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Majora's Mask 3D |OT| Remakes are a Nice Thing to Have… Heh, heh


Never played this, and I'm to assume this remaster is great according to all the buzz!

I'll probably pick it up @ launch.

Chitown B

I'm probably going to buy this, but I'm not sure how quickly I'll play it or if I'll ever beat it. It was an amazing feat to beat it on N64 back in the day, but now it might feel tedious. Most likely because I'm not 17 anymore and it's not 1998.

Chitown B

Hardly. It removes some nice tension and, regardless, is arbitrary. The reality is even with half a day left, one can gather an item of importance that they can then use
as a shortcut once they revisit the dungeon. Said dungeon is also easier now that the player better understands the challenges given the time they spent with it whether it was during day one or day three.

You don't necessarily need to reset time every time you're walking into an unknown. You're still going to have to work your way through it regardless.

To each their own. I'm the type that quick saves every time I enter a new area.


Nice OT glad it's finally up.... Can't wait for this I started the n64 version two or three times and never got farther than the second dungeon sooo it's really going yo be my first time thought this......



Get Inside Her!
Hardly. It removes some nice tension and, regardless, is arbitrary. The reality is even with half a day left, one can gather an item of importance that they can then use
as a shortcut once they revisit the dungeon. Said dungeon is also easier now that the player better understands the challenges given the time they spent with it whether it was during day one or day three.

You don't necessarily need to reset time every time you're walking into an unknown. You're still going to have to work your way through it regardless.

Ultimately, it is best for a player coming in fresh to the game to figure this out on their own.

Yeah this is another thing I wish people would stop peddling as "the" way to play the game. It's "a" way, sure. But you don't always need to give yourself a slowed down three days to complete every task. Hell, it almost defeats the point that way. Everyone should just come up with whatever system naturally makes sense to them as they figure the game out.
So what does the N3DS bring to the table for MM? Does the camera 'stick' make much difference? The new 3D? What else?

I don't know how much it affects loading times, but on the N3DS you can use the second stick for full 360 camera control.

so that was actually a thing. thats official too? interesting. more i remember and learn and relearn about this game, the more excited i get for friday.

Link travels through the Lost Woods and ends up in Termina somehow. Parallel dimension, because of all the residents from OoT having an alternate other in MM

If you're into that kind of stuff MM has a bunch of interesting fan-theories about Termina and whatnot.
Excluding the incredibly stupid Link is dead bullshit, because he isn't,
Hardly. It removes some nice tension and, regardless, is arbitrary. The reality is even with half a day left, one can gather an item of importance that they can then use
as a shortcut once they revisit the dungeon. Said dungeon is also easier now that the player better understands the challenges given the time they spent with it whether it was during day one or day three.

You don't necessarily need to reset time every time you're walking into an unknown. You're still going to have to work your way through it regardless.

Ultimately, it is best for a player coming in fresh to the game to figure this out on their own.
I personally like doing the dungeons all in one go as it makes
gathering all the stray fairies much less of a chore.

Yeah this is another thing I wish people would stop peddling as "the" way to play the game. It's "a" way, sure. But you don't always need to give yourself a slowed down three days to complete every task. Hell, it almost defeats the point that way. Everyone should just come up with whatever system naturally makes sense to them as they figure the game out.


Mine shipped a few days ago but I'm not expecting it until next week thanks to budget shipping.

MH4U to tide me over until then.
I wonder if this will have a new orchestral song that plays during the credits like OoT 3D did. I'm still bummed that Kondo was such a stickler and put the kibosh on fully redone soundtracks.
I wonder if this will have a new orchestral song that plays during the credits like OoT 3D did. I'm still bummed that Kondo was such a stickler and put the kibosh on fully redone soundtracks.

I think it's better this way. I still think the old music holds up, and then at the end when you hear a new piece it's a nice surprise. (I don't know if Majora does this but I loved it in Ocarina)
I think it's better this way. I still think the old music holds up, and then at the end when you hear a new piece it's a nice surprise. (I don't know if Majora does this but I loved it in Ocarina)

I suppose you're right, it does hold up pretty well. I'm just a sucker for Nintendo's more recent soundtrack efforts and would have liked that kind of polish....oh welllllll. Game still looks great!


Just out of curiosity, OoT3D applied a little antialiasing when in 2D mode, is it the same for MM3D?

Oddly, no. Not at all. Just tested it as I've been playing exclusively in 3D...and nope, that feature from OOT3D is gone. Its just as jaggy in either mode.


Just in case anyone cares, here's a photo I took of the back of the MM box:


Lots of N3DS mentions. Not sure why they had to list both the N3DS regular and the XL in compatible models, but I guess some consumers really are that dumb.

Also, that N3DS Exclusive Features box is a cool addition for future games...but uh, I can't help but feel that its lying here. The N3DS acts as a Circle Pad Pro as part of its features...and that's what MM3D is detecting it as. It doesn't acknowledge or care that its a N3DS! I would struggle to say camera control is a N3DS exclusive feature...


To be fair this game looks better than OOT3D on the whole.

Yeah. Playing it on my N3DS XL, I can safely say its the best looking 3DS game I've ever played. And yes, that means better than Revelations (although that's still technically stunning).

Although the image quality goes hilariously shit at the end of each day when the image shrinks. On the N64 it got jaggy as the image shrunk, on the 3DS it goes all blurry and super low res.


I'd like to see if the back of the American box lists New 3DS at all, or just New 3DS XL. I can see reasons for it either way, but would like to know for sure.


Nice OT, but I think you should remove the info on masks and characters. A lot of people are going to play this for the first time.


Nice OT, but I think you should remove the info on masks and characters. A lot of people are going to play this for the first time.

Agree. I think they should be links, but a list of the masks and where they are feels really over the top, especially when the first line is about treating this as if people have never played it.


I'd like to see if the back of the American box lists New 3DS at all, or just New 3DS XL. I can see reasons for it either way, but would like to know for sure.

I'm going to guess it will only reference the XL.

NOA aren't going to cause customer confusion by promoting a console that doesn't exist in that region. If they listed it, people may even assume that imported consoles work with their game.

Also, I agree about the OP. Its too much. A significant amount of it completely spoils the best parts of MM for a new player. Sorry to the guy who did it.


Hmmm, I still don't know if I'm going to try to get all stray fairies as I play the dungeons for the first time or instead just focus on beating the dungeons, having a reason to revisit the dungeons later on.


I wonder if this will have a new orchestral song that plays during the credits like OoT 3D did. I'm still bummed that Kondo was such a stickler and put the kibosh on fully redone soundtracks.

I think I read that (spoilers I guess?)
there is a new orchestral song at the end.


I can confirm that everything Rich says is true about this game. OOT3D just doesn't hold a candle to MM3D. The moment you turn the game on and watch the opening where the camera pans around finally showing the skull kid and moon, you realize that this is one hell of a beautiful remake. I beat the game yesterday and all I will say is that it is WELL worth a revisit. Time to do all those side quests I missed! :p


I am so glad I stopped myself replaying this the last couple of years, it's making this experience incredible. Taking things as slow as possible, everything shall be done!


OP has too much info on Masks and characters and such. The beauty of Majoras Mask is figuring it all out yourself. The new notebook and time warp even makes it easier than ever.

Also, first timers, don't listen to anyones advice on the proper way to play this. Just figure it out yourself and form your own strategy, it's rewarding to get stuff done on your own in this game.


Yeah. Playing it on my N3DS XL, I can safely say its the best looking 3DS game I've ever played. And yes, that means better than Revelations (although that's still technically stunning).

Although the image quality goes hilariously shit at the end of each day when the image shrinks. On the N64 it got jaggy as the image shrunk, on the 3DS it goes all blurry and super low res.

Hey, at least the effect is still in the game. I still love seeing it even after fifteen years...


Hmmm, I still don't know if I'm going to try to get all stray fairies as I play the dungeons for the first time or instead just focus on beating the dungeons, having a reason to revisit the dungeons later on.

Do it in woodfall at least. Youre gonna want the double magic meter the woodfall fairy gives you.

OOT 3D has Master Quest. Does anyone know if Majora's Mask 3D has it too?



Maturity, bitches.
So my copy arrived this morning (may have come yesterday but no one was in).

Now the long wait at work because I daren't take my n3DS out of the house until the case I've ordered for it gets delivered.


Unconfirmed Member
I really want to play this. Only got to screw around for a bit in the N64 version, didn't even get to the first dungeon.

I probably should try to beat Ocarina of Time first, though. I wish there was a sale on the 3DS version.
Never played the game before. Having said that, I went through hell and high water to snag one of them gold n3DS XLs. Skipped the LE of the game since I have enough trinkets on my shelves. Pretty psyched for Friday.

Dr Dogg

Corking OT Kriken, LastNac and those that helped.

Seeing as I bailed on this nigh on 14 years ago making little progress it's going to be like a completely new Zelda for me. Fingers crossed the postie has left me a surprise when I get in.
I really want to play this. Only got to screw around for a bit in the N64 version, didn't even get to the first dungeon.

I probably should try to beat Ocarina of Time first, though. I wish there was a sale on the 3DS version.

It was 40% off last month in Japan for New owners. And completely free for Club Nintendo members who registered two 3DS games about a year earlier. They should have made a digital OoT3D + MM3D bundle for the West at least.


Unconfirmed Member
It was 40% off last month in Japan for New owners. And completely free for Club Nintendo members who registered two 3DS games about a year earlier. They should have made a digital OoT3D + MM3D bundle for the West at least.
I think it also had a sale on the US eShop (my account is Canadian) a couple of months ago, but I didn't grab it then. Shame :(


I've never played this and I'm not a fan of games with time limits.. hope I can enjoy it all the same.


This cannot be stressed enough. Apart from the first cycle before you get the ocarina, you are always in full control.


Termina is pretty lucky that it was the Hero of Time that turned up. Any other Link may have been unable to help in this situation.

Basically there's nothing within the world to save it, it requires a power from another world, the Ocarina of Time. So even if Termina had their own Link, what would he do?


I never played the original as my family was too poor to get a N64, so I'm happy that Nintendo has remade it. Like many others in this thread, I was freaked out by the three day cycle. I also thought of it as a time limit, but now I've settled into the game I get it and don't feel rushed at all. The sense of foreboding and claustrophobic tension really makes for a disturbing atmosphere which is great to experience in a Nintendo game. It's a game I can't really predict and that's a good thing.


OOT 3D has Master Quest. Does anyone know if Majora's Mask 3D has it too?

There is no MM Master Quest to have. They'd have to have made one from scratch which clearly wasn't in the scope of this. They have instead put a lot of extra care into the game itself.
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