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Most clueless you've ever been to sexual/romantic advances?

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I used to meet this girl on a train bridge every night at around 11pm, to just chat and stuff. About a year later it turns out she was waiting for me to make a move all that time. I was completely oblivious to it. Especially the last time I ever met her there (before I moved away to university).

The next day as I was on the motorway she sent me a text saying how I should have kissed her. I felt gutted. By the time Uni was over and I got back permanently things had changed. She was the one that got away.

You should have replied "No, you should have kissed me!"
I was taken advantage of in my first ever sexual encounter (girlfriend thought having me lose my virginity to her would be an awesome present.. it's not how I wanted to lose my virginity) - thus it's made me doubt and wonder what the true motive of girls is. And also makes me cautious how to approach them.

In one relationship later on I waited an entire year before I had sexual relations with her. When we were done she looked at me as if to say finally....and she was worried about me, starting to think she'd have to draw a diagram. My logic was to take it as it came along, we were having fun/enjoying each other without needing sex in the relationship SO I never pushed for it to happen. I wanted it to happen naturally and it did while we were fooling around on the night of our 1st anniversary.
I battled low self esteem in High School, So I missed more of these than I care to actually list on GAF. (I'm way better at picking up on these now, and my self-esteem and self worth is in check now, thankfully). The two that stick out the most:

- Freshman year of high school. Cute girl sitting in front of me in math class turns around and asks "Do you want to go out with me?" I thought it was a prank since I was new to that school, so I said "Uh... No." and went back to studying. She kinda turned back around dejectedly and said "Oh... okay." Didn't find out until years later that she was serious when she jokingly brought up the situation again.

- Senior year Spanish class in High School. A girl waaaaaaaaaay out of my league (Or so I thought, anyway) that I never really spoke to much walks over to me, plants a big wet kiss on me, and hurries out of the classroom. I just brushed it off as a dare and went back to my work. It wasn't until fairly recently that a mutual acquaintance happened to mention in passing that she had a huge thing for me back then.

Sometimes I want to go back in time and beat past me senseless.
lmao fucking hell.
Reading through this thread and I get that oblivious feeling coming over me of the handful of times this has happened to me.

I don't even wanna talk about it.

A girl came over to cut my hair once. We chilled and smoked pot after. Before leaving she said says, "Oh wait, I wanted to show you something." She then proceeds to bend over lift up her short dress and reveal to me her bright blue boy shorts which read, "I'd hit that!" on the back. Stoned out of my mind, I chuckled and went "Heh that's funny." She left and that was that.


edit: Some of these blatant ones somehow make me feel better atleast. lolol
Back in high school there was a dance coming up. I don't think it was the prom, but it was kind of big deal.

Anyway, in the weeks leading up to the dance, about 5 girls would come up to me and ask me if I had a date for the dance, if I was going, who I would take if I could go, etc, etc. I got confirmation from 3 of them years later that they were trying to hint, not very subtly, that they wanted me to ask them out and I completely missed it.

I felt like a colossal idiot. It never even occurred to me that they wanted me to ask them out.
Girl kept coming up to me and asking for advice in a chemistry class - would've been around 15 at the time - and, when I explained how the experiment (or whatever) worked, would lean over, with her top two buttons undone, so that I had a very clear view of her assets. Happened several times, and while I took a peek, I never realised till much later it was intentional.


you can't put a price on sparks
I have a few that aren't really good stories at all, but it took my girlfriend putting on flirty eyes and literally asking "How big is your penis?" before I clued in that she was interested in dating. Later on she said she thought I was gay because I took so long to make a move.

Wait. So if a girl asks you how big your penis is she is interested?

Only had that happen once and I thought it was a joke or something weird.


A co-worker of mine said something about needing help moving and I offered. We were mildly acquainted at the time. I forget how the conversation went but at some point she joked "Aw, it's so sweet that you're offering to do this without expecting sex." As it happened, the day she moved there was also a birthday party for another co-worker that night, so we kinda went to it together. At the party I was going around talking to various people and she kept calling me over and I'd chat with her for a bit and then go off again. After that we were buddies and we usually had lunch together and sometimes hung out after work. Time went by and eventually one day I found out that she was dating another co-worker of ours. All of a sudden I realized I was the biggest sap and fuck-up in the world. I went to talk to her and asked "When did you start going out with so-and-so?!" and all she said was "You had your chance, you blew it." It wasn't acrimonious or anything, we stopped being buddies like we were, but we were still friends. They've been married for probably more than 15 years now.
In my Cell and Molecular Biology class this very attractive Senior girl took notice to me and made sure to say "hi" every day. I thought she was just being nice and said "hi" back every day. This went on for three weeks until she lost interest and stopped saying hello.

Fortunately it was then that I realized what she was doing.


I had situations where I was told that girls liked me in school but I never believed anyone. Another situation was where I was chatting to the people on my table in French when I was in year 9 (which is now 10 years ago), and this girl I'd known since primary school that I sat next to kept touching my arm and laughing and smiling when I talked.

Practically, I was a clueless idiot back in secondary school, and I'm not much better now.


I was either 18 or 19 and used to work at a grocery store. I ran the front end most days. I used to bag the groceries for this girl I thought was cute while she rang people up. Anyways, being the clueless guy I was, she eventually asked me for my number and we made a time during a day to hang out. She walked over to my house. At the time I was just living with my dad and he was working at the time. I met her and we were just chilling out and talking in the living room. I wasn't really sure what she wanted to do so I just put some tv on so that we had some background noise. I actually wound up putting the live action He-Man movie on as there really wasn't a lot on. I made some comments about the movie which I'm sure she didn't give a fuck about.

Later, she said she was feeling tired which I thought was a little weird since it was like 11:00am and she just got up and went into my bedroom and lied down on my bed. After a minute or two of realizing she wasn't coming out, I got up and followed her in. I kept talking to her about how she was tired and asked her questions like, "Did you stay up real late last night? What were you doing last night". Eventually I lied down next to her but didn't do anything. After about another 10 minutes she got up and said she had to get going home because she told her mom she wouldn't be long. I said ok and walked her half the way home and that was it.

To this day I want to smack the shit out of my former self. What the fuck was I thinking?

Gray Matter

Here's another one.

For my 15th birthday I wanted to go to six flags, it was the second time I went. Anyway, while I'm wating for a ride a group of 3 girls behind me the entire time are giggling and speaking very low. When it's time for us to get on the ride one of the girls, the cutest one, taps me on the shoulder and asks me if I could sit next to her because she's scared, of course I say yes. For the next 2-3 hours we go on other rides, and when it was time for me to go I just say "see ya later". Obviously I now know that she wasn't scared.


After reading all this, oh noo, I might have missed my chance to smash...

Chick from HS outta nowhere started talking to me and she was hot. I'm this fatass kid who's just like what the fuck why's this hot girl talking to me, we talk, text yada yada, we drift apart stop talking as much but always saying hi and shit to each other.

One day after a regents exam we both took, she texts me saying she wants to smoke weed with me and that I should get some and come to her house, she literally lived across the street from me so I was like word let's chill. We smoke then proceed to go to her house, she tells me her rents are gone and just her sister is home and I'm cool with her too. We sit on the couch and start watching TV, then she's like u want me to make us some food? I'm like hell yeah cause I'm ripped as fuck of course so u know I'm tryna munch. Then she gives me the food, we both munch, I didn't even sit next to her while we are chilling BTW, after like an hour she's like aight my rents are coming home soon so I have to leave, I'm like word nice chill sesh etc, and then I go home.

What I'm thinking about now is, she was wearing short shorts and a orange tank top, had cleave out also and I'm thinking in my head, why isn't she in casual clothes? She's just at home, she ain't going nowhere.

I also gotta add that she was a big flirt, she would talk to me a lot but then she'd ask for advice about how she should talk to a friend of mine, wasn't the only time that happened either so that's why I didn't think much of it.

Gaf pls tell me it was just a regular chill sesh...
After reading all this, oh noo, I might have missed my chance to smash...

Chick from HS outta nowhere started talking to me and she was hot. I'm this fatass kid who's just like what the fuck why's this hot girl talking to me, we talk, text yada yada, we drift apart stop talking as much but always saying hi and shit to each other.

One day after a regents exam we both took, she texts me saying she wants to smoke weed with me and that I should get some and come to her house, she literally lived across the street from me so I was like word let's chill. We smoke then proceed to go to her house, she tells me her rents are gone and just her sister is home and I'm cool with her too. We sit on the couch and start watching TV, then she's like u want me to make us some food? I'm like hell yeah cause I'm ripped as fuck of course so u know I'm tryna munch. Then she gives me the food, we both munch, I didn't even sit next to her while we are chilling BTW, after like an hour she's like aight my rents are coming home soon so I have to leave, I'm like word nice chill sesh etc, and then I go home.

What I'm thinking about now is, she was wearing short shorts and a orange tank top, had cleave out also and I'm thinking in my head, why isn't she in casual clothes? She's just at home, she ain't going nowhere.

I also gotta add that she was a big flirt, she would talk to me a lot but then she'd ask for advice about how she should talk to a friend of mine, wasn't the only time that happened either so that's why I didn't think much of it.

Gaf pls tell me it was just a regular chill sesh...

That would be a tough situation for a lot of people to capitolize on... daytime, high, just blazed, not omega comfortable with the other person. I can see it going either direction dude. I wouldn't worry

what a beeeeeeeeitch

jk wouldnt worry

Gray Matter

I would love to hear some stories from the ladies of GAF. It'd make me feel better to know that women are just as oblivious as men.
I kick myself for not making a move sometimes, but nothing specific that didn't end up in eventual plowage anyways. Not even saying that i get tons of ass, but ive had several long relationships in my life.

Edit: god damn, this thread is making me realize how badly i want to date
Best friend I've known since we were kids was visiting from college during the Christmas holiday some years back. She wanted to do something and suggested we watch some movies over at my place. I agreed, we went out to the rental store and picked up a couple of movies, popped some popcorn and relaxed on my couch to watch the movie. Important to note: in the two weeks she was here this similar scenario played out on three different nights only in this one did the big moment happen the other times she went home during the awkward silence.

So on the last night she was here she comes over again and again at one point during the movie she snuggled under the blanket I had on me and leaned against me and had a hand against my inner thigh. She rubbed and snuggled against me a lot but we've always been close so again my mind goes "DUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRR"

After that movie was over I asked if she wanted to watch the other movie, go home or do something else. She fidgeted in place for a bit, it was clear in hindsight she didn't want to leave but wasn't really interested in the movies either, as I made a few suggestions, then there was some awkward silence then I started putting in the second movie and popping some more popcorn and laid down on the couch to watch Eventually she sighed and seemed kinda pissed and, I kid you not she replied: "Well I was kinda hoping you would do me this time."

I was honestly caught off guard cause I totally am an idiot and didn't catch her signals. Well I still thought she was joking as she has joked like this before and I assumed she was joking now and blew it off and told her "Well you gotta do me first! Hahaha!" and she commented how I was still as dense as I was when we were kids. She then crawled over on top of me and said "Dude. Seriously. I want you to fuck me stop playing around." She grabbed my dick, hard, and the rest is history.

Yes I literally had to have a girl throw herself on top of me and grab my dick for me to catch the hint and of course it happened on the last night she was here so no more play time!

Kaze Kyou

In Uni, there was a girl who would joke around with me. I thought it was her silly personality, but in retrospect, provokingly licking off chocolate while eyeing me, giggling every time I looked at her, complimenting my looks 24/7...... then again at the time I came off a back breakup so I wasn't ready anyways.

There was also a time when I was going home via train, and before reaching the station 3 gorgeous girls came over to me, explained that their friend wanted to take a photo with me for her 21st birthday memory, and invited me to an "after party". They "REEEEALLY" wanted me to come.

I responded with, "Sorry, I'm late for my train." I'm still kicking myself over this.

The Mule

Stunningly hot girl (who was my downstairs neighbour) asked me to help her put her bed from Ikea together. It was already together when I got there... I just helped tighten the nuts in the end.

I actually knew what was going on, I just didn't know how to capitalise on the opportunity at the time, or I was too shit scared to do anything about it.

The situation just kinda fizzled out in the end and I returned to my apartment to masturbate. One of my biggest regrets in life. Would've loved to tap that at least once. She would have been wild in bed.


Woman came over to my place to watch Lost S5 finale. I got drunk. End of the night linger on doorstep... then I said goodnight and shut the door. I was an idiot then. And now.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Best friend I've known since we were kids was visiting from college during the Christmas holiday some years back. She wanted to do something and suggested we watch some movies over at my place. I agreed, we went out to the rental store and picked up a couple of movies, popped some popcorn and relaxed on my couch to watch the movie. Important to note: in the two weeks she was here this similar scenario played out on three different nights only in this one did the big moment happen the other times she went home during the awkward silence.

So on the last night she was here she comes over again and again at one point during the movie she snuggled under the blanket I had on me and leaned against me and had a hand against my inner thigh. She rubbed and snuggled against me a lot but we've always been close so again my mind goes "DUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRR"

After that movie was over I asked if she wanted to watch the other movie, go home or do something else. She fidgeted in place for a bit, it was clear in hindsight she didn't want to leave but wasn't really interested in the movies either, as I made a few suggestions, then there was some awkward silence then I started putting in the second movie and popping some more popcorn and laid down on the couch to watch Eventually she sighed and seemed kinda pissed and, I kid you not she replied: "Well I was kinda hoping you would do me this time."

I was honestly caught off guard cause I totally am an idiot and didn't catch her signals. Well I still thought she was joking as she has joked like this before and I assumed she was joking now and blew it off and told her "Well you gotta do me first! Hahaha!" and she commented how I was still as dense as I was when we were kids. She then crawled over on top of me and said "Dude. Seriously. I want you to fuck me stop playing around." She grabbed my dick, hard, and the rest is history.

Yes I literally had to have a girl throw herself on top of me and grab my dick for me to catch the hint and of course it happened on the last night she was here so no more play time!

Haha. But at least yours seemed to have had a happy ending (literally).


First time I ever went clubbing.

20 minutes before the night would end, this chick was grinding, all was good, then we stared into to each others eyes...

I did nothing.

Since that night, I have yet to fail when going out, simply because I was chicken shit then :)


Thanks to this thread and the people in it with their mystical anime-like clueless scenarios, I now 100% believe harem manga are realistic in their depictions of the hapless dope main characters.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Okay, I got a few.

Early 2013 I went out with the second woman I ever met online. My first encounter with online dating was pretty bad in almost every possible (ugly, not talkative, unpleasant personality, etc.) but this chick was like the polar opposite. She was friendly, a good conversationalist, and absolutely smokin' hot (when we met, she wore this trenchcoat that hid her generous "assets" which I only noticed when we hugged me). But she was also the first woman who I dated that was actually a bit older than me, and a mom (it wasn't really a night and day difference. but I was 28 and she was 35 at the time). Because of that, I was actually a bit more nervous than I normally would be.

Anyway, we went to watch a movie, and some ways into it, she took off her trench coat and revealed her rather ample bosom busting out of a low cut top, and considering I was feeling slightly chilly with my long sleeve shirt on, I'd say it's safe to say that she wasn't taking it off cause of the heat. She also let out several bored sounding sighs throughout and so if her taking off the trench coat didn't give the hint, that probably did. But like I said, she was the first older woman I went out with so I was a little too nervous to try anything.

Now I should mention that afterwards, she drove me home (I didn't have a car at the time) and we spent several minutes making out like ferrets, but I do feel that the way I handled myself in the theater kinda turned her off to later encounters.

Another instance I was going to work one morning (a short while after I met the milf) and this cute, and very fit girl wearing sweatpants and a white tank top (showing off her well endowed features) who was standing next to me on the bus commented out of the blue about how nice my eyes were. I was kinda taken aback since 1) I felt my eyes looked horrible since I didn't get much sleep that night and 2) no one ever compliments my eyes (they used to, but back when I was really young. Not so much anymore). I tried to make some small talk but unfortunately my stop came up and I had to leave. So sadly I wasn't able to get her number, when I probably could have. I hoped to bump into her again at some point but alas.

Then in October of the same year, my job had this little Halloween celebration where we would all go to this Haunted Hayride thing. One of my co-workers, kept telling me, leading up to Halloween that I HAD to show up, so I'm like "okay, whatever". We go and when the hayride uh, ride comes up, our office manager, who set up the whole thing, gives all of us a number, and with these numbers they separated us into two groups. In an unfortunate bit of luck, me and her got split into different groups. My group was about to go first and as I was walking towards my seat, I look back at her and she gives this "are you seriously walking away from me" look on her face and I'm like "what? I can't do anything about it". Apparently she really did not take that well and didn't speak to me for like two weeks. It then became clear that she did in fact have a thing for me. She had a great body with a great rack, but I really didn't care for her face so I never pursued anything further. She doesn't work with the company anymore but we still talk. It's probably a good thing we didn't hook up cause she definitely seemed like someone with temper problems.

edit: Actually, thinking about it, some of these weren't really about me being clueless but rather just failing to act on signals.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
I went on several dates with a girl without realizing they were dates.
I'm curious what the prior discussion and lead up to these dates was. Also, how did you figure out they were dates?


I have a friend who "jokes" about marrying me nearly all the time. Granted, its not the same thing because I've picked up on her signals quite easily. I'm just not interested so I act dumb on purpose.
In college I had this huge crush on a girl that I was actually pretty close with, but thoroughly friendzoned. We had talked about going to see this movie together which I didn't think was a big deal since we had seen plenty of movies together while hanging out in the dorm or out in a group of mutual friends, but this would have been the first time for us to go outside the dorm and hang out alone. But I still didn't think much of it, because I was pretty sure she had a boyfriend back home.

So on the Friday we were going to go out and see the movie, another girl I was friendly with an kinda interested in but wasn't going to make a move because she was super religious invited me to her small group bible study thing, and for some reason I said yes. She had been pressuring me to go to one of these for awhile, and I felt bad about always turning her down so I said yes even though I had already made plans with my crush. I stupidly thought that I would be able to do both, and that if I was a little late for meeting up to go to the movie that it wouldn't be a big deal since it wasn't a date or anything.

So of course the bible study thing goes on and on way longer than I thought, and apparently "small group" means "fill up a big lecture hall with people talking about Jesus," but eventually I made it out and back to the dorm, but waay late. The movie had started like half an hour ago. But I see my crush and she is piiiised. Looking fine though. Since the movie we were going to see together had already started, we decided to join a group of friends going to see a different movie that started later.

I remember that movie. Life as a House. I remember mostly because one of the other girls in this group was pissed at me too, and I couldn't figure out why, until she took me aside and yelled at me for being stupid and standing my crush up, and how my crush had been talking about going to see this movie with me and had been spending a lot of time fixing herself up for it... and I was like damn, were we actually going on a date?

Sooo that's why I'm an atheist and hate Hayden Christiansen. Not really.


At work, while on lunch break, and attractive female co-worker (Lohan) who has the same birthday as me, rubbed some food off my lips with her fingers. I think she may have liked me.


After reading all this, oh noo, I might have missed my chance to smash...

Chick from HS outta nowhere started talking to me and she was hot. I'm this fatass kid who's just like what the fuck why's this hot girl talking to me, we talk, text yada yada, we drift apart stop talking as much but always saying hi and shit to each other.

One day after a regents exam we both took, she texts me saying she wants to smoke weed with me and that I should get some and come to her house, she literally lived across the street from me so I was like word let's chill. We smoke then proceed to go to her house, she tells me her rents are gone and just her sister is home and I'm cool with her too. We sit on the couch and start watching TV, then she's like u want me to make us some food? I'm like hell yeah cause I'm ripped as fuck of course so u know I'm tryna munch. Then she gives me the food, we both munch, I didn't even sit next to her while we are chilling BTW, after like an hour she's like aight my rents are coming home soon so I have to leave, I'm like word nice chill sesh etc, and then I go home.

What I'm thinking about now is, she was wearing short shorts and a orange tank top, had cleave out also and I'm thinking in my head, why isn't she in casual clothes? She's just at home, she ain't going nowhere.

I also gotta add that she was a big flirt, she would talk to me a lot but then she'd ask for advice about how she should talk to a friend of mine, wasn't the only time that happened either so that's why I didn't think much of it.

Gaf pls tell me it was just a regular chill sesh...

This post has the most insufferable sounding "cool dude" language I've ever read. Tryna munch, rents, cleave and the allmighty sesh.

I feel like you're sitting backwards on a chair and having a rap sess with me. :/

Gray Matter

Here's another one.

Back in my senior year of high school, this unbelievable cute junior girl started talking to me. For a couple of weeks we talk, but only at school and such, then one day she randomly messages me on Facebook, and we have this awkward but fun conversation. Looking back at it, she liked me but I didn't know and she moved on. This hurts just a tiny bit, but only because in the years since, she has gotten even hotter.
When I was 21, in the in-between period after college in the summer while I was waiting for my job to start in Japan, I stayed at my mom's campground and helped around the place, cleaning, fixing stuff, etc. It was a so-so summer and there weren't many people there, except for a few long-termers and a young couple staying on for a few weeks. They were close to my age, maybe 25 or so and I'd chatted with both a few times and we'd all gone to the local bar once (not much to do in the boonies but go there, really). There was no one else there even remotely close to my age, so it was nice to have them around. One evening after picking up the bins they invited me to join them in their mini-BBQ and beers by their trailer, so I cleaned up came back and had a beer with them by the fire. We chatted and everything was normal until the guy suddenly said,

"You may have heard the the rumors about us around."

I assured them that I didn't listen to rumors and that they'd been model campers and everything was cool, and the girl chimes in,

"Well, they're true. It's just a bit of fun."

I hadn't actually heard any rumors at all, so my inexperienced little brain is wandering to what kind of camping shenanigans they could be getting into that might be 'a bit of fun', but my thoughts are all in the pranks/hunting/smoking pot range, so trying to be diplomatic I just say that everyone's entitled to a bit of fun now and then or something like that. They were customers, after all, and my mom really needed their business.

The girl then got up and sat on my lap and the guy pulled his chair close. Everyone's a bit tipsy, so I thought they were just being silly until the girl started playing with my hair and the guy leaned in close and whispered that I was welcome to 'join them.'

My first thought was to say that I didn't want to get into any trouble before I left the country, but then he started stroking my arm and I had an ah-ha moment finally, followed by a profound feeling of embarrassment. I thanked them for the beer and managed to extricate myself and decided I'd go back to being a trail guide rather than show my face at the campground during the day ever again. :p

tl;dr - Naive younger self can't take a hint until cornered by swinging campers.

Gray Matter

When I was 21, in the in-between period after college in the summer while I was waiting for my job to start in Japan, I stayed at my mom's campground and helped around the place, cleaning, fixing stuff, etc. It was a so-so summer and there weren't many people there, except for a few long-termers and a young couple staying on for a few weeks. They were close to my age, maybe 25 or so and I'd chatted with both a few times and we'd all gone to the local bar once (not much to do in the boonies but go there, really). There was no one else there even remotely close to my age, so it was nice to have them around. One evening after picking up the bins they invited me to join them in their mini-BBQ and beers by their trailer, so I cleaned up came back and had a beer with them by the fire. We chatted and everything was normal until the guy suddenly said,

"You may have heard the the rumors about us around."

I assured them that I didn't listen to rumors and that they'd been model campers and everything was cool, and the girl chimes in,

"Well, they're true. It's just a bit of fun."

I hadn't actually heard any rumors at all, so my inexperienced little brain is wandering to what kind of camping shenanigans they could be getting into that might be 'a bit of fun', but my thoughts are all in the pranks/hunting/smoking pot range, so trying to be diplomatic I just say that everyone's entitled to a bit of fun now and then or something like that. They were customers, after all, and my mom really needed their business.

The girl then got up and sat on my lap and the guy pulled his chair close. Everyone's a bit tipsy, so I thought they were just being silly until the girl started playing with my hair and the guy leaned in close and whispered that I was welcome to 'join them.'

My first thought was to say that I didn't want to get into any trouble before I left the country, but then he started stroking my arm and I had an ah-ha moment finally, followed by a profound feeling of embarrassment. I thanked them for the beer and managed to extricate myself and decided I'd go back to being a trail guide rather than show my face at the campground during the day ever again. :p

tl;dr - Naive younger self can't take a hint until cornered by swinging campers.

Oh man, this straight out of a movie.


Back in my senior year of high school, this chick kept hanging out with me and trying to be a part of my social circle. She would ask me a lot of things to try to get to know me better and I would just give her boring/simple answers.

Basically, I was so used to chasing after girls that I was oblivious to the thought of a woman taking the initiative and chasing after me.

By the time I realized it, she had lost interest and moved on to someone else.


When I was 21, in the in-between period after college in the summer while I was waiting for my job to start in Japan, I stayed at my mom's campground and helped around the place, cleaning, fixing stuff, etc. It was a so-so summer and there weren't many people there, except for a few long-termers and a young couple staying on for a few weeks. They were close to my age, maybe 25 or so and I'd chatted with both a few times and we'd all gone to the local bar once (not much to do in the boonies but go there, really). There was no one else there even remotely close to my age, so it was nice to have them around. One evening after picking up the bins they invited me to join them in their mini-BBQ and beers by their trailer, so I cleaned up came back and had a beer with them by the fire. We chatted and everything was normal until the guy suddenly said,

"You may have heard the the rumors about us around."

I assured them that I didn't listen to rumors and that they'd been model campers and everything was cool, and the girl chimes in,

"Well, they're true. It's just a bit of fun."

I hadn't actually heard any rumors at all, so my inexperienced little brain is wandering to what kind of camping shenanigans they could be getting into that might be 'a bit of fun', but my thoughts are all in the pranks/hunting/smoking pot range, so trying to be diplomatic I just say that everyone's entitled to a bit of fun now and then or something like that. They were customers, after all, and my mom really needed their business.

The girl then got up and sat on my lap and the guy pulled his chair close. Everyone's a bit tipsy, so I thought they were just being silly until the girl started playing with my hair and the guy leaned in close and whispered that I was welcome to 'join them.'

My first thought was to say that I didn't want to get into any trouble before I left the country, but then he started stroking my arm and I had an ah-ha moment finally, followed by a profound feeling of embarrassment. I thanked them for the beer and managed to extricate myself and decided I'd go back to being a trail guide rather than show my face at the campground during the day ever again. :p

tl;dr - Naive younger self can't take a hint until cornered by swinging campers.

Spanish II was my last class to graduate college. We would have two to three persons groups periodically in the class.

Well, one day, I was paired up with a really hot chick. I had a nasty cold sore, so I was trying to hide it from her. She mentioned we were wearing the same shoes. Same color and everything, they were the grey and orange nike lunarglides. I held my head down and gave a little chuckle. Then she said she forgot her book. So we shared, and she said she owed me one. Again, head down and chuckled.

later on I realized she may have been giving me clues. Or it could've been nothing. If I didn't have that sore on my lip, after she said she owed me one, I would've said, "oh yeah?" well how about we get drinks at the tavern."


Girl I was in love with for years but considered my best friend would invite me over late nights...she knew I dug her, though she had rejected my initial advances. She stayed at my house one night, even climbing into my bed in the morning.

Yeah, I later did date her and found out how fucking close I could have been to popping my cherry years and years before.


Spanish II was my last class to graduate college. We would have two to three persons groups periodically in the class.

Well, one day, I was paired up with a really hot chick. I had a nasty cold sore, so I was trying to hide it from her. She mentioned we were wearing the same shoes. Same color and everything, they were the grey and orange nike lunarglides. I held my head down and gave a little chuckle. Then she said she forgot her book. So we shared, and she said she owed me one. Again, head down and chuckled.

later on I realized she may have been giving me clues. Or it could've been nothing. If I didn't have that sore on my lip, after she said she owed me one, I would've said, "oh yeah?" well how about we get drinks at the tavern."

You don't deserve that avatar, sir!
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