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Media Create Sales: Week 11, 2013 (Mar 11 - Mar 17)

psp will hit 20 mill for sure i would think. ps3 maybe 9 million but more likely next year.

PS3 is already at 9.1 million (well, 8.9 on Famitsu) so it will be over 9 million no matter what, no maybe about that. I'm assuming it will have a price drop this year prior to PS4 launching as well. It's at 261K sold for the year, 900K would bring year sales to 1.161 million. Last year it sold 1.2 million but it didn't get a price drop. Seems doable, will be interesting to see.

Even if we consider things that MHP didn't have and assume downloads at 10% and the double pack to have had a similar drop and is just outside the Top 20, it still sold less than MHP's 2nd week. It's pretty clear SS will not have the legs of MHP at this point.

Speaking of the double pack, its sales completely fell off a cliff this week. Was the shipment just that limited?

If it had a similar drop, I think it would be just outside the Top 20.

Did Sony ever comment on their expectations for Soul Sacrifice?

Is it selling as they were expecting?

My guess is they wanted it to be their MH replacement, so I would say below expectations.


Both games have up to 4 player multiplayer though. But Soul Sacrifice and Monster Hunter are not identical in gameplay, so that can also play a role into the popularity as well, indeed.

It baffles my mind what the hell attracts japanese people with MH. It's just... bang, phenomenon. It's like they were brainwashed to love MH.

And it doesn't seem to stop, even if the subsequent games only add more of the same (like, new weapons, armor, monsters, etc).

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Kirito had prep time thus unbeatable.

One day there will be an Oculus Rift Sword Art Online and you'll all fall in line, AnimeGAF!

Quite a discrepancy in WiiU sales between MC and Famitsu.

It baffles my mind what the hell attracts japanese people with MH. It's just... bang, phenomenon. It's like they were brainwashed to love MH.

And it doesn't seem to stop, even if the subsequent games only add more of the same (like, new weapons, armor, monsters, etc).

Japanese market seems to love a real "playing is hard work" angle to their games, be it jRPG grinding, insane drop percentages, or endless fucking chore based mini-games. MonHun is like the perfect fusion of all of that and also local portable multiplayer.


Mostly everything as expected. The only real surprise was that there is no surprise this week.

And Animal Crossing will only slow down when every single person in Japan has it. I hope Nintendo learnt a lesson that actually putting effort in a game can lead to great sales.


It baffles my mind what the hell attracts japanese people with MH. It's just... bang, phenomenon. It's like they were brainwashed to love MH.

And it doesn't seem to stop, even if the subsequent games only add more of the same (like, new weapons, armor, monsters, etc).

Its the multiplayer, I too was baffled at what is largely a grinding simulator untill I played it online(adhoc party). Then everything clicked, so much fun.


Sales-Age Genius
36k is pretty good for a week with no major new release exclusive to vita.

I think if sony can stabilize the release calendar a bit, and get up to a good exclusive one every two weeks, they could easily sustain 50k+ a week.

Hopefully there is some major wheeling and dealing going on at sony HQ to try to get more titles, more regularly.

What's so ridiculous about it? Monster hunter basically resurrected the PSP in Japan. Isn't it possible for SS to do the same for Vita?

I stopped reading every post in these threads last weeks. Tried doing it again today but some things just don't change.


Why don't you go away instead?

I tried. You guys followed me here!

I'm just kidding, btw.

Is the game even any good at all? Action RPG or waifu simulator? (Or even both?)

Its the multiplayer, I too was baffled at what is largely a grinding simulator untill I played it online(adhoc party). Then everything clicked, so much fun.

I tried with XLink kai and it wasn't fun at all. Maybe it just wasn't for me.
My guess is they wanted it to be their MH replacement, so I would say below expectations.

It's selling decently enough, based on reasonable expectations for a heavily marketed new IP on Vita. As part of a Hail Mary (along with the price drop and PSO2), it's probably not doing so well, though we'll be better able to judge next week.


It baffles my mind what the hell attracts japanese people with MH. It's just... bang, phenomenon. It's like they were brainwashed to love MH.

And it doesn't seem to stop, even if the subsequent games only add more of the same (like, new weapons, armor, monsters, etc).

easy... its our call of duty. what seperates them from the west? nothing really. they have mh, we have cod


I'm going by the fact that Monster Hunter is a series that has a long tail and is still in media create top 20's, 40's months after release.

What's so ridiculous about it? Monster hunter basically resurrected the PSP in Japan. Isn't it possible for SS to do the same for Vita?

Of course... but this week, without any big release, PS Vita sold 35k units... a 5k increase next week with a game like Pirate Warriors 2 would be pretty normal.

36k is pretty good for a week with no major new release exclusive to vita.

I think if sony can stabilize the release calendar a bit, and get up to a good exclusive one every two weeks, they could easily sustain 50k+ a week.

Hopefully there is some major wheeling and dealing going on at sony HQ to try to get more titles, more regularly.

I love people's optimism.

EDIT: beaten by Chris!
It baffles my mind what the hell attracts japanese people with MH. It's just... bang, phenomenon. It's like they were brainwashed to love MH.

And it doesn't seem to stop, even if the subsequent games only add more of the same (like, new weapons, armor, monsters, etc).

It's a hell of a lot better than our addiction to Angry Birds and Farmville. :p


Is the game even any good at all? Action RPG or waifu simulator? (Or even both?)

I dunno if the game is any "good", but it's pretty damn appealing to SAO fans. It's designed like a fake MMO, so it's a single player RPG with MMO style presentation and encounters, all realtime, and it's also a waifu simulator where you can trigger all sorts of events with all the different girls, and there are original costumes designed for the game, etc. It's basically lots of fanservice stuff geared towards that audience.


That is a pretty substantial Vita drop. I mean, it was totally expected but still. I wonder if it'll go back to the same level of sales pre-price drop or if it'll be a little higher once the dust settles.

Also, Wii U seems to have settled around 9k-10k. Kinda depressing.


SOA had me fooled into thinking it might be a good show, so I watched it. Now the only thing I can get out of all of this is hating on it.
With SK you can see from miles away how much of a POS it is. I watched the first two episodes of the anime out of curiosity, but aside from that it's been easy to avoid for me.

OK, I get it. It's like The Walking Dead.
On the bright side wiiu is not at 5k. On the other hand this drought is far from over. Gsame and wario and dqx will be a 2 week reprieve at best.


I'm wondering, if Vita keeps selling 25-30K steadily, but with low game sales, was it a good move from Sony to cut the price? Don't they generate more profit at 10K sales full price versus 30K sales at a greatly reduced price? And I don't think the marketing for SS came cheap (relatively ofcourse), so did they actually made more money in the last two weeks?


Wii U needs software asap. I wonder if Game Wario is going to do anything for the system. Vita drop was big but not huge, here's hoping it stabilizes in the 20Ks.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
You know what would be a better fitting game for SAO? A Fatal pulse hentai eroge.
The industry is not yet ready for that level of misogyny.
Notice how when you get power ups he gets more fit? Subliminal message.
This is certainly a more believable hypothesis than the 'Mario as a communist tale' conspiracies.
firehawk12's SAO Episode 24 review

Is this the tirade you were looking for?


vita didn't drop off as far as i thought

sony really just need to money hat a monster hunter and things could be so different.
Dragon Ball 3DS is past 120k this week, if it holds, it will pass Raging Blast PS3 which is at 129k.

Hearts R really dropped, even for the series' trademark front-loaded nature, I expected better. Innocence R did 7.5k second week totaling 54k.


Hearts is still ahead and did have a tiny bit higher second week, so they're kinda in-line with one another. So why am I surprised? XD


i'll be surprised if vita can even steadily sell at 20k. i see it dropping right back down to wii u levels. shame... such a good system to own.


On the bright side wiiu is not at 5k. On the other hand this drought is far from over. Gsame and wario and dqx will be a 2 week reprieve at best.

I'm not counting on the Wii U until later this year. Nintendo wants to release their heavy hitters more towards the holiday season, so the marketing can be way more effective, as they actually have to market it only once.
pretty much everywhere. and i buy games from every region.

Well youre wrong because no one in the MC thread was calling PSP dead at the time
I'm not counting on the Wii U until later this year. Nintendo wants to release their heavy hitters more towards the holiday season, so the marketing can be way more effective, as they actually have to market it only once.

Makes complete sense said no company ever. They are basically losing money to have a minimal lead over the next consoles while damaging their brand with no games. If this really was Iwata's strategy he should be sent flying out of the HQ


Luigi's Mansion dropped in Japan today.

then another Pokemon game for half the week.

Nintendo is in for another huge week. Except for Wii U. Hopefully those DQX bundles will provide a significant bump,
along with Pokemon Rumble U with the NFC toys.

I have to ask Nintendo, where, for the love of god, is release date for Pikmin 3 and Wonderful 101? Just finish them already.

Put more people on the teams and fucking finish the games. Stop pushing games back. These are games machines. Holy shit.


Vita is hanging on quite nicely, isn't it? I wonder where it will stabilize now?

As for Wii U, well... at least it didn't DROP. Hurry up, Dragon Quest!

I'm actually surprised at how good the SAO game did, I didn't realize the series was THAT popular in Japan. I actually enjoyed the first half of the anime, it was silly and fun. Nothing great of course. It was the second half that I felt made the thing take a sharp dive off a cliff. A bigger trainwreck than Code Geass, but an infinitely less entertaining one.
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