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Nintendo Pocket Football Club |OT| Go for the shins! THE SHINS!!


Aaaand another loss. The match consisted of my players booting the ball out of play despite players being open to pass to, or taking shots from the halfway line.

So, given I've tried various tactics with good players in my squad, I'm now at a complete loss how people are winning EVERY game in their first season when I can't win two in a row.

If you've got a system you want to play, stick with it and train the core players in that system. If your players aren't connecting with their passes, try making the zone limit smaller so that the ball doesn't have to travel as far (this is an assistant coach tip IIRC). There is a large element of luck involved in your first season, so don't discouraged if you're not getting the results yet.

I made my mind up early on that I wanted to play 4-3-3 with an attacking style of play, so I've been using that formation and tactics in almost every game, and it's paying off now - 2nd season, top of the league so far with 4 wins and 1 draw.

Edit: I'm feeling a bit sad now though since my first-choice striker Caron (with his signature Blind Plane celebration) that I've relied on for the past 2 seasons now has his potential pointing the opposite way, and I've had to bench him in favour of my big money signing.
My midfielder Kuipers had the same thing happen, but he was an ill-disciplined and untalented player so I shipped him off as soon as his potential started decreasing. And now my other main midfielder Saunders has decreasing potential too!

Feels bad, man.


So these people that are finishing their first season losing one game, please tell me what the hell is going on with my game then?

Game 7 over with, 2 wins, 2 draws, 3 losses, 43% backing. Total is W4 D5 L9.

http://microsite.nintendo-europe.com/NPFC/enGB/team.php?team_code=2B4C6C5A8 (formation is showing my actual players, the squad list hasn't updated).

My player's stats are a lot better than the rest of the teams in the league. I've tried different formations, kept this formation for a good few games yet it's still a lottery whether I win or not.

Pretty much lost confidence in my actions actually meaning anything in this game now.

I lost my first match but won all the others, here's my team:
I did A LOT of online play, so I've got more cards than most people at this point.
you don't even need to watch, just pick a game, and do something else, return 10 minutes later, pick the next game, etc.

I can only tell you this:
1. concentrated on your 4 most promising players first. 1gk, 1 df, 1 mf, 1fw.
Just make sure they all have full potential.
2. trainings match every week. you probably shouldn't use your best players, to prevent fatigue. Train them afterwards using the gaf sheet
3. you can get pretty good players from the friend market, so make sure you got a bunch of friends


Does anyone have a source that lists the training cards combos?

It's in the OP, but it's still a work in progress.

Hmm, does playing the same team week in, week out for league matches decrease the amount of time a player has for full potential? I've now got 4 players halfway through their 3rd season who have potential pointing to the left instead of the right, it shouldn't be happening this quickly if what other posters have said about full potential being in the 6th season is true.

Edit: Make that 7 out of my first choice 11, with 2 of my backups as well. I honestly don't know why the potential of my players is suddenly decreasing instead of increasing, I thought it was supposed to plateau for a while?


Been playing this since yesterday and I'm hooked!

So far results are mixed. I did pretty well early in the competition but after a while I started struggling and I kept losing. Dropped from 1st place to 3th and then 4th. Then I decided to take my time and analyze my team setup, strategy, formation, players etc. and changed a couple of things. I'm now slowly recovering. Last match I played was amazing. I had to play against the #1 in the league and I had to win otherwise I would lose my chances of ever winning the league. First half: 2-0 in favour of the other team. I basically gave up, and decided to go for a last resort full attack strategy. We made a brilliant comeback. 2-2 at 90", and the finishing 2-3 in the extra time. First match video I saved :p. Next match will decide if I will be promoted or not! Hope I'll make it, otherwise an extra season of training is not bad either.

Btw I use this website for my training + the spreadsheet. Website allows you to tick the boxes of the cards you own and it will tell you which card combos are available. Then I use the spreadsheet to see which combo will boost which stat because that site doesn't list that info. Really useful!


Making sure that the trained-players formed the spine of my team made a difference.

Moving my star player to the centre, just behind the striker coincided with my rise to the top.

I don't have any strikers with maximum potential, so I have been ignoring that part of the team. Maybe I should play my star midfielder up front.


First half: 2-0 in favour of the other team. I basically gave up, and decided to go for a last resort full attack strategy. We made a brilliant comeback. 2-2 at 90", and the finishing 2-3 in the extra time. First match video I saved :p.

Had a match that went 100% exactly like that in a very similar situation. Bummed that I forgot to save it!


Really tempted by this game but know I won't be able to give it as much attention as would like with Mario Golf coming so soon.
Really glad that it's getting so much attention and you guys all seem to be enjoying it.


Beaten 6-1 by a team in the same league who's best player is on a 500 salary and has a defender on a 50 salary.

I give up. The game clearly just makes it up as it goes along. Training means nothing. Player positions and formations mean nothing. Stats mean nothing. My players stats are FAR, FAR better to the point where even if my tactics were slightly wrong, that scoreline is a joke.

Not sure what AI, if any, is actually in use for the matches.


Beaten 6-1 by a team in the same league who's best player is on a 500 salary and has a defender on a 50 salary.

I give up. The game clearly just makes it up as it goes along. Training means nothing. Player positions and formations mean nothing. Stats mean nothing. My players stats are FAR, FAR better to the point where even if my tactics were slightly wrong, that scoreline is a joke.

Not sure what AI, if any, is actually in use for the matches.

What formation and tactics are you using, perchance?

At least you can console yourself your real-life football team is doing better than your fictional one.
From a salty, salty Manchester United fan.


I got round to finally finishing the first season. 9 Wins, 1 Loss, 100% Backing. Not really sure how some of you guys are struggling with the first season. Maybe you just aren't cut out for this management lark, you wouldn't be alone *cough* David Moyes *cough* :) Joking of course. I didn't realise but people are playing my team online and I'm getting hammered. Anyway, here are my tactics for the first season:

Formation: 4-4-2. I just moved the two full backs, two wingers and a striker forward one square. Doubt it makes a big difference, if any at all. I scored a shitload of goals though. I tried some other formations but they didn't work out. Keep it simple at the start.

I usually opt to mark a 'Creator' player if there is one. I keep it 'Balanced' and play in the Zone just a click after the half way line.

Training: Right at the start of the season I put all the players with the highest potential into the starting eleven. I play a practice match (the 45 min one, dont bother with friendlies other than for the music) against the highest ranked teams pretty much every week to build up a collection of cards. Obviously I keep eye on the fatigue icon. Once I have a collection of cards to cover the whole team I use them up. I make sure to use the ones relevant to the players position.

I bought a striker in the transfer market. Used up all my budget but he's scored goals. Buy a couple cheapo's (like 50 coins cheap) so you can use them as subs in practice matches if your dudes are fatigued

No doubt I'll get my arse handed to on the second season. I've done better than David Moyes though!


What formation and tactics are you using, perchance?

At least you can console yourself your real-life football team is doing better than your fictional one.
From a salty, salty Manchester United fan.

Tried variations on 4-4-2 and 4-3-3 for the most part, both with tight zones and large zones depending on opposition and home/away. Marking if there's a particularly good player.

All makes no difference.

Players are being trained using combos, stats are mostly B's, C's and D's, not too many E's now. Yet the opposition has E's all over the place and dominate.

Also, I know the players have limited ability but being clear on goal and deciding to turn and pass backwards, or having no opposition nearby but booting it out of player ... limited ability or not, the game makes no sense at times.


Tried variations on 4-4-2 and 4-3-3 for the most part, both with tight zones and large zones depending on opposition and home/away. Marking if there's a particularly good player.

All makes no difference.

Players are being trained using combos, stats are mostly B's, C's and D's, not too many E's now. Yet the opposition has E's all over the place and dominate.

Also, I know the players have limited ability but being clear on goal and deciding to turn and pass backwards, or having no opposition nearby but booting it out of player ... limited ability or not, the game makes no sense at times.

Hm, no idea what's wrong, sorry. Maybe you just caught a particularly unlucky seed? I'd definitely consider restarting, but yeah, dunno.


Tried variations on 4-4-2 and 4-3-3 for the most part, both with tight zones and large zones depending on opposition and home/away. Marking if there's a particularly good player.

All makes no difference.

Players are being trained using combos, stats are mostly B's, C's and D's, not too many E's now. Yet the opposition has E's all over the place and dominate.

Also, I know the players have limited ability but being clear on goal and deciding to turn and pass backwards, or having no opposition nearby but booting it out of player ... limited ability or not, the game makes no sense at times.

Well, I guess there is an element of randomness that can't be ironed out because then the game wouldn't be fun without unpredictability (like bumping into your own players, kicking the ball out for a throw instead of a pass etc), but it doesn't sound like I can help with any of your problems. I guess just try and keep it consistent, keep training your players with high stat card combos and try again next season.

I got round to finally finishing the first season. 9 Wins, 1 Loss, 100% Backing. Not really sure how some of you guys are struggling with the first season. Maybe you just aren't cut out for this management lark, you wouldn't be alone *cough* David Moyes *cough* :) Joking of course. I didn't realise but people are playing my team online and I'm getting hammered. Anyway, here are my tactics for the first season:

Formation: 4-4-2. I just moved the two full backs, two wingers and a striker forward one square. Doubt it makes a big difference, if any at all. I scored a shitload of goals though. I tried some other formations but they didn't work out. Keep it simple at the start.

I usually opt to mark a 'Creator' player if there is one. I keep it 'Balanced' and play in the Zone just a click after the half way line.

Training: Right at the start of the season I put all the players with the highest potential into the starting eleven. I play a practice match (the 45 min one, dont bother with friendlies other than for the music) against the highest ranked teams pretty much every week to build up a collection of cards. Obviously I keep eye on the fatigue icon. Once I have a collection of cards to cover the whole team I use them up. I make sure to use the ones relevant to the players position.

I bought a striker in the transfer market. Used up all my budget but he's scored goals. Buy a couple cheapo's (like 50 coins cheap) so you can use them as subs in practice matches if your dudes are fatigued

No doubt I'll get my arse handed to on the second season. I've done better than David Moyes though!

Kick us while we're down eh? Just kidding, we've had an awful season.

I don't usually bother with man-marking unless it's a lone striker, because otherwise the AI makes the defence make mind-boggling decisions. Buying a good striker is definitely a good move, you can get by with a mediocre defence and midfield if you keep scoring.

I go default 4-3-3, Callaghan - Moreira/Turov/Muravyev/Cousin - Saunders/Nascimento/Shashkov (scored a few screamers in the game for Kuiper's suspension, been a fixture in the team ever since) - Petrov/Molchanov/Gerisamov, attacking style only. I keep the 'Position' just behind the halfway line, that way you can spring quick counterattacks with a defence-splitting pass.

Edit: Heh, I didn't even notice my team was full of '-ov's until I wrote it down. Guess my team has Russian roots.


So, second game of the new season after I didn't advance in the last one: 9-0 in the first half, 11-0 currently (62'). Yeah, I think we got this.

Edit: Sorry, 12-0.

Edit2: 13-0. The opponent isn't even that bad, they just have the worst goalie of all time.

Edit3: "We won 14-0!" We sure did.


Played two seasons and got promoted in both of them. Reckon I'm in for a rude awakening next season.

The same combo each time, or a different combo? 3x of each card for a 3 card combo would be seriously overpowered. That'd put them much closer to the level of the Fire Emblem Golden Pack DLC levels than I'd thought.

Couldn't find the answer so thought I'd do my own research since it's cheap. Did it during the last 2 games of my last season and it's 3x cards for each part of the combo AND a different combo each time. Going to not play practice matches against them now, it would make the game far too easy I think.


After a few dozen online matches (about 40), I'm beginning to wonder if pure stats are really that important and if it wouldn't be better to teach skills through combos... assuming they are actually learning them. I am still not 100% sure how it works though. and if you can somehow check to prevent doubles.

also, maybe it's enough to just unlock those combos once, but everybody can use them afterwards?

edit: ok, I spent like 2 hours teaching them all sorts of skills (status changes were minimal to non existent) and their play style drastically changed. I won my first online match 4:1 (2 hours ago I couldn't even win 1:0). after that, I won a game 4:3 after being 0:3 behind... and than I won 6:1 against someone from the top 150. Either my picks where all crappy... or something changed.
I still need to figure out if unlocking a skill is already sufficient for the whole team.


Playing with a 4-4-3, so far so good. I'm surprised at the amount of depth this game has
with so few options.

As it stands, I'm about to start the 2nd season but my first cup match was a disaster, lost 5-0 and my players were running so hard that basically all of them were about to faint, LOL.


Sorry if I missed it, but is there a definitive description of what Potential actually is and how it works?
I found a PDF of the electronic manual here. Sadly it doesn't go into detail much. (Manual's description of Potential: "This rating shows the capacity of the player to develop as a footballer. The higher his potential, the more benefit a player will gain from training.")

So basically, the more the bar is filled, the more points a player gets from training. I haven't seen it myself yet, but once a bar is completely full, at some point the potential will start decreasing again and the arrows will start pointing backwards. Apparently the player's skills will also deteriorate. It's probably a good idea to invest in new players when that happens.


I found a PDF of the electronic manual here. Sadly it doesn't go into detail much. (Manual's description of Potential: "This rating shows the capacity of the player to develop as a footballer. The higher his potential, the more benefit a player will gain from training.")

So basically, the more the bar is filled, the more points a player gets from training. I haven't seen it myself yet, but once a bar is completely full, at some point the potential will start decreasing again and the arrows will start pointing backwards. Apparently the player's skills will also deteriorate. It's probably a good idea to invest in new players when that happens.

Is that actually true though? I'm sure I've used the Wild Man combo on players with full potential and one bar less than full potential and the stat gain didn't seem to be affected.

Edit: Also, the potential bar doesn't have to be full to start decreasing, it can happen mid-way (at least 2 bars off full potential for one of my players before it started pointing the other way).


Is that actually true though? I'm sure I've used the Wild Man combo on players with full potential and one bar less than full potential and the stat gain didn't seem to be affected.

Edit: Also, the potential bar doesn't have to be full to start decreasing, it can happen mid-way (at least 2 bars off full potential for one of my players before it started pointing the other way).
Hmm. I just dug up a topic at gamefaqs where people were discussing this also and someone posted this:

I've done some testing and it seems that training cards always give the same amount of points, no matter the potential. BUT, the amount of points needed for a level up becomes less when potential gets higher.

For example: a player with only 4 potential may need 35 points for a E-stat to become D. But a max potential player may only need 15 for that E-stat to become D.

Can't verify it though. Also I didn't know potential could decrease before hitting max. I'll have to look out then :(.
Tried variations on 4-4-2 and 4-3-3 for the most part, both with tight zones and large zones depending on opposition and home/away. Marking if there's a particularly good player.

All makes no difference.

Players are being trained using combos, stats are mostly B's, C's and D's, not too many E's now. Yet the opposition has E's all over the place and dominate.

Also, I know the players have limited ability but being clear on goal and deciding to turn and pass backwards, or having no opposition nearby but booting it out of player ... limited ability or not, the game makes no sense at times.

Unless it's a matter of hidden attributes coming into play, the only thing which comes to mind is...you *are* resting the players sufficiently, right? Nobody playing the matches that matter with a yellow or red dot next to them?

I had a perfect first season following the following guidelines...
1. Practice game every week when there's not an important game on, always against the highest level opponent you can get. Practice games appear to help player's potential rating improve (or at least stabilize). They'll also help you get the constant stream of training cards needed.
2. If the only teams available for a practice game are in my own league and are ranked below me, then either play no game that week (if you have a real match the following week) or consider playing a friendly against the highest ranked one.
3. When picking which players to train or use in matches, initially you want to ignore most of the stat line. What matters is the player's *potential* rating. Keep those with higher potential in your team, bench any (with the exception of goalies) with potential under half.
4. While combos are important, I actually ignored combos for about the first half of the season and just focused on leveling up skills from rank E to rank D (though again, focusing only on those players with high potential rating). For players with high potential, you may only need 1-2 single card training sessions to bump them up that stat level.
5. The one thing you don't want to ignore on the stat line is the willpower. BUT...that stat only matters for your *away games*. When one of those is coming up, switch your best willpower rating players into your squad. Your E ranks can and will cave under the pressure of an away crowd, and will significantly under perform. Make sure you're not just switching into that squad in the week of the game. Play practice matches with the away squad in the intervening weeks before that away match is on, to make sure they've gotten used to playing with each other.
6. Stability in your tactics apart from the home/away squad split is important. If you do need to change up your tactics, try to have at least 2 practice games using that same setup immediately before the league match where you intend to use it.


Hmm. I just dug up a topic at gamefaqs where people were discussing this also and someone posted this:

Can't verify it though. Also I didn't know potential could decrease before hitting max. I'll have to look out then :(.

That makes sense. Now if only there was a solid way to increase your player's potential...


Does anyone know if there's any way to influence what cards you get during matches? I'm swimming in tactical and support cards but I rarely get technical cards (the red ones). My players are all in D to C range in skills but I still have players with an E in shooting. I want to improve that but without technical cards I'm not getting very far :/.


The game really is a threat to my spare time, it is consuming my time like its nothing!
The "just one more game" aspect is really strong with this game... and I am too weak to resist :(

Is there a list with friendcodes for this game?
Would love to add more people and trade some Players on the friends market.

FC: 0860-3232-3957
Club ID: 9697B2813
(If you add me please send me a short pm, so i can add back! :) )

Right now my team is heading into second league, 5 Points ahead with 4 games remaining, Looks promising!
After a frustrating first season ending second, a cake walk in season two, my team has formed quite well but most of my Players have peaked and start to lose potential every few games now,
i fear the day where i have to bench my dear Garofalo, his Majesty, sweet Prince of Rocket Shot!
i fear the day where i have to bench my dear Garofalo, his Majesty, sweet Prince of Rocket Shot!

Garofalo has been amazing for me in my first season as well. Scored 10 goals out of 11 games in his first season while playing center mid-field (though about 5 of those were in the 8-0 drubbing I gave the wooden spooners...)

Ninja Dom

Check me out, Ninja Team with my star midfield player, Hayabusa.

I also noticed in the news ticket that there is a team called Kyoto Bros.

Anyway, my first season started off terribly. Lost my first few matches. Then it all came together and I started winning. It wasn't enough to win the Beginner League but definite strong foundations for my next shot at it the next season. And so far, so good. Played 3, won 2, lost 1.


As someone who doesn't like football (at all) in real life, would this be for me? I love the style and the RPG elements sound really fun!

I don't like football in real life and I'm having a blast with this. In fact as I watch my guys play matches I find myself doing the same stuff you see guys in the pub do during a match - the YES!! combined with fist in the air for a goal, and the OOOH and hands on head for near misses. Give it a shot! It's just a well-designed game that happens to be about football.


Does anyone have a source that lists the training cards combos?

I found a great Japanese site that lets your tick which cards you own at the moment, and it will output a list of combos you can make:


I intended to get in touch offering to translate this page into English now the game is out in the west.Sadly though I could not for the life of me find a contact link for the site owner, not even in the whois info for the website.

For now, you can match up the card checkboxes with the positions the cards are shown in on the training screen, tick those and then see if you will get any combos. The stat increases are listed, and anything with ※ is for goalies only.

Ninja Dom

If I share players on the Friend Market and a Friend takes a player then do I then lose that player?

If I get to keep him then I'll happily share my superstar, Hayabusa.


I found a great Japanese site that lets your tick which cards you own at the moment, and it will output a list of combos you can make:


They even have a smartphone-formatted version of same. I intended to get in touch offering to translate this page into English now the game is out in the west.Sadly though I could not for the life of me find a contact link for the site owner, not even in the whois info for the website (they're using an anonymising middleman host for that).

You can for now match up the card checkboxes with the positions the cards are shown in on the training screen, tick those and then see if you will get any combos. The stat increases are listed, and anything with ※ is for goalies only.
This kind of website already exists in English (made by someone from GameFAQs) but it isn't complete yet I think. Has 122 entries right now, while the GAF spreadsheet has 125 combinations. Sadly it doesn't have the stat increases though.

You can find it here!


If I share players on the Friend Market and a Friend takes a player then do I then lose that player?

If I get to keep him then I'll happily share my superstar, Hayabusa.

Nope, it shares copies of the players. You do have to pick at least one player to share before it lets you access the friend market. Also I you have to reconnect to the market in order to update the stats on your shared players, so if you train them up, connect to share the update (I think the other person would have to re-acquire them though rather than their 'copy' being updated automatically).


This kind of website already exists in English (made by someone from GameFAQs) but it isn't complete yet I think. Has 122 entries right now, while the GAF spreadsheet has 125 combinations.

You can find it here!

Great! Formatting is a bit basic but does the job.

Is there a way to work out the combos in the game without this kind of 'cheating'? I've discovered a few but somehow feel bad about just looking them up.

Also the Japanese site includes the stat numbers. Might be an idea to link up with the GF guy and get those numbers on here...

Ninja Dom

Nope, it shares copies of the players. You do have to pick at least one player to share before it lets you access the friend market. Also I you have to reconnect to the market in order to update the stats on your shared players, so if you train them up, connect to share the update (I think the other person would have to re-acquire them though rather than their 'copy' being updated automatically).

Right, got it. I'll share him as soon as I get home. I've used tons of Special Combo cards on him that I get from playing the DLC teams.


Great! Formatting is a bit basic but does the job.

Is there a way to work out the combos in the game without this kind of 'cheating'? I've discovered a few but somehow feel bad about just looking them up.
Yeah and it doesn't have the stats increases which sucks.

How hard would it be to make a plugin or a web developer code that changes the katakana into the English words though? I've seen plugins and codes like that before. Would be perfect if someone could make that for that Japanese website.


Neo Member
Beaten 6-1 by a team in the same league who's best player is on a 500 salary and has a defender on a 50 salary.

I give up. The game clearly just makes it up as it goes along. Training means nothing. Player positions and formations mean nothing. Stats mean nothing. My players stats are FAR, FAR better to the point where even if my tactics were slightly wrong, that scoreline is a joke.

Not sure what AI, if any, is actually in use for the matches.

Invest in a good keeper.


Couple of quick questions?

1) How do you increase/decrease the salary of your players. I can see how much salary they get but I can't change anything.

2) What to the Green ticks mean on the Player Information cards?

1. I don't think you can, you just take it into account for your overall budget.

2. Answered elsewhere in thread but the four boxes show the last four weeks. A green tick means you trained him in that week. I think if they are injured and out of play/training it will have a red cross but that hasn't happened to me yet.


Right, got it. I'll share him as soon as I get home. I've used tons of Special Combo cards on him that I get from playing the DLC teams.

Awesome, thanks - I'll grab him.

Would be awesome if we could get an epic GAF XI of players from all positions available to sign to our teams.


What's the difference between having x9 of a card in white and x9 of a card in yellow?

E.g. I have 9xMini-game and the x9 is in white, but I also have 9xMarking and the x9 is in yellow.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Put some of my players on the friend market - dont know how it works, but you can check it out.Can one player be shared with many friends or are they gone after someone takes them ?


Put some of my players on the friend market - dont know how it works, but you can check it out.Can one player be shared with many friends or are they gone after someone takes them ?

No idea how it works... as someone mentioned early, you are selling clones?
but I can't offer them, I'm to afraid to loose my good players :/

also: did we break the microsite?
it's not refreshing anymore, last results are gone etc...


Yellow means more than 9 of them.


Anyone know any tricks to getting certain cards? Also how the FUCK do you get rid of the 'Take a tour' button on the Google doc?

Edit: Maaan this playoff is bullshit, I won the league I should be getting promoted automatically!

Oh shit - managed to rescue a 2-2 draw after going 2-0, but now it's penalties.

...Fuck. Missed 4 penalties in a row. Nice going guys.

Ninja Dom

I'm sharing these 5 players from my team in the Friend Market.

Van Dorn (DF) 450 coins - No stat lower than D
Saunders (MF) 500 coins - All stats either B or C
Hayabusa (MF) 750 coins - All stats C except one B
Ibanez (FW) 500 coins - All stats B except 2 C's
Messina (FW) 500 coins - All stats C except 2 B's

They've all had a whole load of different Special Combo cards spent on them as I purchased the two DLC teams to practice against.

My Friend Code again: 0688-5246-0825
My Team ID: E788A32C4
My Team Stat Website: http://microsite.nintendo-europe.com/NPFC/enGB/team.php?team_code=E788A32C4


I'm sharing these 5 players from my team in the Friend Market.

Van Dorn (DF) 450 coins - No stat lower than D
Saunders (MF) 500 coins - All stats either B or C
Hayabusa (MF) 750 coins - All stats C except one B
Ibanez (FW) 500 coins - All stats B except 2 C's
Messina (FW) 500 coins - All stats C except 2 B's

They've all had a whole load of different Special Combo cards spent on them as I purchased the two DLC teams to practice against.

My Friend Code again: 0688-5246-0825
My Team ID: E788A32C4
My Team Stat Website: http://microsite.nintendo-europe.com/NPFC/enGB/team.php?team_code=E788A32C4

Thank you, I'll check these out now!

Does anyone have a quality GK they can share?


How much knowledge about football do you have to have in order to enjoy this? I really don't like football, but I want to play this. I really like the art style and the RPG elements dound fun! What do you guys think?
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