Microsoft has in excess (more than they need actually) and Sony doesn't. If they market 720 as the only platform where you will play the true versions of BF4, GTA IV and FIFA PS4 has a real problem, no matter the specs, no matter the price, no matter the Kinect and no matter always-online/no used games. They will crush Sony if this is real (and EA's and Rockstar's absence from the PS4 reveal suggest it might be).

MS can't buy certain exclusives, no matter how much they pay. Refusing to do Madden on PS4 would probably lose EA their license to make NFL games. Other sports licenses will have similar conditions.
MS can't buy certain exclusives, no matter how much they pay. Refusing to do Madden on PS4 would probably lose EA their license to make NFL games. Other sports licenses will have similar conditions.

That's not the point though is it... they don;t need every game in every genre.... just enough of the bigger titles to make 720 more appealing.

Sony's games are great, but the sales this gen prove they don't always have mass appeal. Microsoft CAN afford to buy that.

The bigger question is IF they want to.


MS can't buy certain exclusives, no matter how much they pay. Refusing to do Madden on PS4 would probably lose EA their license to make NFL games. Other sports licenses will have similar conditions.

Pretty much. The only way I see a sports game being exclusive is if MS approach the NFL or FIFA directly and negotiate with them.
If they're expecting this to be a Gears-like success story then I think they're dead wrong. As far as third party exclusives go, this game on a success scale, will fall somewhere between Dead Rising and Gears. The first person shooter market is incredibly saturated right now, Destiny is going to be a strong competitor, and most people are glued to Call of Duty. This is one reason why I wanted Guerilla to launch with a new IP. As a whole, the industry features too many shooters and some of these titles will be lost in the crowd.

Based on what objective fact... we've not even seen it.

You moan that Killzone isn't a new IP... yet this thread is about a new IP and you are already saying it won't sell... before we have even seen a trailer.




MS can moneyhat what they want, they spent BILLIONS because of the RROD. Imagine what they could have done with this money.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Are we ignoring Portal 2, the XBLA Portal dealio, and the fact that the Orange Box was four different games for the sake of making an inaccurate point?

Also missing:

- Bloody Good Time (Outerlight; PC, XBLA)
- Hybrid (5th Cell; XBLA)
- Nuclear Dawn (InterWave; PC, XBLA coming soon)
- Zeno Clash (Ace Team; PC, XBLA)
I don't understand the whole rationalization game beyond the ethics and merits of a 3rd party exclusive existing.

It's part of the business, and I don't see how it's any different than a 1st party exclusive. There's nothing evil, or shady, or wrong about it.


Well, who says they don't have Activision in their pockets as well? After all Activision gets a cut of the monthly Live subs because CoD is so huge on Xbox Live. It's a steady income, Call of Duty 2 was exclusive on 360 at launch, Kotick has previously stated that he wants more of that used game sales revenue.

But that's the thing though, Kotick isn't gonna just force CoD to be console exclusive or make the ps4 userbase wait for the new CoD just so Microsoft can feed them dosh. Activision plays into the incentive game not what this Rumor is hinting with EA going full Microsoft just to further push the used game consumers and market out of the picture. If this rumor is true and EA is pushing always on DRM in exchange for system exclusivity I hope they fail and fail hard because while I'm slowly coming around to what the benefits of an always on future can be I don't trust EA to be the ones to guide us there and Microsoft hasn't exactly filled me with confidence with their attitude and silence though that could change come May.


Could xbox only mean Xbox 360 only for current generation systems? But it will also be on the PS4 and Xbox (infinity (?)).


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Third-Party exclusive EA game? Not happening, Kotaku.

It's possible, but extremely stupid. The only thing they have is "creators (well, creator since one left lolololololol) of CoD4" for the box. They have no "pedigree" right now to prove they are still good. CoD6/MW2 was a HORRIBLE playing multiplayer game because they threw everything into the game and didn't balance it (plus hacks). I need to see the gameplay and balance before I even think of the "exclusive"ness.
Could xbox only mean Xbox 360 only for current generation systems? But it will also be on the PS4 and Xbox (infinity (?)).



Wouldn't such an arrangement be illegal?

How so? Third-party exclusives used to happen much more frequently years ago. It was an accepted part of console gaming. Want to play Secret of Mana? Buy a Super Nintendo. Want to play Gaiares? Buy a Genesis.

There's nothing illegal at all about third-party exclusives. If Sony, Nintendo, or MS spend enough cash or present a good enough deal, they can get the exclusive and use it as one more reason to buy their console as well as one fewer reason to buy a competing console.


getting ready for my next-gen 3hrs SP campaign.
riding an agile mech better be awesome...

also :
MS Exclusive

if true = someone at EA cheapened on the deal with our COD rockstars and wants its money back ASAP.


Slight tangent but serious question - at what point does attempting to obtain a monopolization become illegal?

It's not and never will be. The only thing illegal is exploiting a monopoly. But since there are various ways of gaming from Ouya to Wii U to current gen platforms to PCs ... the gaming industry would be far from anything resembling a monopoly even if PS4 never existed and everybody bought 720s. It isn't even an oligopoly.
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