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Microsoft is Looking to Make another Bethesda Size Acquisition

John Wick

It’s gonna be funny as hell when Sony buys a publisher and everyone starts complaining the same people hyping Microsoft.

Fun fact Sony has more cash on hand then tencent. You have to be an idiot to think they aren’t making moves behind the scenes

People are also gonna be embarrassed soon thinking Microsoft can just keep spending tons on a single division that can’t even break em profit for years
They don't even have to have the cash on hand. They can write it down as a long term investment.
If MS buy big again then expect a snowball effect


It’s gonna be funny as hell when Sony buys a publisher and everyone starts complaining the same people hyping Microsoft.

Fun fact Sony has more cash on hand then tencent. You have to be an idiot to think they aren’t making moves behind the scenes

People are also gonna be embarrassed soon thinking Microsoft can just keep spending tons on a single division that can’t even break em profit for years
Sure man
If it isn't Capcom, I couldn't care less. Sega isn't any good, though they have some very established IPs that could be put to good use, under the right development house. Lord knows Sega themselves aren't doing any great things these days, sadly.


well that's worrisome :-/

edit: and before we get Xbox fanboys in here cheering about it because of Game Pass, the problem is this is the start

you're happy now but what about when Sony responds? or worse when Google & Amazon start buying up publishers because they don't want to risk Microsoft getting everything

now you have a future where you have to have Amazon Luna to play Ubisoft games & Google Stadia for Activision Blizzard while Microsoft owns Bethesda & EA with Sony having snatched up Square-Enix

it's bad for the industry & gamers
Yup. MS first party was such a shit show they had to start acquiring. It's just encouraging everyone else now to see who they can buy next.
Sega makes too much sense.

It definitely won't be something like CDPR that is known to release one game every couple of years.

Microsoft needs a lot of smaller studios with a lot of quality IPs to constantly fuel Gamepass.

Ubisoft would be a good candidate as well. How much are they? 😅


Yeah I know you were kidding mate and yeah maybe they have approached those two.
MS have those deep pockets but I also want them to invest in their own studios.
Can just imagine the Halo IP in the hands of Naughty Dog (without the woke shit).
Naughty Dog would never waste their time making a mediocre game like Halo lol

And as for investment and budget, Halo Infinite's budget is probably fucking huge. The amount of money spent on that shitty demo alone would probably make us laugh or cry.

Microsoft do not making GOTY quality prestige games. They never will. Its all about quantity over quality for them. Game pass requires constant meat churned out for the subs.


well that's worrisome :-/

edit: and before we get Xbox fanboys in here cheering about it because of Game Pass, the problem is this is the start

you're happy now but what about when Sony responds? or worse when Google & Amazon start buying up publishers because they don't want to risk Microsoft getting everything

now you have a future where you have to have Amazon Luna to play Ubisoft games & Google Stadia for Activision Blizzard while Microsoft owns Bethesda & EA with Sony having snatched up Square-Enix

it's bad for the industry & gamers
Exclusives has been a problem for a long long time. Fans might be okay with only a Xbox or only a Playstation but I haven’t been that for two decades. I’ve owned every Sony, Microsoft, Sega, Nintendo console since Dreamcast, and added a PC to the mix about 8 years ago. I see no big deal with adding Luna as well whenever it arrives to my location. The way I see it you either turn grumpy when games becomes exclusive, or you open the wallet further. There is no other way. And I don’t like being grumpy.

The upside with Microsoft is that you can play the games on two platforms, and one is the best you can have for graphics and performance. And Gamepass exists. Fans of other platforms might not like it but Microsoft is no doubt the best alternative for exclusives at this point.


Sonic The Hedgehog Sega Genesis Mini GIF by SEGA


Sebastian would fit the bill and it might be for the best. I’ve been dissatisfied with much of their content lately. They would definitely need to keep Sonic games on Nintendo platforms, though. From what I understand, they sell best with Nintendo by far.


Isn't this rumor the same what Microsoft said when they bought Zenimax that they will consider more in future ? I do not think they need to buy anymore. They have enough studio already. Just make sure they manage them so that they can make good games.


If feels like everyone is forgetting about Warner Bros who were apparently trying to get rid of their gaming division last year


Awesome! It's great that Microsoft is fully committed to invest heavily in Game Pass.
thank gods i have 3 years gpu subbed. i hope more people on the sidelines, jump in.

the more subs the better it is for existing subs. can you imagine playing FF or Sonic day 1 on not just your xbox, but pc, android, iphone, surface tablets, samsung tv.

Ms is making big investment and commitment to this play. the core gamer spirit is back in XGS. we need to give them volume and let it continuously grow!


I wish Sony would fight back on this shit, they are way to passive letting MS gobble up tons of the industry

they’re the leader ffs, act like one
They lost being the leader when MS bought Bethesda. Now they have to beg to get Doom, Elder Scrolls, Fall Out and more. A leader doesn't beg for those games those companies come to you!
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Any japanese company would be very unexpected

Its MS, after all. A comoany that always struggled with the japanese market.

Would be insane to have Yakuza titles exclusive for the Xbox, for example

And I dont think that MS cares about the japanese market anymore. Even Sony doesnt care nowadays.

It will probably be a big company from Europe, a place where a good get would be strategic for them.


It’s gonna be funny as hell when Sony buys a publisher and everyone starts complaining the same people hyping Microsoft.

Fun fact Sony has more cash on hand then tencent. You have to be an idiot to think they aren’t making moves behind the scenes

People are also gonna be embarrassed soon thinking Microsoft can just keep spending tons on a single division that can’t even break em profit for years
to give more 70 euro for 1 game ...when people can have 280+ games for 15 euro? if it as consumer make you more happy okay.
I don't know about you but gamepass for me is the future that, as a consumer, I support.
and knowing that ms first party games never leave the service makes me even more happy. But I understand the anger for those who love to collect physical games and who like to keep their cases on the shelves. I did it too as a young man with vhs and then DVDs .. I still have hundreds, then I realized that the movies would never vanish into thin air and without having the physical copy I could always in one way or another look at them again. Same with videogames.
Gosh I can play The secret of monkey island in a web browser nowdays
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Gold Member
They should by EA so they can restructure the whole thing and maybe insert some competent management since Andrew Wilson et al. are utterly incapable of managing EA. Unfortunately, Wilson et al.'s business model of pumping shit out to the market with lots of DLC and microtransactions has caused EA stocks to be horribly overvalued, so EA might be to costly to buy. Maybe they buy Sega instead and we can get Judgment on PC.

The Alien

I bet Microsoft agreed to a deal with WB a few months back. I didn't believe WB when, after a month or two on the market they just pulled it back like its nothing...then say u didn't realize the value.

That deal woulda taken crazy long with the license deals. After news of Star Wars and Indy Jones games....now Batman? Damn.
It’s gonna be funny as hell when Sony buys a publisher and everyone starts complaining the same people hyping Microsoft.

Fun fact Sony has more cash on hand then tencent. You have to be an idiot to think they aren’t making moves behind the scenes

People are also gonna be embarrassed soon thinking Microsoft can just keep spending tons on a single division that can’t even break em profit for years
Last 7 years, the whole Sony company made $17.5 billion in net income
Last 3 months, Microsoft made $15.5 billion in net income


Slightly of topic, If dreamcast was alive today, they would be like a second hand nintendo (not in a bad way at all), but with a pethora of great games. I fucking miss DC with a passion. Those who played power stone and other great classics know what I'm talking about.
Yes. I miss SEGA a lot. But Microsoft never was and never will be even remotely close to what SEGA was back in the day.
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Sega makes too much sense.

It definitely won't be something like CDPR that is known to release one game every couple of years.

Microsoft needs a lot of smaller studios with a lot of quality IPs to constantly fuel Gamepass.

Ubisoft would be a good candidate as well. How much are they? 😅
Imagine them just porting all segas old arcade games and putting them on gamepass, Sega rally, Daytona , virtual fighter. Stuff like that be worth gamepass alone
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No doubt sony will have knowledge of these dealing go on behind. If they sit back and do nothing than good luck.

Jim is the type of guy to just sit back idly on the success created by his predecessors. The dude is trying sell returnal for £70, the man lives on another planet to us.


Any japanese company would be very unexpected

Its MS, after all. A comoany that always struggled with the japanese market.

Would be insane to have Yakuza titles exclusive for the Xbox, for example
To me it seems like all games not on Nintendo consoles struggle in Japan, might not be such a big loss to get lower sales there as long as the games sell in the west. No idea how Yakuza does in the west though.


It’s gonna be funny as hell when Sony buys a publisher and everyone starts complaining the same people hyping Microsoft.

Fun fact Sony has more cash on hand then tencent. You have to be an idiot to think they aren’t making moves behind the scenes

People are also gonna be embarrassed soon thinking Microsoft can just keep spending tons on a single division that can’t even break em profit for years
this post is hilarious ...really ? tencent? ahahah


People really freaking out in here like Sony wasn't trying to buy up Starfield and hasn't been throwing money around solely to keep games off of Xbox (FF7R, FFXVI, Deathloop, Ghostwire Tokyo, Kena: Bridge of Spirits, Godfall, Bugsnax, Project Athia, etc).

It's okay to dislike this, but it's disingenuous to frame this as MS being some villain that is destroying the industry while Sony is on the straight and narrow.


People really freaking out in here like Sony wasn't trying to buy up Starfield and hasn't been throwing money around solely to keep games off of Xbox (FF7R, FFXVI, Deathloop, Ghostwire Tokyo, Kena: Bridge of Spirits, Godfall, Bugsnax, Project Athia, etc).

It's okay to dislike this, but it's disingenuous to frame this as MS being some villain that is destroying the industry while Sony is on the straight and narrow.
You can even go back to the days of tomb raider where they paid to make it exclusive to the Ps1


If it is true either WB is back for sale for a reasonable price or ip agreement or they are in a bidding war for take 2.

Either of those two is what I am thinking about.

Take 2 market cap is like $23B.

Take 2s market cap is that big because of GTA. I need to look up how many studios they have.

I get the feeling that MS are wanting GTA first party. I could be wrong though.

Whoever they are acquiring, Microsoft are dead set on having content for their service.


People really freaking out in here like Sony wasn't trying to buy up Starfield and hasn't been throwing money around solely to keep games off of Xbox (FF7R, FFXVI, Deathloop, Ghostwire Tokyo, Kena: Bridge of Spirits, Godfall, Bugsnax, Project Athia, etc).

It's okay to dislike this, but it's disingenuous to frame this as MS being some villain that is destroying the industry while Sony is on the straight and narrow.
1. Timed exclusives: platform holder pays publisher to delay game on competing platforms.
End result: competing platforms get the game later.

2. Massive third party publisher buyout: all IPs from publisher become exclusive to one platform holder.
End result: competing platforms will never see those IPs again.

People really have to be stupid to believe that alternative 2 is somehow better for consumers.
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