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New Assassin's Creed Game Reveal


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Livestream ends by the camera zooming out to reveal that this photoshop session was being run on a Abstergo Industries PC and that the digital painter is a modern day member of the assassins who gets a notification that their mission is about to begin. The new Assassin's Creed trailer starts then, showing that this game is set entirely in the present.


This may be a tie-in with Xbox, with the reveal of the Xbox Event for next week. They'll announce the game and say see more next week at the Xbox Event.
Hopefully both.

Never understood why the last game had so much side content and useless side missions instead of having the 2 main characters be separate people on separate sides of the conflict.

I'd rather have 2 "main" stories than 100s of pointless filler exercises.

Maybe that's the co-op part? One guy is a Saxon one is a Viking?


I think it just misses tbh.

The current Bamburgh Castle is Norman, so post 1066.

1066 was the last Viking invasion of Britain when Harald Hardrada was defeated at Stamford Bridge by King Harold weeks before he then lost to William at Hastings

So although they were still around, just, the Vikings don't fit with a post-Norman Conquest Britain but more with the Anglo-Saxon period when Bamburgh was Bebbanburg and a far more modest fortress

I was about to say there was some artistic license in play anyways with the castle was probably out of the period with arrowslits from outside the viking period. Just looked again and the artist is now making a ruin instead so speculating about any of this historically is pointless as hell.

I don't get what the point of this exercise is at all. Still wish we were getting a Rome game to round off a trilogy of antiquity period games.


Nice progress already...




This is pissing me off. Here we have some guy, obviously talented as fuck, showing off...making us all look like the talentless plebs we are.

Who do I complain to?


Gold Member
I love the whole thing but this is ridiculous

Have to think for a moment, everyone is pretty much working from home. So something like this was to be expected. Community interaction is what gaming is all about in some form. We don't get to see behind the scenes too much. This is just one picture/piece being constructed. There can be literally hundreds if not thousands of pieces of works created by an artist and his/her team per concept art alone for a video game (4-6 years of work average per AAA game). The final releases per guides, media/printed magazines get picked from those and that's what we the players, see. Many of the works, we don't get to see.
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Gold Member
Dumb question as I'm working from home and doing double duty..... is there a specific time UBI is showing the new game?

Or is everyone supposed to dick around watching Photoshop and wait for it to randomly appear?

Captain Hero

The Spoiler Soldier
Have to think for a moment, everyone is pretty much working from home. So something like this was to be expected. Community interaction is what gaming is all about in some form. We don't get to see behind the scenes too much. This is just one picture/piece being constructed. There can be literally hundreds if not thousands of pieces of works created by an artist and his/her team per concept art alone for a video game (4-6 years of work average per AAA game). The final releases per guides, media/printed magazines get picked from those and that's what we the players, see. Many of the works, we don't get to see.

I agree 100% .. but teasing like this ! It’s not a good idea specially you are taking time to reveal the thing


Have to think for a moment, everyone is pretty much working from home. So something like this was to be expected. Community interaction is what gaming is all about in some form. We don't get to see behind the scenes too much. This is just one picture/piece being constructed. There can be literally hundreds if not thousands of pieces of works created by an artist and his/her team per concept art alone for a video game (4-6 years of work average per AAA game). The final releases per guides, media/printed magazines get picked from those and that's what we the players, see. Many of the works, we don't get to see.
You can create great presentations from home.
That is not a issue at all.

This reveal was ridiculous.


So it’s going to be Vikings this time? That was the rumor a while back, I was honestly hoping for a feudal Japan edition but maybe next time.


Gold Member
Dumb question as I'm working from home and doing double duty..... is there a specific time UBI is showing the new game?

Or is everyone supposed to dick around watching Photoshop and wait for it to randomly appear?

This is most likely just a reveal of the game which is being constructed. I think it's being done very respectfully. There are more important things going on in the world at the moment far greater than some game. To see this reveal from one of the most popular gaming francises arrive like a slow breeze, not too strong but grandually revealed onto us i think is something unique. The detail is in the work and we are all seeing Live. The reality is this piece is being done for you, not just for a Company. Being used to a fast paced society, this style of reveal can come as a surprise though i think.
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Gold Member
whats with the whole RPG thing the chat is blabbing about?

There are fans of the RPG style of game-play as depicted in Assassin's Creed: Origins and Odyssey (#YESRPG) Then there are people who don't like the RPG style and would rather it stick to it's roots. (#NORPG)
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There are fans of the RPG style of game-play as depicted in Assassin's Creed: Origins and Odyssey (#YESRPG) Then there are people who don't like the RPG style and would rather it stick to it's roots. (#NORPG)
Lol both of those games sold extremely well. I'd be surprised if they deviate.
The most important element outside of fundamental gameplay mechanics is without a doubt atmosphere. The first four games had it, no entry since has. ACII is still my favourite game to this day and I'm so peeved off at how badly it's been handled. So much potential down the pan. The atmosphere got under my skin with those games.

I can certainly appreciate that RPG players may enjoy the modern games, but they're only AC games because of the name, the hood and the leap of faith. The rest is dead it seems.

I remember a lot of people saying the Animus should be scrapped over the years, but to me that's missing the point. The OG developers conceived AC as a Sci-Fi game and the Animus etc. were the backbone of the entire series. The animus is still there but it's so tacked on and only seems to be there just to maintain some lore. From III onwards all that stuff has been so poorly done that I can barely even remember any of it. But despite playing AC 13 years ago, that stuff is imprinted in my memory.
Sucks that they couldn't have the replayability of RPG games without the spongey enemies. I just want more things to do, things to level up or progress...
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