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Largest fossilized spider found!

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pickle said:
i would also like to express my dissapointment to the op for teasing me with thoughts of a prehistoric mega spider. and also share a nice pic of the funnel web spider. probably one of the most dangerous spiders.

I usually read GAF bare footed with my feet under my desk. Whenever I read a spider thread it reminds me that male funnel webs can be quite aggressive, and their fangs are supposed to be able to penetrate toe nails. They also like to wander around a lot at this time of year in search of a mate.

Suffice to say I just had to check under my desk - just in case.


pickle said:
i would also like to express my dissapointment to the op for teasing me with thoughts of a prehistoric mega spider. and also share a nice pic of the funnel web spider. probably one of the most dangerous spiders.



Ever been driving on a road and spot a tarantula so big, you can actually see it moving from the car? I'm not normally squeamish about spiders, but I floored it at that point to gtfo.

Last week though, I brushed a mosquito into a spider web. Given a choice of the two, I'll take the spider.


How About No said:

Camel Spiders, or Solifugae, are not spiders, but they are arachnids. Contrary to what the internet says, they pose hardly any harm to humans. They aren't poisonous, they don't chase humans down.

Camel Spiders don't like the sun (in fact Solifugae is Latin for those that flee from the sun), and they will seek any shade they can find if they're out during the daytime. That's why they follow people, they're trying to stay in the shade provided by that person's shadow.

I've been to Iraq (deployed there in 08) and we saw one a camel spider up close and personal. Honestly, it wasn't the bad. If you pour water on one, it will freeze and not move until it warms back up. We did that to the one we saw and put it in a plastic container so everyone could see it, after everyone saw it, we let it go in a place where it would be away from people.

The worst one of these things could do is give you a nasty bite that could become infected.


Oh and not only do they live in the Middle East, they live in pretty much all desert areas, including the southern United States and there are over 900 known species.

The internet ran with them because of one picture and its not true.


Pfft.. not even spiders. :3


If those were Opiliones (or Harvestmen), then yes, they're not spiders

However, if we're talking about the Cellar Spider, then yes they are.


linkboy said:

If those were Opiliones (or Harvestmen), then yes, they're not spiders

However, if we're talking about the Cellar Spider, then yes they are.

Nah, those are definitely opiliones.
No venom, no silk, just love and weird smells! ^_^
This is a cellar spider.


Fugu said:
Serious question. What were they all doing there?

from wiki
Many species of harvestmen easily tolerate members of their own species, with aggregations of many individuals often found at protected sites near water. These aggregations can count up to 200 animals in the Laniatores, but more than 70,000 in certain Eupnoi. This behavior is likely a strategy against climatic odds, but also against predators, combining the effect of scent secretions, and reducing the probability of each individual of being eaten

Or spider orgy!

GAF Thread from several days ago said:
The Goliath bird-eating spider (Theraphosa blondi) is huge: weighing 170 grams, it is the heaviest spider in the world, and has a leg span of 30 centimetres. Despite the name, they mostly feed on invertebrates, but have been observed feasting on small mammals, lizards and snakes.

The large venomous fangs aren't the biggest worry, however: the spider's main weapon is the hair that covers its body. When threatened, it rubs its legs against its abdomen and releases a cloud of microscopic hairs that lodge in the skin and mucous membranes of its attackers.
You know what? Sometimes gaf just really pisses me off. Every time there is a spider news story you bunch of psycho neurotic miscreants decide to make this a freaking "post your horrifying spider pics" thread. Screw you!

Why not make it a cute spiders thread?



I like how some of the weirdest looking ones are actually not spiders and are harmless.

Most spiders are more scared of you, people. Except for the crazy ones that like to attack without the need to feel threatened.

Ever seen a black widow go on the attack? Creepy and scary little things.


Foxy Fox 39 said:
You know what? Sometimes gaf just really pisses me off. Every time there is a spider news story you bunch of psycho neurotic miscreants decide to make this a freaking "post your horrifying spider pics" thread. Screw you!

Why not make it a cute spiders thread?



but at the same time, those eyes are fucking terrifying


BoobPhysics101 said:
Used to have two of these... gorgeous spiders. It's called a Chiliean Rose Hair tarantula. They're super friendly, they'll crawl all over you and never bite. They rape the shit out of crickets, too.

That's the kind we have as a pet. She's cute and fuzzy. And she's going to live to be over 20 years old (currently just 2).


My five year old. (Now six.)

Spider-GAF is such a bunch of wimps. :lol


What the fuck people?
That's a thread about fossilized spiders AKA dead as stone spiders not real life monstruosities.

This spider gaf shit needs to die in a fire, stop derailing threads into "most horrible spider to roam Earth" contests.

Think of arachnophobiacs ffs
Satchwar said:
The modern Nephila, for reference.


It's actually a very pretty spider.

I was expecting some kind of 5 foot hell-spider though. lol

We have those in our garden! They make massive kick ass webs.

I've also found white-tails, red-backs, huntsmen and funnel-webs either in or around our house. Stupid Australia...
Foxy Fox 39 said:
You know what? Sometimes gaf just really pisses me off. Every time there is a spider news story you bunch of psycho neurotic miscreants decide to make this a freaking "post your horrifying spider pics" thread. Screw you!

Why not make it a cute spiders thread?


Where I live we have these:


For me they are the least threatening of all spiders. It's tiny, translucent green, and it jumps.


Not as deep as he thinks
This thread is amazing. More pics, please!

That video of those hundreds of spiders in the tree is insane!


JordoftheDead said:
We have those in our garden! They make massive kick ass webs.
Yup, I've got banana spiders in my yard, too. I do have to practice a bit of population control once in a while, cuz they do breed and start popping up everywhere, but I tend to leave a few around for show. Giant things and yea, the webs are crazy.

This is a pic from about two years ago:



A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
This thread put me in a crazy creatures mood and started looking for crazy videos. Watching river monsters right now and some of these fish are just nuts.

I've also need to put in some time to finish those amazing Earth DVDs I bought ages ago.

Can anyone suggest some more awesome shows on Netflix that involve animals/creatures?
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