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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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back from my Chinese take out at the corner of my street here and the seating booths and tables had a line of silver duck tape to keep people from seating take out only orders to comply with the State

the lady at the register was wearing a mask and she did not touch my food bag to hand it to me she just pointed at it

weird times
Shit this really makes me want chinese food right about now.


Article: 99% of Those Who Died From Virus Had Other Illness, Italy Says

"More than 99% of Italy’s coronavirus fatalities were people who suffered from previous medical conditions, according to a study by the country’s national health authority." (3/18/20)

The average age of those who’ve died from the virus in Italy is 79.5. As of March 17, 17 people under 50 had died from the disease. All of Italy’s victims under 40 have been males with serious existing medical conditions.

Patriarchy strikes again. Time for Italians men to start identifying as women.


Yes, the lockdown is helping, but until I see that 3,500 cases /day drop it is still worrying.

Other countries are not on lockdown yet, so I don't see the spread stopped. We will see 20k+ cases globally today.

We will see even 30k or 40k during the next 1-3 weeks. That's totally fine.

Two things are a given.

1) It will get worse in the next 2-3 weeks (globally).

2) It will get better in 3+ weeks (globally).
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The average age of those who’ve died from the virus in Italy is 79.5. As of March 17, 17 people under 50 had died from the disease. All of Italy’s victims under 40 have been males with serious existing medical conditions.

Patriarchy strikes again. Time for Italians men to start identifying as women.
These are reassuring.

I hate tracking this thing by case numbers becuase it tells so little of the story.

Can't remember who it was that was saying 50% of people dying in some country were under 60...but that was it. No age group breakdown...just under 60. So it could be like...49% over 50, which changes that narrative a lot.


These are reassuring.

I hate tracking this thing by case numbers becuase it tells so little of the story.

Can't remember who it was that was saying 50% of people dying in some country were under 60...but that was it. No age group breakdown...just under 60. So it could be like...49% over 50, which changes that narrative a lot.

People under 50 are going to say fuck it at some point.

17 dead under 50. You dont think a 25 year old who wants to party and bang is going to look at those odds and say pretty damn good.

I can't wait for Italy to release some numbers like we have seen in China. I know stories say that half the people in hospitals are under 50, but the Imperial study showed that 10% 50-60 with symptoms were in hospitals, and 40-50 was only 5%. So China is lieing (could be) or something is going nuts in Italy that so many young are going to hospitals. Or we will get detailed numbers and see a different story ????

And also according to the Imperial study, 12% of the 10% went into the ICU and 6% of the 5%. So out of 1000 50 year olds about 10 will be in ICU, and about 3 for those in their 40's.

But again 1 study from China so who knows what those numbers mean.
People under 50 are going to say fuck it at some point.

17 dead under 50. You dont think a 25 year old who wants to party and bang is going to look at those odds and say pretty damn good.

I can't wait for Italy to release some numbers like we have seen in China. I know stories say that half the people in hospitals are under 50, but the Imperial study showed that 10% 50-60 with symptoms were in hospitals, and 40-50 was only 5%. So China is lieing (could be) or something is going nuts in Italy that so many young are going to hospitals. Or we will get detailed numbers and see a different story ????

And also according to the Imperial study, 12% of the 10% went into the ICU and 6% of the 5%. So out of 1000 50 year olds about 10 will be in ICU, and about 3 for those in their 40's.

But again 1 study from China so who knows what those numbers mean.

True. During peak Sars in 2003, I was on a flight to Toronto where an outbreak was, but I was young and didn't care. If this disease didn't have a name, if it was just called bad flu, countries would still be business as usual.

Everyone had masks today when I went out. I was surprised, but I live in a conformist country. Even the local homeless dude had a surgical mask on, until he unhooked one ear, bent down and picked up a cigarette butt off the floor and stuck it in his mouth.

I mentioned Orwell a bit obviously, but a book that left an impression on me that says a lot about today's overly scientific world and illogical overreaction, is Oscar Wilde's collection called The Happy Prince from 1888. Check it out, it's free online and short.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
My employer is scaling back production at our manufacturing locations. Anyone identified as high risk, according to CDC, will not be permitted to work after the end of the week.
Germany and Spain what is going on guys?



The only other time I've seen the Army move hardware around was when Saddam threatened the UK with chemical weapons 20 odd years ago.
Why do people always assume there's some kind of sinister plan?

For example, when british troops come to Baltics for military drills, they teleport their tanks from their bases to where they want to go? Pretty sure they move tanks between their own bases with trucks too. Military transport being moved by roads is nothing uncommon.
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Why do people always assume there's some kind of sinister plan?

So when british troops come to Baltics for military drills, they teleport their tanks from their bases to where they want to go? Pretty sure they move tanks between their own bases with trucks too.

I don't think there is a sinister plan but seeing tanks been moved in the UK is a very unusual thing and not a day to day norm. I have read that there is a joint Op going on so it's probably that.


Updated with link

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Coronavirus deaths in Italy happen "8 days" after first symptoms appear on average

On average, COVID-19 fatalities in Italy are happening "eight days" after patients show first symptoms, according to a report by the Italian government. The findings are based on data up to March 17 and only on the outbreak in Italy.

The document published by the Italian National Health Institute details that, on average, it takes four days from when patients show first symptoms until they are hospitalized and four more days until they die.


how does Germany keep the deaths so low she needs to share


I could have been playing Animal Crossing at 9AM tomorrow :(

I forgot I could have gotten an Austrailian eShop account and downloaded a digital copy early :messenger_loudly_crying:
too late now no monies already got US

going to Dunkin Donuts must catch this virus

Merkel... Is saying... Germany... Haven't faced anything like this... Since... WW2...?

Anything like what lol?


Nah, most shops are still stocking loo roll.

Canadian money is pretty shit, but not toilet paper value yet.

But I was thinking yesterday if it gets bad enough then maybe you won't be able to have access to your bank account. Banks are already shutting down their teller services where I live. If shit hits the fan enough I could imagine banks basically saying sorry we don't have your money anymore SOL buddy.



basically - no one said that, no source, no proof. It’s all a joke.

I've seen people on this very forum calling it that. They must have got it from somewhere. Much of the data we are getting from this is coming from China. Right now everybody in the scientific community talking about Chloroquine, which may be successful in treating this. Here is the study they are referencing.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
This is what I've been trying to figure out for over a week now in response to claims that China "won" or successfully contained it somehow.
Puts on conspiracy hat.

China has a vaccine, they had it all along. They sacrificed wuhan to get the virus going and now are patiently waiting to strike at the US. Russia also has the vaccine. We are now at war with Russia and China. Expect Nuclear holocaust soon.


Everyone had masks today when I went out. I was surprised, but I live in a conformist country. Even the local homeless dude had a surgical mask on, until he unhooked one ear, bent down and picked up a cigarette butt off the floor and stuck it in his mouth.

Image result for training day gif


Authorized Fister
As someone with immunodeficiency, I'm now in total isolation for two months, great... My doctor insisted on it. At least I'lll be getting paid.
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