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Nintendo GC 2005: "We're all wondering what the Revolution controller will look like"

Nash said:
Johnny, if you were so happy with the GC and it's righting of all the N64's sins, then why did you get excited over the Revolutions 'sexy' new look and what we know about it so far?
i apologize for being excited over sleek hardware designs.

Nash said:
They've dropped the purple toylike appearance.
there was a black one at launch just so you know.

Nash said:
It actually makes a refreshing change for once amongst all the 360 price angst ;)
i gotta say so myself.


The Amiga Brotherhood
RE4 vs. SH4 said:
I agree with you mainly, but Nintendo not going online this gen was a mistake? How so? They lost, what, Burnout 3 and...? And what did Sony gain by going online this gen?

Well they've lost some experience in developing online games, running servers, and managing communities which they will now be playing catch-up with DS and Revolution. Atleast Sony can sort of call PS2 a trial-run, although they are also going to have to build the whole community thing from scratch almost with PS3.

The community that Microsoft can carry forward into the next-gen is definitely a strength for them. I agree it wasn't fatal Nintendo not going online, but it wouldn't have harmed them either and would have put them in a better position with DS (it would have probably have been online at launch), and also going into the next-gen with Revolution.
Nash said:
Well they've lost some experience in developing online games, running servers, and managing communities which they will now be playing catch-up with DS and Revolution.
honestly here, do you have any doubt in your mind that this will be a smooth running service? granted, they don't have the multiplayer online experience that MS has with live, but live is nothing more than a matching service from what i can tell. they can set that up with ease.

it's not like Nintendo is completely in the dark when it comes to online. even if they were, GameSpy remember? they're not gonna have to do any catching up. especially not with the user base considering it's gonna be free (well, Nintendo games atleast).


This whole Revolution is turning into that "cute girl" that you meet online and when you finally see "her" she turns into a 52 year old guy living in his parent's basement.
Nash said:
Well they've lost some experience in developing online games, running servers, and managing communities which they will now be playing catch-up with DS and Revolution. Atleast Sony can sort of call PS2 a trial-run, although they are also going to have to build the whole community thing from scratch almost with PS3.

The community that Microsoft can carry forward into the next-gen is definitely a strength for them. I agree it wasn't fatal Nintendo not going online, but it wouldn't have harmed them either and would have put them in a better position with DS (it would have probably have been online at launch), and also going into the next-gen with Revolution.

I think Nintendo already has a ton of online experience under its belt. Not as much as MS, but more than Sony.
i'd go as far as to say that chances are there's gonna be more people playing online with revolution than they will with 360 due to price alone.


Ponn01 said:
This whole Revolution is turning into that "cute girl" that you meet online and when you finally see "her" she turns into a 52 year old guy living in his parent's basement.

If there is a story behind this, please do tell.


Luckett_X said:
-Nintendo ignored online, dismissing it as a fad, theyve finally realised that as a mistake and one generation later hop on board. subsequently they now brand HDTV gaming as a fad, as well as raw power of rivals. wonder how thats gonna turn out in the long run!

It is a fad. That's why Microsoft is bundling a standard a/v cable with the 360 Core Bundle.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Johnny Nighttrain said:
i'd go as far as to say that chances are there's gonna be more people playing online with revolution than they will with 360 due to price alone.

It's Nintendo, the end result should be great. And I'd agree they do have the potential to get more people playing online than Microsoft and Sony. But if they were finding it very straight-forward, DS would already be online and Animal Crossing would be out :)

And Iwata has set the bar rather high by demanding an online Smash Bros. - 60fps, 4-player. Ok, it's not as frame-sensitive as VF but even still that's definitely one of the trickier games to pull off online without problems. If they manage it then it will probably be the biggest online killer-app there is, especially being free, and be a huge boost to Nintendo online. But as they have no track-record for making something comparable before, I'm just gonna wait and see.

As with everything about Revolution (like the controller), it could go one way or the other. Until we know (and see) more I'm keeping my feet firmly on the ground. Hopefully the rumours about it being in the next few weeks are true, it would actually be good timing after the Microsoft backlash as well.
Nash said:
But if they were finding it very straight-forward, DS would already be online and Animal Crossing would be out :)
hey man, these things take time. i can't think of any consoles that were online at launch. Dreamcast, PS2, xbox, all took a year to go online after they launched.

GameCube was the only console to go online in under eleven months after launch.
Nash said:
Hopefully the rumours about it being in the next few weeks are true, it would actually be good timing after the Microsoft backlash as well.

Nintendo and good timing generally don't go together. :lol


Unconfirmed Member
Ponn01 said:
This whole Revolution is turning into that "cute girl" that you meet online and when you finally see "her" she turns into a 52 year old guy living in his parent's basement.
You will still want to play mario kart with them though



IGNCube said:

I think that what Nintendo is doing with their next generation is really smart on their part. I mean not revealing hardly anything about it is just gonna make people wanna keep reading about it which takes the consumers mind off of the Xbox 360 and the PS3 and also makes the consumer not be able to wait to buy it. I know that that is true it has happened to me!

Matt responds: I think Nintendo's "strategy" here is perhaps smart in the short term, but may prove problematic in the long term. This, by the way, is a complaint I have leveled against the company's philosophies and business structure as a whole. Right now, we're all psyched about what the Revolution could be. Speculation is out of control. Just look around you. Theories about why the machine is so revolutionary are all over the Internet. Hell, some seriously overzealous IGN message board readers spent hours last night and hours more this morning dissecting a screen grab of my computer desktop because they thought I was hinting at Revolution secrets. Point is, the lack of information makes people go nuts and it also drives unwarranted speculation. It creates buzz in the short term, sure, but when everything is said and done, there is no chance that Revolution can live up to the hype that fans have generated for it. The controller is likely to be cool, but is it going to levitate in the air and emit a laser force field around your house? Anything short of that will probably be disappointing to fans, which is very real drawback to Nintendo's notorious secrecy. If you recall, Nintendo told the world that the mechanics in Super Mario Sunshine were so fantastic that they could not be shown to the public. When they finally were, and it was just Mario with a water pack, loads of gamers felt let down.

There's another very dangerous drawback to Nintendo's strategy. The Revolution has virtually no support from third party developers because publishers don't know what it is and they also really don't seem to care. They'd rather put their time and money into consoles with announced tech specs and available development kits. As a result, libraries of third party games are underway for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and in contrast very few for Revolution.

Finally, I don't think that a general lack of information on Revolution is distracting the majority of gamers from the impending arrival of Xbox 360 or the marketing machine that is Sony and PlayStation 3.

Nintendo is revealing more and more about the Revolution, and there should be some interesting announcements very soon. But it can't continue to take its sweet time about these things. Nobody believes that Nintendo is the savior of the industry, as it seems to want. People will buy an Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 if they see some games they like on these systems. So unless the Big N really is going to retreat into its own corner of the industry and cater exclusively to 90-year-olds and teenage girls, it needs to stop speaking vaguely about this new machine and start showing it, controller included.



Spike said:
It is a fad. That's why Microsoft is bundling a standard a/v cable with the 360 Core Bundle.
I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not. HDTV is far from a fad and it is well on it's way to becoming the television standard.


Zerodoppler said:
So you're saying that they held back in the current generation even when they got RE exclusive and cooperated with third parties for exclusive content?

Nintendo holds back all the time, mainly to save up money and resserve themselves for the next generation. The RE exclussivity was a handshake deal between Miyamoto & Mikami...Mikami went to Nintendo, not the other way 'round. If Nintendo paid serious money for what they got this generation...how come 3RD parties keep breaking exclussivity? However, Nintendo did try to go out of their way to get exclussives from Square & Namco and others as well as collaborations, but I think this is more due to the fact that they burned bridges with them durring the mistakes of the N64 days. Nintendo's image took a pounding this generation, but nothing killed them...next generation they're at least acknowledging that there is competition (Yamauchi ignored & scoffed at X-BOX) and also trying to remain serious amoungst an industry that (after GCN) doesn't take them seriously. Despite Nintendo having not revealing hardly anything, what we do know about Revolution is good news, especially compared to GCN:
-serious shell design, instead of silly & pastel colored
-full-sized discs
-full backwords compatibility*
-DVD playback option
-at least 480p standerd support
-graphics capable of standing up to the competition
-quick, easy, low-power consuming, compact, quiet*
-being built to attract the core, casual, drop-out & non-gamer*
-WiFi built-in, WiFi internet community being created*
-free online 1ST party games*
-downloading NES, SNES & N64 roms*
-industry standerd stuff like SD cards, USB, DVD & WiFi, instead of their propriety stuff*
-the options to hook up to a PC monitor or regular Ethernet jack
-revolutionary interface, whatever that may be*
-a controller that can STILL play conventional games, games from past systems as well as ports from today's systems
-powerful IBM Broadway CPU & Ati Hollywood GPU
-affordability & durrability Nintendo is known for*
-Mario, Smash Bros., Metroid, Zelda, Animal Crossing, new franchises all slated as launch or first generation titles for the system already, suggests Nintendo IS serious about selling this thing and that it is easy to develope for*

Some of these features (*) aren't even available on X-BOX 360, hell, none of this can be even considered "bad news" except for the doubts about the revolutionary features & power of the system (which Nintendo assures us is more than enough anyways). Even still...I think it's already shaping up to be a much more serious contender than GCN was, and once we know more facts about it's power I'm sure the support will start rolling in. Hell, knowing nothing about the system and we already know Square-ENIX, Ubi Soft, Namco, Bandai, Sega and other major developers/publishers are interested.

EDIT: To add, I don't really think Nintendo will be holding back much next-generation this time. Except maybe on the HDTV and overall power issues...which are things that don't matter at the end of the day. Example: NDS is weak compared to the mighty PSP and likewise, the PS2 is weak compared to GCN & X-BOX, yet it's the leader.


I think if Nintendo go all out in support of On-line gaming, then it will likely increase the number of people who play online.

If you think about the current popular types of online play at the moment ( i.e fps ) these type of games don't necessary appeal to most casual gamers. But if you can imagine an online SSBM or Animal Crossing, these will expand the appeal of online gaming, especially in japan ( where online gaming hasn't really taken of ) and may even pave the way for other japanese companies to be more adventurous.


Johnny Nighttrain said:
i'd go as far as to say that chances are there's gonna be more people playing online with revolution than they will with 360 due to price alone.

The price ALONE(Free) will mean Nintendo will have more people playing thier games online then M/S. When you throw in the fact that thier games are some of the most wanted online games EVER, it's going to be HUGE.

How many people have been wanting a Mario-Kart Online? Smash? I'm willing to bet, that the amount of people playing Smash brothers online, will exceed the COMPLETE number of people on xbox live ALONE.

That may sound nutty, but when you combine FREE, with a MEGA-SELLER that BEGS for online play, that=insanity.


moku said:

The price ALONE(Free) will mean Nintendo will have more people playing thier games online then M/S. When you throw in the fact that thier games are some of the most wanted online games EVER, it's going to be HUGE.

How many people have been wanting a Mario-Kart Online? Smash? I'm willing to bet, that the amount of people playing Smash brothers online, will exceed the COMPLETE number of people on xbox live ALONE.

That may sound nutty, but when you combine FREE, with a MEGA-SELLER that BEGS for online play, that=insanity.
That could very well happen. The only problem I see is the issue of wireless internet access for people. Microsoft at least provides internet play through an ethernet connection.


Mallrat83 said:
That could very well happen. The only problem I see is the issue of wireless internet access for people. Microsoft at least provides internet play through an ethernet connection.
I guess Nintendo is releasing a "dongle" that connects to the USB port on the back, so you can plug in a hardline. If it's cheap, it'll be a solution.

They should probably pack-it in, but not if they can make a few extra bucks off it.

I expect 20$.


moku said:
I guess Nintendo is releasing a "dongle" that connects to the USB port on the back, so you can plug in a hardline. If it's cheap, it'll be a solution.

They should probably pack-it in, but not if they can make a few extra bucks off it.

I expect 20$.
There are already USB to Ethernet dongles out there. They're around 50 dollars. :( But maybe that's because things like that are so not popular that they have to be expensive so I hope Nintendo releases one.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
moku said:

The price ALONE(Free) will mean Nintendo will have more people playing thier games online then M/S. When you throw in the fact that thier games are some of the most wanted online games EVER, it's going to be HUGE.

How many people have been wanting a Mario-Kart Online? Smash? I'm willing to bet, that the amount of people playing Smash brothers online, will exceed the COMPLETE number of people on xbox live ALONE.

That may sound nutty, but when you combine FREE, with a MEGA-SELLER that BEGS for online play, that=insanity.
I wouldnt be surprised if that happened. Nintendo are probably going to sell Rev at $199, which is half the price of the retard pack. Most customers will by Rev just because of price, as long as they are properly supported by third parties, which they have failed to do during the last two generations. If that does happen, games like SSB and mario kart with online play would attract millions of users, especially if it is free.

At the same time, it could be completely wrong, this is Nintendo we are talking about, so I wont be too disappointed if Nintendo turn out with some shitty controller, with shitty games and a shitty online plan!


GAF's Bob Woodward
Yoshi said:
As UbiSoft is yet developing several games for Revolution

This caught my eye a few days ago, and then today I was reading in Edge an article about King Kong. In the side bar are some thoughts from Michel Ancel on next gen versions that kinda stuck out at me:

Ubisoft intends to release the Xbox 360 King Kong this winter, simultaneouly with versions for current platforms (the handheld games are being developed seperately and have not been shown). Further next-gen ports are also planned, but not confirmed. By necessity the update will be restricted to an audiovisual spit and polish, and gameplay left untouched. "Working on these consoles for this game and for the time we have to develop it, it's quite cosmetic," says Ancel. "Which is important in this game, because shadows are so important, and sound... but I think on 360 and PS3 games are not going to be completely different because interfaces are the same. If interfaces could be different then really new gameplay could appear."

Maybe I'm reading too much into that, but Ubi is working on Revolution, and Revolution is supposed to be all about the interface, so I think his saying something like that was possibly quite deliberate..


Peter Molyneux on the Revolution controller (from the same site that had the Yuji Naka comments):

"There is a line at the end of the book ´Game Over´ and it is: ´Never underestimate Nintendo´. That is all I can say about the controller."

Mallrat83 said:
Peter Molyneux on the Revolution controller (from the same site that had the Yuji Naka comments):

"There is a line at the end of the book ´Game Over´ and it is: ´Never underestimate Nintendo´. That is all I can say about the controller."


sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet :D


Mallrat83 said:
Peter Molyneux on the Revolution controller (from the same site that had the Yuji Naka comments):

"There is a line at the end of the book ´Game Over´ and it is: ´Never underestimate Nintendo´. That is all I can say about the controller."


NOW you've caught my interest...


Nah it isn't. Actually it is a reliable Blog, the guy who runs it works for a TV station here in Germany and he never told bullshit before. Tonight his news will be up on TV. I would rip it, but unfortunally I dont have the equipment.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
Mallrat83 said:
Peter Molyneux on the Revolution controller (from the same site that had the Yuji Naka comments):

"There is a line at the end of the book ´Game Over´ and it is: ´Never underestimate Nintendo´. That is all I can say about the controller."


interesting... :D

Iwata: when you see the revolution interface you will say "Wow" right Naka, Molyneux?
Both: "Wow" indeed
olimario said:
That site is full of shit

no he is not full of shit, have you even checked it out. the fucking dude works for a german tv station and he had mention earlier he would be going to the game convention. check his site out. he debunks usless rev rumors. so stop saying nonesense


ejdonk said:
Nah it isn't. Actually it is a reliable Blog, the guy who runs it works for a TV station here in Germany and he never told bullshit before. Tonight his news will be up on TV. I would rip it, but unfortunally I dont have the equipment.

No, it's full of shit. Every time a blog like this pops up a bunch of people calling him "reliable" pop up too. They never end up being reliable, either.
olimario said:
No, it's full of shit. Every time a blog like this pops up a bunch of people calling him "reliable" pop up too. They never end up being reliable, either.

its not full of shit, his blog has been up for a while and the only reason it is up is to debunk all fake rumors and display offical information from nintnedo or 3rd party sources.

have you even taken a look at his blog. stop ranting like an idiot


I have seen it. I'd love to see sources for these quotes, too. Maybe a video of these people saying what he claims they said.


olimario said:
I have seen it. I'd love to see sources for these quotes, too. Maybe a video of these people saying what he claims they said.

What, the pictures aren't good enough? Cause he has those too.


GAF's Bob Woodward
A snapshot from his interview:


Teh proof!1 Apparently.

If this interviews going to be on TV, can anyone watch to try and verify if he actually said that? I'm rather sceptical that Peter Molyneux would be in the loop regarding Nintendo's plans..they're not exactly close. Of course, maybe he knows nothing and is just saying that people shouldn't underestimate Nintendo ;)


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
olimario said:
I have seen it. I'd love to see sources for these quotes, too. Maybe a video of these people saying what he claims they said.

so when you read a new on a newspapers and you read a quote you don't believe the quote because there isn't a video showing the guy saying what he said in the quote.... nice logic there olimario.


jman2050 said:
What, the pictures aren't good enough? Cause he has those too.


"The Revolution will connect wirelessly to the Nintendo DS. With Mario 128 you will be able to engage in multiplayer with Mario 64 DS"

It's okay... I have a picture

so when you read a new on a newspapers and you read a quote you don't believe the quote because there isn't a video showing the guy saying what he said in the quote.... nice logic there olimario.

A blog with a bunch of shit on it is hardly credible like a newspaper.


Gold Member
olimario said:

"The Revolution will connect wirelessly to the Nintendo DS. With Mario 128 you will be able to engage in multiplayer with Mario 64 DS"

It's okay... I have a picture

the guy had a picture with a RTL mic (he works for RLT), what more proof do you need?


The Amiga Brotherhood
gofreak said:
I'm rather sceptical that Peter Molyneux would be in the loop regarding Nintendo's plans..they're not exactly close. Of course, maybe he knows nothing and is just saying that people shouldn't underestimate Nintendo ;)

Yeah I'd think it was unlikely he's in the loop as well. And that quote can be taken however you want it to be really - he could just as easy be saying "I haven't seen the controller so can't say anything about it, but never underestimate Nintendo"
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