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Microsoft is collaborating with FromSoftware again.


This could happen, no reason for From Software not to work with Microsoft. Does not mean that it will anytime soon.


I may have missed an episode, but, "again"? This about the game that we have seen 0 footage from besides the CGI trailer?

I love MS news & rumors cause it's always :


:messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Hopefully some time soon, will get over this fucking COVID and have Spencer enter the stage walking wide and announce some concrete stuff.
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It didn't use to be this way which sucks.

I recall Gaf having a rather stringent standard for insiders and leaks. So whenever a leak or rumor thread was posted it was actually exciting as it held some sort of credibility even if a few details weren't exactly accurate.
I guess after the 2017 exodus that standard plummeted idk.
I know yes. I was member here long before that episode on GAF where everyone seemingly wanting to nuke their account.
We may give Era a lot of shit but at least they have standards when it comes to posting rumours in this industry. Like I said before GAF has become a dumping ground for all kinds of rubbish from fanboy Twitter accounts and the usual horse manure from Reddit.


So many random rumors flying around this past month. Seems like people really can't find a next gen system or gpu for a reasonable price so they find other ways to fill their time.


So many random rumors flying around this past month. Seems like people really can't find a next gen system or gpu for a reasonable price so they find other ways to fill their time.
I mean, would it be any different if they had a PS5 or X1X? There’s no games for these $500+ consoles.


In 2009 FromSoftware gave Microsoft Ninja Blade
... and they gave Sony Demon's Souls.
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I don't believe but it would be hilarious.

Also don't forget that Turn 10 is a not a purely gamedev team. They are actually supporting a lot of MS studios in gaming engine or whatever development.


And these claims are based upon... what? You don't know how Miyazaki runs his company or what things does he take in consideration and value the most when it comes to finding the ideal partner for a new game project.

So going around the place, yelling that money is the only thing that matters, it's stupid because you clearly don't know any of that. Those are just your assumptions.
that fromsoft (who did also exclusives for ms) don't respect that company and "so highly stupid it can only come out of a fanboy's mouth


I've been informed that Microsoft is planning to buy FromSoftware

I've also been informed that if you don't watch out they will buy your mother
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fromsoft don't give a shit about fanboyism or communities..they care about money. If google would pay them "enough" they would release a exclusive on stadia. It's all about how much money they have been proposed

btw i hope is not true and that ms spend money in better genres
This I know it is not true.
The "souls" community is very important to FromSoftware and they are very aware of its importance.
FromSoftware frequently gets player feedback from communities like Fextralife and their relationship with the souls communities and Youtubers was the major clash with Activision when doing Sekiro.
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This I know it is not true.
The "souls" community is very important to FromSoftware and they are very aware of its importance.
FromSoftware frequently gets player feedback from communities like Fextralife and their relationship with the souls communities and Youtubers was the major clash with Activision when doing Sekiro.
I'm not staying that supporter are not important I was assimilating platforms under the word "communities". Fromsoft would release if payed enough games under every platform


I'm not staying that supporter are not important I was assimilating platforms under the word "communities". Fromsoft would release if payed enough games under every platform
The main reason they tried Activision was to get the "Sony" experience without being limited to one platform.
Namco couldn't provide the same level of support (funding, localization, QA, etc).


The main reason they tried Activision was to get the "Sony" experience without being limited to one platform.
Namco couldn't provide the same level of support (funding, localization, QA, etc).
I just said that imagining fromsoft snubbing microsoft just because in some fanboy's head they have little respect for their company It's stupid and ridiculous especially when they've released more than a couple of Xbox exclusives in the past.
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This was back in 2016, when physical was more representative (Not PC obviously).... but PlayStation sells by far the most Souls / From games. It's not even close.... PS sells several times more than either PC or Xbox.

From knows where its bread is buttered.

PC may have a healthy Souls community but it's nothing near the size of even the Bloodborne community alone on PS, still highly active nearly 6 years later.

Not what i've recall back at this time, I think it came from Bandai Namco themselves that most of the franchise sales came from PC.


So what did it say?
I think it was something in the lines of a futuristic soulslike without character creation and slighly more open areas than Sekiro, with Turn 10 (Forza Motorsport) supporting From Software on the title's development. The reddit post also said that Elden Ring had just been delayed internally until 2022.

100% bullshit, if you ask me.
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I think it was something in the lines of a futuristic soulslike without character creation and slighly more open areas than Sekiro, with Turn 10 (Forza Motorsport) supporting From Software on the title's development. The reddit post also said that Elden Ring had just been delayed internally until 2022.

100% bullshit, if you ask me.
Thanks, yeah that sounds like bs.

Rossco EZ

Because they might not deem it worth their time in the long run. Just because you're wealthy doesn't mean you want to waste money. They have bankrolled 2 games from Remedy, Mass Effect, and plenty others including From Software games, yet people think this rumor is far fetched?
that doesn’t really match the “they can do whatever they want” comment.


For what its worth 2 "sony insiders" Katharis T and the guy that said sony was going to buy blue point have both said that From is teaming up with Sony again. With that said nothing theyve claimed prior has happened yet but other so called insiders have corroborated their claims (Silent Hill Reboot and Blue point.)
This was back in 2016, when physical was more representative (Not PC obviously).... but PlayStation sells by far the most Souls / From games. It's not even close.... PS sells several times more than either PC or Xbox.
Do you have some numbers to back that up? From what I remember Bandai Namco claimed that PC accounted for 40% of sales a few years ago. If that's still true, then it's impossible for the series to have sold "several times more" on Playstation.
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Sounds nice but I’m not going to believe in a rumor about a game that’s several years away potentially.

Elden Ring being delayed to 2022 is much more believable.
Elden Ring isn't coming out.

This was back in 2016, when physical was more representative (Not PC obviously).... but PlayStation sells by far the most Souls / From games. It's not even close.... PS sells several times more than either PC or Xbox.

From knows where its bread is buttered.

PC may have a healthy Souls community but it's nothing near the size of even the Bloodborne community alone on PS, still highly active nearly 6 years later.
DarkSouls sells just as much on PC as on Playstation.
DS1 sold more on PC than PS3.
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Mini meltdowns in this thread are kinda funny... why would this even be considered a bad thing? Some of you need to check your meds. Sheesh.


Aint fromsoftware parent company formed alliance with sony? Or is that a different developer?
Two sony insiders have claimed that sony is again teaming up with From and From's parent company forms a gaming alliance with sony but their next game is an xbox exclusive because reasons.


Skeptical of this. They still have Elden Ring which is most likely a few years away still.

But if true, could be great news.


I wonder if Otogi could still be special. I remember loving the level of destructibility mixed with the stylish combat, and I can't think of any games that have taken up that throne.


Writes a lot, says very little
I dont think its happening but im not sure why people think its impossible when they have made 4 xbox exclusives lmao

I mean....ok, but don't you think its odd to make it sound like its a normal thing when that shit was decades ago? I'm not saying they didn't work with them before, but shit man context is KEY. Many publishers worked with many others in the past, doesn't really mean something from almost 20 years ago would be relevant today...


Do you have some numbers to back that up? From what I remember Bandai Namco claimed that PC accounted for 40% of sales a few years ago. If that's still true, then it's impossible for the series to have sold "several times more" on Playstation.
That 40% figure was from 2015, the series went from 10 million back then to nearly 30 million now.

So that 40% is pretty irrelevant.

PlayStation sells a lot more than PC in the Souls games.
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Elden Ring isn't coming out.

DarkSouls sells just as much on PC as on Playstation.
DS1 sold more on PC than PS3.
Dark Souls series had only sold 10 million up to 2015, which is where most of you are getting the outdated figures.

I just showed you launch physical sales for DS3, which were over 70% PlayStation without even counting digital.

There is a reason PlayStation has From exclusives and it goes well beyond funding.
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That 40% figure was from 2015, the series went from 10 million back then to nearly 30 million now.

So that 40% is pretty irrelevant.

PlayStation sells a lot more than PC in the Souls games.
the problem is that if a dev he chooses to release a game only on nextgen using the new hardware unfortunately he must also accept that the user base is still relatively small. and here the certainty of the user base on the pc could come into play


the problem is that if a dev he chooses to release a game only on nextgen using the new hardware unfortunately he must also accept that the user base is still relatively small. and here the certainty of the user base on the pc could come into play
Well, that is true!

If the consoles want to push sales, they need to pay more to cover that loss... or maybe have a timed deal or something.
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