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Nintendo Going Mobile: Smartphone Game Deal with DeNA [First Games Fall 2015]

That's what I'm worried about, before Nintendo didn't really have a way to expend to markets other than their core console fanbase. Now I'm wondering how long it'll take them to consider their smartphone customers as core, I guess it depends on how badly their next hardware platform sells.

There is no way Nintendo would abandon their core gamers just to chase a more casual market.

... Umm again.
So much conclusion-jumping, lol.

Iwata has previously stated that they were planning to make mobile apps to promote their console/handheld titles. Just watch DeNA just make cheap minigames so Nintendo don't have to put any effort into the whole smartphone thing.
Nintendo is the worst of all companies to go mobile, since their games are so mechanics-driven, and that is very hard to replicate on mobile. Cinematic stuff like for instance, would be much more at home at mobile, since you doesnt really need any precision to do anything in Uncharted and games like that, but with Nintendo there is just no way they will be able to retain what makes their games so great.

Anyways, really hope this backfires for them and they continue to make dedicated hardware and games for them.

That is why they said that they are not going to port over their old games that are made with the mechanics and control schemes made specifically for console hardware. They are going to make games from the ground up with the mobile platform in mind. This would most assuredly mean the mechanics will also leverage the strength of the mobile platform.

They are not going to abandon their dedicated gaming platforms. Iwata specifically stressed this.


There is no way Nintendo would abandon their core gamers just to chase a more casual market.

... Umm again.
Remember that year when Nintendo stiffed their core fans and made Wii Music the flagship title of their E3 conference?

Ah, so many memories.
So much conclusion-jumping, lol.

Iwata has previously stated that they were planning to make mobile apps to promote their console/handheld titles. Just watch DeNA just make cheap minigames so Nintendo don't have to put any effort into the whole smartphone thing.

If you listened to Iwata answer questions (albeit with less than stellar translation), it sounds like the real deal and not something they are just doing on the side.
So you say, but this is missing the crucial data point of actually having Nintendo's games on mobile.

Once people have a choice, there will only be one winner.

You are really underestimating how volatile the mobile market is.

Furthermore, considering the "choice" will be between apples and oranges, I don't really see what you're getting at. People aren't going to get the full Mario Kart experience on mobile. If they want that, they'll need the dedicated platform. And selling 10 million copies of Mario Kart makes far more than 50 million copies of Mario & Puzzle.


That's going to be the biggest challenge in all of this. How do you bridge the gap between a mobile gamer that's only interested in endless runners, tower defense, match-3 titles and other simplistic gameplay and drive them towards a dedicated Nintendo gaming experience? Because I don't believe an overlap in IP is enough to act as a trojan horse.

Does it really matter? Let's assume most people are really only interested in smartphone-like experiences: In that case Nintendo has absolutely nothing to lose. They would just be making money off of people who otherwise wouldn't give Nintendo a single cent. Not much of a risk there.

I said this in another thread a couple weeks back, but one of Nintendo's biggest problems are pass-me-down Android devices. A lot of parents give their children their old smartphones loaded with dozens of F2P games. After all, the cost of that is pretty much 0. If Nintendo doesn't embrace the mobile market, those kids would grow up without being influenced by Mario and co at all. So even if there's just a slim chance that those kids will fall in love with Nintendo's IPs after playing Nintendo's smartphone output: That would still be better than not trying at all.

And the worry that people will have coming out of today is that if Nintendo attempts this and the mobile games developed using their IP generate an exorbitant amount of revenue compared with the dedicated game offerings they're intending to "push people upward to" that they may just give up the ghost and double down on mobile.

This only becomes a threat if the sales of Nintendo's dedicated game offerings decrease further. Their approach won't change as long as Nintendo can still sell multiple million copies of their handheld and console games, enough to sustain a healthy business. If, however, sales will indeed decrease further then that is something that would have happened either way.
I'm happy for many reasons:

Nintendo will make sure the quality of the games are good. Good mobile games can be hard to find.

It May gave us games featuring characters some have been crying out for. Waluigi May get a spotlight.

If the games are multiplayer it May help improve Nintendo's online component for home consoles.

Imaging proper Snes games on your mobile?
Duckhunt 2 hunt harder...
I really hope the whole "upsell" strategy works, or at least buys the dedicated devices some time.

Nintendo still make some good ass video games, and for the sake of the industry from an artistic perspective, we should want them in the console space as long as possible.


I don't know?

You should be excited from the view from an enthusiast because at least they'll be around in the future now thanks to a supporting pillar of mobile holding up the traditional side of things.

Itll be fun to watch the financials of this, should they section them so we can see it. Mobile gold is hard as fuck to mine. There are countless large third parties that make mobile efforts in addition to console games. Square, EA, Activision, Konami, Capcom, Epic even.

But few of them as far as I know have hit mobile gold to the degree that it consistently outshines their dedicated gaming efforts every quarter. I don't expect Nintendo to be any different. I don't subscribe to the idea that Nintendo is just magically going to show up in this ultra competitive, extremely fickle, fast moving marketplace and just clean house.


Itll be fun to watch the financials of this, should they section them so we can see it. Mobile gold is hard as fuck to mine. There are countless large third parties that make mobile efforts in addition to console games. Square, EA, Activision, Konami, Capcom, Epic even.

But few of them as far as I know have hit mobile gold to the degree that it consistently outshines their dedicated gaming efforts every quarter. I don't expect Nintendo to be any different. I don't subscribe to the idea that Nintendo is just magically going to show up in this ultra competitive, extremely fickle, fast moving marketplace and just clean house.

Yep. That's why Iwata stated that you can't make easy money on mobile and that Nintendo's mobile support only makes sense if they can establish themselves among the top handful publishers.
i dont even care anymore

this hobby is getting so silly nowadays I don't think any announcement will shock me at this point

if anyone needs me I'll be off playing my SNES on a bigass CRT with my smartphone powered the fuck off

You bought a smartphone to keep it turned off?


We lost the balance of revenue and expenses as the era of the super strong yen occurred during the transition periods from Nintendo DS to Nintendo 3DS and from Wii to Wii U, and we were not able to make these platform transitions as smoothly as we had expected.
This was Nintendo crucial mistake in the past years.
If you listened to Iwata answer questions (albeit with less than stellar translation), it sounds like the real deal and not something they are just doing on the side.

Iwata has said a lot of things. Until I see real evidence otherwise, I'm not convinced this is anything other than just a big show and dance and that they won't just outsource all their mobile stuff.

Really, the mobile market is a lottery and a bubble waiting to burst.
You are really underestimating how volatile the mobile market is.

Furthermore, considering the "choice" will be between apples and oranges, I don't really see what you're getting at. People aren't going to get the full Mario Kart experience on mobile. If they want that, they'll need the dedicated platform. And selling 10 million copies of Mario Kart makes far more than 50 million copies of Mario & Puzzle.

It also costs a lot more to make and market and sell.

Ultimately we can't really compare, because you are talking about a mobile market without Nintendo (which is going to be very different) and I'm just guessing. But I think you have to be really careful about talking about how "People aren't going to get the full Mario Kart experience on mobile".

"People" are always a different group than what you think it is. "People" are the ones buying games in the biggest numbers and chances are they'll be perfectly happy with the mobile experience. It might not be the "full one", but that doesn't help you if that is the only Mario Kart game that actually gets made. This just leaves you angry and bitter about what Nintendo used to be on gaming forums with no Nintendo games you want to play. Welcome to the club!

For reference, the complete history of modern gaming.


Meh, I doubt it'll make any difference to Nintendo's console games.

Hell if there are any good ones for a decent price, I may pick them up.


Man, just woke up to this.

Aslong as they keep their console software production going (and F2P garbage free), I don't mind having a few Nintendo apps on mobile, F2P or not.

Still, didn't think something like this would happen so soon, ha.
I've assumed if they did it they'd develop sideline games that suit mobile whilst not interfering with their own console games. Have all the games playable on the Nintendo machine, but still hold their exclusive 'real' games.

Top move, they're going to start printing money x a billion.

Man I love Nintendo news. The only interesting guys still in the game.


Sounds good to me, not sure why people are so unhappy.

Looking forward to what they have to offer, their name still carries a lot of clout so should do very well.
Iwata has said a lot of things. Until I see real evidence otherwise, I'm not convinced this is anything other than just a big show and dance and that they won't just outsource all their mobile stuff.

Really, the mobile market is a lottery and a bubble waiting to burst.

Yeah but...literally everyone on the modern planet has a smartphone. And Nintendo developed games aren't there yet.

The gameplay sort of is...but Nintendo's brand / IP still has weight that a lot of games / companies can't even touch.


Yeah, to be honest, this really won't affect Nintendo's output on their own hardware.
So long as Intelligent Systems isn't redirected into making streamlined mobile games the way Rare was repackaged into making Kinect games, I'm sure you're absolutely right.
Yeah but...literally everyone on the modern planet has a smartphone. And Nintendo developed games aren't there yet.

The gameplay sort of is...but Nintendo's brand / IP still has weight that a lot of games / companies can't even touch.

Mobile is also extremely limited in terms of interactivity without tactile buttons in many ways. We won't be seeing any proper Mario platformers or Zelda adventures, I expect smaller, simpler titles that are dedicated entirely to touch screen controls. And that's totally fine, but handheld and console are still gonna be where the real deal is.

Let's be frank, this is just an initiative to expose Nintendo IPs to smartphone users and to advertise hardware. I can easily imagine Nintendo prominently advertising their systems and related games in their smartphone stuff, I'll be very surprised if Nintendo don't milk that opportunity dry, it would be entirely consistent with Iwata's previous statements.


So "Nintendo making mobile apps to promote their consoles" is now "Nintendo going mobile". Ok.

They even announced their new console.

But yes they are going mobile


This is the biggest click-bait title ever.


Lets use one platform that will likely provide us a larger return on investment per project because of the way F2P game economics works, to prop up development of hardware and software that is larger, carries more risk, and has less opportunity for a high ROI.

Said no company ever.

Nintendo has a flat out failing console business and their mobile hardware is in decline. Nintendo investing in mobile development is not to prop up their other businesses. If anything this will be an earnest attempt at entering the mobile market, in some fashion.

Trying to upsell people playing iOS/Android games so they buy a console is going to fail hilariously if that is the strategy.
So "Nintendo making mobile apps to promote their consoles" is now "Nintendo going mobile". Ok.

They even announced their new console.

But yes they are going mobile


This is the biggest click-bait title ever.

Um....it's not "mobile apps to promote their consoles".
Wow. This is pretty big news in mainstream Japan currently. I was just watching evening news in Nagoya with my in-laws and was shocked to see this come up.
Never thought this was going to happen this soon. So long as it is not limited to iPhone only I will be content.


Nintendo on mobiles absolutely needed to happen, kids aren't playing Mario or Pokemon anymore, they're playing Minecraft and whatever the latest lame game at the top of the app store is at the time. They need to get the likes of Mario into the hands of kids, so when they see an advert on TV for the latest console with that game, they want it.

Even just throwing the Virtual Console on there would be a good start, people are playing those games with emulators and roms on those devices anyway, so they may as well start making some money off of them. A game like Balloon Fight would have a way more appealing audience on mobile then on current Nintendo consoles.


They are literally going mobile by making mobile content... what is the problem again?

Going to mobile makes it sound like they are leaving dedicated gaming platforms, which they aren't.

"Expanding to include mobile games in their business strategy" is too long for a thread title though.


So "Nintendo making mobile apps to promote their consoles" is now "Nintendo going mobile". Ok.

They even announced their new console.

But yes they are going mobile


This is the biggest click-bait title ever.

If you listen to the conference it's not just promotional software, they're taking this deal very seriously. Like it or not mobile is going to be a big part of Nintendo's future.


I woke up two hours early today to this news. First time I've woken up up early like this in months. It's like the Nintendo fan in me sensed it and needed time to process it before work. Surreal to finally see this thread title on GAF. So surreal.

Well, at least we're exiting the era where I'd be shouted down and mocked by fellow Nintendo fans for holding fast to the belief that Nintendo would have to go either mobile or 3rd party eventually. I always thought that they'd do one of these two things to a certain extent, even if just to drive eyeballs back to their own ecosystems. And that's apparently exactly what they want to do, judging by the press release.

At some stage you simply have to go where the audience is. You have to meet them halfway.

Pros from this arrangement:
New software that will be suitable to mobile devices rather than shitty ports
Nintendo's studios entirely unaffected and will continue to make great games for home and portable consoles (or whatever the NX is)
Share transfer makes both companies wholly invested in the success of the other - that's important
An actual account system on mobile (and perhaps beyond), which Nintendo has properly outsourced because they are SHIT at it

Nintendo's incredible software talent won't be the ones making the games, which I was kind of looking forward to seeing
So "Nintendo making mobile apps to promote their consoles" is now "Nintendo going mobile". Ok.

They even announced their new console.

But yes they are going mobile


This is the biggest click-bait title ever.

Protip: next time read more than the thread title before posting.


I gotta say, they were very clear with what this news means lol

No real room for interpretation on anything. Nipped a lot of shit in the bud before it could even become a messaging issue.
I've always wanted the opportunity to buy Stars with my cool real-world coins, instead of my fake video game ones.

In seriousness, this could be cool. Couldn't you practically port Kirby and the Rainbow Curse to tablet and phone as is?
So "Nintendo making mobile apps to promote their consoles" is now "Nintendo going mobile". Ok.

They even announced their new console.

But yes they are going mobile


This is the biggest click-bait title ever.


From Iwata:

Nintendo and DeNA will jointly develop and operate gaming applications for smart devices in global markets.

With this alliance, new entertainment that utilizes Nintendo’s IP will be provided globally via smart devices.

Needless to say, now that we are challenging ourselves in this new business area, we hope that hundreds of millions of people will use and enjoy these products.

They are going mobile. No one said they are leaving the core business though.


Well, it had to come to this sooner or later. The question is how Nintendo handles it, old NES games or bite sized mobile games based on Nintendo IPs maybe. If they plan on releasing console quality experiences I think people would question the need to buy a Nintendo console as the sole reason for that today is the exclusive first party games.
Either way it will definitely result in at least a short term influx of revenue.


I've always wanted the opportunity to buy Stars with my cool real-world coins, instead of my fake video game ones.

In seriousness, this could be cool. Couldn't you practically port Kirby and the Rainbow Curse to tablet and phone as is?

Yes, but they stated that they will not be porting existing dedicated hardware experiences to mobile. New games only, could be literally any Nintendo IP. (I'd take a Kirby on my S5 though!)
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