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Most clueless you've ever been to sexual/romantic advances?

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Worked at a Pizza Hut connected to a Starbucks in a Target, so I always had girls working around me in the shared kitchen area:
One girl hugged me and said she loved me out of nowhere
One girl drew a heart on my cofee cup after my name
One girl asked when I was going to take her on a ride on the back of my Ninja
One girl died from an OD after which her best friend told me how OD girl really liked me
One girl caressed my face, asked my opinions on her new bra and we went out a couple of times, never made a move or anything and by the time I asked her out she was seeing someone else and said 'Don't you think you're a little late?' playfully.

I've learned my lessons kids, dont be like me

Gray Matter

Worked at a Pizza Hut connected to a Starbucks in a Target, so I always had girls working around me in the shared kitchen area:
One girl hugged me and said she loved me out of nowhere
One girl drew a heart on my cofee cup after my name
One girl asked when I was going to take her on a ride on the back of my Ninja
One girl died from an OD after which her best friend told me how she really liked me
One girl caressed my face, asked my opinions on her new bra and we went out a couple of times, never made a move or anything and by the time I asked her out she was seeing someone else and said 'Don't you think you're a little late?' playfully.

I've learned my lessons kids, dont be like me

Right before we banged, my ex said I could do whatever I wanted to her. Years later I'm still asking why I didn't do her a2m. Gotdamn.

Also, a few midnight texts from girls wanting to bake cookies and I didn't realize what that meant at the time.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Also, a few midnight texts from girls wanting to bake cookies and I didn't realize what that meant at the time.

Is baking cookies an established euphemism? Or is it just the middle of the night part?
Man, these stories make me feel so much better about my own obliviousness as a teenager. Doesn't matter now a full decade later, but it is heartening to know I was never alone. Thanks GAF!

My stories:

- Spent an hour laying together in a hammock, looking up at the stars. She mentions how she wants a real change after breaking up with her boyfriend at the time

- Follows me around at a party the whole night. When it's time for me to go (had to get up early the next morning for something or other), she follows me to my car and sighs as I drive away

- You know those super awkward long hugs that happen when two people are hugging and one is ready to let go before the other? Well, at a New Year's party one time, this happened to me, only I was the one to not realise the hug wasn't over.

- A few occasions of attempted handholding that I didn't recognise at the time

And all of this with the same girl. Oh well.


When I was 21, in the in-between period after college in the summer while I was waiting for my job to start in Japan, I stayed at my mom's campground and helped around the place, cleaning, fixing stuff, etc. It was a so-so summer and there weren't many people there, except for a few long-termers and a young couple staying on for a few weeks. They were close to my age, maybe 25 or so and I'd chatted with both a few times and we'd all gone to the local bar once (not much to do in the boonies but go there, really). There was no one else there even remotely close to my age, so it was nice to have them around. One evening after picking up the bins they invited me to join them in their mini-BBQ and beers by their trailer, so I cleaned up came back and had a beer with them by the fire. We chatted and everything was normal until the guy suddenly said,

"You may have heard the the rumors about us around."

I assured them that I didn't listen to rumors and that they'd been model campers and everything was cool, and the girl chimes in,

"Well, they're true. It's just a bit of fun."

I hadn't actually heard any rumors at all, so my inexperienced little brain is wandering to what kind of camping shenanigans they could be getting into that might be 'a bit of fun', but my thoughts are all in the pranks/hunting/smoking pot range, so trying to be diplomatic I just say that everyone's entitled to a bit of fun now and then or something like that. They were customers, after all, and my mom really needed their business.

The girl then got up and sat on my lap and the guy pulled his chair close. Everyone's a bit tipsy, so I thought they were just being silly until the girl started playing with my hair and the guy leaned in close and whispered that I was welcome to 'join them.'

My first thought was to say that I didn't want to get into any trouble before I left the country, but then he started stroking my arm and I had an ah-ha moment finally, followed by a profound feeling of embarrassment. I thanked them for the beer and managed to extricate myself and decided I'd go back to being a trail guide rather than show my face at the campground during the day ever again. :p

tl;dr - Naive younger self can't take a hint until cornered by swinging campers.

Why are all your interesting stories in Japan?


-Girl calls me up late at night to come over and hang out. We just hung out watching the stars on her lawn, then I went home.

-Same girl wakes up one morning and wants me to come give her a hug, I go over and give her a hug. We then ate and went about our day.

-At a diff girls house, she rubs my back etc while we watch tv and then she goes to change her clothes, She leaves her bedroom door open (to talk) and gives me a glimps of her with no top on. I apologize and quickly avert my eyes and turn around.
Nothing of much for me really. I do know last semester in college this girl I was interested in just randomly turned around and started asking me if I have studied for the test. I realized after I probably should have asked if she wanted to study together. Or she was just being curious. Meh.

Also I was probably clueless a bunch of times in high school or just uninterested. I never intended to date a girl in high school.


Realised this last week.
After I broke up with my ex I got closer to this girl. We became good friends. One. Night I get to her place and she tells me how she's not sure she wants to stay together with her bf since he cheated on her and she thinks she might just be staying with him because she feels safe in a relationship. Over the next 4 months every time she brings him up I tell her to leave the dude.
We start really hanging out a lot. Almost every day. Get dinner together and lunch. Said bf gets jealous of how much time we spend together. I get her a birthday gift that blows her bf's gift out of the water. We go Christmas shopping together.
Literally the next day I get togther with my current girlfriend. But I didn't think to tell her because I just thought of her as a good friend.
Which in hindsight, all the things we did together could have been interpreted as me putting the moves on her, but was not my intention at all. I stop seeing her so much because of I spend more time with my girlfriend. She starts asking me to meet up. Asking me random bogus studying advice. Sends me pictures of her and her birthday gift saying how great it was.
Around rolls New Years. I spent it with her and some mutual friends. When I bring up that I've had a gf for a while now.
She got upset. Said everything is ruined now. Stopped talking to me. Went on my facebook to see the girl. Started dropping comments on her looks. Started comparing herself to my gf.
It's New Years so I proceed to get intoxicated by drinkin and smoking. Around rolls 5am. The long walk home. I'm quite rekt at this point, when she starts hugging me and putting her arm around me. And note she doesn't drink or smoke. She's sober. When my best buddy rolls in and gets her to let go she gets upset again.
Next morning I wake up to her staring at at me from the fucking doorway the room I shared with my bud. She said I was waiting for you to wake up ... Could you drive me home?
This is not creepy as fuck at all, I think to myself... Since New Years. The only time we spoke was when she asked if we could go do something after our finals.
As my friends pointed out. This one is sort of my fault. Maybe I wasn't being very clear what my intentions were.
I don't know if this counts. I look back on it and think that I should've explored it, but I was too shy and still am. I had more confidence back then, though.


A friend and I went to Zellers one day to buy a game. If you've never heard of it, it was an old, decrepit department store that was 'big' in Canada for a while. Eventually, Target bought most of its stores and Walmart has taken over some too.

The girl at the electronics checkout was cute, and I was about seventeen at the time. Kids went ahead of me and she commented on how cute they were and tried to strike up a conversation through that, I think, when I got to the counter. It seemed like she was maybe interested, and I kicked myself later for not trying anything.

I rarely ever get advances. Then again, I rarely ever go out anywhere and depression has made me pretty lazy with my appearance. I also haven't been laid in over ten years.


I would love to hear some stories from the ladies of GAF. It'd make me feel better to know that women are just as oblivious as men.

Oh God. Okay.

Summer of 2011, 16 year old me. Welp. I saw this guy frequently. But I'd known him for years, so I never thought anything of it. We played basketball together a lot, any season. I always saw him - I guess I just never thought of it as anything more than, "ball court in 5." One day he suggested a movie at his place after a game. Why I never realised that he deliberately didn't invite any of the guys still makes me cringe. What's worse is it happened more than once, and regularly for a good 7 weeks. Food, video games, movies, the park, pretty much anything. A mutual friend from then only shared the intent there a few months ago, actually. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
This past semester I'm cuddling with this girl at a party who I've known had a crush on me for at least a year. She invites me back to her place because she said she wanted someone to cuddle with for the night, so I comply. I'm wasted out of my mind, she's.... I dunno. A bit drunk but not too bad. So she's trying to make sure she's not taking advantage of me, and I keep assuring her she isn't. She takes me back to her room and we're in her bed, asks me if I want a kiss goodnight. We start making out, and I dunno she just eventually stopped. She said she was tired or something, I dunno. I was so drunk I wasn't even thinking, so I just fell asleep. I woke up and she wasn't there, I got breakfast with her roommates.

I don't know if I blew it or not, I really don't. She legitimately may have thought she was taking advantage of me. Omfg

A few weeks later she sends me some snaps to see if we can be in the same class next semester, followed by a snap with her saying something along the lines of "Why don't you just come over my house and LOVE me!" I told her I had too much to do, omfg
Why are all your interesting stories in Japan?

Are you trying to say my story isn't interesting since it wasn't in Japan? :(

Oh God. Okay.

Summer of 2011, 16 year old me. Welp. I saw this guy frequently. But I'd known him for years, so I never thought anything of it. We played basketball together a lot, any season. I always saw him - I guess I just never thought of it as anything more than, "ball court in 5." One day he suggested a movie at his place after a game. Why I never realised that he deliberately didn't invite any of the guys still makes me cringe. What's worse is it happened more than once, and regularly for a good 7 weeks. Food, video games, movies, the park, pretty much anything. A mutual friend from then only shared the intent there a few months ago, actually. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I dunno. If they're not more forward in some way, it just seems like they want to be friends and hang out. At least, that's what I thought before NeoGAF told me all men are engaged in sexy machinations and never have any interest in being friends. :p


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
How about some thoughts on one that I don't think was flirting, but someone else who was with me said was:

I was at a store buying some ramen noodles. I get to the check out, and the girl asks me "are these as good as Panda?"
Irrelevant aside: my immediate though was "panda? Aren't pandas endangered? How would I know what panda tastes like?
"Panda?" I asked. "Yeah, Panda Express."

Second irrelevant aside: I don't eat Panda Express, so I told her I didn't know.
The person that went to the store with me swears up and down this girl was flirting with me, but I detected no signals that she was. It seemed like she was just asking about food.

Gray Matter

How about some thoughts on one that I don't think was flirting, but someone else who was with me said was:

I was at a store buying some ramen noodles. I get to the check out, and the girl asks me "are these as good as Panda?"
Irrelevant aside: my immediate though was "panda? Aren't pandas endangered? How would I know what panda tastes like?
"Panda?" I asked. "Yeah, Panda Express."

Second irrelevant aside: I don't eat Panda Express, so I told her I didn't know.
The person that went to the store with me swears up and down this girl was flirting with me, but I detected no signals that she was. It seemed like she was just asking about food.

That was definitely flirting. Happens to me all the time... And of course I realize it hours later.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Are you trying to say my story isn't interesting since it wasn't in Japan? :(

I dunno. If they're not more forward in some way, it just seems like they want to be friends and hang out. At least, that's what I thought before NeoGAF told me all men are engaged in sexy machinations and never have any interest in being friends. :p

I wouldn't go so far as to say that men are never interested in being friends. But if you have a male friend, or really know any male who doesn't hate you, there is a part of his mind that is either imagining what sex with you is like or trying to figure out how to have sex with you.


I dunno. If they're not more forward in some way, it just seems like they want to be friends and hang out. At least, that's what I thought before NeoGAF told me all men are engaged in sexy machinations and never have any interest in being friends. :p

That's what I thought. If it wasn't a direct approach, it just wasn't a thing. But apparently I was wrong and it went right over my head. If GAF is right I'm blind and 75% of my friendships are doomed.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
That was definitely flirting. Happens to me all the time... And of course I realize it hours later.
Huh. So, should I interpret any instance of a woman asking my opinion on something personal like food tastes to be flirting, or is there something I'm not seeing here?

Gray Matter

I wouldn't go so far as to say that men are never interested in being friends. But if you have a male friend, or really know any male who doesn't hate you, there is a part of his mind that is either imagining what sex with you is like or trying to figure out how to have sex with you.

Are you saying all men think what sex would be with some of their females friends?

I admit I've thought it

Huh. So, should I interpret any instance of a woman asking my opinion on something personal like food tastes to be flirting, or is there something I'm not seeing here?

Well, the way I see it is that she was making small talk to get you to talk/flirt back. That's what happens to me. But most of the time I just think they're being nice because they have to deal with people all day.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Are you saying all men think what sex would be with some of their females friends?

I admit I've thought it
Well, all straight healthy men. The only time I've avoided such thoughts is when it's been a person that I actually wanted to date, and didn't want sexual motivations to color my thoughts and possibly lead to actions that made it seem like I was only interested in sex. Which may be why the guy she was talking about didn't make a move.
I wouldn't go so far as to say that men are never interested in being friends. But if you have a male friend, or really know any male who doesn't hate you, there is a part of his mind that is either imagining what sex with you is like or trying to figure out how to have sex with you.

Oh, I don't believe it's true that all men are secretly plotting ways to get our pants off, and passing sexual thoughts are no big deal. It's what the 'relationship' is based on that's important. Are they hanging out to get closer in hopes of sex or are they hanging out because they enjoy watching '80s movies and drinking beer in your company? I think there's plenty of the latter.

That's what I thought. If it wasn't a direct approach, it just wasn't a thing. But apparently I was wrong and it went right over my head. If GAF is right I'm blind and 75% of my friendships are doomed.

Unless he went out of his way to scooch closer to you, or touch your hand, or some kind of 'more than friends' gesture, then I don't think you were being clueless at all. Why shouldn't we assume that a guy who wants to hang out and does absolutely nothing aside from hang out just wants to be friends? Plus, if hanging out with him alone didn't speed up your heart or make you think naughty thoughts, then it doesn't seem like a miss at all to me that nothing happened there.

Gray Matter

Well, all straight healthy men. The only time I've avoided such thoughts is when it's been a person that I actually wanted to date, and didn't want sexual motivations to color my thoughts and possibly lead to actions that made it seem like I was only interested in sex. Which may be why the guy she was talking about didn't make a move.

Or it can also mean that he was too nervous to make any further moves on her.


It's honestly... frustrating to me that so many of the people in these stories were not more direct. Unless of course they actually didn't have any romantic interest. Then their approaches were appropriate.

But to have a real interest and not make it obvious bothers me for some reason. It's not really about dishonesty... but more about clearly communicating the way you're feeling. I think that's really important for relationships, and you can't read body language or hints before you really a know a person, so you have to be more direct, at least in the beginning, to avoid wrong messages.

That's what I think at least.

Gray Matter

Would like to see the reverse of this thread: where GAF's advances fell on deaf ears. I don't have a story so I don't want to start.

I'll start. In high school I had a big crush on this girl. She played volleyball and tennis so whenever she had a game I would go to support. I had done this since sophomore year. Junior year I kept doing it to show my interest in her, I would eventually build up the courage to tell her how I felt, but she didn't feel the same way. It hurt really bad. For some reason I did it again during senior year with the same result. The second time it hurt ever more.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Oh, I don't believe it's true that all men are secretly plotting ways to get our pants off, and passing sexual thoughts are no big deal. It's what the 'relationship' is based on that's important. Are they hanging out to get closer in hopes of sex or are they hanging out because they enjoy watching '80s movies and drinking beer in your company? I think there's plenty of the latter.

I wouldn't say that it's plotting, because it's not an active thought process. The brain just does it on its own. It's not so much about sexual intent as it is about sexual curiosity and innate desire. I feel confident in saying that any man that likes you enough to choose to be around you has sexual thoughts about you.

To illustrate my point, I've heard stories from several gay men about coming out to their friends. A common experience seemed to be that at some point, either weeks or months later, a friend would ask "well, did you ever think about me [romantically or sexually]? The reason they'd think to ask that is because they know about the romantic and sexual thoughts they've had about their female friends.
Gay GAF, back me up or dispel this if you would.
Five years ago I was on a date with a girl. This was the third date I have ever been on so I was a bit nervous. We were meeting at a bar and i had got there early. I was pounding back drinks to calm down and to loosen up. We met up and had dinner and drinks. She didn't have a mustache so it was already the best date I've been on. The conversation and laughs was flowing smoothly all through the night. As we were leaving she mentions how she lives 5 minutes away and I mentioned how I had to take the subway. She offered to walk me to the subway and we ended up doing just that.

We got to the subway and I pulled on the door to the entrance to the place it was locked. Boom. A transit strike just occurred and I couldn't use the TTC. She asks me what I'm going to do and I mention how I'll have to take a cab or walk home. She says to me, "Why don't you sleep over at my place. you can sleep in my bed". I reply, "No, no its ok, I'll take a cab home". I then proceed to hail a cab and hop in. On my way home she calls me twice asking me if alright and if I still want to come over to her place.

I face palm myself everytime I think of that date.

sounds like your wizard powers were starting to slowly form and you just werent aware that you were a becoming a young wizard.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Would like to see the reverse of this thread: where GAF's advances fell on deaf ears. I don't have a story so I don't want to start.

I don't really have one of my efforts falling on deaf ears, but I do have a story of just sort of... unmeshed advances.

I sent a friend of mine a picture of some food that I had ordered in a restaurant. She asked me where I was, and I told her I was in Tucson. Well, she just happened to be on the freeway heading towards Tucson, about ten minutes away from where I was. She was travelling and said she didn't want to drive all night, so asked if we could share a motel room.

She'd always dropped me hints, but she'd also always had boyfriend (for instance, a 6'6" 260lb football player) so I'd never felt the need to escalate things with her. We get to the motel, and while we're outside she immediately starts in with the same kinds of verbal cues she always did, but even more aggressively this time. We get to the room, and the first things she says is "hey, let's push the beds together!" Before I even can say "alright, let's do it" she's already moved the night stand out of the way and is pushing her bed to mine.

We get into the now giant bed and I'm about to grab her when she says "alright, let's watch TV!" I respond with "uh, alright, sure..." and she grabs the remote and starts looking for stuff to watch. She looked through the guide for a little bit and then asked me what I wanted to watch. I say "well, I don't really watch TV. Put something on and I'll watch it." She insisted that we watch something I like, and when I couldn't tell her anything that I like, she got super bummed and all the energy was sucked from the room. She then shoved the remote at me and said "well pick something."

I found some Marky Mark movie, tuned to that, and turned the volume down. I tried to move closer, to touch her arm and similar things to get the ball rolling again, but none of that seemed to rekindle her interest. So after a few minutes of just laying there, looking at Marky Mark scowl confusedly, she says "hey, talk to me." Alright, this could still go somewhere I thought...

Except that it was about midnight, and my normally inadequate small talk skills have been mired in a fog of tiredness. So I grasp at any idea that might lead to any kind of conversation of any nature, but nothing I ask leads to anything more than a two or three word answer, and nothing I say gets anything more than a monosyllabic response.

She keeps on with it though, "talk to me, talk to me." Every failed attempt I made to get a conversation going made her face a little longer, and after every pause in between made me have to fight sleep even harder. I came to the brink: I was going to fall asleep if nothing happened, and she had said several times that if I needed to I could use her side of the bed. We had been friends for a while, so I thought that even if I had misunderstood what her intent was, we could still reasonably cuddle without too much awkwardness later, so that was my final play: cuddle with her, and see what I could make of it.

"Hey, do you mind if I come over there?"
"Oh, well, I sleep better on my own."
"Well, maybe just a few minutes, and if you can't fall asleep I'll move back over."
"No, the last time I punched someone in my sleep, so that wouldn't work."

A few minutes later I asked her if she'd really hit someone in her sleep, and she said yes. At that point, I had no ideas left. Sleep soon ensued.


A really cute, really sweet, really funny girl whom I used to trade friendly jabs with at high school once saw that I was feeling bummed (because I'd just been turned down by the girl I liked, who also happened to be one of her friends). Since my birthday was in a couple days, she offered to give me a hug for my birthday (she blushed like crazy when she made the offer).

Being the stupid, melodramatic, self-centered c**t that I was back then, I said "thanks but I'm good" and just went about my day.

I'm still kicking myself over that.


Guys, I haven't had a girl come up to me in the longest time. Is there something wrong with me? D:

Yes, everything. /sarcam

Why do you think there is something wrong with you? Also girls just won't come you as you might think :)
Go and throw yourself there - what works for me is smile and confidence. Approach if you see smile being sent back or better, approach and just say hi and comment on weather or something.

You'll either chit chat more or nothing will come out of it. Just don't take one's girl "refusal" to talk as something personal and don't attack yourself over it.

I've met my gf recently and it was just because I was who I am. Good luck TB.
Yes, everything. /sarcam

Why do you think there is something wrong with you? Also girls just won't come you as you might think :)
Go and throw yourself there - what works for me is smile and confidence. Approach if you see smile being sent back or better, approach and just say hi and comment on weather or something.

You'll either chit chat more or nothing will come out of it. Just don't take one's girl "refusal" to talk as something personal and don't attack yourself over it.

I've met my gf recently and it was just because I was who I am. Good luck TB.

Just because of what I stated already. XP

I actually always tend to get a girl to come up to me, but mostly because I'm that shy guy who's somewhere off alone being mysterious as my friend says. Which has not happened lately.

I have no confidence whatsoever, and I'm too shy to do any approaching. I actually get super nervous when I get talked, and I don't know what to say. >.< It's my biggest problem. I can't seem to get rid of it either.

I would probably just regret whatever choice I made, that could have made things better. ^^?

Congratulations, Red! I hope everything is going great for you! And thank you. :)
Just because of what I stated already. XP

I actually always tend to get a girl to come up to me, but mostly because I'm that shy guy who's somewhere off alone being mysterious as my friend says. Which has not happened lately.

I have no confidence whatsoever, and I'm too shy to do any approaching. I actually get super nervous when I get talked, and I don't know what to say. >.< It's my biggest problem. I can't seem to get rid of it either.

I would probably just regret whatever choice I made, that could have made things better. ^^?

Congratulations, Red! I hope everything is going great for you! And thank you. :)

I've been that shy guy who still gets girls to come up to them and talk every once in awhile. I even ended up getting into a relationship with a couple of them. Not a good idea. I didn't do it because I was actually all that interested in them, but more because they were there and just going with it was the path of least resistance. That's no way to live. You can't just he passive about everything. I felt so much more invested and so much better about myself when I was the one actively pursuing a relationship instead of the other way around. Take action. It's hard because it's worth it.
I've been that shy guy who still gets girls to come up to them and talk every once in awhile. I even ended up getting into a relationship with a couple of them. Not a good idea. I didn't do it because I was actually all that interested in them, but more because they were there and just going with it was the path of least resistance. That's no way to live. You can't just he passive about everything. I felt so much more invested and so much better about myself when I was the one actively pursuing a relationship instead of the other way around. Take action. It's hard because it's worth it.

One of my Ex's was one of those girls, and it lasted 1 year and 1 month. We broke up because it became a distance thing in which I couldn't handle anymore. It's not always bad. Even then, there's the possibility of gaining a friend.

It's still pretty hard for me, I'm shy in general. I won't talk to anybody really, but when it's a girl.. Damn, do things get pretty difficult for me.

I'm socially awkward.

Don't hate me, GAF.

Girls have downright said to my face they would fuck me and I've just.... let it go.


Are you like me? Where you'll only do things if you're in a relationship. Because I've turned down such offers because of it.

If not. What is wrong with you!


Would like to see the reverse of this thread: where GAF's advances fell on deaf ears. I don't have a story so I don't want to start.

I've sort of had an experience along those lines...in my case though, the woman I was attracted to was oblivious to my interest because, well, she was straight. >_< I don't think she ever noticed how nervous I was around her, and why I was so eager to sit next to her in university lectures. (I honestly thought she was gay. Ah well, c'est la vie.)


Just because of what I stated already. XP

I actually always tend to get a girl to come up to me, but mostly because I'm that shy guy who's somewhere off alone being mysterious as my friend says. Which has not happened lately.

I have no confidence whatsoever, and I'm too shy to do any approaching. I actually get super nervous when I get talked, and I don't know what to say. >.< It's my biggest problem. I can't seem to get rid of it either.

I would probably just regret whatever choice I made, that could have made things better. ^^?

Congratulations, Red! I hope everything is going great for you! And thank you. :)

Sorry, I've just jumped here and read that message I've responded to :)
Hey man, don't say you can't get rid of it - you can always try adn try even if you fail to overcome it completely :)

By the way - just stop with saying "you can't" you are just strenghtening this in your brain. Try to say that "you can" and that you will try.

Don't linger in regret - use that to your advantage! Have you tried talking with yourself into mirror? Looking into your eyes while doing so? Try that and speak, that could help you too.

Heh, thank you. Best of luck to you too!


I wear advances-blind goggles all the time.

There once was this girl in high school who made her lunch by herself and basically every day she kept coming to my class to make me try it. People had to yell at me so that i could notice,
and even then i kept ignoring because i didn't like her but i do now
. Now that i look back at it, she was basically playing the wife, heh.

Also, girl offering me to study together when we met a couple of days before.

God, who knows how many other times it happens/ed and i don't notice it.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Would like to see the reverse of this thread: where GAF's advances fell on deaf ears. I don't have a story so I don't want to start.

Nah, that'd REALLY be depressing. At least this thread is uplifting in the sense that it shows said gaffers were actually wanted by attractive women at some point.


Would like to see the reverse of this thread: where GAF's advances fell on deaf ears. I don't have a story so I don't want to start.

This one is (sadly) golden:

In high school i once invited a girl i liked since i was 10 to dinner at my house, we already agreeded she would stop to sleep there. Got chinese food, some beers, pretty normal. Then, since making moves isn't my strenght, i got subtle and we move in my room to watch a couple of movies: Friends with Benefits and 4Weddings and a Funeral. I mean, come on, the first one is explicitly about friends having sex. Worst of all we watched them laying in my bed (for a single person, so we were basically glued together) and even stayed under the sheets, but nothing fucking happened.
I guess i should have either understood before she wasn't interested (but then don't follow my "plan" so well goddammit) or at least hit a couple bees more.
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