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Leaked Marketing Agreement for RE8 Forces Parity and Blocks the Game From GamePass


I said in 5 years you can blip me

Respect authority for once in your life

Hey, you approached me, yellow guy. You can't just enter my life and leave on the same day. What about the plans we made? The dreams we shared? The bold claims that your intellect was anything other than a series of spelling mistakes and terrible punctuation?

Fine, but I get to keep the house. And the cat.
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Hey, you approached me, yellow guy. You can't just enter my life and leave on the same day. What about the plans we made? The dreams we shared? The bold claims that your intellect was anything other than a series of spelling mistakes and terrible punctuation?

Fine, but I get to keep the house. And the cat.

You're the one who agreed to sign the prenup. I'll be keeping both the house and cat

But as a show of respect of the times we shared, i'll give you my pair of boots that you enjoyed spit shining so much
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Gold Member
Not as long as Khalid exists.


Mate, what you personally think gamepass is compared to the rest of the sub services is irrelevent. They all fall under the same banner. End off.

As far as the parity goes, read the damn thing. "subject to material platform limitations". if you honestly think you're not going to be able to play Village at a higher frameate or resolution on PC then I don't know what else to tell you.
It's not really what I personally think Game Pass is. It's what it FACTUALLY is. Again, people were bitching because of Outriders and again, we have no idea what that contract is so why are we even bringing it up? All we can bring up is Sony blocking it. It doesn't matter if it's GamePass or Stadia Pro - they factually blocked delivery methods. That's it. That was my point. Blocking delivery methods is not good, IMHO.

- as for parity, do you know what material platform limitations means? It's legalease and not something that commonly found on the internet. According to my lawyer mother-in-law, the correct way to phrase it to not impact other platforms is to say "not subject to material platform limitations". By saying you are subject to those material platform limitations, it's legalease that boils down in interrpretation legally as, other platforms are subject to the limitations of the PlayStation 5.

The thing is, and this is a point that is worth mentioning, is that the PlayStation 5 isn't exactly a slouch. This game is going to be at 4k 60. It's likely going to have a lower resolution option at possibly up to 120fps. On PlayStation 5. The thing is, when you say "so you're saying a PC won't be able to go higher than that" - I think a PC owned by a human and not a super computer couldn't go higher than that, anyways. 4k is hard to push at 60 FPS in modern AAA games, especially if it includes raytracing, on even a 3080. Obviously you can down graphics settings to get there (always an option).

Honestly, I am sure they will be able to run the game at unlocked frame rates on PC and I don't think that Sony cares that much. I'm just reading what the contract says as interpreted by a lawyer. I really don't care what happens - I have every modern gaming platfrom. I'll play the game where I want to play it. Which I haven't decided yet.
It's not really what I personally think Game Pass is. It's what it FACTUALLY is. Again, people were bitching because of Outriders and again, we have no idea what that contract is so why are we even bringing it up? All we can bring up is Sony blocking it. It doesn't matter if it's GamePass or Stadia Pro - they factually blocked delivery methods. That's it. That was my point. Blocking delivery methods is not good, IMHO.

- as for parity, do you know what material platform limitations means? It's legalease and not something that commonly found on the internet. According to my lawyer mother-in-law, the correct way to phrase it to not impact other platforms is to say "not subject to material platform limitations". By saying you are subject to those material platform limitations, it's legalease that boils down in interrpretation legally as, other platforms are subject to the limitations of the PlayStation 5.

The thing is, and this is a point that is worth mentioning, is that the PlayStation 5 isn't exactly a slouch. This game is going to be at 4k 60. It's likely going to have a lower resolution option at possibly up to 120fps. On PlayStation 5. The thing is, when you say "so you're saying a PC won't be able to go higher than that" - I think a PC owned by a human and not a super computer couldn't go higher than that, anyways. 4k is hard to push at 60 FPS in modern AAA games, especially if it includes raytracing, on even a 3080. Obviously you can down graphics settings to get there (always an option).

Honestly, I am sure they will be able to run the game at unlocked frame rates on PC and I don't think that Sony cares that much. I'm just reading what the contract says as interpreted by a lawyer. I really don't care what happens - I have every modern gaming platfrom. I'll play the game where I want to play it. Which I haven't decided yet.

For the gamepass bit, have you actually read the clause or are you just going off the title?

For the parity, you believe that you're not going to be able to set the PC resolution to 8K?

My mother in law who is a lawyer is a funny one i'll give you that.

Your mother would be correct if they were refering to other platforms' but the limitations are refering to PS, or maybe not, because "not subject to platform limitations" is impossible
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This also makes you question whether this was the reason some games were running better on PS5 compared to the Series X.

Exactly what I’m thinking.

Something something MS has a marketing deal with Dirt 5 and Valhalla and something PS5 run this games better, right. Well, Valhalla was better on PS5 before pre-patch, Dirt 5 still is. Or maybe Sony sabotaged MS marketing deal?? Damn, sneaky Jimbo.
If Sony didn't want Xbox gamers having it they shoulda just bought Capcom or paid more money to keep it off Xbox. Also, we are still supporting developers when we play their game on Game Pass because a deal was made to get their game onto Game Pass. As for Microsoft first party games, they have no issue with everybody who wants to play the games playing them via game pass. It's what they want.
It shouldn't be a problem to support devs paying a game at FULL price before it hits GamePass, year, 2 or 3 after launch, isn't it? Don't be shy, just throw 60$ at Capcom. It is easy
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For the gamepass bit, have you actually read the clause or are you just going off the title?

For the parity, you believe that you're not going to be able to set the PC resolution to 8K?

My mother in law who is a lawyer is a funny one i'll give you that.

Your mother would be correct if they were refering to other platforms' but the limitations are refering to PS, or maybe not, because "not subject to platform limitations" is impossible
I know it's a common joke on the internet to say my father's uncle's 3rd cousin twice removed who works at Nintendo.... but I my mother-in-law is literally a lawyer. Though she specializes in employment law (aka, employees wronged by employers). Anyways, none of it matters in the end really. I'm just a nobody making some comments on the internet. :p

John Wick

If this is true then Sony can piss off.

Gamepass thing would be one thing but forced parity?


Hope it's not true for the sake of Sony's goodwill.
Which rock have you crawled out of? All three Console makers do this. This fake concern for Sony needs to stop.


Something something MS has a marketing deal with Dirt 5 and Valhalla and something PS5 run this games better, right. Well, Valhalla was better on PS5 before pre-patch, Dirt 5 still is. Or maybe Sony sabotaged MS marketing deal?? Damn, sneaky Jimbo.
How is that ridiculous statement any different than some that's been passed around in the last few days? That MS was the one behind the bad news (or perceived bad news) about Sony. People go crazy with theories around here.


How is that ridiculous statement any different than some that's been passed around in the last few days? That MS was the one behind the bad news (or perceived bad news) about Sony. People go crazy with theories around here.
? What exactly he said of ridiculous?


? What exactly he said of ridiculous?
Not what he said. What he quoted, that Sony is forcing companies to make games run worse on the Xbox. The same way it is ridiculous that these wave of perceived bad news about Sony, is being paid for by MS.


Not what he said. What he quoted, that Sony is forcing companies to make games run worse on the Xbox. The same way it is ridiculous that these wave of perceived bad news about Sony, is being paid for by MS.
Colteastwood effectively is paid for that, to be brutally honest. And he's not the only.


I can’t imagine why a company wouldn’t want a game likely to sell millions of copies at $60 a pop appearing on a streaming service. What could possibly drive such a decision?
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Colteastwood effectively is paid for that, to be brutally honest. And he's not the only.
Yeah, i don't believe it. I wouldn't believe it the other way around also. Both companies did astroturfing in the past, but i don't believe they pay someone to make up fake news about the other one. I guess we'll just agree to disagree. Unless, of course, you have some sort of proof of MS tranferring money to him and others.
Let me get this straight.

Game pass fanatics are blaming Sony for a major 3rd party triple A game from an established franchise not being on their free service?

Since when do 3rd party AAA games launch day and date in gamepass?
Outriders is neither a major dev or AAA.

Unless ms is willing to give capcon nearly 100million for it to be on gamepass it’s insane to think it would launch on it.
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I can’t imagine why a company wouldn’t want a game likely to sell millions of copies at $60 a pop appearing on a streaming service. What could possibly drive such a decision?

Uhh, Sony making them not be able to put it on gamepass says that the company who is selling the game making millions would be inclined to do it if given the freedom.


That’s so desperate by Sony if that’s true.

Sony should have just paid Capcom to make RE8 exclusive if this is the case.

This also makes you question whether this was the reason some games were running better on PS5 compared to the Series X.
Yep. People have been suspecting this all along.


Let me get this straight.

Game pass fanatics are blaming Sony for a major 3rd party triple A game from an established franchise not being on their free service?

Since when do 3rd party AAA games launch day and date in gamepass?
Outriders is neither a major dev or AAA.

Unless ms is willing to give capcon nearly 100million for it to be on gamepass it’s insane to think it would launch on it.
this +1 =)
Show me where MS blocked games from appearing on PS+

I’ll wait...

John Wick

Show me where MS blocked games from appearing on PS+

I’ll wait...
What do you think exclusives are then? They are getting blocked from some platform. Be it a Console or streaming service etc. Timed exclusives exist or have you been asleep under a rock? Either way it's not coming on the competitions platform.


Let me get this straight.

Game pass fanatics are blaming Sony for a major 3rd party triple A game from an established franchise not being on their free service?

Since when do 3rd party AAA games launch day and date in gamepass?
Outriders is neither a major dev or AAA.

Unless ms is willing to give capcon nearly 100million for it to be on gamepass it’s insane to think it would launch on it.
It’s not about the launch, if the document is to be believed RE8 won’t appear on Gamepass and won’t go past PS5 features and tech on Xbox as well as PC or any other competing platform or service this whole generation. 7 years is a looong time.

But proof is in the pudding, we’ll know if this is just some old legal mumbo jumbo Capcom don’t actual care about once we see the PC version.


Gold Journalism
Something something MS has a marketing deal with Dirt 5 and Valhalla and something PS5 run this games better, right. Well, Valhalla was better on PS5 before pre-patch, Dirt 5 still is. Or maybe Sony sabotaged MS marketing deal?? Damn, sneaky Jimbo.
Valhalla still has a lower average resolution on XSX than PS5.

No one will answer why those games don't run better on XSX. But sure, RE8 would have been running at 8K 120FPS if not for Sony blocking it via a deal that, even after proofs, nobody is willing to understand properly.


What do you think exclusives are then? They are getting blocked from some platform. Be it a Console or streaming service etc. Timed exclusives exist or have you been asleep under a rock? Either way it's not coming on the competitions platform.
RE8 is not an exclusive, but not try with your false equivalency.

John Wick

RE8 is not an exclusive, but not try with your false equivalency.
It has a marketing deal with Sony. Sony have blocked it from appearing on GP. Yet Xbox owners can still buy the game. What's the difference between that and MS blocking Tomb Raider from appearing on PS4 for a year? I think I know what is worse.....
Worst type of fanboying when calling out one company for looking out for it's interests but completely whitewashing their own fave brand.
Newsflash, they all do it. Nothing new. Nintendo was doing it back in the 16bit era.
As for your original post MS don't block games on PS+ because they don't release on there day and date of release like they do on GP. But I bet they would if they did though.
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NaughtyDog Defense Force
Show me where MS blocked games from appearing on PS+

I’ll wait...
You read a leaked document and want people to find proof.

Fact is, Microsoft signed console exclusive deals and they blocked games from appearing on the PlayStation platform and it's likely that they blocked games from appearing on PS+ or even PS Now after signing a marketing deal with MS.


You read a leaked document and want people to find proof.

Fact is, Microsoft signed console exclusive deals and they blocked games from appearing on the PlayStation platform and it's likely that they blocked games from appearing on PS+ or even PS Now after signing a marketing deal with MS.
“Fact” in your terms is something you completely made up.
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