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Nintendo E3 2006 Conference Thread (start at reply ~#1300)

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
There was some talk of 1up and another site which sounded like gametrailers but isn't doing a stream too. I don't know if those are true or not.
Holy crap, tomorrow is going to be a nightmare. As if Nintendo isn't going to completely demolish everything, Microsoft's conference is tomorrow too.

The internet will explode tomorrow. :(


gamergirly said:
Well, Im really waiting to see what Nintendo does after that PS3 disaster showing. Wonder where Reggie is? :D
I so agree in every possible way.

"Not my problem" might look like nothing in light of how he's able to rip the PS3 price and/or low-grade Wiimote ripoff. :eek:


I have work tomorrow
8am to 11am.

What do I do?

Do I wake up at 5:30, get my ass to work by 6:30, and try to weasel my way out early?

Do I just say "fuck it" and go to work 8-11 and then do my CS project that's due tonight at midnight (yes, it'll be late), and then download it later?


And wtf with AOL's first to play. Winners still not announced. I can only assume it wasn't me.


Can somebody tell me about when we'll probably be able to download and watch Nintendo's conference after the live feed?

I really want to see it live, but if I do I gotta somehow leave work early.
Ancestor said:
Can somebody tell me about when we'll probably be able to download and watch Nintendo's conference after the live feed?

I really want to see it live, but if I do I gotta somehow leave work early.

Gamespot should post it a few hours after the conference.
Ancestor said:
Can somebody tell me about when we'll probably be able to download and watch Nintendo's conference after the live feed?

I really want to see it live, but if I do I gotta somehow leave work early.
The person who runs GameTrailers posted here and said it will be available to download.
11:30 am will be perfect tomorrow. I can grab some lunch and watch the fiesta. Even if Nintendo completely screws up too, Im sure there will be plenty of "entertainment". Plus, the Zelda video should own hard


pubba said:
And Reggie should come onstage and say 'Sony PS3' and then burst out into uncontrollable laughter which goes on for just long enough to be surreal (Im thinking 'Family Guy' style)

:lol seriously, I imagine how this would be like and can't stop laughing.


Damn, I'm in class till 4 tomorrow. Can't skip either.

I'm thinking I'll avoid looking at all the screens and thread titles (ha, yeah right) and try to download the conference video without being spoiled so I can experience it fresh.

We'll see how hard that proves.
gamergirly said:
Even if Nintendo completely screws up too, Im sure there will be plenty of "entertainment". Plus, the Zelda video should own hard
After tonight I do not see how they could possibly screw up. Just when I thought the naming of the Wii was bad, which I've pretty much gotten used to now, tonight was just a train wreck minus MGS4. It's Nintendo's show to steal now.
Benadryl Hitman said:
After tonight I do not see how they could possibly screw up. Just when I thought the naming of the Wii was bad, which I've pretty much gotten used to now, tonight was just a train wreck minus MGS4. It's Nintendo's show to steal now.
Can you imagine how softly they're sleeping tonight? Microsoft probably called to celebrate and they all passed out like babies.
I guess I better call it a night. I really dont think Nintendo or MS can get any worse than this. And it seems like "Wii" is being used consistently now without so much complaining. Im glad the name has finally caught on :lol
Mr. Spinnington said:
Can you imagine how softly they're sleeping tonight? Microsoft probably called to celebrate and they all passed out like babies.
I'm expecting Microsoft's conference to be just as shitty and boring as Sony's. Juding from past E3s Nintendo's conferences are rather enjoyable. If I was Reggie at this point, that is if he is the one doing the conference tomorrow, I would be preparing my speech to rip Sony a new one. Sony gave him so much material tonight, it wouldn't be that hard.


Benadryl Hitman said:
I'm expecting Microsoft's conference to be just as shitty and boring as Sony's. Juding from past E3s Nintendo's conferences are rather enjoyable. If I was Reggie at this point, that is if he is the one doing the conference tomorrow, I would be preparing my speech to rip Sony a new one. Sony gave him so much material tonight, it wouldn't be that hard.

I'd almost feel sorry for Sony. :lol Almost.


Mr. Spinnington said:
Hahaha, still a great avatar. Too bad I'll have to shell out A MILLION TRILLION FUCKING DOLLARS to play it :(

Pffft, I'm not. I'll pick it up when it's released, but I seriously doubt I'll play it before 2009. :(
Snaku said:
Pffft, I'm not. I'll pick it up when it's released, but I seriously doubt I'll play it before 2009. :(
I ain't payin shit for a PS3 unless I scalp one over Ebay and find enough to recompensate my credit card and then buy one on profit. Sony can suck my white-ass balls until they turn to dust.


I have high hopes for this conference.

After the disappointment that was Sony's conference, I would like to see how Nintendo responds to the blatant ninja-ing of their ideas. Hopefully they will reveal something even bigger, just to show that they have their cards too.

Or, Reggie could just get up and say "Our system will cause $249 and will come out in September with Zelda and Mario Wii" and just sit down. That alone would beat Sony's conference (outside of MGS4 and FFXIII, that is).
Bloodwake said:
Or, Reggie could just get up and say "Our system will cause $249 and will come out in September with Zelda and Mario Wii" and just sit down. That alone would beat Sony's conference (outside of MGS4 and FFXIII, that is).

Man, it'd be the final kick in the balls, just to have a repeat of what Sony did to Sega, except now Nintendo would be doing it to Sony.

Reggie introduces Iwata, Iwata walks up to the stage, looks at the audience, clears his throat and says, "199.99" and walks off. (I know the price is rumored at 249 but a guy can dream huh?):)

I cannot wait for this damn conference.


Kolgar said:
read at B3D that Wii will cost $249. Not sure where they got this.

Can anyone confirm?

EGM speculated that the price is going to be $249.

I'm guessing that's where that came from. I'm also guessing that it won't be that expensive.
I'm really praying for $199. That is the magic price IMO. It's barely a step up from Gamecube hardware, so I would think the hardware should cost about the same, if only a bit more. I can't believe that the Wiimote would hike up the price $150 per system. We will see tomorrow. $199, Zelda, Mario, and Metroid would make for GAF shutdown.


matt finally posted his yearly teaser on the IGN boards... it's a picture of mario with title of the thread "hot or not?"..

a bit of history, last year he did the same thing with metroid and previously, he did it with zelda the year it was unvield..

it's not really news... i mean it's been pretty obivous that we would get mario all day, but there you go.

I'm really psyched for it... i actually like the mario franchise more than zelda.


I can't believe we're finally seeing Mario tomorrow.

Go for the jugular, Nintendo! E3 is yours for the taking!


The Nintendo conference will rock if they show

Red Steel
A IP from Kojima

If so, Nintendo just won :D


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Krowley said:
matt finally posted his yearly teaser on the IGN boards... it's a picture of mario with title of the thread "hot or not?"..

a bit of history, last year he did the same thing with metroid and previously, he did it with zelda the year it was unvield..

it's not really news... i mean it's been pretty obivous that we would get mario all day, but there you go.

I'm really psyched for it... i actually like the mario franchise more than zelda.
oh shit, it's fucking happening :D
Error2k4 said:
oh shit, it's fucking happening :D


Krowley said:
matt finally posted his yearly teaser on the IGN boards... it's a picture of mario with title of the thread "hot or not?"..

a bit of history, last year he did the same thing with metroid and previously, he did it with zelda the year it was unvield..

Finally! I've been waiting for this for sooo long :D
ksinghsf said:
Finally! I've been waiting for this for sooo long :D
When Mario 128 is shown eyes will pop out of heads; pants will fill with shit and piss; grown me will sob as they reach for the light.

In other words, Mario can **** my ***.


Krowley said:
matt finally posted his yearly teaser on the IGN boards... it's a picture of mario with title of the thread "hot or not?"..

a bit of history, last year he did the same thing with metroid and previously, he did it with zelda the year it was unvield..

it's not really news... i mean it's been pretty obivous that we would get mario all day, but there you go.

I'm really psyched for it... i actually like the mario franchise more than zelda.

which thread was this posted in? was it on some insider forum?


evilromero said:
When Mario 128 is shown eyes will pop out of heads; pants will fill with shit and piss; grown me will sob as they reach for the light.

In other words, Mario can **** my ***.
lick my ass


alright, we have been waiting for years, now the day has fianlly came
i'm gonna go to bed, see you all tomorrow at E3 :DDD

i will probably at gamespot chatroom#20 for nintendo conference, see yall later :D


Unconfirmed Member
so when can we expect the now traditional Steve Kent pre-conference "leak" story to appear on USA today or something?

2:00 am PDT?
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