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Movies You Find Annoying and Hate


  1. Thor Ragnarok (i did not even watch Love & Thunder)
  2. Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse (i just dont get what's so special about it, its a mediocre story)
  3. Pulp Fiction (fight me)
  4. Star Wars new trilogy
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  1. Thor Ragnarok (i did not even watch Love & Thunder)
  2. Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse (i just dont get what's so special about it, its a mediocre story)
  3. Pulp Fiction (fight me)
  4. Star Wars new trilogy

Only fully agree with you on Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse. I also could not get into that movie. The jittery animation really bothered me the whole time. And the plot bored me. Though par for the course for a Marvel movie.

Stupid fucking movie. Rachel McAdams is a cunt and my boy Ryan was done dirty - the true ending to that movie is he bangs her, sends the pics to her fiancé and then ghosts her dumb ass.

Movie should be called The Simp's Handbook.


I don't really hate the movie, but i think drive is extremely overrated.

It is a boring piece of shit for most of the movie until the protagonist has that 5 min of crazy violence.

Deep masterpiece my filthy ass.

Guardians of the galaxy 2, most of the banter\humor make me want to bash my balls with a bat, especially anything with shitlord and the angry hamster, the opening with teenager groot dancing when the team is being fucked up was one of the most cringier scene i ever saw, only salvageable points are the blue dude with the cool weapon and some batista moments.

Everything from modern disney.
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Only fully agree with you on Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse. I also could not get into that movie. The jittery animation really bothered me the whole time. And the plot bored me. Though par for the course for a Marvel movie.
Yeah it was apparently 15 fps throughout the movie and it was infuriating to watch


gone girl and knives out both for the same reason. i hate how the people in these two movies talk. nobody speaks like that in the real world and it really annoys me.


Gold Member
when I first saw it I was disgusted and would sh!t on alien: covenant buuuut I've been having a hankering to rewatch it every now and then and saw it today on apple store for $4.99 and copped it seeing the mischievous android sabotaging the humans and getting them ripped to shreds is kinda funny tbh lil rascal android

Only time I ever walked out of the cinema.

Hart and Haddish are just plain annoying, unlikable and loud in this movie, literally nothing about it works or is even remotely funny.

After about 45 minutes of these two incoherently yelling I had enough.

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
I still can't watch "The rise of Skywalker" in its entirety.
"Hate" is a strong word, more like disappointed. I just cannot watch this to completion and I tried multiple times.
I always crack when Rey heals that plastic CGI snake and when that classic John Williams score kicks in it just breaks my heart.

Like Mozart playing over 2 girls 1 cup.


Gold Member
I still can't watch "The rise of Skywalker" in its entirety.
"Hate" is a strong word, more like disappointed. I just cannot watch this to completion and I tried multiple times.
I always crack when Rey heals that plastic CGI snake and when that classic John Williams score kicks in it just breaks my heart.

Like Mozart playing over 2 girls 1 cup.
I had to google this scene. I didn’t remember it. It’s so bad I must’ve repressed it.


OP said it: A Christmas Story

Most but not all of those over the top parody movies. No one has been able to repeat the likes of Airplane (1) and the Naked Gun series (especially the tv show). Not even some of the later ones starring Leslie Neilson, though I don’t mind Scary Movie 3.


Lil’ Gobbie
I still can't watch "The rise of Skywalker" in its entirety.
"Hate" is a strong word, more like disappointed. I just cannot watch this to completion and I tried multiple times.
I always crack when Rey heals that plastic CGI snake and when that classic John Williams score kicks in it just breaks my heart.

Like Mozart playing over 2 girls 1 cup.

ahaha it wouldn't be jj Abrams without the obnoxious cgi lens flare good :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Everything from the Monty Python (Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Life of Brian...).
I don't see what's so funny about those movies. My only explanation is that some people force themselves to find it hilarious to give themselves consistency.
The first Avatar (haven’t seen the second and don’t care to).

I’ll concede that if you’re somebody who likes the film and appreciates it for the craftsmanship in the CGI visuals that’s fine, and I won’t knock anyone for that.

I was a teenager when it came out and didn’t really have any interest in watching it, especially because I didn’t want to have to go a 3D movie (the glasses you had to wear were always uncomfortable).

My grandparents, however, basically made me go see it because I had to see it because of it’s important environmentalist message. So I had to sit in a theater for three hours with 3D glasses digging into my nose while trying to act appreciative. And while I appreciated the gesture, I really did not have a great time watching Pocahontas with blue people (yes I’m going there, the story was shallow as fuck; sue me).

I think the thing that really bugged me was all the people fawning over it’s environmentalist message, meanwhile it’s a 95% CGI movie that probably used up enough electricity that could’ve powered NYC for a year.

It had early 2000’s Michelle Rodriguez in it though. I guess that’s a plus. To bad she died in a super cliched way.
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If drywall was a movie it would be this:

A completely by-the-numbers, focus grouped exclusively to midwestern soccer moms movie. It has 0 entertainment value. If you thought Steve Martin could redeem it even slightly you would be wroooooong.


I do not really hate this movie, I am annoyed that everyone turned on Disney only after the Last Jedi when this movie was even worse. All I could think was "Where was this outrage 2 years ago?" TLJ sucks, yes but at least the last 1/3 of the movie (once they finally get back from virtue signal planet and the plot starts moving again) is actually entertaining. TFA is just boring from beginning to end. A sad retread of a New Hope despite the fact that The Phantom Menace already knocked on that particular door and filled with ridiculous, eye-roll inducing shit like:
Rey, with 0 force training performing the most sophisticated and complicated mind trick in the film saga up to that point.
Han Solo having light-speed reaction times.
Rey closing her eyes for 10 seconds gives her the strength and skill to beat Kylo in a form of combat she has never trained for.
TLJ has lower lows (virtue signal planet, the plot slowing to a crawl 1/3 of the way in, wasted potential, and worst of all shooting Newtonian Physics in the back of the head) but it also has higher highs (passable lightsaber combat, final battle, light speed ram). Maybe if people held Disney's feet to the fire after TFA we could have gotten a course correction that made the next 2 passable, but no we just got widespread adulation. I can only chalk it up to people being so starved/excited for new Star Wars that they overlooked it or they only really cared about TLJ because they felt it did Luke dirty specifically. Whatever, too late now. TLJ made it sure I did not go see TROS. At least Rogue One was good. Not great, but good, definitely worth my time/money and worth an occasional rewatch.

Worst of all:

Hooooo-lee-shit. I was bored by Cheaper By the Dozen. I was annoyed by The Force Awakens. I hate Fantastic Beasts. As a big fan of the books, who was excited to see it, I was absolutely prepared to love it and yet I left the theater pissed and dismayed. It was during this damn mating dance scene that, if I had not gone to see the movie with a friend, would have walked out of the theater. This film is nothing like Harry Potter. Seriously, it feels like bad fan fiction. Fucking dumb mating dances. Fucking incompetent ministry of magic. Fucking magic being reduced to fucking hadoukens at the film's climax. Fuck this movie.

Never liked Demolition Man. Awfully cheesy and not what I expected in a sci-fi action movie.


There are no "good one's".
Not MCU but still:

First Class is the best Marvel film ever.
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Pretty much 99% of them. Everything has become so predictable and overly saccharine in the last decade or so. From the moment a character appears on screen you know exactly what they are and what will happen to them. And on the latter point, every character these days seems to be some fragile emotional weakling. The industry is caught in a loop that that it is too scared to break out of.

I also think that at our age we are so in tune with movie ‘language’ that it’s hard to surprise us. Our generation knows what will happen purely from the camera angle or music cue used. I’d love to see something that subverts all of this.
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The first Avatar (haven’t seen the second and don’t care to).

I’ll concede that if you’re somebody who likes the film and appreciates it for the craftsmanship in the CGI visuals that’s fine, and I won’t knock anyone for that.

I was a teenager when it came out and didn’t really have any interest in watching it, especially because I didn’t want to have to go a 3D movie (the glasses you had to wear were always uncomfortable).

My grandparents, however, basically made me go see it because I had to see it because of it’s important environmentalist message. So I had to sit in a theater for three hours with 3D glasses digging into my nose while trying to act appreciative. And while I appreciated the gesture, I really did not have a great time watching Pocahontas with blue people (yes I’m going there, the story was shallow as fuck; sue me).

I think the thing that really bugged me was all the people fawning over it’s environmentalist message, meanwhile it’s a 95% CGI movie that probably used up enough electricity that could’ve powered NYC for a year.

It had early 2000’s Michelle Rodriguez in it though. I guess that’s a plus. To bad she died in a super cliched way.
Agreed. It was so, so awful. I found it insultingly bad.


Gold Member
The last movie I really, really disliked was Bohemian Rhapsody. It was like a bio pick created by an algorithm that was fed Queen's biggest hits and an absolutely ridiculous impersonation of Freddie Mercury. As much as I disliked it, it was all made worse by all the gushing praise it received. Music bios are usually very formulaic, but this one takes the cake and borders on parody.

Also, anything Wes Anderson after Rushmore.

And, Noah Baumbach anything outside of Marriage Story. His movies are like hanging out with people from work that you can't stand.
anything superhero shit other than batman. even batman is silly because he knocks about with that stupid little mask with the pointy ears. outside batman i kinda was into the suicide squad movies but if margot robbie wasn't playing harley quinn i'd probably not be as interested. anything marvel = no thank ye. at an absolute fucking push i can sort of deal with spiderman. i hate that bald purple guy with the big wrinkly chin. i hate loki dude and that guy with the tiny little hammer.

when i read this topic title the first thing i thought of was The Grinch. the characters in it creep me the fuck right out with their stupid hair and nose. the only reason i ever watched it is because of Jim Carrey. it was on TV last night and i'll watch anything with Jim Carrey in it but i was cringing all the way throughout it whenever he wasn't the center of attention in the scene.


Big Lebowski.

Everyone seems to love that movie, but it just didn’t click on me.
Well, you know, that's just like your reasonable view of the film, man.

Goodman and Bridges are good as always and a couple of funny scenes but I didn't get the hype around it.


Matrix Resurrections. A stunning testament to the shittiness of modern Hollywood.
A meta commentary on the film but it descends into total trash. Thinks it is smarter than it is. Cheap low budget looking. Robot designs look like an avatar knock off. Wooden, lifeless, unspired, self referential trash.

A Walmart Morpheus, crappy action sequences and an awful story? I'm surprised they didn't make reference to Bill and Ted or John Wick.

They ruined the French villain for no reason. It disrespects the history of the franchise and doesn't achieve anything worthwhile. The architect is rolling in his graves.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
They have Christmas Story on four channels right now, all of them playing 24 hours back to back.



Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
A meta commentary on the film but it descends into total trash. Thinks it is smarter than it is. Cheap low budget looking. Robot designs look like an avatar knock off. Wooden, lifeless, unspired, self referential trash.

A Walmart Morpheus, crappy action sequences and an awful story? I'm surprised they didn't make reference to Bill and Ted or John Wick.

They ruined the French villain for no reason. It disrespects the history of the franchise and doesn't achieve anything worthwhile. The architect is rolling in his graves.
Actually they did reference John Wick sort of. I haven't seen the movie but I heard the guy who plays Trinity's husband is the producer of the John Wick movies or something.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
The sequel Star Wars trilogy.

Lazy, uninspired, boring pieces of shit with plot holes my cat could see through. Amazingly, each film was worse than the one that came before it, with ROS being the absolute lowest point in the series.

The films are so bad they actually made me hate Star Wars. So much so, that I refuse to now watch any further Star Was film or show produced by Disney.


Gold Member
i'll watch anything with Jim Carrey in it but i was cringing all the way throughout it whenever he wasn't the center of attention in the scene.
That’s most Jim Carrey movies though, specially the ones from the 90s that were 99% Carrey making faces and shenanigans and everyone else just being there. The first Ace Ventura is the only one that made me genuinely laugh at the time and is still funny to watch. Carrey’s more serious movies make better justice to his acting skills. It turns out that comedy is still hard to pull off right, even when you have Jim Carrey as the lead.

OT, I guess I could mention the first Avengers movie, which is where I completely stopped following the MCU. I absolutely hate cheap plot cliches to keep a movie going, and ”good guys quarreling after the bad guy has been captured allowing the bad guy to escape” is the cheapest shit ever.
I’ll also mention the highly acclaimed 5 centimeters per second. The animation is good, but the movie is simply about nothing. It’s a collection of the tripest school romance anime tropes, slow as molasses and ultimately inconsequential. People suggesting this as some kind of introduction to more “serious” anime just have to be trolling.


The sequel Star Wars trilogy.

Lazy, uninspired, boring pieces of shit with plot holes my cat could see through. Amazingly, each film was worse than the one that came before it, with ROS being the absolute lowest point in the series.

The films are so bad they actually made me hate Star Wars. So much so, that I refuse to now watch any further Star Was film or show produced by Disney.
Hello, I work for Disney and we would like to hire your cat as an executive producer for our next film. It's a sci fi adventure with space nazis, aliens and action.

You may have heard of it, Indiana Jones.
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