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Nintendo GC 2005: "We're all wondering what the Revolution controller will look like"


Rage Bait Youtuber

Fakesch said, "In the console market, beginning in 2006 our wi-fi capable flagship Revolution will set new landmarks. By 'expanding the definition of gaming' we don't only mean an advance towards new limits of gaming, but also to new potential players. We want to win over new people and inspire them, those who have never thought about taking a controller into their hands -- more girls, young women, adults, and also elderly players. Certainly in the process we won't neglect the fan community. Germany needs new kinds of games and Nintendo is certainly the company that is best-suited to supply them. We hold a unique position in the market. We are among the worldwide leading hardware manufacturers and at the same time we are among the leading software developers. And that's both for handhelds and home consoles. Additionally, we have decades of experience where we have focused our entire know-how on the content of games and gaming fun."

Later during the conference Nintendo brought up Revolution again, noting that it will be the next big thing and, again, very much wi-fi enabled. It seems the company can't not talk about wi-fi now that it's got the ball rolling. Interestingly, Fakesch said Revolution will have "a large number of novelties." The "novelties" translation, we speculate, may have actually referred to add-on services or peripherals. When asked for more information, he said, "The only thing I can tell you is that very soon there will be important news about Revolution."

Ending the Revolution topics he finished by saying, "We're all wondering what the Revolution controller will look like, but I think right now we should focus on discussing our current products."


Goddamn, Nintendo is awesome at creating hype. Maybe not with the mainstream, but at least with the fans.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Sweet Prince said:
i think you're taking him a bit out of context, so yeah...

No, it's basically Nintendo's way of saying "We know you came here wanting some news about Revolution after hearing nothing for months, so here are some DS games you played at E3!"
ManaByte said:
No, it's basically Nintendo's way of saying "We know you came here wanting some news about Revolution after hearing nothing for months, so here are some DS games you played at E3!"

why don't you bold that part where he says you will find out more info soon?

and btw, when he says soon, he means pretty fucking soon...


They're probably holding off all major Revolution controller details off until E3 2006. Especially seeing as how Nintendo has no prescence at TGS. I didn't expect any Revolution details at this show anyway.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Ironclad_Ninja said:
They're probably holding off all major Revolution controller details off until E3 2006. Especially seeing as how Nintendo has no prescence at TGS. I didn't expect any Revolution details at this show anyway.

C'mon. They just delayed Zelda and the Xbox 360 is too far along for them to suddenly rip off Nintendo's world changing controller; so they could've at least shown SOMETHING.


Unconfirmed Member
it will look like a cross between a wave bird and an X360 control pad... with a gyro.

really that is all I expect...


ManaByte said:
C'mon. They just delayed Zelda and the Xbox 360 is too far along for them to suddenly rip off Nintendo's world changing controller; so they could've at least shown SOMETHING.
I agree completely. They should have shown something but this is Nintendo we're talking about here. That's why I didn't really expect anything to be unveiled.


I wouldnt doubt the Revolution comes in at $200, and everyone else comes in at $400. Why should Nintendo worry, honestly? Just with pricing alone they will sell more than enough systems.
ManaByte said:
C'mon. They just delayed Zelda and the Xbox 360 is too far along for them to suddenly rip off Nintendo's world changing controller; so they could've at least shown SOMETHING.

Revolution news is coming shortly after the event is over. what don't you understand about this?


Unconfirmed Member
Sweet Prince said:
Revolution news is coming shortly after the event is over. what don't you understand about this?
this post and others like it make me secretly wish they reveal nothing in typical "something-ton" fashion, despite my wanting more information myself.


After E3 or during it, I'm really sure Nintendo stated that by year's end, they will have revealed the Rev. controller and other things Revolution-related.
Revolution will be fully revealed by years end iwata said.. there not holding it all till e3 2006.. probably pricing and exact launch date there holding till 2k6


PezRadar said:
Revolution will be fully revealed by years end iwata said.. there not holding it all till e3 2006.. probably pricing and exact launch date there holding till 2k6
Yeah, Iwata said this, but I wouldn't be surprised if they just waited until E3 2006 to reveal the controller. Pricing and launch window are what I am expecting to be revealed soon though.


ManaByte said:
The "novelties" translation, we speculate, may have actually referred to add-on services or peripherals. When asked for more information, he said, "The only thing I can tell you is that very soon there will be important news about Revolution."

eMagin 3D visor for Metroid Prime 3!! BELIEVE IT!!
come on... Nintendo doesn't even fucking know what the Revolution controller is going to look like...

"Umm...yes....uhh...we have a NEXT GEN system too... uhh... it's gonna be, yeah, really DIFFERENT! A revolution, in fact! That's right! Umm... hold on while I go get some more info..."



Rage Bait Youtuber
G-Fex said:
it's over folks, nintendo is the official system and sponsor of duke Nukem Forever.

Damnit, you spoiled the exclusive FPS launch title for Revolution! They were waiting to announce that at the press conference at E3 2006.


nintendo isn't all about touching you know.

it's about dogs, puffy pink crap, elves, girls in space suits, go karts, and monkeys.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
ManaByte said:
C'mon. They just delayed Zelda and the Xbox 360 is too far along for them to suddenly rip off Nintendo's world changing controller; so they could've at least shown SOMETHING.

MS can always release a new controller with this functionality before the rev even gets released. sony can launch with it. im very curious as to what the hell is so special about the controller, but i do understand their reasoning behind not showing it yet.


you know what nintendo?

I don't want to see the controller.

probably just a damn GC controller with a touchscreen. Wow, so revo.

Kon Tiki

Who gives a damn? If the idea is great, people will copy it no matter what. There is absolutely no positive reason to keep it hidden. They are only hurting 3rd parties and consumer confidence. Then again, Nintendo has not cared about 3rd parties since SNES.


Well, you have to give credit to Nintendo for their super-ultra-consistent-secret-techniques. I dont think anyone outside a few offices in NOJ HQ knows what it will look like.

Kon Tiki

empanada said:
Well, you have to give credit to Nintendo for their super-ultra-consistent-secret-techniques. I dont think anyone outside a few offices in NOJ HQ knows what it will look like.
You think that is a good thing? There are other companies that want to make games for REV, and they can not.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Society said:
Who gives a damn? If the idea is great, people will copy it no matter what. There is absolutely no positive reason to keep it hidden. They are only hurting 3rd parties and consumer confidence. Then again, Nintendo has not cared about 3rd parties since SNES.

yes, but if they copy it before nintendo gets a chance to release it.. they lost their supposed trump card.


And there's also the shock factor you get if you announce whatever closer to launch than way ahead of time.


Society said:
You think that is a good thing? There are other companies that want to make games for REV, and they can not.
Never said it was a good thing. Just giving credit for their leak-proof secrecy. :)

But I do agree with your point. If they dont give dev's any info to work with, then no 3rd party could make games for it. Which also explains the lack of 3rd party support/announcements regarding Revolution so far.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Society said:
You think that is a good thing? There are other companies that want to make games for REV, and they can not.

As UbiSoft is yet developing several games for Revolution, I'd expect that they know at least part of the revolutionary espect. Therefore I expect Nintendo to reveal the Revolution or parts of it soon, because when UbiSoft knows, Sony and Microsoft will know too soon imo. Then the idea of keeping it secret for their rivals will no longer be a reason of keeping everyting a secret.

Kon Tiki

Great keep it a secret till Ps3 launches, give the launch games an 8 month lead time and Rev will be launching in 2008.
Society said:
You think that is a good thing? There are other companies that want to make games for REV, and they can not.

Nintendo has said many times before that the controller will be able to play conventional games, so I don't see why developers couldn't make games.


Chittagong said:
Well keep on wondering, Nintendo. I've lost my interest.
I've almost lost my interest, i just wish they would show A screenshot or two, just to give us somthing to pick apart and praise/despise.


rsilva13 said:
I've almost lost my interest, i just wish they would show A screenshot or two, just to give us somthing to pick apart and praise/despise.

Eh, at least they revealed the (tentative) system. I didn't even think Nintendo would do that until next E3.
I can't wait to hear more. I have a feeling Matt knows... what was it he said before this guy even took to the stage?

It might be a day, it might be a week. Not much longer.

I'm really looking foreward to it.
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