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Nintendo E3 2006 Conference Thread (start at reply ~#1300)

I think tonight will be pretty crazy. No sleep. Lack of focus on anything but the internets and bad bedside manners. It's all going to happen. And then when I finally get to sleep around 3am I'm going to wake up and my eyes will bleed from their sockets.
Are all you guys prepared?

I've got my essentials.



Hopefully you won't have to use the last item.

And at least the Kleenex has dual purpose, for both outcomes: Spunk and tears

:lol :lol


El_Victor said:
The Sony thread is at 908 replies, this at a mere 535.
Sony has already won E3? It's all over.

Have you checked the "Alliance" thread? Or any other MS thread that is well....good for MS.

Lets just say...this place....isn't exactly "MS land".
Aryuken said:
Have you checked the "Alliance" thread? Or any other MS thread that is well....good for MS.

Lets just say...this place....isn't exactly "MS land".
Considering the Nintendo hype is divided up into three substantial threads say a lot as well.


I was just downstairs for my coffee break and I noticed that they had a new issue of EGM with Zelda on the cover. Says there's new screens, that there's screens of rev games and that they talk about the controller secrets. I'm sure this is old but what was that all about?


the smegma spreader
El_Victor said:
The Sony thread is at 908 replies, this at a mere 535.
Sony has already won E3? It's all over.

check out the pre-E3 revolution thread, and let its 67 pages plus of fanboy btus wash over you in a soothing wave.


koam said:
I was just downstairs for my coffee break and I noticed that they had a new issue of EGM with Zelda on the cover. Says there's new screens, that there's screens of rev games and that they talk about the controller secrets. I'm sure this is old but what was that all about?


Time magazine has a Zelda shot; it looks really good. I know it's new because there's a big ass revolution controller HUD on there. There's also a pic of the Tennis game.

No idea about EGM, if someone can confirm there's new stuff in there i'll pic it up and scan it when i get home in 2 hours.


The tennis game does not appear to have mario in it (none of the Mario characters are in the time shot). It seems to have cartoonish kid characters.


I find it hard to believe that a canadian newstand got the issue before subscribers in the states. Doesn't ANYONE have the issue? Link is on the cover.
I think there's something wrong with all of us. I keep trying to walk away from my computer but then I think, "something happened." And I run back.
evilromero said:
I think there's something wrong with all of us. I keep trying to walk away from my computer but then I think, "something happened." And I run back.
Yea, I can't move. I just got a haircut, and I have all that hair all over me and I need to take a shower and I need to eat and I can't stop. Ok, now I'm going for a little bit. Yea, I'm going. Ok.


Im afraid I wont survive this E3. First we get this ugly TH shots then we get a new Zelda shot its OMFGWTF every second!


Shit so no one has it (new EGM)? Fine I'll go pick it up.. i won't be able to get scans for you guys until 5:30EST though
I figure this is as good a place as any to ask, was there any confirmation on if the VC games will have online multiplayer or if it's just straight emulation?


Can´t remember anything like that being confirmed, and my guess would be that nothing like this will happen... unfortunately :(


Thanx to the baddest MF around :

Koam :)

This info is from Edge!

More info:

Mario Revolution - Fall 2006
Smash Bros - Fall 2006

:D :D :D :D :D

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
According to a guy on n-philes who works at gametrailers, the next mario game is called Mario Galaxy. He saw the name as the show floor equipment was set up.


Dr.Guru of Peru said:
According to a guy on n-philes who works at gametrailers, the next mario game is called Mario Galaxy. He saw the name as the show floor equipment was set up.

Sounds bad and good at the same time, bad is the name but good to what it implys.


One of the non-revolution/Wii IGN editors on the crappy E3 livechat just said that he admits that some of the Wii titles are marginally excite-ing.

So is that almost an excitebike confirmation?


Phranky said:
One of the non-revolution/Wii IGN editors on the crappy E3 livechat just said that he admits that some of the Wii titles are marginally excite-ing.

So is that almost an excitebike confirmation?

It was pretty much confirmed by Gaybrush a few days ago. It's almost a lock for the realistic racing game Reggie was talking about earlier.


gamergirly said:
Well, Im really waiting to see what Nintendo does after that PS3 disaster showing. Wonder where Reggie is? :D

I would kiss his ass if he made a cool (or better yet aggressive) comment about the sony conference and the rip off controller just to hear the crowd reaction.


Console Market Analyst
I just wanted to say, people should be prepared for a laggy stream during the Nintendo conference. The Sony feed slowed to a crawl and crashed a few times. No way Nintendo's stream survives.
Tomorrow is going to be a huge fucking party on Nintendo's stage. I seriously can't wait, the entire company is going to be swimming in cotton candy and the audience will just roar with aproval after Sony's display of cowardice and poor marketing ability tonight.


Second-rate Anihawk
I wonder if Nintendo will mention the gyros added to DS3. It will be interesting to see if they respond to it at all. I thought Sony didn't do "gimmicks" :lol


Goreomedy said:
I just wanted to say, people should be prepared for a laggy stream during the Nintendo conference. The Sony feed slowed to a crawl and crashed a few times. No way Nintendo's stream survives.
I agree but think it won't be all that bad. Afterall there will be multiple sources streaming the conference.

I can't wait!

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Goreomedy said:
I just wanted to say, people should be prepared for a laggy stream during the Nintendo conference. The Sony feed slowed to a crawl and crashed a few times. No way Nintendo's stream survives.

Well there are at least 5 places with the Nintendo stream, hopefully they can share the load. Or does it not work that way? I'm not very technically minded.

The Sony stream was absolutely perfectly smooth for me up until it went doen 3/4 of the way through, I couldn't believe it. After that it was a mess. But it gives me hope.

Are you guys all checkin koam's Zelda thread still? Lots of stuff in there, some good, some bad.


Well seeing that some people are treating post counts as some kind of pissing match.. Heres my pointless contribution to the Nintendo thread...

Im holding out for a Wii Waverace game for launch. Could this be the super secret racing game?

And Reggie should come onstage and say 'Sony PS3' and then burst out into uncontrollable laughter which goes on for just long enough to be surreal (Im thinking 'Family Guy' style)

2am Nintendo conference Australia time - Ill be staying up to watch it and see GAF meltdown :)

Nintendo couldnt have dreamed of a worse Sony conference if they tried really really really hard. This e3 has exceeded my expectations so far!
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