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Nintendo GC 2005: "We're all wondering what the Revolution controller will look like"


olimario said:

"The Revolution will connect wirelessly to the Nintendo DS. With Mario 128 you will be able to engage in multiplayer with Mario 64 DS"

It's okay... I have a picture

A blog with a bunch of shit on it is hardly credible like a newspaper.

You can usually tell when a blog is posting bullcrap. This is not one of those times. If you want an example of what a stupid bullcrap blog about the Revolution looks like, look no further than here.
as much as I hate to admit it, olimario has a point, will the interview be shown on tv? maybe some german gaffer can watch it and tell us if he really said that


If this interviews going to be on TV, can anyone watch to try and verify if he actually said that? I'm rather sceptical that Peter Molyneux would be in the loop regarding Nintendo's plans..they're not exactly close.

Well, you never know. He may have plans for developing on the Rev. Okay, he never made a GC game, but he is a big fan of Miyamoto and Nintendo. I remember reading somewhere the development of Black & White was down for a week when Zelda: Ocarina Of Time was released. Turns out Molyneux is a huge Zelda fan, and he just HAD to play it right away. :D
Well if the guy really works for RTL which is a channel that i actually have, that pic gives him at least some credibility since you can see RTL in the micro.........


Peter Molyneux? Game Over? Dude, you haven't been relevant since Syndicate.

Go back to conning idiots with your furry animal shenanigans and leave the real revolutionary god games to Will Wright.


jman2050 said:
If you want an example of what a stupid bullcrap blog about the Revolution looks like, look no further than here.
I feel like going at that motherfucker with a REVOLUTIONARY sledgehammer. I swear.


Zaptruder said:
Peter Molyneux? Game Over? Dude, you haven't been relevant since Syndicate.

Go back to conning idiots with your furry animal shenanigans and leave the real revolutionary god games to Will Smith.

Say wha??????


Gold Member
Just talked to this guy over aim. He seems legit. Says he will attend Atari´s Marc Ecko: Getting up event in NY soon. Says you can watch him on RTL.

He also said that he understands that if some people are skeptical because of all the nintendo fake news that are available.

He will upload video clips for more proof soon.


Zaptruder said:
Peter Molyneux? Game Over? Dude, you haven't been relevant since Syndicate.

Go back to conning idiots with your furry animal shenanigans and leave the real revolutionary god games to Will Smith.

BREAKING NEWS: Will Smith on the verge of releasing his hot new revolutionary god game: Sim Rapper 3000!


Well he said in his Blog that tonight in the news there will be nothing about the revolution, but a short clip about 3D visors and I just watched it and thats exactly what they showed. And you could not know that unless you have something to do with RTL2 because there is no preview on the contents of the News on the station or in any tv magazin of course.

I for my part believe (god I hate that word) him although I don't give shit about any other Blog or conspiricy theories.

btw, the guy looks freak enough to have a Blog etc. If somebody wants a capture of the news pm me. ;)


Don´t know if this guy is credible and don´t really care either.

Only thing I know is that a guy working at some german Videogame TV show also spoke with Molyneux. Molyneux seems to be pretty fond of the controller and said it won´t be three weeks until the other companies would copy it.

Now you can wonder if I am credible or if he is. Don´t you love the internet...


Bonk said:
Don´t know if this guy is credible and don´t really care either.

Only thing I know is that a guy working at some german Videogame TV show also spoke with Molyneux. Molyneux seems to be pretty fond of the controller and said it won´t be three weeks until the other companies would copy it.

Now you can wonder if I am credible or if he is. Don´t you love the internet...

After hitting my head a few times I've grown numb for Revolution rumors. I don't care for anything I read anymore, until news comes from an official or reputable source. Also known as people who get their ass fired if they're talking shit.
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