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Media Create Sales 8/27 - 9/2 2007


Junior Member
Stumpokapow said:
Yep. I'm picking influential titles based on "yeah, that seems influential" not based on sales potential or anything.

13th SSX Blur
20th Mario Strikes Charged
20th Sengoku Musou Katana
27th My Sims

4th Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3
(Holiday weekend 6th-8th of October)
25th Zack and Wiki
25th Simple Series Wii 1 and 2
25th Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Porcupine

Nintendo doesn't release released schedules more than two months in advance and I don't have the japanese skills to navigate sites that would have speculative release dates for past then.
Those crazy Japanese.


listen to the mad man
legend166 said:
Wasn't Super Mario Galaxy just announced for November 1st?

I mean that on Nintendo's japanese website, their release calendar is a floating three-month period from last month to next month.
wow, you guys are looking at Famitsu-MC difference in FFCC this week? (77k vs 79k) :lol
Look at Gintama PS2...35k in Famitsu, 57k in Media Create. Just wow.
Kurosaki Ichigo said:
wow, you guys are looking at Famitsu-MC difference in FFCC this week? (77k vs 79k) :lol
Look at Gintama PS2...35k in Famitsu, 57k in Media Create. Just wow.
Not a lot of people know about Gintama, that's why.

But it's still funny people are noticing a 2k difference from FF:CC when last week it was a much bigger difference.


sometimes i get the feeling people are buying ps3 games just so they can have something to play -_-


phez said:
sometimes i get the feeling people are buying ps3 games just so they can have something to play -_-

In other words, there are no other games to play on any other systems so people are buying PS3 games to have something to play? :p


Stumpokapow said:
Yep. I'm picking influential titles based on "yeah, that seems influential" not based on sales potential or anything.

13th SSX Blur
20th Mario Strikes Charged
20th Sengoku Musou Katana
27th My Sims

4th Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3
(Holiday weekend 6th-8th of October)
25th Zack and Wiki
25th Simple Series Wii 1 and 2
25th Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Porcupine

Nintendo doesn't release released schedules more than two months in advance and I don't have the japanese skills to navigate sites that would have speculative release dates for past then.

should be party not porcupine :lol


test_account said:
In other words, there are no other games to play on any other systems so people are buying PS3 games to have something to play? :p

so Bladestorm and MNG are no good, but hey, they are new, lets buy them...

yeah, you're going far with that


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
cvxfreak said:
Well, just saw (at least) 13 new Wii systems at the Yodobashi Camera in Shinjuku (Tokyo).

Other stores in the area carry used Wii systems at about 5000 less than MSRP. Months ago, they used to be either on par or 5000 Yen more expensive.
ToastyBanana said:
I'm guessing that other was the 4th game designed for DS rather than the first 3 ports of GBA titles. Did the GBA games not sell at all when they came out way back when? Or is this just the case of DS reaching new audiences yadda yadda yadda..
They weren't bombs or anything (of course: they kept making sequels), but I think the fourth is pretty safely the biggest, even combining the various rereleases of the earlier games. I don't have the GBA version numbers to show this, though.


JoshuaJSlone said:
They weren't bombs or anything (of course: they kept making sequels), but I think the fourth is pretty safely the biggest, even combining the various rereleases of the earlier games. I don't have the GBA version numbers to show this, though.

ethel to the rescue. More Phoenix Wright sales numbers than you could ever hope for or want.

Total sales (combined NDS/GBA versions). As you said, the fourth game has outsold all the others:
Phoenix Wright 1	444,567
Phoenix Wright 2	335,671
Phoenix Wright 3	238,893
Apollo Justice		471,947

Sales broken down by GBA and NDS versions of the games (combining in Best Price re-releases):
Phoenix Wright		GBA	128,601
Phoenix Wright 2	GBA	171,187
Phoenix Wright 3	GBA	161,893
Phoenix Wright DS	NDS	315,966
Phoenix Wright 2 DS	NDS	164,484
Phoenix Wright 3 DS	NDS	77,000
Apollo Justice		NDS	471,947

And showing the week-by-week sales for each version of each game. Using this one, you can also see how PW3 DS is doing compared to PW2 DS (answer: much, much better):
Phoenix Wright		GBA  	23,911  	10,816  	5,116  		62,169
Phoenix Wright (BP)	GBA 	6,685 		7,892 		6,491 		66,432
Phoenix Wright 2 	GBA 	51,859 		22,751 		11,711 		116,306
Phoenix Wright 2 (BP)	GBA 	- 		- 		- 		54,881
Phoenix Wright 3	GBA 	76,619 		23,450 		10,213 		161,893

Phoenix Wright DS	NDS 	50,469 		14,989 		6,383 		117,784
Phoenix Wright DS (BP)	NDS 	10,898 		9,125 		7,100 		198,182
[B]Phoenix Wright 2 DS	NDS 	22,428 		13,764 		8,416 		164,484[/B]
[B]Phoenix Wright 3 DS	NDS	57,000		20,000				77,000[/B]

Apollo Justice		NDS 	240,275 	58,589 		39,196 		471,947


JoeFu said:
WII SPORTS #11?????

Is this the first time it's been out of the top ten?

Defuser said:

Actually, yes. By Media-Create's numbers anyway (Famitsu, if I recall correctly, has placed it outside the top ten on two occassions). That's a total of 39 weeks, or nine full months in every single top ten. For comparison's sake, New Super Mario Bros stayed in there for 26 weeks following launch, or six months. I'll throw up some charts'n'shit later if I have the time.

Rolf NB

phez said:
sometimes i get the feeling people are buying ps3 games just so they can have something to play -_-
You mean wanting something to play isn't a valid reason to buy games? Yeesh, I think I just squandered my youth.


the piano man
neo2046 said:
poor Hot Shots Golf 5 ........

wait a sec., what the f. does this mean?

wasn't this game considered a solid performer by pretty much the whole of GAF consensus?

were we misled?


sphinx said:
wait a sec., what the f. does this mean?

wasn't this game considered a solid performer by pretty much the whole of GAF consensus?

were we misled?
Perhaps they overshippped thinking it will be a much bigger and long-lasting bump compared to Gundabump?


sphinx said:
wait a sec., what the f. does this mean?

wasn't this game considered a solid performer by pretty much the whole of GAF consensus?

were we misled?

Either that particular retailer or Sony (both?) apparently expected much more.

Edit: 2,980 yen = $25.73 at the current exchange rate.


sphinx said:
wasn't this game considered a solid performer by pretty much the whole of GAF consensus?

No. Its sales are good compared just to other PS3 games, but its sales are absolutely shitbin awful in comparison to the historical performance of the series. This has long been one of Sony's strongest selling properties and it's taken a nosedive.


the piano man
Talamius said:
Edit: 2,980 yen = $25.73 at the current exchange rate.

woah, that's extremely low price for a new, next-gen game.

It sure is great for consumers but I can imagine this sudden pricedrop influencing the perception of people about the game:

" well, that game flopped I may as well save my money and get the next bg thing at normal price "


botticus said:
I wish US retailers were so quick to slash prices. This hobby would be so much cheaper.

What I can't understand is that there are so much people to buy games day one, even knowing that the price will be divided by two or more in a matter of weeks.


sankao said:
What I can't understand is that there are so much people to buy games day one, even knowing that the price will be divided by two or more in a matter of weeks.
Because they want to play the game now?


Defuser said:
Because they want to play the game now?
My theory is that the japanese used games market is more active. A game bought at launch and sold quickly must be in the end as expensive as a price-cut new game.


doicare said:
All those copies of hot shots golf will be sold by christmas, move along people nothing to see here.

Yes. At a drastically reduced price.

Its sales are "good for the PS3" in the same sense that some guy's race time is "good for the Special Olympics." So yeah, good job, Hot Shots, here's your gold medal for managing to surge your way up to a quarter the sales of the last game in your series. Well done.
doicare said:
All those copies of hot shots golf will be sold by christmas, move along people nothing to see here.

Being sold at discounted prices isn't the best of situations, you know.

Either that, or they'd just get used copies


ethelred said:
Yes. At a drastically reduced price.

Its sales are "good for the PS3" in the same sense that some guy's race time is "good for the Special Olympics." So yeah, good job, Hot Shots, here's your gold medal for managing to surge your way up to a quarter the sales of the last game in your series. Well done.

Well sales are down vs the last version of the game but that's comparing an install base of 18m+ for the ps2 vs 1m+ for the ps3. It's life time sales should reach 500,000~ in japan.


doicare said:
Well sales are down vs the last version of the game but that's comparing an install base of 18m+ for the ps2 vs 1m+ for the ps3. It's life time sales should reach 500,000~ in japan.

Like I said: it's a good showing for the Special Olympics.


Incredibly Naive
oh cmon sales on HSG weren't that bad, you guys are just spinning it that way. the numbers are decieving, I'm sure the attach rate was still fine, and after this holiday should be even higher, what sony needs though is more games, HSG alone bumped sales up a bit for a couple weeks to around at least 20,000 each week. If sony could finally get the ball rolling and pump out some good games, the momentum would stay there, not to mention a price drop could help.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
msdstc said:
oh cmon sales on HSG weren't that bad, you guys are just spinning it that way. the numbers are decieving, I'm sure the attach rate was still fine, and after this holiday should be even higher, what sony needs though is more games, HSG along bumped sales up a bit for a couple weeks to around at least 20,000 each week. If sony could finally get the ball rolling and pump out some good games, the momentum would stay there, not to mention a price drop could help.

Yeah I'm just going to let ethelred handle this one. He says things 10 times better than I can.


msdstc said:
oh cmon sales on HSG weren't that bad, you guys are just spinning it that way. the numbers are decieving, I'm sure the attach rate was still fine, and after this holiday should be even higher, what sony needs though is more games, HSG alone bumped sales up a bit for a couple weeks to around at least 20,000 each week. If sony could finally get the ball rolling and pump out some good games, the momentum would stay there, not to mention a price drop could help.
I think publishers generally care more about copies sold than attach rate.


msdstc said:
oh cmon sales on HSG weren't that bad, you guys are just spinning it that way.

No, actually, when I say its sales are a quarter the historical performance, that's the most un-spinny thing to be said in this particular discussion. It's at around 25% what it sold before. That's not spin. It's just reality's anti-PS3 bias.

msdstc said:
the numbers are decieving, I'm sure the attach rate was still fine

Yeah, I know, those kids try hard. They put a lot of heart into what they do. It takes a lot of courage to face up to one's disabilities and still go out there and perform as best you can even though you know you'll never be able to play in the real game.


msdstc said:
oh cmon sales on HSG weren't that bad, you guys are just spinning it that way. the numbers are decieving, I'm sure the attach rate was still fine, and after this holiday should be even higher, what sony needs though is more games, HSG alone bumped sales up a bit for a couple weeks to around at least 20,000 each week. If sony could finally get the ball rolling and pump out some good games, the momentum would stay there, not to mention a price drop could help.
Because we all know the gamecube's high attach rate makes it the best system to develop games in.


The sales of the game being good or bad it's all about expectations...

Looks from the pics, that they (Sony and retailers) had a bigger expectation, and demand didn't meet it. So the game did bad for them.

For us, the game did ok on that userbase, because we didn't expect much.
Arde5643 said:
Perhaps they overshippped thinking it will be a much bigger and long-lasting bump compared to Gundabump?

The initial shipment is 300k, which is already met already.

It's more like just a specific case of a certain overstocking shop somewhere in Japan.


the piano man
ethelred, could you please post one of those
 graphs you do so well with sales of each HSG game?

we need some perspective here.


ethelred said:
Like I said: it's a good showing for the Special Olympics.

Yes a console which is going to go onto sell 10+ million in japan is a 'retarded' console that competes in the 'special olympics'...


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
doicare said:
Yes a console which is going to go onto sell 10+ million in japan is a 'retarded' console that competes in the 'special olympics'...

How in God's name is the PS3 going to sell 10M plus in Japan?
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