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New Assassin's Creed Game Reveal

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Captain Hero

The Spoiler Soldier
I know they've been very different AC games but I've loved the scope and content of Origins and Odyssey. Getting passed the "lets go to the future and see somebody in an animus" garbage has been great.

They're very different games but they've been a lot of fun and enjoyable though basically not AC games at this point.

I liked Origins more than Odyssey tbh .. But over all both games are good


I'm thinking King Arthur and Vikings?

Arthurian legend is supposed to take place in the late 5th to 6th Century, whereas Vikings were most active in the late 8th to 11th Centuries. Not that it’ll impact people making a game, and Arthurian legend isn’t real anyway, but I just want to put that out there, lol. Incorporating the Song of Roland might make a bit more sense, I’d guess.


AC II is still my fave gaming memory and given the 2yr break and it likely being at least cross-gen, I want so badly to get excited for this. But for me, AC has lost its soul.

I, II, Brotherhood & Revelations were all flawed in their own way but they all had a strong atmosphere, with II & Brotherhood being standouts with stronger gameplay and oozing with charm. Walking across the roofs of Venice taking it all in with Jesper Kyd's excellent score gently playing in the background was amazing. It was the first game to really pull me in to such a strong degree.

I know the modern day stuff was somewhat clunky but it was an integral, genius design decision when it comes to explaining away traditional gameplay tropes such as death, replayability and the hud; and for lending the individual games and the series as a whole the ability to hop around different locations and time periods. These things aren't layered upon the game as a faked means of assistance but inherent to the world and the narrative.

I also found the "ones who came before", Subject 16 etc. all lent a sense of mystery, intrigue and something bigger to the game. The Truth video that you unlocked at the end of the game just had my imagination running wild for future possibilities, particularly in coming generations. Again, the atmosphere was rich.

Unfortunately it seems none of that was ever truly realised, at least not in any real satisfying manner. I feel like the modern games just skirt around it all and have morphed into rather indistinct RPG-brawlers with stealth elements and bird drones, there's nothing intriguing pulling me in. They're technical achievements, visually arresting for the most part and I'm sure a lot of people put a hell of a lot of hard work in but the soul is gone, the atmosphere is gone, the charm is gone.

It may be a good game for some, particularly those less familiar with the OG game and the Ezio Trilogy, but this just isn't AC anymore.

I'd love a return to the roots, but with Patrice, Jesper and many more gone; as well as the current nature of the series being conducive to monetisation, I'm not holding out much hope at all. :'(

Viking settings don't exactly excite me either, probably just means more big brawly stuff.

Also, Ubi, cursors in console menus, stop it...
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I'd say Bamburgh castle possibly. Would fit into that period just about.


I think it just misses tbh.

The current Bamburgh Castle is Norman, so post 1066.

1066 was the last Viking invasion of Britain when Harald Hardrada was defeated at Stamford Bridge by King Harold weeks before he then lost to William at Hastings

So although they were still around, just, the Vikings don't fit with a post-Norman Conquest Britain but more with the Anglo-Saxon period when Bamburgh was Bebbanburg and a far more modest fortress
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How much of a loser do you need to be to spam spoilers in a chat. Like, I can't even comprehend using my time so poorly.


Neo Member
AC II is still my fave gaming memory and given the 2yr break and it likely being at least cross-gen, I want so badly to get excited for this. But for me, AC has lost its soul.

I, II, Brotherhood & Revelations were all flawed in their own way but they all had a strong atmosphere, with II & Brotherhood being standouts with stronger gameplay and oozing with charm. Walking across the roofs of Venice taking it all in with Jesper Kyd's excellent score gently playing in the background was amazing. It was the first game to really pull me in to such a strong degree.

I know the modern day stuff was somewhat clunky but it was an integral, genius design decision when it comes to explaining away traditional gameplay tropes such as death, replayability and the hud; and for lending the individual games and the series as a whole the ability to hop around different locations and time periods. These things aren't layered upon the game as a faked means of assistance but inherent to the world and the narrative.

I also found the "ones who came before", Subject 16 etc. all lent a sense of mystery, intrigue and something bigger to the game. The Truth video that you unlocked at the end of the game just had my imagination running wild for future possibilities, particularly in coming generations. Again, the atmosphere was rich.

Unfortunately it seems none of that was ever truly realised, at least not in any real satisfying manner. I feel like the modern games just skirt around it all and have morphed into rather indistinct RPG-brawlers with stealth elements and bird drones, there's nothing intriguing pulling me in. They're technical achievements, visually arresting for the most part and I'm sure a lot of people put a hell of a lot of hard work in but the soul is gone, the atmosphere is gone, the charm is gone.

It may be a good game for some, particularly those less familiar with the OG game and the Ezio Trilogy, but this just isn't AC anymore.

I'd love a return to the roots, but with Patrice, Jesper and many more gone; as well as the current nature of the series being conducive to monetisation, I'm not holding out much hope at all. :'(

Viking settings don't exactly excite me either, probably just means more big brawly stuff.

Also, Ubi, cursors in console menus, stop it...
Couldn't agree more, I loved the modern day - hoping with Ashraf back at the helm he'll make some progress
What is this like assasins creed 65, I’ve lost count with this garbage franchise already.

Last one I played was AC2 and then I just woke up one day and they had released 10 more AC games and it's one of the biggest franchises. I have no idea what the appeal is.


Couldn't agree more, I loved the modern day - hoping with Ashraf back at the helm he'll make some progress

The most important element outside of fundamental gameplay mechanics is without a doubt atmosphere. The first four games had it, no entry since has. ACII is still my favourite game to this day and I'm so peeved off at how badly it's been handled. So much potential down the pan. The atmosphere got under my skin with those games.

I can certainly appreciate that RPG players may enjoy the modern games, but they're only AC games because of the name, the hood and the leap of faith. The rest is dead it seems.

I remember a lot of people saying the Animus should be scrapped over the years, but to me that's missing the point. The OG developers conceived AC as a Sci-Fi game and the Animus etc. were the backbone of the entire series. The animus is still there but it's so tacked on and only seems to be there just to maintain some lore. From III onwards all that stuff has been so poorly done that I can barely even remember any of it. But despite playing AC 13 years ago, that stuff is imprinted in my memory.


W'e're playing the vikings right? :( I hope the player character will be a Saxon.

Hopefully both.

Never understood why the last game had so much side content and useless side missions instead of having the 2 main characters be separate people on separate sides of the conflict.

I'd rather have 2 "main" stories than 100s of pointless filler exercises.


Now he ruinied the castle, thats too bad. I was hoping to be able to run around in pristine buildnings, not ruins :/

Hopefully both.

Never understood why the last game had so much side content and useless side missions instead of having the 2 main characters be separate people on separate sides of the conflict.

I'd rather have 2 "main" stories than 100s of pointless filler exercises.
Hope your right!
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