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New Assassin's Creed Game Reveal


Anyone here played AC from the days of AC1 that still play these games?

After Unity i lost it with AC, Black Flag was a refreshing take on the series and is my favourite AC game, since then they have been so bland and boring, same shit all the time, map filled with so many icons to do mundane tasks and quests.

Not sure if these games want to hold onto fans since the start or they intentionally keep these games the same to only appeal to new gamers.

Heres hoping this reveal is a new AC game but i dont hold out much hope.
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Anyone here played AC from the days of AC1 that still play these games?

After Unity i lost it with AC, Black Flag was a refreshing take on the series and is my favourite AC game, since then they have been so bland and boring, same shit all the time, map filled with so many icons to do mundane tasks and quests.

Not sure if these games want to hold onto fans since the start or they intentionally keep these games the same to only appeal to new gamers.

Heres hoping this reveal is a new AC game but i dont hold out much hope.

I still love and still play them, overall. But Odyssey was boring to me and bloated with filler. That said I would love to see AC change direction and become a more linear game with missions ala Splinter Cell. Just my personal wish. Focus in on story and set piece action/stealth and throw out the filler side quests.
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Great music and as an artist I really do appreciate this slow burn. It's quite beautiful.


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Anyone here played AC from the days of AC1 that still play these games?

After Unity i lost it with AC, Black Flag was a refreshing take on the series and is my favourite AC game, since then they have been so bland and boring, same shit all the time, map filled with so many icons to do mundane tasks and quests.

Not sure if these games want to hold onto fans since the start or they intentionally keep these games the same to only appeal to new gamers.

Heres hoping this reveal is a new AC game but i dont hold out much hope.
I'm mostly the same as you. Started with 1 when it came out, and Black Flag is my favorite with AC 2, it really was great and gave some new hopes for the series, but it started to decline again after that. I did still like Unity, a while after the release and all the patches, on PC, because it really looks amazing, the atmosphere is nice and there are still some cool things, but it was filled with way too boring stuff for sure. Syndicate was very forgettable, and I hate the new direction the series took with Origins / Odyssey so it's really not for me anymore.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Anyone here played AC from the days of AC1 that still play these games?

After Unity i lost it with AC, Black Flag was a refreshing take on the series and is my favourite AC game, since then they have been so bland and boring, same shit all the time, map filled with so many icons to do mundane tasks and quests.

Not sure if these games want to hold onto fans since the start or they intentionally keep these games the same to only appeal to new gamers.

Heres hoping this reveal is a new AC game but i dont hold out much hope.
I played the first game when it first released, but didn't play the later games until they came out with the remasters of the Ezio Trilogy. Then I played black flag, rogue, unity, syndicate, origins, and odyssey. Odyssey is legit one of my favorite games of this generation. Looking forward to where the series goes next, personally.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Just woke up and took a peak at the stream. Looks like confirmation of Vikings and invading... England? Maybe. Awesome!

The AC formula is stale as hell

Oh man... I disagree. It's finally turned into an awesome action RPG series with Odyssey.
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Anyone here played AC from the days of AC1 that still play these games?

After Unity i lost it with AC, Black Flag was a refreshing take on the series and is my favourite AC game, since then they have been so bland and boring, same shit all the time, map filled with so many icons to do mundane tasks and quests.

Not sure if these games want to hold onto fans since the start or they intentionally keep these games the same to only appeal to new gamers.

Heres hoping this reveal is a new AC game but i dont hold out much hope.
I played to completion upto syndicate. Even though I was looking forward to it I bought my dad a ps4 and this was bundled with it so waited for him to finish it but never got round to playing it. since then Ive played a bit of origins and a bit of oddysey but didn't really get into them

Captain Hero

The Spoiler Soldier
Anyone here played AC from the days of AC1 that still play these games?

After Unity i lost it with AC, Black Flag was a refreshing take on the series and is my favourite AC game, since then they have been so bland and boring, same shit all the time, map filled with so many icons to do mundane tasks and quests.

Not sure if these games want to hold onto fans since the start or they intentionally keep these games the same to only appeal to new gamers.

Heres hoping this reveal is a new AC game but i dont hold out much hope.

Yeah I’m a big fan of AC since day one but I lost it when unity came .. I played 1 , 2 , R , Brotherhood , 3 and black flag

but after that is just boring

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah I’m a big fan of AC since day one but I lost it when unity came .. I played 1 , 2 , R , Brotherhood , 3 and black flag

but after that is just boring

Yeah, Unity wasn't very good.

They rebooted the gameplay completely with Origins and went even further to turn into a loot-based ARPG with different character builds and shit in Odyssey.


Gold Member
Home stretch now. Armor is going up. I'm thinking maybe this is going to be just a piece of a larger picture. Panoramic view style
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AC got rebooted with origin and odyssey. Everything before shouldn't be compared with current AC the gameplay is absolutely obnoxious in earlier games.

The combat and fighting and visuals in odyssey and origin are god tier. Can't wait to see what this will bring.
Anyone here played AC from the days of AC1 that still play these games?

After Unity i lost it with AC, Black Flag was a refreshing take on the series and is my favourite AC game, since then they have been so bland and boring, same shit all the time, map filled with so many icons to do mundane tasks and quests.

Not sure if these games want to hold onto fans since the start or they intentionally keep these games the same to only appeal to new gamers.

Heres hoping this reveal is a new AC game but i dont hold out much hope.
I played them all the way up to 3, felt 3 was boring and the hero was awful. Played Black Flag and though it was okay before playing Rogue and Syndicate and enjoying those. Origins was right up my alley, loved the new direction, loved the setting, really enjoyed the game. Odyssey was great though very grindy but I stilled enjoyed the setting and characters and stuff. Different games but enjoyable.


What do you think about the tecnique?
I mean.. using some photos and then modify to something else... isn't more easy make a draw?


Gold Member
Anyone here played AC from the days of AC1 that still play these games?

After Unity i lost it with AC, Black Flag was a refreshing take on the series and is my favourite AC game, since then they have been so bland and boring, same shit all the time, map filled with so many icons to do mundane tasks and quests.

Not sure if these games want to hold onto fans since the start or they intentionally keep these games the same to only appeal to new gamers.

Heres hoping this reveal is a new AC game but i dont hold out much hope.

I haven't played every game, but I gave up with Odyssey. The endless filler content ("oh here's the 10,000th temple to explore that is full of kill-on-sight guards for some reason"), the shitty level scaling, the awful boat mechanics (especially in a series that has done boats beter than anyone), the tedious mission design and shit-tier RPG dressing, colored loot, etc. - I just checked out. And I wanted to love that game so bad because the setting is so incredible. But it's awful. And not just awful but kind of the same shit as everything else, the old games got tedious after a while but at least they were unique, not pseudo-RPGs with colored loot. I think one of the reasons why I got bored so quickly was because the game just isn't very original or interesting on its own. Say what you will about AC from 1 through Syndicate, there are no games like them except for themselves.
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Anyone here played AC from the days of AC1 that still play these games?

After Unity i lost it with AC, Black Flag was a refreshing take on the series and is my favourite AC game, since then they have been so bland and boring, same shit all the time, map filled with so many icons to do mundane tasks and quests.

Not sure if these games want to hold onto fans since the start or they intentionally keep these games the same to only appeal to new gamers.

Heres hoping this reveal is a new AC game but i dont hold out much hope.

I 100%ed up to the Unity DLC, but Syndicate looked boring and came too soon after Unity [It was leaked BEFORE Unity even came out lmao] and then Origins I hated the combat and was playing other stuff at the time so just watched my flatmate play most of it. I gave Odyssey like 15 hours then gave up on it due to it not getting to the fun-fun kill everyone in a few hits, parry with one press, etc gameplay again [I thought it was more towards old AC combat vs Origins in the videoes I watched], the upgrading was a chore if you wanted to stay powerful and use your fav weapon.

The story also sucked in Odyssey. I'm hopeful this will be a return to more what I like but I think I could enjoy it in coop regardless, I'm missing AC. I have installed WeMod and am planning to cheat Odyssey into being the game I want it to be, gonna make myself super powerful and make it so I don't have to bother with crafting shite. It might be a fools errand though, should just play something else, but I really want to explore than beautiful world. I put off Second Son and First Light for 4-5 years and wished I had'nt since I had a blast last week with them.


The AI in these games is beyond stupid also, this was such a turn off for me with these games post Black Flag.


The AI in these games is beyond stupid also, this was such a turn off for me with these games post Black Flag.

Holy crap, flashbacks to how bad the AI was in Black Flag and Freedom Cry: you could literally just berserk dart a guard with a rifle in a tower and he one-shotted all the other guards. Also, what about those bullshit bush-assassins at the end. I don't know if these games EVER had good AI tbh, and I say that loving a lot of the earlier ones.

In Freedom Cry we walked around a beach village "stealth" mission holding the guns out and blasting anyone we snuck up on, basically playing it like a shooter and no one was alerted lmao, the other guards were like 20m away and we were firing black powder pistols every five [5] seconds.
Vikings being confirmed is great, I absolutely love the mythical creatures part of the last two entries and Norse Mythology is absolutely filled to the brim with potential.

It's going to be great.


Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
Just woke up and took a peak at the stream. Looks like confirmation of Vikings and invading... England? Maybe. Awesome!

Oh man... I disagree. It's finally turned into an awesome action RPG series with Odyssey.

I really liked Origins. ACII & Brotherhood were always my favorites but now Odyssey is also one of my favorites. Ezio is still my favorite character but Bayek and Kassandra are close 2nds.

Personally I much prefer the new RPG formula and I spent about a million hours in Odyssey and the 2 DLCs. The Odyssey DLCs were IMO, 2 of the best DLCs ever - far better than many other top-rated complete games.


Holy crap, flashbacks to how bad the AI was in Black Flag and Freedom Cry: you could literally just berserk dart a guard with a rifle in a tower and he one-shotted all the other guards. Also, what about those bullshit bush-assassins at the end. I don't know if these games EVER had good AI tbh, and I say that loving a lot of the earlier ones.

In Freedom Cry we walked around a beach village "stealth" mission holding the guns out and blasting anyone we snuck up on, basically playing it like a shooter and no one was alerted lmao, the other guards were like 20m away and we were firing black powder pistols every five [5] seconds.

Yup, i hate it so much, haha just thinking about the past games now fills me with disappointment.

It really takes me out of the immersion, these games generally look amazing but when your working through an area with all the beautiful scenery and you come across guards who have no peripheral vision or when they walk past you and its blindingly obvious they should see you.


To top off this awful marketing, the credits for the trivia got reset. Amazing.

Edit: Okay they're back apparently
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They should have streamed it on twitch missed chance.

Also i think he's holding a giant sword infront of him, we actually see his front not back.
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I just thought he was a really good photoshopper and a fast one at that, but realized only now that it's a sped up recording of a month+ work lol
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