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Mafia II |OT| Hey Vito, drive me to the other side of town


Confirmed Asshole
Had this on my radar already, I thoroughly enjoyed everything Mafia II had to offer after all, so more of the same with a twist is a good thing in my book.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Goddamn that first mission was good. Loved being back in the snow, the new areas, the great setpieces, it was all around really just excellent. I forgot how stunning the game could look as well.

Easily up there in my fav Mafia II missions.


The Amiga Brotherhood
And I just started Nier yesterday. I thought this was coming out on 29th? I guess I was wrong. Cheap as well, so I'm afraid it can't be as big as I hoped.
:O thanks! dl'n now :)

10 achievements?
Jacked Jumper
Jack of all Trades
Same Shirt Different Day
Driftin' Daddy-O
What Witness?
Arctic Grave
Dockyard Discord
Five Finger Discount


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
markot said:
How was the first DLC >.>? Never got it...... and how is the new one?!
First one was good. About 8 hours of gameplay and $10. Good for just driving around and fucking about as well.

Anyways, bought the new DLC. Can't wait to play it tonight!
The first mission was fuckin' stunning.
Driving acrossa frozen lake,
goddamn. And then after finishing the job Joe is singing with the song in the radio. So awesome! After this it falls a bit flat and returns to Jimmies Vendetta gameplay vice. I hope this changes later for a few times again.

The other missions aren't bad either but I'm not sure if I like the "get points for doing awesome stuff and doing it quick" translates so well to the main story. It's perfectly fine for Jimmy though.

The dumbed down police is the what I don't like the most. They do not react at all now again like in Jimmy's Vendetta :(

stealth edit: the bolded: That's exactly what it is! There are a few key missions with cutscenes and everything in between.


I've just beaten it. Fucking amazing game. Yes, it could be better (more open, the city is fucking beautiful and should be better used), but it did what it intended to do brilliantly.

These review scores further proves the putrid state of current gaming journalism, nothing more than a bunch of fucking shills who will write the most outlandish things to bash a game from a publisher that hasn't paid them enough.

Can't wait to play the DLCs.


It's been a long time, been a long time, been a long lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely time.
Glad you enjoyed it! Still currently my GOTY. I can understand the reviews, but I don't particularly agree with them.

Anyone have final impressions of the Joe DLC? Some user reviews have been less than favorable..

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Zoso said:
Anyone have final impressions of the Joe DLC? Some user reviews have been less than favorable..
The story missions are pretty neat, but the filler content in between is the same as the previous DLC and it gets tiresome.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Joe's is about 50% better than Jimmy's Vendetta. Which is to say, for $10 its a damn good deal, but it isn't going to be comparable to the level of effort the devs put into the original game for the most part. It adds a good amount of playtime (8-10 hours) and is a good value, but it isn't a steal or anything. I definitely recommend it if you like Mafia 2's gameplay.


So I'm at Chapter 7 now and wondering.. Does the story actually get interesting? For seven chapters now I've just been doing jobs for various mobsters. That's all. When do the plot twists come? When do the exciting things happen? When will I have WTF and OMG moments regarding the story? For a game that relies so heavily on story, I'm kinda dissapointed.

At least the atmosphere and the soundtrack is top notch


I have a question to those who have this on PC.I am using an Xbox 360 controller and I was wondering if anyone had problems while shooting.When I zoom in to shoot and press the fire button my controller desyncs for a few seconds and I loose control of everything.I use this controller with others and it is fine I am just not sure if there is some sort of update or something to fix controller issues I haven't found any.

It's weird because anything else in the game like driving works perfectly fine.Its frustrating because its a great game but now the shooting is ramping up and I just die cause my cursor keeps going in the direction when it desyncs.


Dries said:
So I'm at Chapter 7 now and wondering.. Does the story actually get interesting? For seven chapters now I've just been doing jobs for various mobsters. That's all. When do the plot twists come? When do the exciting things happen? When will I have WTF and OMG moments regarding the story? For a game that relies so heavily on story, I'm kinda dissapointed.

At least the atmosphere and the soundtrack is top notch
I guess I don't expect amazing things from the story, but at some point does the game let you do any side quests or complete missions in more than one way? I've only played very early in the game, and things involve driving from point to point to do the next story task. I am hoping it opens up a little, and being able to defeat enemies multiple ways would be nice. There's the yard full of people early on and it would have been cool if I could have used stealth or bribed them instead of being basically forced to kill them all, but I suppose that's the life of a mobster.


OMG, the story is so boring. Up to Chapter 10 now and the ONLY thing that we have seen is Vito climbing the criminal ladder. That's all. Haven't witnessed one plot twist yet. Why is the atmosphere amazing but the story so dissapointing? :(


Cmagus said:
I have a question to those who have this on PC.I am using an Xbox 360 controller and I was wondering if anyone had problems while shooting.When I zoom in to shoot and press the fire button my controller desyncs for a few seconds and I loose control of everything.I use this controller with others and it is fine I am just not sure if there is some sort of update or something to fix controller issues I haven't found any.

It's weird because anything else in the game like driving works perfectly fine.Its frustrating because its a great game but now the shooting is ramping up and I just die cause my cursor keeps going in the direction when it desyncs.

I'm using the 360 controller on the PC and have not experienced the issue.
The only suggestion I can make is to reinstall the controller drivers.


All I can say is on a decent rig running the game at max settings with a decent frame rate is an amazing experience... The game is fairly linear, but I'm ok with that, because the game is story driven and the open enviorment adds to the experience.

Hey You

Got this game for Christmas. Loved it. I wasn't quite sure what to expect, I did play the demo.

Anyways, is the two DLC's (360) worth it? New missions?

Also, I can't just free roam after I beat the game?

Double D

Got this on the Steam sale. Honestly, it was one of those games I debated buying. The game was never really on my radar to begin with, and all I really remember about it's launch was lukewarm reception. That being said, I'm really enjoying it. Game looks gorgeous in 1920X1200.

The actual story is a bit strange and disjointed, though. The early bits of the game, for example, when your mother wants you to be good and go work for the dude your father worked for. It felt like that was going to be quite the plot point, then I got sent to non-chalantly steal a car and practice shooting my new 'piece' with literally zero remorse or anything. If you can kind of 'let go' of the non-sensical stuff, the story is perfectly serviceable, and you can find a nice mission-based third person shooter with some solid driving bits.


So, I just started the game. Got to that first stealth mission. Seems impossible to me to avoid the alarm, and also the police is pwning me instantly to death everytime I try the mission. Any help? WTF am I doing wrong, seems pretty difficult to me...


Wrapped it up a few nights ago and was very impressed. Had this game included more side content and the main game been a bit longer it might have been nominated for more GotY awards. Wish there was more to do, but it was a blast while it lasted.


Horns said:
Wrapped it up a few nights ago and was very impressed. Had this game included more side content and the main game been a bit longer it might have been nominated for more GotY awards. Wish there was more to do, but it was a blast while it lasted.
I totally agree. I loved every minute of this game


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
I want the rest of Veto's WW2 time for DLC. I thought that part of the game played well and I'd love more of it.


Can't believe I still didn't buy the Joe DLC. Mafia 1 is my all time favourite game and the second one comes not even close to that.

Double D

Jacobi said:
So, I just started the game. Got to that first stealth mission. Seems impossible to me to avoid the alarm, and also the police is pwning me instantly to death everytime I try the mission. Any help? WTF am I doing wrong, seems pretty difficult to me...

Ha, yeah.
After you silently take out the three guards patrolling, but before you open the safe, make your way into the basement. Can't remember exaclty how to get down there, but I'm sure you can figure it out. Once down there, one of the rooms has a panel that lets you shut the power off to the safe (again, not sure which room exactly, but you are free to roam once the three guards are down.)


I'll co-sign the awesome part. When you finish and look back at the entire arc, it's amazingly well done with great pacing. Picked up the DLC during the sale, but I'll eventually give the main game another playthrough. I'm sure there are lots of little things I missed. Such as:

Vik_Vaughn said:
Ha, yeah.
After you silently take out the three guards patrolling, but before you open the safe, make your way into the basement. Can't remember exaclty how to get down there, but I'm sure you can figure it out. Once down there, one of the rooms has a panel that lets you shut the power off to the safe (again, not sure which room exactly, but you are free to roam once the three guards are down.)

I had no idea. I thought you were supposed to avoid killing them, so I snuck into the safe room and then had to deal with the carnage once the alarm went off. The thing you do is this: As you exit the safe room, you head straight until you get to the room at the other end. Then you jump out the window and run for safety. DO NOT engage the cops. Just run like hell to that window. And let me just say: I was a little miffed that I was scolded upon completion. Because I didn't fire a shot with this method. I was like WTF?


Beat the main game a couple of nights ago. My criticisms:

- Side Action: This is a big one and HUGE. There is simply nothing to do but story missions. For hell's sake, have some diversions available. Give us some side missions, or optional content to devour. Some different safe houses to buy or apartments, etc.

- Repetition: Some of the missions get bogged down with the same old thing at times of driving here and there and nothing else. Also, all these missions with people firing out of the car, why the hell is there not a mission where 'I' get to do that?

- Gameplay: No firing out of the car for the driver. Not at all? *sad face*

I listed these, and I consider the lack of side content a big one, for the reason that this game is incredible in the face of these criticisms. I'm going on forum record that Empire City in Mafia II is more impressive than Liberty City in GTA IV. Sorry, but the city felt more organic, real, and well designed than GTA, and I thought Liberty City was extremely well done. Plus, some great texture work and character modelling. The characterizations of guys like Joe (who was far deeper than the Joe Pesci route I thought he was on) or with Henry. Finally, a shockingly well done plot. I mean, this was leaps and bounds past most else that I played, and my only plot criticisms is that it ends abruptly and with too many loose ends.

This game is criminally underrated and I am all aboard for a sequel.


Always-honest said:
thinking of buying this game (yeah, way behind).

What version should i buy, PS3 or 360? Any differences?

PS3 version runs fine, and if you buy it new, you get some new missions which play different than the rest of the game.


Pretty disappointed by the DLC. Started off thinking it was going to be great, but the latest mission had me swearing like crazy. "The haul a body in a taxi" shit. Think it's the final straw for me. Boring missions with nothing but text for interactions = moving onto something else. Pretty ghetto compared to the awesomeness of the full game.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Does anyone have a completed game save they could upload for me? I had to reinstall Windows and didn't have time to backup my saves and I don't really want to start over, and I don't really trust the random links on Google.


erotic butter maelstrom
Color me surprised, this game is fuckin great. I picked it up last December when Amazon had it for 7.50, and it's surpassed all expectations I had for it.

For starters, it's definitely a looker. Empire city is gorgeous and detailed, and some of the interiors like the bars are downright stunning. Some of the character models look pretty good too, especially Vito. The music is very nice as well, so the presentation is a big draw for me. On top of all that, it runs at a solid 60fps for me.

Thankfully, it's pretty fun to play too. The driving is still somewhat realistic, but it's not a pain in the ass like Mafia 1. The gunplay is unexpectedly good. The animations repeat a little too often, but it's pretty satisfying to blast a dude with my shotty or dome 'em with my handgun. They KB/M controls were good, but it feels just right with my dualshock (god bless PC gaming).

My only complaint is that the mission design is not that great so far. I don't care for the missions that have you driving through the city with a time limit, that shit sucks. Still, I'm having a great time and I was not expecting to enjoy the game as much as I am.


I got this from Gamefly the other day and played it non-stop until I finished it. The only complaint I really had was the lack of distractions as the city was beautiful, the storyline solid and believable and the presentation top-notch. I thought the twist with
Henry being a Fed was great - I had no clue that he was going to be a Fed. When Henry presented the idea to get some drugs and sell it, I wanted to be able to turn it down as I was digging being a traditional mob guy much more.
Is the DLC worth looking into story-wise?
I got this game a few days ago in a trade with a friend. Since I didn't pay anything for it, I pretty much treated it as a rental and burned straight through it instead of exploring and everything. I enjoyed it.

The Tommy gun is awesome. A real feeling of power in using it. My two favorite missions are the one where you
rip apart the bar with the Thompson and the last one where you get to go all Road to Perdition on everyone.

The story wasn't as great as the first game, but I think this one actually had a better ending. I felt downright depressed after it. It was also cool to
relive the ending of the first game. It actually made it resonate more, seeing Vito's reaction to Tommy getting shot.

I wouldn't have picked it up for $60, but since it was free, I'm very pleased.


Just wanted to ask about the Jimmy's Vandetta and Joe's Adventure DLC. Are either worth purchasing? I like Mafia II a lot and recently wanted to go back and replay a bit.


Are they? The reviews for them were pretty bad. What about them are good, if you don't mind expanding?

I don't care for reviews at all but I've had a bad relationship with DLCs, particular ones that are $10, because they usually have like three minutes of content.
Yeah neither of them are very long, if it's the price you're worried about I'm sure PSN will eventually have a bundle DLC discount price. They expand on the story a tad but what's awesome is they add elements of gameplay that weren't really found much of in the actual game. For instance Jimmy's Vendetta has assassinations and car chases.

I haven't bought the last one, Joe's Adventures- which takes place while Vito is in jail, but I heard it's pretty damn long and has score based missions like The Club by Bizarre Creations.


Square Triangle said:
Yeah neither of them are very long, if it's the price you're worried about I'm sure PSN will eventually have a bundle DLC discount price. They expand on the story a tad but what's awesome is they add elements of gameplay that weren't really found much of in the actual game. For instance Jimmy's Vendetta has assassinations and car chases.

I haven't bought the last one, Joe's Adventures- which takes place while Vito is in jail, but I heard it's pretty damn long and has score based missions like The Club by Bizarre Creations.

It's not so much price as value. I hate buying DLC for $10 bucks when it lasts like less than an hour. That has happened to me like five or six times so I always get really hesitant to buy them.

Anyway, I guess there's nothing to lose. I love Mafia II and if it has more Mafia gameplay I'm in. Thanks Square.
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