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Microsoft is collaborating with FromSoftware again.


Turn 10? Really? That's like saying that the MLB: The Show guys from Sony San Diego are assisting Rockstar in the development of Agent for the PS3.

This is beyond stupid and I don't get why this rumor was posted here in the first place.


They do it knowing the information is bogus yet they decide to post it anyways. That's why you can't take anything anyone quotes on this forum seriously. It's like a constant avalanche of shit freely flowing through the forum.
But people love shlock bullshit. And you know a shlock bullshitters diet, it's constant.



Craig Souls ?


They do it knowing the information is bogus yet they decide to post it anyways. That's why you can't take anything anyone quotes on this forum seriously. It's like a constant avalanche of shit freely flowing through the forum.
It didn't use to be this way which sucks.

I recall Gaf having a rather stringent standard for insiders and leaks. So whenever a leak or rumor thread was posted it was actually exciting as it held some sort of credibility even if a few details weren't exactly accurate.
I guess after the 2017 exodus that standard plummeted idk.
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Turn 10 really? That's like saying they assisted Asobo with flight sim and are assisting Playground with Fable.

Playground's technological foundations are based upon Turn 10's engine and Fable makes use of this propietary technology IIRC, so it makes sense that they are getting support from Turn 10 same as how EA Sports, Criterion or Bioware are getting tech support from DICE. And Asobo is an independent work for hire studio, it is normal for them to be involved in whatever project helps them pay their bills.

But Turn 10 assisting From Software, whose technology is based upon Sony's Phyre Engine? Why in hell would Turn 10 be involved with them? I'd say that for the sake of making up stuff, it would've made more sense to say that The Coalition (masters of the Unreal Engine) are supporting FS as the game would be developed with UE5 this time around... but no, it is Turn 10 😂

The rumor gets more ridiculous when we consider that actual vetted insiders have said that From's third title (not Elden Ring, not Armored Core) is being developed with Sony.

But even if we move on from the discussion regarding their third game, the whole rumor falls apart since the moment in which it is mentioned that Elden Ring is getting delayed until 2022 - something that I, as a person who is in the knows regarding some behind the scenes Elden Ring stuff, can confidently say that it is not true at all.


literally not different from that reddit guy
If you were looking at things from my perspective, you would know that I'm right.

But also, don't act like I'm the only one who has claimed stuff that goes against this "Elden Ring delayed to 2022" nonsense from the reddit post.


Not Banned from OT
Lol and I have a bridge to sell you. Zero chance of this happening and rather see another small studio purchase than a few 100 million to make the souls heads happy. There is one every year it seems like.


Gold Member
I really don’t see this happening due to the simple fact that Elden Ring likely won’t come out in like a bajillion years.


Like I could see MS and from soft teaming up if this was a repeat of the 7th console gen where the Xbox was out for a year before the Ps5 were to have come out and sold passed 10 million with other Japanese games announced and the Ps5 being a complete mess like the ps3. But I think things are a little more set in stone here. From soft knows that this game won’t sell in Japan and most of their audience will be on the platform that already has a 2:1 lead. I think most 3rd parties understand whose going to be the platform to be on and it’s not xbox. I think the PlayStation brand is too established for fromsoft to make a move like this just because. That’s why I don’t believe this.
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Microsoft has the kind of money to do whatever the fuck they want. They could pay any developer out here to make them a game.
No one is doubting that papa MS has the money, I think that's the thing that you guys need to realize... No one doubts MS has the money to do it, but is it financially beneficial for them to do so? That's the real question.


Most of From Software success is actually in the west, as far as I recall the Souls series only sold well enough in Japan, they aren't a fever hit. Also its the PC platform that represent the bigger share of the games' sales.


Gold Journalism
After Sony's deal with Kadokawa? No way, that's not happening.

If anything, there is more chances of a PS5-exclusive title from FromSoftware than this.
Apparently MS doing a collab with From must be taboo according to some dumb reactions here. Remember folks.. Fromsoft sales don't revolve around Japan these days.... They got the west with support form PC.. hence why it's on two platforms, Xbox and PC.


This will end well. You don’t collaborate with From. You just beg for whatever game they’ll give you and say thank you sir, may I please have some more sir.
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Most of From Software success is actually in the west, as far as I recall the Souls series only sold well enough in Japan, they aren't a fever hit. Also its the PC platform that represent the bigger share of the games' sales.

This was back in 2016, when physical was more representative (Not PC obviously).... but PlayStation sells by far the most Souls / From games. It's not even close.... PS sells several times more than either PC or Xbox.

From knows where its bread is buttered.

PC may have a healthy Souls community but it's nothing near the size of even the Bloodborne community alone on PS, still highly active nearly 6 years later.
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I was sus but the elden ring delay sound way too true

Again.......When was again ever happened? I mean you think Sony would be the "again". But hey good for Microsoft.

I’d really imagine people would check to see if they’re right or wrong before saying things that are easily proven untrue
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So after fromsofts parent company strikes a deal with Sony for gaming they’re going to make an xbox exclusive that will be dead on arrival in Japan and have probably half to 1/3 the installed base of the ps5 because...why?
I will give you a hint. It’s green and it has presidents on it.


I'm not commenting on that rumour but some people here don't have a basic understanding of game development if they think Turn 10 are incompetent of working on such game.


I have been informed that FromSoftware is collaborating with 343 fixing Halo Infinite and helping Pfizer making vaccines and creating a new recipe for a fat free sugar free triple chocolate fudge cake.


I mean it's not impossible i guess? But i highly doubt it

I'm not saying he's right but Sonys investment wasn't THAT huge to prevent all future collaborations by From Software.

The guy claims that Elden Ring was delayed to 2022 internally so we can debunk his rumor as soon as From Software announces the release date to be in 2021.

If it's true, good for MS.



This was back in 2016, when physical was more representative (Not PC obviously).... but PlayStation sells by far the most Souls / From games. It's not even close.... PS sells several times more than either PC or Xbox.

From knows where its bread is buttered.

PC may have a healthy Souls community but it's nothing near the size of even the Bloodborne community alone on PS, still highly active nearly 6 years later.
fromsoft don't give a shit about fanboyism or communities..they care about money. If google would pay them "enough" they would release a exclusive on stadia. It's all about how much money they have been proposed

btw i hope is not true and that ms spend money in better genres
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fromsoft don't give a shit about fanboyism or communities..they care about money. If google would pay them "enough" they would release a exclusive on stadia. It's all about how much money they have been proposed
And these claims are based upon... what? You don't know how Miyazaki runs his company or what things does he take in consideration and value the most when it comes to finding the ideal partner for a new game project.

So going around the place, yelling that money is the only thing that matters, it's stupid because you clearly don't know any of that. Those are just your assumptions.
So wish we would get either a sequel or a remake of Chromhounds. The best LIVE game ever made.
Fromsoftware need to leave the Soul style gameplay alone for a while


I don't see it happening but the perspective of it make some people writing the strangest and out of touch narratives.


Steel Battalion: Heavy Armour (2012). Famously near unplayable. 38/100 on Metacritic.
But my god was it cool when it actually worked.

Sadly it hardly ever worked. Only at a very few times, with perfect lighting conditions and a fair bit of luck. Then it worked. And oh how it worked. My panick stricked allies in the tank had to be slapped back to their senses while I maneuvered that hunk of metal.

Fuck it was intense.

When it worked.

But when it didn't. Which was most of the time. I hated life.
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