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Massive fight at Florida Chuck E. Cheese’s caught on video

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nightmare fuel


I don't ever remember birthday parties being that emotionally charged when I was a kid. Maybe I was just too young to notice.
"MY kid was here first and he deserves to play that game" "What?! NO FUCK YOU!?!" Brawl insues.

This is like a widespread shitty parents at a baseball game episode.

People are fucking crazy.

Something like this almost happened at the waterpark I worked at strangely enough. This family was having a birthday party and two mom's really just started getting into it and screaming at each other we thought they were about to start throwing punches. Something about the stress of organizing and having a party just gets to people I guess
Reminds me of a recent time where I accidentally bumped into a kid at Chuck E Cheese. I swear the mother looked like she was about to stab me


Chuck E Cheese sucks. Been to two different locations here in queens the past two years and although one is leagues better than the other, it was a shitty experience both times. Both Chuck E Cheese were cramped and overcrowded. The jungle gym area was overrun by older kids. The games were crowded so there was always a good wait to play a decent game. There was a very low level of decency, everyone was just trying to get theirs. The place was a disaster.

No doubt that kind of environment is rife with fights. Someone bumps into your kid, an adult pushes them so their kid can use a machine. Someone cuts someone else then some words are exchanged. That place is tense even without alcohol.
To cope with your reality.
I love going to Chunky Cheese with my daughter and feel bad for the adults who don't know how to have fun anymore. Get the alcohol out of the restaurant and just interact with your kid instead of standing nearby on your phone.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I totally blame Chuck E. Cheese himself, for not keeping the peace.

The Rock-AFire Explosion would have totally brought the ruckus, though.


Worked at chuck e cheese in florida for about 5 months whe I was 16. Can confirm fights like these happened all the time. The free birthday section kids would go to the paid bday section and parents would loose their minds. Fights also broke out over babymama drama.

My manager at the time broke a dads nose on a slide (he was trying to restrain two dads fighting in the kid area) which caused every kid to freak out when blood shot up the slide.

Good times.


Honestly Chuck E. Cheese is a cesspool of scum and villainy. I remember I went there one time when I was like 10, I stepped in a gigantic puddle of piss with my socks and the next day I got chicken pox.


This is Chuck E Cheese all over not just Florida. Though to be fair, it happens everywhere people and their offspring make up the majority of the clientele.

It all comes down to the parents mental health. Like they're fighting over some repressed child hood memory.


Funny, I have never heard of a brawl breaking out at Disneyland...

Because something you never hear must not have happened.

It happens all the time on different scales. Just some places can make it easier.

Chuck E Cheese for example, free birthday area + lack of security.


I thought it was common knowledge that Chuck E Cheese is a collection of trash people, that's how it's always been in N FL.
I've been to two different locations, every one was pretty civil and the places were clean, pizza was pretty good. I went during the day and they did not sell alcohol though.

When I was in college a friend was couch shopping and I tagged along, we ducked into a Chuck E cheese that sold beer next to the furniture store it was like a 24 or 32 oz beer. Thought it was kinda funny to sell beer there.


Been many a time I've seen adults fighting and arguing in the parking lot at Chuck E. Cheese's because the adults can't leave their bullshit at home so they got to ruin some kid's birthday.


There was a huge brawl at my local Peter Piper not too long ago, so stuff like this doesn't surprise me.


Honestly Chuck E. Cheese is a cesspool of scum and villainy. I remember I went there one time when I was like 10, I stepped in a gigantic puddle of piss with my socks and the next day I got chicken pox.

i'm sorry for laughing at this zombean


I worked at a chuck e cheese. It's true, all of it.

People fighting, fucked up management, disgusting bathrooms. Dressing up as chuck was cathartic
if you think fighting in a chuck e cheese is the only way to solve problems, you should not be a parent.

No child should have to witness shit like that.
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