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Mafia II |OT| Hey Vito, drive me to the other side of town


This game is great, but seriously, fuck chapter 14. Fuck it in the ass. The shootout is just ridiculous. You can't hide from molotovs anywhere while still getting a shot at that dude, and apparently it doesn't matter how many guys you shoot after running down the stairs because there's always shooters up there when you try and run up. If this chapter stops me finishing the game I'm gonna be seriously pissed off.


Okay, my fondness for the game is starting to dwindle. Those odd holes in the narrative I noticed were done on purpose for the sake of DLC? That's incredibly offensive. I was under the impression that I had paid $60 for a full game. Between this and the withheld side missions, I'm starting to feel like they got the review scores they deserved.
i'm slowly starting to hate 2k for this bitchy move.
this is absolute bullshit :/
Woffls said:
This game is great, but seriously, fuck chapter 14. Fuck it in the ass. The shootout is just ridiculous. You can't hide from molotovs anywhere while still getting a shot at that dude, and apparently it doesn't matter how many guys you shoot after running down the stairs because there's always shooters up there when you try and run up. If this chapter stops me finishing the game I'm gonna be seriously pissed off.

Terrible part. If you don't mind taking advantage of a glitch...
Take the car outside and drive in to the water. After you respawn, the office door upstairs will be unlocked and you can clear everyone out without leaving the office.


Woffls said:
This game is great, but seriously, fuck chapter 14. Fuck it in the ass. The shootout is just ridiculous. You can't hide from molotovs anywhere while still getting a shot at that dude, and apparently it doesn't matter how many guys you shoot after running down the stairs because there's always shooters up there when you try and run up. If this chapter stops me finishing the game I'm gonna be seriously pissed off.

Try chapter 14 on hard and experience the torture I did. :_(


Woffls said:
This game is great, but seriously, fuck chapter 14. Fuck it in the ass. The shootout is just ridiculous. You can't hide from molotovs anywhere while still getting a shot at that dude, and apparently it doesn't matter how many guys you shoot after running down the stairs because there's always shooters up there when you try and run up. If this chapter stops me finishing the game I'm gonna be seriously pissed off.
I just ran in directly to the back of the warehouse... Took out the 2 guys that spawn there. Then I picked off the guys who come after you from the stairs and last but not least killed the boss and the remaining bad guys with a perfectly tossed grenade :D


Not sure about this DLC situation yet, but I've been playing through the game right now and having a great. The atmosphere is simply amazing in this game. One of the few open world games I've played which feels like the city is alive and moving outside of what I'm doing. Really digging the story as well. I'm on Chapter 7 now so I believe I'm starting the second story arc. Love how we get to know where Vito started out, and where he is going and why. Great character interaction.

Small side note, anyone else find it annoying there is no sound for steam achievements? I dunno why but it bugs me when they pop up and I don't get a correlating "ding" sound to go with it! :lol
outsida said:
I just ran in directly to the back of the warehouse... Took out the 2 guys that spawn there. Then I picked off the guys who come after you from the stairs and last but not least killed the boss and the remaining bad guys with a perfectly tossed grenade :D

Was no longer stuck at this part after reading this, did exactly as you said and it worked perfectly. Thank you! =D


I just finished the game and all I could mutter is "really guys...really?". Such a great and highly detailed world and all for naught. The game was progressing too fast chapter to chapter, and there wasn't anything huge to highlight individual chapter, it almost felt like a checkpoint. Everything felt so under utilized; from npcs down to the shops. It feels like they didn't look back at Mafia 1 and what made it awesome. It's a shame though, cause I didn't feel like any of the missions were unique or interesting compared to the "safe", boat, race, secluded motel, bank missions from Mafia 1. Feels like what Ubisoft did with Assassins Creed: created a world and missions were the after thought of last minute development.

This could have been a great open world game, and it's average at most. Cliffhanger ending...you disappoint me Illusion Softworks.
Woffls said:
This game is great, but seriously, fuck chapter 14. Fuck it in the ass. The shootout is just ridiculous. You can't hide from molotovs anywhere while still getting a shot at that dude, and apparently it doesn't matter how many guys you shoot after running down the stairs because there's always shooters up there when you try and run up. If this chapter stops me finishing the game I'm gonna be seriously pissed off.

Yeah, I was stuck for a while until I did this strategy.
Take the car and drive to the back of the room under the place where he throws the molis. Then kill all the other guys down there and the other guys that come running down the stairs until people stop coming. Eventually there will be no one left except the moli tosser and 1 or 2 other guys. Then go for the kill.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
crimsonheadGCN said:
The DLC that was given as preorder bonuses have been released on Steam for $2.99 each.
I'll wait for the inevitable sale like they did with Just Cause 2 and pick it all up for 3$ total :lol


Kritz said:
Did someone forget to put the ending on this game or what?

Or is the plan to sell it to us?
they already want to sell joe adventures so we will probably get the ending after that.
crimsonheadGCN said:
The DLC that was given as preorder bonuses have been released on Steam for $2.99 each.
No real game content . . . just a couple cars & suits each? Meh. I was hope for that extra PS3 stuff.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Finally installed the game that came with my HD5850.
And it's fucking killing me!
Is there any way, ANY WAY, to get the camera pushed back a little? At least a tad more behind Vito? In case that's not possible, what about FOV? It's giving me motion sickness, I feel I'm probably gonna give up on the game otherwise.
Also, what the fuck were they thinking? I can't believe I'm the only one feeling they've fucked up the camera (and why the hell can't I drive in 1st person view, although that'd be secondary in my current situation :p).
This game probably has a good chance of getting a GOTY edition before xmas, wouldn't you think? My birthday is next month, and I know my wife is either going to get me Mafia II or Fallout: New Vegas. Maybe I should tell her to hold out on Mafia II for xmas so I don't have to spend a bunch of extra money to get the "full" experience.


It's been a long time, been a long time, been a long lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely time.
DigitalDevil said:
This game probably has a good chance of getting a GOTY edition before xmas, wouldn't you think? My birthday is next month, and I know my wife is either going to get me Mafia II or Fallout: New Vegas. Maybe I should tell her to hold out on Mafia II for xmas so I don't have to spend a bunch of extra money to get the "full" experience.
I doubt it. The DLC so far has not been that great. If they released a GOTY edition it would be a joke. We'll see if "Joe's Adventures" is better.

leng jai said:
Somewhat depressing that this thread is smaller than the one for the demo.
This is funny. I know there were differing opinions, but I personally really liked it. People enjoyed talking about the platform differences more than the actual game.


I'm on chapter 7 and have noticed improvement in graphics. Game looks much better without snow.

O and chapter 6 was awesome.. Reminded me of Shawshank Redemption.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Dash Kappei said:
Finally installed the game that came with my HD5850.
And it's fucking killing me!
Is there any way, ANY WAY, to get the camera pushed back a little? At least a tad more behind Vito?

Anybody? :/

Also, how come there's no patch at all on PC?
PC update was released today. I guess we'll be seeing Joe's Adventures soon.

Updates to Mafia II have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Achievement Support for Joe’s Adventure
Additional Leaderboard support for Joe’s Adventure
Fix to Chapter 14 problem


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Playing through this on the 360 right now. EXTREMELY impressed with the game world and the general sense of atmosphere. Mafia II might be the most immersive game I've ever played.

The first time you're in Empire Bay, with Joe driving you around, I was in awe. The lightly falling snow, the 1940s music on the radio, the Brooklyn Bridge... amazing. Little details like the snow actually collecting in the center of the road, with ruts where car tires have been driving through just make the world seem so real.

Driving around in that winter environment in a sharp suit with "Baby, It's Cold Outside" on the radio, seeing all the woman pedestrians carrying umbrellas & men wearing hats, and snow collecting on the back bumber of the car... amazing. It IS the 1940s.

I was so immersed in the environment, the storytelling, and the characters, that the first time Joe lets you drive but STRONGLY warns you not to scratch up his car, I was literally afraid to drive fast. :lol I don't think anything like that has happened to me in a game before. I didn't want to bump any other cars not because I would have to restart the mission or anything like that, but because I was worried about upsetting my fictional polygonal friend. It's insane.

The game itself is so-so, and I eventually snapped out of my immersive reverie and played the game like a normal gamer (driving on the sidewalk, etc.) But those first few hours were pure magic. The game is worth playing just to experience the atmosphere alone.
Lol, the first half of that impressions was "Holy shit, this girl last night was amazing." ...and the last sentence is "meh she was alright, I've had better"


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Square Triangle said:
Lol, the first half of that impressions was "Holy shit, this girl last night was amazing." ...and the last sentence is "meh she was alright, I've had better"

No, the gameplay in Mafia II is so-so. It's not bad, but it's not great. It is... competent. It is the game's atmosphere that I was ranting about. It is literally unmatched, in my opinion.
I bought Mafia II during the Amazon's deal. I'm currently on the second chapter, and I'm enjoying the game thus far. I have not form an opinion with the game play, but I am in love with the music and the feel of the city.

I bought Mafia II on the PC. The game tends to be a hit-or-miss with the visuals. At times, it looks fabulous! Other times, the visuals seems mediocre (i.e. the close shot of the tank was missing textures).

I plan to focus on Mafia II, since Fable III is somewhat...bad. When I get further into Mafia II, I'll report more of my enjoyment (or possible hatred).


Picked up a Steam code for this at $15. It is a real bargain at that price. I'm usually a guy that plays games just for a solid game play mechanic, which this game lacks. However, the story, music and environment has me hooked. I decided to play the game on easy which makes getting past the average gameplay easier.


So I finally picked this game up last week because even as a huge Mafia fan I was deterred slightly by the mixed reviews, Eurogamer's in particular. However I'm so glad I did, this was without a doubt up there with ME2 for my GOTY.

As somebody said above, the world is so immersive, I literally played the whole game by driving strictly on the pavements (unless I was attempting to outrun the cops). And while I agree the missions weren't as original and distinctive as the original I still thought they had character and weren't your cookie cutter GTA style missions.

I loved the change in time especially, with music, weather and fashion changing it really gave the world an atmosphere.

Saying that I can see the complaints surrounding the lack of real substance outside of the main story missions, and I would love to see that greatly improved in a sequel. The story itself was stellar though, with the dialogue, acting and characters as particular standouts. My friend was visiting me at Uni while I was playing this and he was content to just sit and watch as I drove around simply because of the funny, believable dialogue between Vito and Joe.

So many games feel like silent films with mute characters but the level of interaction verbally between characters outside of cutscenes in Mafia 2 (similar to Uncharted 2) really made the game feel more than just your average videogame narrative, more similar to that of a TV Show or Film.

All credit 2k Czech, I thoroughly loved Mafia 2 and hope you can craft an improved, more substantial sequel for 2012.
I just cracked open this game last night, and I'm loving it so far (I think I'm on chapter 4). The winter scenery is beautiful, the cutscenes are excellent and Vito is a snappy dresser. Honestly I don't mind not having a bunch of side mission stuff to do like you do in every other open world game.
Update: on the last level I think. Fuck the checkpointing in this game; it is offensively bad. It's bad enough that many of the checkpoints start with cutscenes you end up having to watch over and over if you die. But it's also not uncommon to, say, kill a bunch of dudes outside, go inside, kill a bunch more dudes, die, and then get restarted to a checkpoint before all of that. It's really irritating.


Neuromancer said:
Update: on the last level I think. Fuck the checkpointing in this game; it is offensively bad. It's bad enough that many of the checkpoints start with cutscenes you end up having to watch over and over if you die. But it's also not uncommon to, say, kill a bunch of dudes outside, go inside, kill a bunch more dudes, die, and then get restarted to a checkpoint before all of that. It's really irritating.
Yep. I just spent a good half hour replaying the same few minute (easy) shootout at the dock section in Ch. 14, since every time I actually go inside the warehouse to start the hard part, I die within a few seconds. Holy fuck so annoying. Just one checkpoint right there would've made it infinitely more bearable. Instead, I'm about ready to break the disc in two.

Terrible, terrible design. And no, I don't want to bump the difficulty down one chapter from the end. :lol

speculawyer said:
Yeah, I was stuck for a while until I did this strategy.
Take the car and drive to the back of the room under the place where he throws the molis. Then kill all the other guys down there and the other guys that come running down the stairs until people stop coming. Eventually there will be no one left except the moli tosser and 1 or 2 other guys. Then go for the kill.
Wait did they fix this in a patch or something? I swear I tried getting in a car (to try to leave the area actually) but it wouldn't even let me get in.

Uncle Dukey said:
Terrible part. If you don't mind taking advantage of a glitch...
Take the car outside and drive in to the water. After you respawn, the office door upstairs will be unlocked and you can clear everyone out without leaving the office.
Holy moly this actually worked. Yay!
dwebo said:
Yep. I just spent a good half hour replaying the same few minute (easy) shootout at the dock section in Ch. 14, since every time I actually go inside the warehouse to start the hard part, I die within a few seconds. Holy fuck so annoying. Just one checkpoint right there would've made it infinitely more bearable. Instead, I'm about ready to break the disc in two.

Terrible, terrible design. And no, I don't want to bump the difficulty down one chapter from the end. :lol
Yeah I was in the same boat. I found a go-by that had me sprint to the back of the warehouse, run and gun those 2 dudes, then mow down everyone that came down the stairs. At that point Molotov boy was pretty easy.

Still what a pain in the ass, that scene plus one or two others has ensured that I will never play this game through again.


Yeah, I had a tough time on Ch. 14. Finally did the trick of sprinting into the warehouse, up the stairs and into the office.

After doing that it became much easier... even on hard.


I finished this up about a week ago and really enjoyed it. I might pick up the DLC for Joe as well. I didnt really have an issue with Chapter 14 -- I think I died twice, then the third time I just rushed straight to the back of the warehouse to shotgun the first 2 guys and then just took my time taking out the rest.


Neuromancer said:
Still what a pain in the ass, that scene plus one or two others has ensured that I will never play this game through again.
Yeah, I had to give up on the observatory bit last night too. Just so many frustrating parts in that fight. Circular path you need to run around? Why yes, we won't spawn three enemies running at you until you're one column cover away! Stairway you need to run up? Let's throw a grenade down it on top of your head! Cover on the rooftop? Oh wait, we spawned a guy behind you! For fuck's sake.

Ward said:
After doing that it became much easier... even on hard.
Yeah, hard mode was mostly a cakewalk up until that point, and I'm pretty bad. I'm not sure if Ch. 15 is worse, since I gave up on it much sooner, but that's up there too.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
DennisK4 said:
Fantastic news!

Getting this for sure. Mafia 2 was great and this makes it even better.

I will say what we are all thinking - this should have been in the game and not DLC.

Sign of the fucking times.
Not really. No one would feel like the game was lacking it if they never gave you the idea by announcing the intention to release that as DLC. No one thought while they were playing Vito in jail that they should be playing Joe instead.

What I would've liked included is something like the first DLC they released, except more zany. Something like a toned down less janky Free Ride Extreme.

Although, the first DLC did add more than 10 hours of gameplay so it was still worth the money. And its not like the game itself was short.


BobsRevenge said:
Not really.
Yes, really.

Mafia is not a big franchise. They would have gotten better reviews and a lot more buzz if they had included this with the main game.

They should have seen it as an investment in the future of the franchise. Make the franchise big - then you can start molesting people with DLC.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
DennisK4 said:
Yes, really.

Mafia is not a big franchise. They would have gotten better reviews and a lot more buzz if they had included this with the main game.

They should have seen it as an investment in the future of the franchise. Make the franchise big - then you can start molesting people with DLC.
No they wouldn't have. No one would've known they should care. The game would still be mostly driving, and include a lot of non-action gameplay that seemed to bore people. The story would also be less focused. It would be awkward.

Like I said, some sort of freeride extreme inspired mode would've done what you think this would've. But I think this makes sense as DLC, moreso than something that should've been in the main game. There was no precedent for playing multiple characters.
Hmm does sound pretty good, I just hope they've listened to feedback about their checkpointing. In fact if I do end up getting this I'll probably just play on easy.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Holy shit day 1. Mafia II was a fucking amazing experience despite some of the serious issues (checkpoints). The atmosphere was just soooo good. Since I did my Hard achievement run (yes some people do enjoy achievements on Steam :lol), I think I will do an easy run through of the game again before this comes out, possibly stopping at the point where this fits in. The trailer with the car chase across the lake looked HOLY SHIT good.... oh shit I just remember that I beat Mafia II on my 24 inch monitor just before I purchased my 42 inch Panny Plasma. Hype train just left the station.
DennisK4 said:
They should have seen it as an investment in the future of the franchise. Make the franchise big - then you can start molesting people with DLC.
The buzz is more steady this way. They did a small free ride DLC and were in the press. Good to keep the game rolling.

Now they do this again and make it awesome right before the holidays. Creates buzz again in the hardcore crowd, the guys who care for Mafia the most. I'm quite sure there will be a small discount on steam (20%off) as well as a bundle when this is released. At around April they announce the GotY Edition with the DLCs included and have buzz again.

If all this would have been included in the main game they were flat on sales now already.


Day 1, Mafia 2 is a serious GOTY contender for me, with the original being one of the best games of all time in my eyes. Read above for my impressions.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Ah, damn. Just traded in Mafia II because I wasn't expecting Joe's Adventures to be this sweet (or cheap). Between this and RDR: Undead Nightmare it seems like DLC is finally coming into its own.
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