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Microsoft / Activision Deal Approval Watch |OT| (MS/ABK close)

Do you believe the deal will be approved?

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FTC hearing was another in a long line of wins for MS. They've got the U.S. side of this locked up.

Next, they tackle the CMA, Rogan style:

Joe Rogan Football GIF by Morphin

MS next move - use political and legal clout gained through FTC impending win to sway the CMA. CMA will resist but eventually call for a redo to their decision with something like "In revisiting or decision we were too hasty. MS has taken great strides to correct all of our inertial concerns. MS please proceed with our blessing."

Meryl Streep Thank You GIF by The Academy Awards
Meryl Streep Doubt GIF

But I posted nearly the same conclusion as you a week before the PI hearing.


Gold Member
FTC hearing was another in a long line of wins for MS. They've got the U.S. side of this locked up.

Next, they tackle the CMA, Rogan style:

Joe Rogan Football GIF by Morphin

MS next move - use political and legal clout gained through FTC impending win to sway the CMA. CMA will resist but eventually call for a redo to their decision with something like "In revisiting or decision we were too hasty. MS has taken great strides to correct all of our inertial concerns. MS please proceed with our blessing."

Meryl Streep Thank You GIF by The Academy Awards

Cringe Reaction GIF


Gold Member
We are talking about business and contracts that affect billion/trillion dollars companys... so wording is of essencial

MS lawyer asked if he was committed to keep COD been shipped to playstation and he said 100%.

Two things:

1) I dont know what the word committed means exactly in english because is not my main language... in my language the translation for committed means "ill do my best" wich is in no way a definitive answer
Ex .
"Im commited to buy a ferrari" tought Luck since I really cant because I cant afford one. So I can committ to anything I want since this word is not binding to anything

2) The question did not stipulated ANY timeframe, so if MS buys activion tomorrow and the next COD launchs on ps5 or even the next one launchs either he will have accomplished his commitment since he never stipulated a timeframe for what he said.

So all in all given the MS history with bethesda, emails exposing blatant lies and the minecraft contractual situation been exposed , that is right now, not one reason to believe COD will remain multiplat outside of words of corporate liars and the "financial reasons" bullshit argument


Neo Member
Sure. Let’s pretend that’s a real person being genuine. Who’s ever met someone like that and what does it add or take away to the conversation.

During the trial, was the FTCs key witness a trump supporting hillbilly? Would that have made a difference in the case?
I'm guessing you've never played much CoD multiplayer.


Gold Member
Cute. Let’s pretend numerous posters didn’t scream about the industry being ruined and throwing a fit.

I don't think it's good. It doesn't benefit me. That kind of consolidation is rarely ever to the benefit of the consumer. But I'm sorry to break your heart and tell you that the most you'll get from me is a head shake, then I'll go right back to actually playing games or being a normal person living my life who doesn't get as emotionally invested as you in stuff like this.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Ok, but I just checked and the reports are that 70% of the people that worked on Redfall left during development. Arkane Austin.

No, my guy. 70% of the people who had worked on Prey had left.

By the end of Redfall’s development, roughly 70% of the Austin staff who had worked on Prey would no longer be at the company

1) I dont know what the word committed means exactly in english because is not my main language... in my language the translation for committed means "ill do my best" wich is in no way a definitive answer
Ex .
"Im commited to buy a ferrari" tought Luck since I really cant because I cant afford one. So I can committ to anything I want since this word is not binding to anything

2) The question did not stipulated ANY timeframe, so if MS buys activion tomorrow and the next COD launchs on ps5 or even the next one launchs either he will have accomplished his commitment since he never stipulated a timeframe for what he said.

So all in all given the MS history with bethesda, emails exposing blatant lies and the minecraft contractual situation been exposed , that is right now, not one reason to believe COD will remain multiplat outside of words of corporate liars and the "financial reasons" bullshit argument

Confused Harry Potter GIF

I don't think we need to go on the dictionary definition of the word, both the CEO and Phil had sworn statements to the judge, Amy Hood (CFO) stated that they making CoD exclusive was not discussed with the board when finalizing the acquisition etc etc. There's way too many examples pointing to the contrary for us to still be holding onto the "but he didn't use a comma at the end of the sentence" kind of tinfoil.

As for your second point, both Phil and Satya have said future Call of Duty games on Playstation platforms.
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Gold Member
I don't think it's good. It doesn't benefit me. That kind of consolidation is rarely ever to the benefit of the consumer. But I'm sorry to break your heart and tell you that the most you'll get from me is a head shake, then I'll go right back to actually playing games or being a normal person living my life who doesn't get as emotionally invested as you in stuff like this.
Me Too Samesies GIF

Having debates that can get heated with other users is different than being emotionally invested in the outcome. At the end of the day, however it goes, it is what it is. Such is life.
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Gold Member
Me Too Samesies GIF

Having debates that can get heated with other users is different than being emotionally invested in the outcome. At the end of the say, however it goes, it is what it is. Such is life.

What's funny is this isn't the first time someone in favor of the acquisition has expressed a need for those opposed to be emotional about it if it goes through. What is up with that?


Gold Member
No, my guy. 70% of the people who had worked on Prey had left.

Confused Harry Potter GIF

I don't think we need to go on the dictionary definition of the word, both the CEO and Phil had sworn statements to the judge, Amy Hood (CFO) stated that they making CoD exclusive was not discussed with the board when finalizing the acquisition etc etc. There's way too many examples pointing to the contrary for us to still be holding onto the "but he didn't use a comma at the end of the sentence" kind of tinfoil.

As for your second point, both Phil and Satya have said future Call of Duty games on Playstation platforms.
No tinfoil here.. just holding liars accountable for their lies and not thrusting them ... but you can keep believing in vague words and PR commitments made by MS as usual .. is all you have really ..

When you have some contractual binding evidence we can comeback to this subject.. I dont work with empty promisses made by previous liars
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Gold Member
What's funny is this isn't the first time someone in favor of the acquisition has expressed a need for those opposed to be emotional about it if it goes through. What is up with that?

It's a whole other level of pathetic, honestly. Hoping that someone gets emotionally hurt over video games. Dude even edited his post and called people zealots. Complete lack of self-awareness to tack onto the scummy mentality.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
No tinfoil here.. just holding liars accountable for their lies and not thrusting them ... but you can keep believing in vague words and promisses made by MS as usual .. is all you have really ..

As a rule you should never thrust liars. But I digress, this is not vague, this is the opposite of vague. CMA/EC have also hand-waived the foreclosure argument saying that MS would not have any incentive to do so, so I guess they fell for it too. 🤷‍♂️

When you have some contractual binding evidence we can comeback to this subject.. I dont work with empty promisses made by previous liars

They can't make any contracts until they own the IP and Jim would need to be willing for any kind of formal agreement. You don't have to work with them. That's fine.


You see it as positive because it only benefits Xbox and your preferred ecosystem.

- Sony users will miss out on all if not most future ABK games.
- This will likely have a domino effect on mass consolidation.

Well…. That’s usually how it goes with an acquisition. Things get made exclusive. I think MS could have put a lot of GAF members out of their misery and this thread would only be 500 pages if they just said “ fuck it….. we bought this shit…. We are making all of it except the GAAS ( including COD) exclusive. We paid for it. End of discussion”. I wouldn’t let anybody guilt trip me over what to do with what I paid for with my companies money. But that’s me.

Consolidation is inevitable. Already happened in the music and movie industries and Sony was quite happy to take part in it in both of those industries becoming consolidated into three companies.

This is all just business. You may not like it ( especially as a non Xbox customer) but this is just how it goes, And how it’s going to go. Question is who grabs what. Who buys what. Not even whether any of us like it. Disney buying your every studio they can and as much as some people moan about it…. The world at large really does not give a shit about big corporations spending big money on other big corporations. They only care about what they are getting for their money and most are not loyal to one company. That’s a fanboy thing and I would bet the majority of console owners nowadays are not on forums picking sides and crying over who is buying ABK or any other company.

99% of us when this over.

Im sure there will be another big acquisition for people to console fight over. Or something else to console fight over. Sometimes it’s not about the topic but the console fighting. Atleast that’s how it all looks. It’s entertaining to read it all though! Can’t believe this thing is at 1300 pages. I thought core gamers and forum types were too ‘ hip’ for call of duty but these 1300 and counting pages say otherwise. 😅😅😅

People will find something else to draw their lines in the sand over, when this is all over with.
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Well…. That’s usually how it goes with an acquisition. Things get made exclusive. I think MS could have put a lot of GAF members out of their misery and this thread would only be 500 pages if they just said “ fuck it….. we bought this shit…. We are making all of it except the GAAS ( including COD) exclusive. We paid for it. End of discussion”. I wouldn’t let anybody guilt trip me over what to do with what I paid for with my companies money. But that’s me.
So why doesn't Phil Spencer just do that instead of the pitiful woe is me, case by case act etc?


Also very strange to see people expecting others to like a company while also salivating over their meltdowns or tears or whatever. Very maladjusted behavior.

Just because you kissed the ring of the shittiest 1st party publisher out there doesn't mean that the rest of us should.
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Thanks God that once MS finishes this acquisition, we will have a new thread for the next one. The entertainment is never ending. :messenger_winking:
There will be more acquisitions…. Especially if MS shopping list of devs is anything to go by…. and I’m sure those threads will be a bundle of laughs too.

But for a thread to beat this thread’s record….. MS will have to buy square or sega. Nothing else will move the earth like this ABK acquisition. But then again they will never have to spend this kind of money on any other pub or dev. Crazy to think we thought 3Bn was insane for Minecraft….. then 7Bn for zenimax- Bethesda…. Now 70Bn….. going back and buying studios for 100M+ Or less will seem like pennies in the pocket for them.

Let’s just hope they can manage all these studios and publishers.

Personally I’d still like to see that sega acquisition happen. If I was in their shoes I would buy sega and brand the Xbox consoles as sega consoles in Japan. Merge their Japanese Xbox business with sega and let them run it in that region, given their experience had history. Let sega build those Japanese relationships with Xbox, as a console manufacturer ( sort of) once again. It would be a smart play to get better sales and a better reputation in the region.


Here's a summary of the 1318 pages so far:
  • When things look positive for the deal - Xbox fans projecting, melting down, getting banned and utilising alts.
  • When things are looking negative for the deal - Xbox fans projecting, melting down, getting banned and utilising alts (that is, if they are one of the lucky ones to not get decommissioned).
So no matter what happens...



They don't show Xbox financials 😄

But we do get tidbits. And I've also included that in my last thread. We now have undeniable information.


Phil Spencer also calls the Xbox business "Polaroid" (as in obsolete). He also said our core business is not what people wants. And he suggested shutting down Xbox.

You don't suggest shutting down a business that is bringing in millions and billions in profits.

Number 1. Revenue isn’t profit.
Number2. Nothing you posted shows them losing money because they aren’t.
Number 3. Revenues have gone up recently. Not down.
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I personally think the judge son thing is tenuous, but it's been a slow news week since the last trial session so here goes:

I laughed at ‘Eu MAn sAiD MY PLAYSTATION!’

So I’ll sure as shit laugh at this crap.

If this goes in Microsoft’s favour, it’s because the US Legal system is stacked in their favour.

Peddling this just takes away from actual discussion.

(I appreciate you are saying you also think it’s tenuous so that’s not a dig at you).
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Gold Member
I personally think the judge son thing is tenuous, but it's been a slow news week since the last trial session so here goes:

Here is some insight as to why the FTC did not challenge and almost never gets challenged in the legal system.

I do not believe they "chose her," there is no basis of that anywhere I was able to fine. Sounds like a narrative™ if you ask me. Saw this bit of news, however.

Jeff Hauser, founder and director of the Revolving Door Project, argued that the agency could have faced blowback if it tried and failed to get Corley to recuse from the case.

“Nothing antagonizes a judge with whom you might have litigation in the future like calling them recklessly biased,” he said. “What are the odds that Judge Corley would recuse if she was already choosing to brazen her way through this apparent conflict of interest?”
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There will be more acquisitions…. Especially if MS shopping list of devs is anything to go by…. and I’m sure those threads will be a bundle of laughs too.

But for a thread to beat this thread’s record….. MS will have to buy square or sega. Nothing else will move the earth like this ABK acquisition. But then again they will never have to spend this kind of money on any other pub or dev. Crazy to think we thought 3Bn was insane for Minecraft….. then 7Bn for zenimax- Bethesda…. Now 70Bn….. going back and buying studios for 100M+ Or less will seem like pennies in the pocket for them.

Let’s just hope they can manage all these studios and publishers.

Personally I’d still like to see that sega acquisition happen. If I was in their shoes I would buy sega and brand the Xbox consoles as sega consoles in Japan. Merge their Japanese Xbox business with sega and let them run it in that region, given their experience had history. Let sega build those Japanese relationships with Xbox, as a console manufacturer ( sort of) once again. It would be a smart play to get better sales and a better reputation in the region.
There's two scenarios if things are really they way Sony fans claim they are.

If they acquire Activision they will eventually make COD exclusive to hurt Sony.

Or if they don't acquire Activision they will use the cash to buy many other devs. If the real goal is to hurt Sony, they won't stop simply because of COD. Why would they.

There's probably a good argument for using that cash for other more well rounded purchases anyway.

I personally feel they were buying it as revenue stream mainly. The money COD makes could never ever be recuperated by going exclusive. Diablo might be another story but its minor so really cares.


Gold Member
There will be more acquisitions…. Especially if MS shopping list of devs is anything to go by…. and I’m sure those threads will be a bundle of laughs too.

But for a thread to beat this thread’s record….. MS will have to buy square or sega. Nothing else will move the earth like this ABK acquisition. But then again they will never have to spend this kind of money on any other pub or dev. Crazy to think we thought 3Bn was insane for Minecraft….. then 7Bn for zenimax- Bethesda…. Now 70Bn….. going back and buying studios for 100M+ Or less will seem like pennies in the pocket for them.

Let’s just hope they can manage all these studios and publishers.

Personally I’d still like to see that sega acquisition happen. If I was in their shoes I would buy sega and brand the Xbox consoles as sega consoles in Japan. Merge their Japanese Xbox business with sega and let them run it in that region, given their experience had history. Let sega build those Japanese relationships with Xbox, as a console manufacturer ( sort of) once again. It would be a smart play to get better sales and a better reputation in the region.
The Sega acquisition and rebrand would have been a good move worldwide once they realized the XBO failed. Post Zenimax not so much as the are trying to triple down on Xbox as a brand.


Gold Journalism
Number 1. Revenue isn’t profit.
Number2. Nothing you posted shows them losing money because they aren’t.
Number 3. Revenues have gone up recently. Not down.
Please read the first line. They don't show financials and hide Xbox P&L. So we do not know for sure if they make or lose money.

Having said that, there are hints that the health of the financial division isn't good. We have:
  1. Revenue that missed internal targets,
  2. Explicit confirmation by Phil Spencer that the business is not going strong
  3. The revelation that Phil Spencer suggested shutting down the Xbox business
You don't suggest shutting down a business that's earning profit. You also don't say that "business is not going strong" when referring to a profitable business.

Besides, we can also come to the conclusion that Xbox is not a profitable business if we use common sense and compare its revenue and projected operating expenses with that of PlayStation.

Last year, PlayStation generated a revenue of $26.9 billion. Their operating profit, however, was only around $600 million $1.85 billion. That means PlayStation's operating expenses were $25 billion.

Xbox is now bigger than PlayStation and has more games in development. It's safe to assume that Xbox's operating expenses will also be at least $25 billion, the same as PlayStation's, if not bigger. However, their revenue is $17 billion. It's common sense that the Xbox division is not profitable.
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Gold Member
You would think Microsoft would be the one wanting her recused. The appeal pretty much writes itself if she rules in favor of Microsoft.

She disclosed this information at the start of the trial and the FTC took no issue with it, so they can’t turn around and use it as a basis for appeal later. Because the FTC didn’t care, Microsoft didn’t need to object either. If I recall correctly, the FTC practically hand-picked her for this case.

Her son working at Microsoft will be a nothingburger no matter how the ruling comes down.
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King Snowflake
I personally think the judge son thing is tenuous, but it's been a slow news week since the last trial session so here goes:

It's absolutely nothing. MS is huge. The son has no skin in this game at all apart from the fluctuation in stock price that is not impacted much as all by Xbox.
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