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Majora's Mask 3D |OT| Remakes are a Nice Thing to Have… Heh, heh

Game sales are front loaded. They would have announced it already. Mk8 and HW both released before amiibos were available.

Really? They KNEW MK8 and HW would sell like pancakes at launch and they didn't have to announce shit.

It's same thing as with GTA V, Rockstar knew that game would sell like crazy and they didn't have to announce the Next gen versions of the game.

Game sales DRIVE future support of ANY game. That includes amiibo support.

Oh for Christ's sake.

It's not gonna happen. Not with MM3D. The game will likely never ever get an update. Ever.

Wanna bank on that, Rich? Whenever Nintendo does announce that, I will be coming back for you to ask for an apology in full.
Really? They KNEW MK8 and HW would sell like pancakes at launch and they didn't have to announce shit.

It's same thing as with GTA V, Rockstar knew that game would sell like crazy and they didn't have to announce the Next gen versions of the game.

Game sales DRIVE future support of ANY game. That includes amiibo support.

Let it go. It ain't happening. Amiibos are their own market at this point. The audience buying them is already buying majora.
Really? They KNEW MK8 and HW would sell like pancakes at launch and they didn't have to announce shit.

It's same thing as with GTA V, Rockstar knew that game would sell like crazy and they didn't have to announce the Next gen versions of the game.

Game sales DRIVE future support of ANY game. That includes amiibo support.

Wanna bank on that, Rich? Whenever Nintendo does announce that, I will be coming back for you to ask for an apology in full.
Why are you so passionate about this? Lol
Let it go. It ain't happening. Amiibos are their own market at this point. The audience buying them is already buying majora.

Really? lol. You think you know Nintendo's global marketing department? You work in that department?

Seriously, you three are literally making me burst out into laughter.
Why are you so passionate about this? Lol

Because I'm a Zelda fan and I'm used to Nintendo's bullshit. After watching them do the same pony show over and over again since the OG 3DS came out, you get used to expecting them to pull the same bullshit over and over again as long Iwata is in charge.

Zora Link
Goron Link
Deku Link
Fierce Deity Link
Skull Kid


I'd pay any amount of money.

And you're Nintendo's target audience. Congratulations.
Really? lol. You think you know Nintendo's global marketing department? You work in that department?

Seriously, you three are literally making me burst out into laughter .

And... you apparently do?

Hyrule Warriors amiibo support was announced month(s?) before amiibo launched, and then added in the very next update after that launch date.

As far as I am aware, every other Amiibo supported game post Amiibo launch has had amiibo announcements prior to launch. Unless you have reason to believe majora is a special case, it seems unlikely amiibo support is coming.
And... you apparently do?

Hyrule Warriors amiibo support was announce months before amiibo launched, and then added in the very first update.

As far as I am aware, every other Amiibo supported game post Amiibo launch has had amiibo announcements prior to launch.

Got proof that it was announced in advance?


Because I'm a Zelda fan and I'm used to Nintendo's bullshit. After watching them do the same pony show over and over again since the OG 3DS came out, you get used to expecting them to pull the same bullshit over and over again as long Iwata is in charge.

And you're Nintendo's target audience. Congratulations.

Fucking calm down, son. Go get some fresh air. Let it go, have a break from this thread and come back with a cool head.


And you think they would announce this so close to the game's release?

MK 8 and HW was already months old when they updated these games with amiibo support.

There's a reason why Nintendo has both marketing and PR departments. Keeping surprises a secret until a certain time is straight from their playbook. Or have you forgotten?

I think you have forgotten that ALL other games (Captain Toad being the only exception but that game had an incredibly fast turnaround and thus a short dev-cycle so amiibo support is a post-launch and tied to an amiibo that only launches with MP10) had their amiibo functionality announced long before they came out. Smash, Code Name STEAM, Ace Combat, Mario Party, Xenoblade 3D.

They are not gonna update MM3D for amiibo support. They could've included it from the get-go like with any other game. Time to let go and move on.
Because I'm a Zelda fan and I'm used to Nintendo's bullshit. After watching them do the same pony show over and over again since the OG 3DS came out, you get used to expecting them to pull the same bullshit over and over again as long Iwata is in charge.

And you're Nintendo's target audience. Congratulations.
You honestly think the CEO is involved in the minutae of marketing department tactics for every Nintendo release?


Lol, no, you ARE LITERALLY making me burst into laughter. Like, seriously.

And you are literally now on my ignore list.

Brilliant trolling and thread shitting. Congratulations.

Glad I won't see any more of it. Also, you're a junior. Carry on with posts like yours and you'll be banned within the next few days.


One question - let's say that I have completed a side quest. After that I save at the owl statue, use song of time and what happens next? Do I "respawn" at the owl statue? In the city? And does the game keep record of completed sidequests?
I think you have forgotten that ALL other games (Captain Toad being the only exception but that game had an incredibly fast turnaround and thus a short dev-cycle so amiibo support is a post-launch and tied to an amiibo that only launches with MP10) had their amiibo functionality announced long before they came out. Smash, Code Name STEAM, Ace Combat, Mario Party, Xenoblade 3D.

They are not gonna update MM3D for amiibo support. They could've included it from the get-go like with any other game. Time to let go and move on.

Got proof that they announced before all of these games,

You're exhausting. They showed hyrule warriors as one of the game it would work with early on, and then announced that the link figure would have the functionality on October 21st. Before Amiibos released.

And you are literally now on my ignore list.

Brilliant trolling and thread shitting. Congratulations.

Glad I won't see any more of it. Also, you're a junior. Carry on with posts like yours and you'll be banned within the next few days.

And you realize that it doesn't impact me at all? You do realize there's a reason why a lot of developers have a hate-love relationship with this site? You just demonstrated why they hate this site.

Besides as long as this site exist, I will always read this site. Keep that in mind.

El Odio

Came to post about my contemplation at getting this on the weekend since I got Kirby coming next week, staying for the god awful trolling now.

IGN sucks at reporting.

I'm not against what you're saying, they could totally add amiibo support. I just think putting all that on Iwata is probably not accurate.

And where did I say that Iwata works in the Marketing department? LOLOL, seriously, you're making me laugh. It's almost like you're Chris-Chan's long lost brother.


notebook keeps records of all completed quests and whether or not you got rewards in each of them.

It actually does far more than that now...

Not exaggerating, it pops up nearly every five minutes. Every single time you encounter even the smallest part of a quest the notebook pops up and you get a section added to that particular quest line.


Get Inside Her!
And where did I say that Iwata works in the Marketing department? LOLOL, seriously, you're making me laugh. It's almost like you're Chris-Chan's long lost brother.

Dude what the hell is wrong with you. Stop laughing at every fucking post you read and learn a little damn respect.


Proof that IGN doesn't have a time machine?




Got proof that they announced before all of these games,

Dude. This was half a year ago. You don't remember any of this?


Why do you keep digging a deeper and deeper hole?


IGN sucks at reporting.

That totally means something. :) This is just funny now. Are you trying to make us laugh? Come on, where are the cameras?

edit: I'm done with this now. You're in good company on my ignore list. There was no need to react this way.
IGN sucks at reporting.

And where did I say that Iwata works in the Marketing department? LOLOL, seriously, you're making me laugh. It's almost like you're Chris-Chan's long lost brother.
The first time I quoted you, 'the same shit they will always be pulling while Iwata is in charge'. But whatever dude I was just trying to get some sense out of you, but you seem content to laugh it off rather than discuss.


Basically outlining where, what day, what time you saw someone etc? Future reference so you don't have to play trial and error from scratch again?

Well kinda, it just notes everything. Its kinda like the quest log in Xenoblade now, but far far more expansive.
The first time I quoted you, 'the same shit they will always be pulling while Iwata is in charge'. But whatever dude I was just trying to get some sense out of you, but you seem content to laugh it off rather than discuss.

Because you don't make sense when you thought that I said Iwats works in everything at Nintendo.

You know, they say laughter is a great medicine. Thanks, Distortion and Rich!
Why should I stop laughing because you're still saying all the wrong things that doesn't make sense.



Been a busy day at work... Haven't had a chance to fill my "crazy people on the internet" quota yet.

Anyways, I can't wait to play this! Majora's Mask is one of the 4 Zelda games I've never finished. I never got a chance to play it back on the N64, despite loving OOT back then. Excited to finally right this wrong.

Been a busy day at work... Haven't had a chance to fill my "crazy people on the internet" quota yet.

Anyways, I can't wait to play this! Majora's Mask is one of the 4 Zelda games I've never finished. I never got a chance to play it back on the N64, despite loving OOT back then. Excited to finally right this wrong.

There's some dat crazy people on the internet but it ain't me. :)


Eurgh. I can still see the troll posts in quotes. Its hilariously sad that he's still doing the same schtick.

Can we get back to discussing the actual game now? I've just got to Great Bay...and yeah, the new swimming is a goddamn letdown. I used to love speeding through the ocean...now I'm like, not able to. Goddamnit.
Besides as long as this site exist, I will always read this site. Keep that in mind.

OK. Why not do more than just read the site? Why not contribute in to the discussions in a more helpful manner?

You, and anyone else is totally welcome on neogaf, but being almost pointlessly abrasive isn't going to win you any points.
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