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No Man's Sky could end up being the "Spore" of this generation


Does anybody remember Spore? The Will Wright / Maxis game that won every award known to man before it was released, but as soon as it came out, nobody gave a f and was quickly forgotten?

I think No Man's Sky has a chance of suffering the same fate. The premise of it does sound cool, specially in this post Interstellar age. But when we really think about it, the mechanics behind it seem to be paper thin.

Do we like the concept of No Man's Sky more than what the game could actually be?
only if no man's sky has a hilariously amazing creature creator that i spend 1000 hours in, and a game that i barely ever play.
Yeah no lie I'm not gonna be convinced that the devs can do what they say they're gonna do until the game is out in people's hands. Sounds way too ambitious.
Than those devs for NMS need to make sure people know what the game is, how it's played, what the objectives are and the general flow of gameplay. I feel like people were wow'd by Spore but once they played it, it wasn't what they were expecting.
No, because there will be more than 1 game that does this.

Being hyperbolic and will accomplish all your dreams, that is.

Star Citizen could end up being that to. Despite these both being 1 genre of game, I feel like if they do 1 thing wrong the entire thing can blow up in their face.
Does anybody remember Spore? The Will Wright / Maxis game that won every award known to man before it was released, but as soon as it came out, nobody gave a f and was quickly forgotten?

I think No Man's Sky has a chance of suffering the same fate.

Didn't someone on GiantBomb say this same exact thing during one of their podcasts?


Neo Member
Maybe so, I'm really interested from seeing more of that game Wild for PS4. Don't think there's been any news since the announcement. Seems it could be a sleeper hit


This is the reason I haven't let the hype take over. I want to see it in action first. I hate previews of things for this reason as well. Blackout till retail.


Can't pull it up while at work but originally Spore was going to allow for some amazing stuff, starting out as a simple 10 celled organism in a pool of water and evolving your way out onto dry land, then advancing your civilization into the cosmos.

Yeah...it ended up being NOT that.

Funny thing is that their is a presentation showing all of this in action, so it was already somewhat functional.
I still don't understand what no mans sky is or why I should be excited.

Same for me. It doesn't look bad or anything but I'm not sure what the hook is. I'm not a huge fan of open world games/exploration heavy stuff so I'm not really into that 50000000 galaxies ect. I'll just have to assume the game is either not for me or I have no idea what it's about.

I will say it does look to be an impressive effort for a small team.
I still don't understand what no mans sky is or why I should be excited.

Because everyone else is excited!

Personally, I think Star Citizen has a greater chance of Sporing up the release. No Man's Sky will be more like Journey or something; divisive yet well-loved.


Junior Member
Does anybody remember Spore? The Will Wright / Maxis game that won every award known to man before it was released, but as soon as it came out, nobody gave a f and was quickly forgotten?

I think No Man's Sky has a chance of suffering the same fate. The premise of it does sound cool, specially in this post Interstellar age. But when we really think about it, the mechanics behind it seem to be paper thin.

Do we like the concept of No Man's Sky more than what the game could actually be?

I honestly don;t think it will even be as good as Spore. People are hyping this way too much. It is a small team that is working on the game and it will be huge and empty. (empty in the sense of meaningful interactions or gameplay)
I just want No Man's sky to have organic storytelling..because endlessly searching planets can get boring unless the devs constantly update to the point they are always putting new species/plants/life across all worlds and space

it would be fascinating to encounter new species star trek style and see if there is any sort of communication story to it...that would be amazing


It's not even comparable, I think this suggestion is just because people hear "procedural generation" and think back to Spore. Spore had a lot of problems, look up the DRM that plagued legitimate users and the handling of that before you consider the success, or lack thereof and comparing it to No Man's Sky.


Honestly, I think of Spore everytime I see something for No Mans Sky. I was pretty excited for Spore and it's possibilities, but it ended up being underwhelming.

I hope the same thing doesn't happen with NMS. I look forward to seeing if there are any true objectives in the game.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Spore is all I can think of when people mention No Man's Sky hype.

Still, this is an indie game. I'll never be as unreasonably hyped for this as I was for Spore.

No Man's Sky will probably be fun for a couple of days, and that's it. That's all I expect.

Spore looked bad day 1. NMS looks great.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Either you weren't there or hindsight affected your memories.


I think the problem is that some people has this idea that this game will be everything. A shooter, a Space SIM, a RPG, etc; when the game main objective is exploration. I've no doubt some will be disappointed this isn't a full-fledged space shooter/sim/rpg/adventure; but at least, in my case, for what i've seen and read, this game is exactly what i was asking for :)


Except the creators of NMS don't have the legacy of Maxis behind them.

It's a small team, I'm not expecting a whole lot, but they've done so much with what they have. I think it will be worth applauding, as long as you keep your expectations in check.
I don't like these comparisons, No Man's Sky is its own thing. Time will tell if the gameplay will live up to the hype, there's no need to be so pessimistic.
Spore was boring because it was sort of a failure of procedural generation, whereas the much more recent touchstone people should be looking at is Minecraft, which succeeded at it and is making astonishing money.


I only caught the hype for Spore but never got the game and kinda forgot about it. But why was the game so bad? Is there like a review or summary of the whole thing? I would love to read about it.
I've been kinda going on about this already, especially since they've been taking an approach that is the exact opposite of how I think games should be developed, but I think they should get the benefit of the doubt. I think they've made their bed and built a Molyneux'ish frame around the game, but now it's gonna be ridiculously difficult to deliver on all the promises.
People have been making this comparison since the first NMS trailer. It's not a unique or new comparison, it's been repeated ad nauseam. The reality is that if you keep your expectations in check, the game should be fine. Don't believe every promise the devs make (true of every game) and don't expect this to be the greatest space game ever. Do that and it'll be fine.


Agreed. Even if there are millisons of possibilities to what you can do, what makes all those possibilities not boring? Nothing has showed me this game isn't boring yet.


Yeah no lie I'm not gonna be convinced that the devs can do what they say they're gonna do until the game is out in people's hands. Sounds way too ambitious.

I have no doubt it will be possible to do everything they said you could do. The only question is if it will be entertaining enough for players to keep doing it again and again, but nobody can answer that until the game releases and enough people start playing it.


I think it'll follow up some more. Spore got pretty boring, it took me a lot but I was pretty convinced it was ambitious as it sounded.
Will Wright talking about Spore is something I will never forget, even knowing now how it turned out, I was looking forward to his vision of Spore like nothing that preceded it.

Really wished that game could have existed.
We should probably wait until it's released to start making these comparisons.

But I do like how this is essentially just a rephrased version of the infamous 'BUT WHAT DO YOU ACTUALLY DO' thread/posts that were all the rage a month ago.


Spore wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great(for me, at least, I loved creating creatures).

But yea, there is a chance that No Man's Sky falls foul of the same 'ambitious and amazing sounding, but dull to actually play' characteristic of Spore. I don't think we should assume it will, though. We shouldn't assume it wont. Neither is fair.

Just keeping my fingers crossed. All we can do.


All they have to do to not become Spore is not lie. And I dont' think they're lying. None of the "outlandish" things they've said are really unreasonable when you remember we're talking procedural generation here.


I don't know what the gameplay is going to be yet, but I suppose it's possible that it could underwhelm. I'm so pumped for this game though. If it's 15 or 20 bucks, just flying to different planets will be enough for me. For it to be an awesome game on top of that would just be major icing on the cake.


No Man's Sky has already shown what you're going to be mostly doing for the whole game, exploring the universe. I don't see how they are promising a lot like Spore.
NMS seems to be a 3d version of Starbound and I love Starbound.

Nightly or regular version? Because the Starbound devs dropped development on it a while ago.

It does make me wonder what post-release support NMS will have, if any. I can't imagine that large-scale DLC will fly on such a small, indie title, so free updates seem more likely to me - Minecraft-style.
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