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NPD Sales Results for July 2010


Gin said:
Is that from the episode where she dropped the internet?


360 sales are great.
Everything else is same old. Interesting that the Wii has kept a stand still meaning holidays are going to be huge.

Also nice to see people doubting the power of Nintendo's marketing abilities again with the revival of DKC. Just look at DQ numbers; and I will be buying my copy next month. I will be glad to see people eat crow again this year as this stupidly did for judging NSMB sales last year. DKC will do great. Also don't forget Kirby...
Classic_Gs said:
Good point, forgot about KH. Still just over a mill for the year is not exactly strong.
Err, neither GOW nor KH (no one will be buying them) will make PSP go over a million...the holdiay season might.


Keavy_Rain said:
When compared to the PS3, the 360's price looks almost criminal and I'm not going to deny that, but it's not like we're talking about the consoles as if they were the previous gen's, where the console (largely) remained the same over time.

I think we're going to have to learn to adjust to the Apple pricing model moving forward, where we get more in the box plus hardware revisions instead of price cuts. Look at the Wii, for example. $199 for a Wii with Wii Motion Plus, Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort. It's been out nearly four years and has only dropped $50, but has added more stuff to the box.
They want to expand their market though and they aren't going to do that without lowering the price.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Segata Sanshiro said:
That's going to be the last pulse-check for the PSP. Peace Walker already demonstrated that the previous "hits can break through" status quo on PSP could be gone. If Kingdom Hearts can't do it, you can stick a fork in the PSP in North America.

There's also Final Fantasy Agito XIII though. Which probably has a higher chance to break out in the NPD.

Although one issue of Agito XIII is that its (most likely) coming very late in the PSP's lifetime.

J-Rzez said:
Naw, I think it's pretty much over for the PSP, it's dead now, it's been dead for months. Sony is just really dragging their feet with it. I'm suspecting because they don't know what direction to take the PSP2 in. Go after Nintendo? Go after Apple? Go after both? I'm sure they didn't know what route to go after for a while and are just probably internally moving along with a plan now.

Ironically, it's not the dead in Japan at all.


Segata Sanshiro said:
That's going to be the last pulse-check for the PSP. Peace Walker already demonstrated that the previous "hits can break through" status quo on PSP could be gone. If Kingdom Hearts can't do it, you can stick a fork in the PSP in North America.

Naw, I think it's pretty much over for the PSP, it's dead now, it's been dead for months. Sony is just really dragging their feet with it. I'm suspecting because they don't know what direction to take the PSP2 in. Go after Nintendo? Go after Apple? Go after both? I'm sure they didn't know what route to go after for a while and are just probably internally moving along with a plan now.

New Slim certainly gave the 360 a boost for this months NPD. I got to check one out and it's really slick, I like it a lot. Looks even better in person. It's slowly working it's way through my friends who already owned a 360. 9 of them have bought a slim now, and pushed their old 360 to a bedroom, or traded it in. I know of 5 more about to do the same shortly. These guys all did it with prior "revisions", so I knew a total redesigned slim would sell to them instantly.


Junior Member
Shadowlink said:
Nice sales for Crackdown 2, Galaxy 2, and NSMB Wii.

Those are some selective sales there. With NSMB Wii and COD for instance, they were released in the same month, one is exclusive the other is multiplatform and a single version of that game is 10 instead of 9. Not to hate on one game or the other, just saying....

Crackdown 2 sold 200K. The original is my favorite game of this generation, and it is hard for me to get excited over a half ass sequel selling decent but mediocre numbers at best. Galaxy 2 seems to have some nice legs, but it deserved better sales.


Yeah, psp IS dead, metal gear is a bigger series in the US than kingdom hearts is isn't it? If metal gear flopped that hard I don't see anything doing well on that system at this point.

Sucks, sony has the most successful portable that isn't by nintendo I think, they just didn't have the best game plan (game prices, lol)

C4Lukins said:
Those are some selective sales there. With NSMB Wii and COD for instance, they were released in the same month, one is exclusive the other is multiplatform and a single version of that game is 10 instead of 9. Not to hate on one game or the other, just saying....

Crackdown 2 sold 200K. The original is my favorite game of this generation, and it is hard for me to get excited over a half ass sequel selling decent but mediocre numbers at best. Galaxy 2 seems to have some nice legs, but it deserved better sales.

You do know that the original crackdown barely broke a million worldwide and that was with a halo 3 beta, right? I think crackdown 2 worldwide is approaching half of what crackdown 1 did totally (guesstimate of course) already, so it's actually not doing bad.

Crackdown 2 should be able to break a million over time, and considering it isn't a 'full blown long dev cycle sequel' i'm sure MS will be happy enough over the sales.. Game was awesome too :p
ULTROS! said:
There's also Final Fantasy Agito XIII though. Which probably has a higher chance to break out in the NPD.

Although one issue of Agito XIII is that its (most likely) coming very late in the PSP's lifetime.
Honestly, I think Kingdom Hearts has a better shot than Agito. Agito is definitely going to come too late for North America.

Makes me worry about all the Falcom projects XSEED has on the table. I really want to see them all in English but time is running out fast for the PSP.

Still, it had a good run. I hope Sony has a good idea for the next system. Nintendo *needs* competition.


duk said:
360 gaining ground on PS3 in US.
'Gaining ground' implies 'catching up'. The 360 has always been (but for a few months) pulling ahead from the PS3. Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
goldenpp72 said:
Yeah, psp IS dead, metal gear is a bigger series in the US than kingdom hearts is isn't it? If metal gear flopped that hard I don't see anything doing well on that system at this point.
Hard to compare these days since it has been a while since the last mainline KH game, but KH1+2 combined were double MGS2+3 combined in NA. KH1 alone was bigger than both MGS2 and MGS3 put together.


Rainier said:
'Gaining ground' implies 'catching up'. The 360 has always been (but for a few months) pulling ahead from the PS3. Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

I think he was meaning to imply it is gaining MORE ground than it already had countering any advantage sony has in other countries.. could be wrong though.

Segata Sanshiro said:
Hard to compare these days since it has been a while since the last mainline KH game, but KH1+2 combined were double MGS2+3 combined in NA. KH1 alone was bigger than both MGS2 and MGS3 put together.

Wasn't aware of that, I thought KH was smaller than MGS in the US, either way this new KH game isn't a sequel either is it?

All the same, it's gonna flop hard, i'd bet good money on that, no one seems interested in psp and a lot of stores around here barely support the thing anymore.


Rainier said:
'Gaining ground' implies 'catching up'. The 360 has always been (but for a few months) pulling ahead from the PS3. Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Yeah the 360 has always been ahead of the PS3 in the US, although there was a period here and there where, when similarly priced (Prior to the 299 landscape), the PS3 actually outsold the 360 on a semi regular basis. I wouldn't be surprised if, WW, this month is in the favor of the 360 on account of the new model, but the PS3, has been and probably will continue to, gain ground WW. In the end both peices of hardware have been successful. it's a shame that Sony can't get their price of entry as low as Microsoft can, as that's been hamstringing not just the PS3, but the HD ecosystem for a while.

We really have no current data to say that the increased 360 sales from this month are canceling out the rest of the world. We have to make due with quarterly reports and scraps of info here and there.

Saying it is or isn't, for this month, is just wishful thinking.


Rainier said:
'Gaining ground' implies 'catching up'. The 360 has always been (but for a few months) pulling ahead from the PS3. Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
I read it with the same connotation.
goldenpp72 said:
Wasn't aware of that, I thought KH was smaller than MGS in the US, either way this new KH game isn't a sequel either is it?

All the same, it's gonna flop hard, i'd bet good money on that, no one seems interested in psp and a lot of stores around here barely support the thing anymore.
Prequel, but it is essentially a full, proper installment in the franchise. It's kind of like Peace Walker, actually. Anyway, if KH can't sell big, nothing can anymore on PSP. And like you, I have serious doubts about whether it can.

Another fun KH fact: In North America, it was bigger than FF on the PS2, saleswise.


Junior Member
goldenpp72 said:
Yeah, psp IS dead, metal gear is a bigger series in the US than kingdom hearts is isn't it? If metal gear flopped that hard I don't see anything doing well on that system at this point.

Sucks, sony has the most successful portable that isn't by nintendo I think, they just didn't have the best game plan (game prices, lol)

You do know that the original crackdown barely broke a million worldwide and that was with a halo 3 beta, right? I think crackdown 2 worldwide is approaching half of what crackdown 1 did totally (guesstimate of course) already, so it's actually not doing bad.

Crackdown 2 should be able to break a million over time, and considering it isn't a 'full blown long dev cycle sequel' i'm sure MS will be happy enough over the sales.. Game was awesome too :p

I am not saying it is terrible, but I would hardly call it impressive. This was probably a low budget affair for MS compared to their normal retail output. It does not bode well though for the future of the franchise.

Also my recollection of the original Crackdown was more in the 2 million range, but I have no source so feel free to prove me wrong. It also did it with a userbase that was, and I am pulling this number out of my ass so again feel free to correct me, 20% of the current 360 userbase.


goldenpp72 said:
I think he was meaning to imply it is gaining MORE ground than it already had countering any advantage sony has in other countries.. could be wrong though.
I take "gain ground on" to mean "puts more ground between". So in this sense, yes, the Xbox 360 did put more ground between itself and the trailing PS3.

If he had said "gaining on", that would be a different meaning. At least how I read it. *shrug*
jvm said:
I take "gain ground on" to mean "puts more ground between". So in this sense, yes, the Xbox 360 did put more ground between itself and the trailing PS3.

If he had said "gaining on", that would be a different meaning. At least how I read it. *shrug*
It must be pointed out that "gaining on" is just an evolved English shorthand for "gaining ground on".
Zen said:
Yeah the 360 has always been ahead of the PS3 in the US, although there was a period here and there where, when similarly priced (Prior to the 299 landscape), the PS3 actually outsold the 360 on a semi regular basis.

The times when PS3 outsold the 360 were the month Warner went Blu-ray ending the HD war and then the month after making all fence sitters in the HD war move over. Then the month before, during, and after MGS4 (last ever system with PS2 BC in it ever sold), then the month and the month after the PS3 slim launched. Unless I'm missing a month, in it's lifespan those are the times the PS3 outsold the 360 in NPD.
Someone should make an avatar out of the PS3 pushing PSP in that gif.

Much higher numbers than anticipated for 360 this month. Much lower numbers for Wii. Should be a very, very interesting couple of months with Metroid, Halo, Kinect, Wii Party, Donkey Kong, CoD BO and Kirby launching. But for Nintendo, much more concerning is this:

Jtyettis said:
A bit more here;

latimes said:
The summer doldrums hit Nintendo software sales for its Wii console especially hard.

While sales of games for Sony Corp.'s PlayStation 3 and Microsoft Corp.'s Xbox 360 grew in July, Wii games fell, Pachter said.

"Wii is responsible for all of the annual decline" in software sales, he said. "Wii owners are buying fewer games per capita than people who own the other two consoles."


The Wii's HW lead is 8-9 million over the 360, and about 18 million over the PS3, and it has not translated into a long-term software sales advantage. Wii SW sales seem heavily dependent on new HW purchasers.


Didnt KHDS sell 400k+? I expect at least 250k for BBS and charting next month. You guys are too damn pessimistic when it comes to PSP software sales >_>


sparkle this bitch
Kandinsky said:
Didnt KHDS sell 400k+? I expect at least 250k for BBS and charting next month. You guys are too damn pessimistic when it comes to PSP software sales >_>
MGS4 was 775k. Not including bundles.

MGSPW was 52k. Not including bundles.


the piano man
Not that I am a PSP apologist because I don't care about it in the least but isn't it still performing better than any other non-nintendo handhled in history? I don't think any other Non-N handheld gaming device ever made it into a 5th holiday season.

And by this I don't mean it's doing well, it's doing awful but if sony could just bring the next handheld, the PSP would die with some dignity.

Each passing month in which sony refuses to pull the PSP's plug makes the PSP2's battle against all other up coming handhelds (3DS) much harder.


wow look at those 360 numbers, impressive. I'm glad Super Mario Galaxy 2 and New Mario Wii are hanging in there although their numbers aren't probably impressive for this month considering how shitty the software sales were.
And PSP is dead, please Sony pull the plug and just let it die.


The summer doldrums hit Nintendo software sales for its Wii console especially hard.

While sales of games for Sony Corp.'s PlayStation 3 and Microsoft Corp.'s Xbox 360 grew in July, Wii games fell, Pachter said.

"Wii is responsible for all of the annual decline" in software sales, he said. "Wii owners are buying fewer games per capita than people who own the other two consoles."

But on the other side of the coin, the industry would have been shrinking the past few years without the Wii. Not that it isn't in trouble now.


AniHawk said:
Nope. NSMB was disappointing for the most part, but it was marketed pretty well and it's one of the few default purchases for new DS owners.

NSMBW is the game NSMB should've been.
I agree whole-heartedly. Some of NSMB was good, but I felt the game lacked any form of spark. I really was not drawn into the game in the slightest. NSMBW on the other hand clicked immediately and was incredibly fun playing multiplayer.


OldJadedGamer said:
The times when PS3 outsold the 360 were the month Warner went Blu-ray ending the HD war and then the month after making all fence sitters in the HD war move over. Then the month before, during, and after MGS4 (last ever system with PS2 BC in it ever sold), then the month and the month after the PS3 slim launched. Unless I'm missing a month, in it's lifespan those are the times the PS3 outsold the 360 in NPD.

Never change :lol

For reference you can find the monthly sales history here; http://forum.pcvsconsole.com/viewthread.php?tid=11067 (It's a horrible horrible forum, but that's an aside for another time).

I'm putting in months where the numbers were so close that they essentially 'tied' and fall within the marginof error, they aren't relevant but they do help add context to periods where the PS3 was selling 'tied'.

Jan/2008 230,000 269,000 - Warner goes Bluray Exclusive
Feb/2008 255,000 281,000 - Month After

Mar/2008 262,000 257,000
Apr/2008 188,000 187,000

May/2008 187,000 209,000
Jun/2008 220,000 406,000 - Metal Gear Solid 4 released
Jul/2008 205,000 225,000

Aug/2009 215,000 210,000

Sep/2009 353,000 492,000 - PS3 Slim released
Oct/2009 250,000 321,000

Dec/2009 1,310,000 1,360,000

Apr/2010 185,000 181,000

You're memory is or less clear, good show.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Segata Sanshiro said:
It's a significantly higher debut than Dragon Quest 8, which had a freaking Final Fantasy mainline playable demo included. I would say it's pretty damned good. Like, 3 JRPGs have had a higher debut this gen.

Pokémon, Pokémon, and Final Fantasy?

EDIT: This is what I get for not replying in real time.


Junior Member
Kandinsky said:
Didnt KHDS sell 400k+? I expect at least 250k for BBS and charting next month. You guys are too damn pessimistic when it comes to PSP software sales >_>

Yeah but the PSP has to have several of those sort of hits to survive. I do not remember whether it was GBA or DS but back when we got complete numbers you would see Frogger selling in the 500K range, or Elf Bowling selling 200K. Just bull shit games selling tons of copies, The PSP does not seem to have that market, and it seems to take a God of War level of game to approach those level of sales.


Kandinsky said:
Didnt KHDS sell 400k+? I expect at least 250k for BBS and charting next month. You guys are too damn pessimistic when it comes to PSP software sales >_>

Dissida couldn't break 200k. Peace Walker barely broke 50k. If BBS sells 250k it will be amazing.


wow @ 360

Never ever in my life would have thougth that they will beat the DS, and I guess MS wouldn't too.

I bet they are quite happy now.

And poor PSP, we need the polejump gif with the psp on it :lol
Augemitbutter said:
132k for DQ IX is not that great, considering all the marketing they put in, i'd say those numbers are pretty bad.

132k is higher than any debut month any Dragon Quest has ever had in the modern era by almost 50k, including the game that was bundled with a Final Fantasy demo. It is within spitting distance of outselling DQ4 and DQ5 combined. And given that it's still getting some measure of promotion and there's been very little in the way of directly competing releases in the last month, it probably won't fall off a cliff in its second month.

You're just, like, wrong, basically. :lol It's a great figure worthy of celebration.

Kandinsky said:
You guys are too damn pessimistic when it comes to PSP software sales >_>

It is not possible to be too pessimistic about PSP software sales.

ShockingAlberto said:
But what does KH bombing look like?

There are going to be a lot of man-tears around here when BbS' first month is lower than DQ9's.


mmh, I can't find MS and Sony PR in the thread, did they post it?

BTW, SC2 721k that means only physical copies right? NPD does not cover digital, or so I heard on other threads.


Sales-Age Genius
Kandinsky said:
Didnt KHDS sell 400k+? I expect at least 250k for BBS and charting next month. You guys are too damn pessimistic when it comes to PSP software sales >_>
Of course it will chart, somewhere inside top 50.
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